Well, just a small but significant update. SWIM sent me some of the DMT to try out. So I insufucated 50mg. I'm afraid my experience report might not be what you guys would hope for. Yes I did experience what you guys probably call 'hyperspace' rampant rolling Space Odyssey 2001 visuals - but far weirder and far stranger by several orders of magnitude than even this, The predominant visual was probably only what I could describe as a huge 2 dimensional pyramid made of intensely golden light, which although flat seemed to intersect different dimensional realities, behind which I followed (or was being led) through a chaotic kaleidoscope of colours at extreme velocity. However I am sorry to say that even though I was more 'out of it' in a psychedelic sense than I had ever been in my entire life, my inner impression was that the entire experience itself was pretty much a bunch of crap. Yes it did seem utterly alien, yes it was an intense and overpowering sensation, but at no time did feel that this 'alternate reality' was in any way preferable to this one. I didn't freak out, or have a 'bad trip' in any traditional sense - I was just thoroughly unimpressed with the feeling and with the experience in general. You see, I first started down this path when I was engaged in a period of self exploration and revaluation of many things in my life. My interest in this subject was spurned pretty much by a single line in a forum post by someone commenting on the experience of some Astronauts who reported a feeling of 'universality' and 'oneness with the universe'. This person compared a DMT experience to this which is pretty much what made me sit up and take notice. I thought that DMT might be able to teach me something useful that I could use in my life to help me grow. Well it did teach me something useful in the end I guess - and that is that I would rather search in this reality for true meaning and fulfilment than in some alternate (and probably completely illusionary) reality, where nothing useful and meaningful can be brought back to this world and put to good use. Of all of the experience reports I have read, people have certainly described some very weird and strange experiences - but if you read them carefully none of them actually make any sense, at least not in any direct or literal way. No one has ever gone on a DMT trip (or any drug) and brought back from it solutions for the many ills and shortcomings of this world. They may speak of 'aliens' and 'pixies'' but what specifically useful things do these pixies have to say regarding these subjects ? Besides which I cannot play down the pain barrier that one must go through when insufucating DMT. It is right up there with what feels like a very dangerous and potentially damaging things to do - and the pain is both severe and long lasting (even after finely chopping it And the taste?!?! The taste is completely vile! I think if you could imagine swallowing a fibrous solvent based wood filler (which I haven't done - so this is just an approximation of what perhaps doing this would taste like) then this is the closest comparison I can come up with. I was sick/did vomit at one point, not so much from the effects of the drug, as from the vile taste. So part of my current reticence is inspired by sitting in close proximity to a not insignificant supply of my own personal bile and vomit. But that isn't all of it - I was still aware of the experience enough despite this to know that none of it was anything I wanted. And no smoking it isn't much better (less painful, but not better) as it still tastes vile). That leaves the option of shoving it up my butt - which is exactly the point at where I draw the line. I'm just not that desperate to get high dude! Besides which as I said, I truly believe that it just isn't worth it anyway. Again I don't want to put anyone down - but the closest comparison I can give to this is that it is a bit like the feeling you would get if you were working in close proximity to some strong solvents and had accidentally become high from this. It has that same overwhelming sensation - but 10's of times stronger than this again. The comparison with sniffing glue is I think valid - as all in all, it just seems like a very low class thing to do. This isn't one of those 'road to Damascus' type experience reports, where I suddenly swear that I will 'never touch another drug again.' I am a life-long dabbler and will probably be so until the day I die. Weed, coke, MDMA, Speed etc are my recreational drugs of choice. But they by no means dominate (nor are they a particularly important part of) my day to day life. But in all of the period of whatever time I have left in my life, I doubt I will ever dabble in DMT again. Sorry I couldn't be more positive guys. But it seems that my own personal search must go on elsewhere. Perhaps this thread should be added to the archive as an example of the fact that DMT is almost certainly 'not for everyone' after all? I mean I've done acid trips (but not for many years) and I can safely say I enjoyed that feeling far more than the DMT trip. Again, don't get me wrong. I didn't have a 'bad' DMT experience. I was just utterly indifferent to it, did not find it fulfilling, or inspiring, nor did I at any time feel it had anything to offer me that the real world couldn't offer me in much more substantial and meaningful ways. Anyway thanks for taking me and my friend SWIM this far guys. But unfortunately this is where this particular journey must now end.