Something comes to mind as I write this, and I imagine that it can be said about many different things, not just this. I’ve noticed a lot of pompousness within communities of people regarding dmt. The primary attitude I find disconcerting is one of a silent but prevalent arrogance concerning the exclusivity of a select few who are “entitled” to use a certain substance (dmt) and are more valuable as individuals than the majority of others who are not so privileged. That, and also the mentality that those do use dmt on a regular basis are more knowledgable and deserving of respect than others, and generally “better” than others. I’m not making any assumptions or judgements here, quite the contrary; I’m simply stating my observations. I also noticed a tendency of some people to look down at others based on their own narrow perception and biases. Please help me to understand based on your experiences if what I’m saying makes any sense or has any relevance to anyone. I understand that there is no one correct viewpoint, and since we all have several, that can make for a very confusing collective worldview, with everyone’s thoughts, opinions, ideas, and beliefs overlapping and intertwining and coming into conflict with each other. Thanks and have a good day,
Something comes to mind as I write this, and I imagine that it can be said about many different things, not just this. I’ve noticed a lot of pompousness within communities of people regarding dmt. The primary attitude I find disconcerting is one of a silent but prevalent arrogance concerning the exclusivity of a select few who are “entitled” to use a certain substance (dmt) and are more valuable as individuals than the majority of others who are not so privileged. That, and also the mentality that those do use dmt on a regular basis are more knowledgable and deserving of respect than others, and generally “better” than others. I’m not making any assumptions or judgements here, quite the contrary; I’m simply stating my observations. I also noticed a tendency of some people to look down at others based on their own narrow perception and biases. Please help me to understand based on your experiences if what I’m saying makes any sense or has any relevance to anyone. I understand that there is no one correct viewpoint, and since we all have several, that can make for a very confusing collective worldview, with everyone’s thoughts, opinions, ideas, and beliefs overlapping and intertwining and coming into conflict with each other. Thanks and have a good day,