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A Guide to DMT Enhanced Leaf (Changa)

Migrated topic.
SWIM is still very much interested in experiencing Changa. However she does not have Caapi leaves. Can she use Caapi Copy, Caapi Tincture or THH tincture from FV to prepare some Changa? SWIM may infuse passion flower with spice and some of the above. Will Caapi Copy dissolve in IPA?
soulfood said:
Well I'd use caapi copy I guess maybe at 5-10% the weight of the leaves minimum, but more's always good :)

Thanks, soulfood.

Does CC dissolve in IPA?

Well, I guess SWIM can check for herself. Alternatively she may just sprinkle it on top of enhanced leaves.
Trickster said:
SWIM is still very much interested in experiencing Changa. However she does not have Caapi leaves. Can she use Caapi Copy, Caapi Tincture or THH tincture from FV to prepare some Changa? SWIM may infuse passion flower with spice and some of the above. Will Caapi Copy dissolve in IPA?

I use Caapi extract. I bought 10:1 White Vine extract from Maya.

I tried to dissolve it in the acetone, but it does not dissolve. I think you'll have to dissolve it in acidified water first. It was not a problem though, because the DMT infused leaf is so sticky, the Caapi extract just gets clogged into the mix.

I used 300mg 10:1 Caapi extract to 1g spice/1g pau d'arco.

I was not sorry I did this ;-)
SWIM did indeed make it. thanks folks. and thanks to dimitri for the typo spotting.

Swim would like to see it become a huge resource and source of inspiration for folks.
Swim will not put technical spice manufacture notes on it but blends ect... methods for making it and all that.
Any good bioassays too... just PM.

On a side note in response to the questions above. Soak caapi leaf or vine in some high proof vodka or Iso and then evaporate that on your smoking medium, that will work just fine. which would essentially be the same as adding caapi copy to some ethanol. you probably will not get the same clarity of the leaf though.
My first changa mix is soaking. 5% caapi vine, 25% blue lotus, 20% calea, 50% DMT, 4g total. I'm very excited for it to dry, but i know it will be a few days. However, i'm wondering if i made an extremely fatal mistake. I decided not to use heptane, as recommended, so i used acetone. I knew that finger nail polish remover was basically acetone, so i just used that without thinking about it until the DMT was already in the acetone.

There are a lot of other chemicals in finger nail polish remover. Was I supposed to use pure acetone? Is my changa going to be safe to smoke?
BGTM236 said:
My first changa mix is soaking. 5% caapi vine, 25% blue lotus, 20% calea, 50% DMT, 4g total. I'm very excited for it to dry, but i know it will be a few days. However, i'm wondering if i made an extremely fatal mistake. I decided not to use heptane, as recommended, so i used acetone. I knew that finger nail polish remover was basically acetone, so i just used that without thinking about it until the DMT was already in the acetone.

There are a lot of other chemicals in finger nail polish remover. Was I supposed to use pure acetone? Is my changa going to be safe to smoke?

I use pure acetone, bought and bottled at the apothecary. Was the nail polish remover coloured and very smelly? Pure acetone is clear and smells strangely cool. Is there any indication of what else is in the acetone?

Personally, I'd be afraid if it.

Always use pure chemicals and solvents.
BGTM236 said:
My first changa mix is soaking. 5% caapi vine, 25% blue lotus, 20% calea, 50% DMT, 4g total. I'm very
There are a lot of other chemicals in finger nail polish remover. Was I supposed to use pure acetone? Is my changa going to be safe to smoke?

hehe, should have gone with the pure household acetone dude.

You are treading on untested waters here, you have enhanced alot of herb there, soooo when you do get around to testing the blend, maybe start with just the smallest of amount and see if there are any adverse affects to the added shit in the acetone you used. Check for any odd taste and if you feel any effects on the chest and lungs.

But please dude, be carefull when testing this blend of yours.
Im strongly considering just dumping it and pretending this never happened. It would be a lot of completely unnecessary waste, I still cant believe i did it. Anyway, here is the ingredient list: Acetone, water, propylene carbonate, dimethyl glutarate, glycerin, dimethyl succinate, dimethyl adipate, fragrance, benzophenone-1, denatonium benzoate, gelatin, yellow 11.

If i do attempt to test it, I will try to clean it a little by soaking it in heptane. I dont really think this would help, but it couldnt hurt.
BGTM236 said:
Im strongly considering just dumping it and pretending this never happened. It would be a lot of completely unnecessary waste, I still cant believe i did it. Anyway, here is the ingredient list: Acetone, water, propylene carbonate, dimethyl glutarate, glycerin, dimethyl succinate, dimethyl adipate, fragrance, benzophenone-1, denatonium benzoate, gelatin, yellow 11.

If i do attempt to test it, I will try to clean it a little by soaking it in heptane. I dont really think this would help, but it couldnt hurt.

I would dump it.

You can use ethanol or IPA (70%, 91%, dry) to dissolve the spice and evaporate it onto herbs. Doesn't have to be acetone.
Dorge said:
SWIM did indeed make it. thanks folks. and thanks to dimitri for the typo spotting.

Swim would like to see it become a huge resource and source of inspiration for folks.
Swim will not put technical spice manufacture notes on it but blends ect... methods for making it and all that.
Any good bioassays too... just PM.

On a side note in response to the questions above. Soak caapi leaf or vine in some high proof vodka or Iso and then evaporate that on your smoking medium, that will work just fine. which would essentially be the same as adding caapi copy to some ethanol. you probably will not get the same clarity of the leaf though.

I really do love the site Dorge. It's beautiful and informative. :d

Thank you for creating it.
BGTM236 said:
Im strongly considering just dumping it and pretending this never happened. It would be a lot of completely unnecessary waste, I still cant believe i did it. Anyway, here is the ingredient list: Acetone, water, propylene carbonate, dimethyl glutarate, glycerin, dimethyl succinate, dimethyl adipate, fragrance, benzophenone-1, denatonium benzoate, gelatin, yellow 11.

If i do attempt to test it, I will try to clean it a little by soaking it in heptane. I dont really think this would help, but it couldnt hurt.

Put you're changa in PURE acetone, soak it, filter and do a FASA on it.
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