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A Guide to DMT Enhanced Leaf (Changa)

Migrated topic.
nice changas balaganist!! can't wait to get the breakdown on them!

that calea one would be great to smoke at night after getting all snuggled up in bed....just drift off from hyperspace into a nice lucid dream...talk about sweet! :)

the salvia one will be intense...salvia and DMT are always WAY intense for me....i've never smoked them together though....always taken the tincture then smoked as i was coming into the peak.. :shock:

the harmala/caapi blend will be most like my peppermint elf dust....and that is quickly becoming my favorite changa. took a few times to learn how to work with the caapi since i had only been working with changajuana up til then...but once the spirit enters you it is like having the love of the universe hugging every atom of you at all times...

think i'm gonna make a calea zacatechichi changa tonight.....i like the idea of a "dreamers blend"....thanks for the idea, b!

I NEED some caapi leaves! My new spicebed of choice is now mullein, but I agree with Ant, the caapi universal love thing is a FACT! No other entheogen blend makes this tryptonaut feel so loved and healed.

Mullein is a smooth smoke. Pau d'arco is a bit harsher but the taste is great. I have yet to add peppermint but have some peppermint oil from an old hawaiin baby woodrose experiment and think that it will do the trick if added at the same time as the solvent. Mint acts to dilate surface blood vessels on the skin. It should aid in absorption of vapor in the lungs as well AND make for a WAY pleasant smoke!:d

I have salvia in one blend but have yet to try it. It has passionflower also so perhaps a bit of harmala love will ease the Sally side. Have to find out soon.


A recipe that was posted elsewhere in the Forum :
panoramix said:
Panoramix' Salvinorin Changa
3/4% Salvinorin Crystals
47% DMT Crystals
10% Mint Leaves
20%Dreamherb Extract
20% Caapi Vine
A bit unsure about the exact ratios though.
He describes the Mix as awesome /pleasant /spiritual ...

Erowid User said:
I have had good Synergistic experiences smoking 50-75mg of Rue extract prior to smoking Salvia. It definitely doubled the effects extended the later stages of the zone for me. I also noticed that my body relaxed into it and was more allowing of her grace with the tranquilizing effect of the harmala. Good mix for sure... ~1997

btw ,Erowid has two Plant lists as overview :
Medicinal & Culinary Herbs
Herbs listed in this section have been used by humans for their medicinal or culinary properties. They may also have psychoactive properties, but these are generally much milder than for those plants listed in the Psychoactive Plants section.
Psychoactive Plants & Fungi
Plants listed in this section are those which have been used by humans for their mind- or emotion-altering properties. These plants range from the common to the extremely uncommon and include plants with a long history of use as well as those with little to no track record.
hey, just came back from hyperspace.
swim tested her new chunga changa (jungle changa) and it was wonderful
here's the recipe:
500mg jungle spice, 10 datura stramonium seed extract (iso), 1250mg passiflora incarnata herb.
10g freebased black caapi vine soaked in ethanol and evaporated added to a 1:1 mix of mullein, chaliponga, caapi leaf, lavender, spearmint, mapacho


call this one Changealion
hay i just made a new changa its verry relexing :d

5% salvia extract 20x
25% caapi
15% dreamherb
5% valariaan
50% spice (dmt)

i like it more than the above
3/4% Salvinorin Crystals
47% DMT Crystals
10% Mint Leaves
20%Dreamherb Extract
20% Caapi Vine
its more relexing and u can focice very whell
I have been thinking about salvia alot the last few days..sitting with my plants and I feel a set of salvia breakthroughs are around the corner..been a while..and I want to really face some of my old fears that have arisen in past salvia trips and just push it though..

But adding some to a changa mix sounds like a good idea as well..she is really great at opening up the higher chakra's even at lower levels..I think of salvia at micro doses sort of similar to caapi on a shamanic level..she can act sort of like the cave, whereas the spice is like the torch that lights it all up..
50/50 mix of red clover blossoms salvia leaf and a few pinches of 5X salvia extract, pepermint is also a nice addition

SWIM has yet to try adding cappii, sounds like a worthy investment..someone might just have to try that
fractal enchantment said:
I have been thinking about salvia alot the last few days..sitting with my plants and I feel a set of salvia breakthroughs are around the corner..been a while..and I want to really face some of my old fears that have arisen in past salvia trips and just push it though..

But adding some to a changa mix sounds like a good idea as well..she is really great at opening up the higher chakra's even at lower levels..I think of salvia at micro doses sort of similar to caapi on a shamanic level..she can act sort of like the cave, whereas the spice is like the torch that lights it all up..

if u like salvia but have past fears i segest
a mix\

x20 salvia 30% valariaan 20% dreamherb 50%

:D have a nice trip no puling on your body only very relaxing feading oway to hyperspace
I just want to face it all and go at with pure salvia..maybe some of this salvinorin I extracted:d

Not anything I havent seen before..I have brocken through sooooo many times with salvia but a part of me is always reluctant to go to THAT place...
OK, I'm gonna try and jump on this changa train :d

I have a question- I have Caapi 10x dry powder extract from Maya. Can just I dissolve this in IPA with my spice or will I have to freebase it first?

The description from Maya says: "Dry powdered Ayahuasca vine 10:1 extract, produced by hydroalcoholic extraction, from Peruvian white Ayahuasca vines".

It would be lovely if I could just combine this with freebased jimjam and use it to enhance my caapi leaves ...
transitory said:
OK, I'm gonna try and jump on this changa train :d

I have a question- I have Caapi 10x dry powder extract from Maya. Can just I dissolve this in IPA with my spice or will I have to freebase it first?

The description from Maya says: "Dry powdered Ayahuasca vine 10:1 extract, produced by hydroalcoholic extraction, from Peruvian white Ayahuasca vines".

It would be lovely if I could just combine this with freebased jimjam and use it to enhance my caapi leaves ...

A gram of this dissolved in IPA for a few days, shaken often, then filtered, would be a great addition to the caapi leaf changuar. Freebasing is not necessary, the vine is even smokable by itself. Sprinkle a tiny bit on top of some herbs in a bowl and see for yourself. Drink a lot of water 😉
Thank you house for your advice! - that's exactly how I will proceed.

I'm gonna go ahead and try some vine extract now :d
What are some recipes where people, beyond any doubt, experience no tolerance?

After drinking Ayahuasca, when a dreamer smokes changa, the experience is MUCH deeper and extended.

However, dreamer also reads about other people taking multiple launches, easing into an experience with multiple sessions, etc., and this is not yet possible for dreamer (even after 2+ hours of smoking).

Dreamer used mostly Caapi leaves (75%), the rest a blend of Passionflower tops, lavender, and peppermint. Would shredded vine further reduce tolerance? Any thoughts on the matter?

Changa is also 1:4 molecule:herb (couldn't weigh the goo and yields were guesswork!), so experiments will be run soon with a new and stronger batch.

Any guidance is much appreciated. :) Thank you!
1:4, hmmm, maybe try equal parts spice and herb, that works best for me, one big hit and then a smaller one just to clear whats left, after 15-20 minutes im ready and able to go again. I use a mix of 40% caapi leaf, 10% chali leaf and 50% Spice.

I have no problem getting "there" after the first launch with my changa.
Was that also always the case, or did your relationship deepen over time?

In the case of Ayahuasca, there definitely seems to be something gained from learning how to relax into an experience.

Length of time of changa sessions also seems to be increasing, but maybe that's due to less trepidation and improved smoking technique?

There were interesting sub-breakthrough doses after first launches... perhaps a stronger blend is in order. (Should be able to make something much closer to 1:1 this time. :p )
I made two changa mixes:

Ayahuasca Android: 70% Caapi - 30% Chaliponga
Electric Sheep: 50% Blue Lotus - 50% Calea

Both with a 1:1 ratio of spice.

I have not tested the Electric Sheep yet but I found the Ayahuasca Android to be very earthy, almost subterranean. I do not journey much anymore since I had a breakthrough worthy of much respect and subsequently built up fear of pure spice. I used the changa to get back into journeying and I find changa a good way of warming up for a pure spice journey.

I weigh out double for changa (so 60-80 mg) smoked in a bong, then about 30 minutes later I take a 30-40 mg whack of pure spice which leaves me feeling most appreciative. :)
Always been the case.

Deffinately make a stronger blend, 1:1 is the only way. 100mg of changa seems like a very little to smoke, but easily doable in 2 pulls and always gets me there.
this is just a far out thought i had while reading this thread - thought id post it just because.

I noticed one person used red clover flowers - clovers(oxalis spp) contain oxalic acid.

If acetone or alcahol is used to infuze the herb - or anything that could potentially contain water, is it not possible that the freebase spice would come into contact with a now moistened acid containing leaf - thereby converting at least a tiny portion of the spice to dmt oxilate ?

idk - just thought that train of thought may lead somewhere.
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