predosing with THH or any other harmala is going to give a different effect. A different experience. The effects of the harmalas are probably going to last longer and have a different effect, including potentials for nausea and potential problems due to foods ingested through out the day. Sublingually they still have to go through the body and work its way to the brain. smoking is direct. Denis Mckenna when asked about changa pointed out that Changa directly inhibited MAO in the brain. No middle men...
However, predosing sub is really amazing. Different though.
If you used caapi copy would the effects be similar to workign with caapi leaf? no, but they would be effective and really pretty amazing still. harmaline would be present and that is going to bring about a different quality. From what Swim under stands there is no harmaline in the leaf.
One could take caapi copy tincture or just BUY SOME CAAPI and soak it in high proof vodka lol... and then evap that onto some Paudarco or whatever smoking mixture you kids like these days and there you have it. It would probably be best if there was some smoking medium it was evaporated into...
However, predosing sub is really amazing. Different though.
If you used caapi copy would the effects be similar to workign with caapi leaf? no, but they would be effective and really pretty amazing still. harmaline would be present and that is going to bring about a different quality. From what Swim under stands there is no harmaline in the leaf.
One could take caapi copy tincture or just BUY SOME CAAPI and soak it in high proof vodka lol... and then evap that onto some Paudarco or whatever smoking mixture you kids like these days and there you have it. It would probably be best if there was some smoking medium it was evaporated into...