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A Meditation Thread

Migrated topic.
I think you're right that a variety of psychedelics can elevate a person enough to make the nondual state more readily accessible. I've experienced ego death/the void on both mushrooms and DMT, and I've heard many other similar stories. But it seems to me that 5-MeO-DMT, 5-MeO-MALT, and LSD are the most likely to induce the full nondual breakthrough that's often described in the mystical traditions. As a layman, I wonder if it may have something to do with the high 5-HT1A receptor activation those psychedelics are known for, but who knows.
I do believe that with the 5-MeOs, the probability is VERY high that the nondual state will be experienced, at least if the traveler doesn't blank out and go into an amnesia of sorts about the journey. But the others can open the threshold into nirvikalpa samadhi, if the pilgrim has a background in meditation and/or existential philosophy. That said, as a boy of 18 years I had my first samadhi experience, from just 400 iu of very clean LSD 25. I've yet to journey with 5-MeO-MALT but I am rather eager to.
I have been listening to this wonderful woman on youtube for many years now. Her name Samaneri Jayasāra. Check out her channel and website . Her content is all very relaxing, informative and of high quality. She also has quite a few guided meditations which are very good.

Below is just are a couple of videos that she has and these two feature Ramana Maharshi. The heart is the source.

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Below is just are a couple of videos that she has and these two feature Ramana Maharshi. The heart is the source.
If someone is interested in Sri Ramana, David Godman has a nice site with translations directly from Tamil.
You can find most of the essential texts there and a number of awesome books for sale (Padamalai & Guru Vachaka Kovai).
David lives near Arunachala and edits/translates Sri Ramana's and devotees works for many decades now.

And never forget Robert Adams from US. You can find his story, recordings and transcripts here.
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If someone is interested in Sri Ramana, David Godman has a nice site with translations directly from Tamil.
You can find most of the essential texts there and a number of awesome books for sale (Padamalai & Guru Vachaka Kovai).
David lives near Arunachala and edits/translates Sri Ramana's and devotees works for many decades now.

And never forget Robert Adams from US. You can find his story, recordings and transcripts here.

Awesome mention!

I have read 'Be as you are' by David Godman which is a great book on the teachings of Sri Ramana. The book itself is a meditation.

I had forgot about Robert Adams and thanks for the reminder. I will be sure to listen to some of his recordings again.
Let's talk about vichara or self-enquiry from Sri Ramana.
People tend to make a totally mental practice out of this simple technique.

I've been holding attention on I-thought for a year before an epiphany (morning forest walk while on a microdose of mushrooms).
This I-thought was just another object in my mind that I created. Basically, I was doing simple shamatha on a fabricated object.
Right there, I honestly asked “who's concentrating?” and it hit me. Vichara is actually very simple.
You don't need to search for “I” or ask yourself “who am I?”. It's just a mnemonic device to shift your attention to the first person and hold it there.
You'll undoubtedly lose concentration, simply return to yourself then. That's it. No need to create any extras.

I'll give a relevant example from “The Path of Sri Ramana”.
If you want to ride a bike from A to B, you have two options:
1. You can train your body and then ride to B (shamatha > vichara).
2. You can start your journey right away and train as you go (vichara).

First person or I-thought is the door to the Divine.
What do we do if we want to see an object clearly?
We focus our attention on it.
Hope someone finds this useful. 🙏
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Let's talk about vichara or self-enquiry from Sri Ramana.
People tend to make a totally mental practice out of this simple technique.

I've been holding attention on I-thought for a year before an epiphany (morning forest walk while on a microdose of mushrooms).
This I-thought was just another object in my mind that I created. Basically, I was doing simple shamatha on a fabricated object.
Right there, I honestly asked “who's concentrating?” and it hit me. Vichara is actually very simple.
You don't need to search for “I” or ask yourself “who am I?”. It's just a mnemonic device to shift your attention to the first person and hold it there.
You'll undoubtedly lose concentration, simply return to yourself then. That's it. No need to create any extras.

I'll give an example from “The Path of Sri Ramana”.
If you want to ride your bike from A to B, you have two options:
1. You can train your body and then ride to B (shamatha).
2. You can start your journey right away and train as you go (vichara).

First person or I-thought is the door to the Divine.
What do we do if we want to see an object clearly?
We focus our attention on it.
Hope someone finds this useful. 🙏

A lot of elements of many meditations seem as though they ought to become seamless with practice.

One love
Meditation is a powerful tool. It is so simple, yet so hard. It's just sitting quietly with a straight back. I struggled with meditation for a long time and in some ways still do. I found myself irritated afterward at times. I would put it off. I didn't know what the goal was. It created a tension in me. The tension broke only when I began to really see where this was all coming from.

The struggle was in my mind. What meditation has shown me is everything passes. Everything is temporary. Thoughts and emotions come and they go. The breath comes in and goes out. We live and we die. I became the witness. The observer. Aware.

With this awareness I became responsible for the thoughts and emotions I pursued. My pursuit of these thoughts and emotions create my reality. And that is where I am at right now. Acceptance and responsibility for what I create in my mind.

Currently I am practicing Zazen meditation. I use a zafu and zabuton and sit in the seiza position most often. Meditation continues to evolve for me. I now create a ceremony. I light candles and burn incense. It has truly become a practice. An ever evolving practice.

Please share anything related to meditation on this thread. I very much look forward to any contributions from this community.


Hi. I’ve been practicing for about 11 years. I got sober 11 years ago after 35 years of early onset, chronic, late stage alcoholism. I used all drugs alcoholically too (not psychedelics tho)
At 6 months sober using 12 step process for awakening there was a burning bush “spiritual” experience.
I use spiritual lightly because the truth is, I don’t know what that is but that’s what many of us call it and it’s typically relatable.

I began practicing meditation either before that or around the time of my entrance into recovery, however I’d done sweat lodges, a couple vision quests and engaged in other spiritual pursuits on and off for years prior.
I was trying to cure my alcoholism and was headed in the right direction but hadn’t yet found the path that was gonna do it. Which for me, and many others is 12 step process.

Anyway, on meditation.
That’s great you’ve recognized yourself as the awareness.
I’m truth, there is no “you” that’s recognized anything. Awareness wakes up to itself. The sense of the “you” that’s recognized it is still ego but ego is also THAT.
There is no me doing anything.
The mind is not mine, me or my. The mind is a program operating created by conditioning and experiences.
What are you doing to think next?
No clue right? It’s just happening.
Thinking and thoughts are an activity of the mind much like breathing is an activity of the lungs.
There is no me digesting food, beating the heart or breathing.
Digestion is just happening.
Heart is beating and I am being breathed.
Same is true for thinking. We are being thought.
Sometimes we are thinking, other times we are the thought about.
At all times we are the awareness of whatever is appearing to happen.

I remember many times coming out of a sit (meditation) in a much worse mental and emotional state.
Lots of possible reasons for that. Some of which I was aware of as an afterthought.
1 example is I can face to face in meditation with areas of life I was resisting. Areas I was being dishonest and or things I was avoiding.
This happened both consciously and sometimes unconsciously.
Sometimes I saw why, other times I was clueless as to why I was suddenly full of a depressive state or anxiety had come to fill the void.
I’ve done a fair amount of trauma and inner child work in meditations too. Sometimes it was aspects of one or both of those that had appeared in meditation to be felt, seen or acknowledged. Either or both of those can produce unpleasant experience states too, for sure!
Especially if there was resistance.

Candles and incense are a nice touch, but, these can be a trap of sorts too.
The mind will say “we can’t meditate without candles and incense” or without my meditation bench or cushion.
The mind will create all kinds of rules and regulations for practice making practice unavailable until those various rules are in order.
That was a funny one to catch occurring.
“I can’t meditate if I don’t have the right music, or candles or incense or or or or.”
Hilarious right?
Meditation eventually becomes just the state we are constantly in.
Formal practice leads to getting off the cushion and taking practice to the kitchen to wash the dishes, to the bathroom while using the toilet, while showering, at work, while driving etc.
As this naturally begins to happen awareness continues to open up further (seemingly anyway) and we start to reside in and as awareness.
IT (awareness) wakes up to itself.
The sense of the separate individual self may or may not continue, but you will see it rather than be it.
There won’t be any identification with it anymore. It’ll just be something else that’s happening in you, the awareness.

Hopefully that helps a bit. You’re in for the ride of your life so hang on.
A lot of elements of many meditations seem as though they ought to become seamless with practice.
On LSD I feel such clarity and sharpness and intimacy, as if it's a tonic to all the reflexes, emotions, habits, and thoughts my soul has absorbed. The idea of being deeply seamless, and clear, is so beautiful😍✨

I remember many times coming out of a sit (meditation) in a much worse mental and emotional state.
I do really long sits with psychedelics, like at least 6 or 8 hours, but for LSD I like to take it as far as I can because I like to explore that space :) and what's weird is that even though I am so gentle with my dosing and everything, coming out of my trips and back into daily habits, I very often do feel some sort of emotional dissonance or something. It's pretty consistent. Not in a bad way at all either. It's very fascinating...

The mind will say “we can’t meditate without candles and incense” or without my meditation bench or cushion.
Yes I really loved sitting just on my blanket with nature and my thoughts. No NOTHING. No beads or bracelets, no candles, no music, no pre-concieved intent, literally almost naked in every way. Then I really get this feeling of just me and you, me and you, me and you... 🐵🌌
I love having a candle flame by my side sometimes for 3 minutes of focus, or for those short 30-45 minute meditations. I feel like the candle flame is really an amazing sharpener and clarifier. When I'm outside I feel like nature naturally breaks ups and livens up the fixations of my mind.

Meditation eventually becomes just the state we are constantly in.
Haha is that what you think? hahahaa
oh boy

Formal practice leads to getting off the cushion and taking practice to the kitchen to wash the dishes, to the bathroom while using the toilet, while showering, at work, while driving etc.
I have always wanted to redesign the spiritual cultures around the energies of adventure, love, fun, and sex. I don't know why everyone has to 'practice' what is natural and effortless. Why don't we just enjoy these things together and get excited about them? Why are we all 'healing' when we are whole and can make the discussion around the most amazing beautiful incredible ways to be?
Meditation is a powerful tool. It is so simple, yet so hard. It's just sitting quietly with a straight back. I struggled with meditation for a long time and in some ways still do. I found myself irritated afterward at times. I would put it off. I didn't know what the goal was. It created a tension in me. The tension broke only when I began to really see where this was all coming from.

The struggle was in my mind. What meditation has shown me is everything passes. Everything is temporary. Thoughts and emotions come and they go. The breath comes in and goes out. We live and we die. I became the witness. The observer. Aware.

With this awareness I became responsible for the thoughts and emotions I pursued. My pursuit of these thoughts and emotions create my reality. And that is where I am at right now. Acceptance and responsibility for what I create in my mind.

Currently I am practicing Zazen meditation. I use a zafu and zabuton and sit in the seiza position most often. Meditation continues to evolve for me. I now create a ceremony. I light candles and burn incense. It has truly become a practice. An ever evolving practice.

Please share anything related to meditation on this thread. I very much look forward to any contributions from this community.


I really enjoyed reading these posts. I myself have been struggling since i started, which has only been about 6 or so months, just to get to settle in position that i can stay sturdy for a bit. Even if i had an hour i can set aside, im not sure my body woulve let me yet. So currently i think my biggest obstacle are my hips, i know i should be stretching more before/after workouts, but ill get there. As far as quieting my mind goes, ummm, im a long ways off there. I think maybe i should focus on the sitting first, lol. I think just keepin a regular practice everyday has brought me a long way since the beginning, so i try to keep that in mind on the days im struggling a bit more than usual. Im the type that can get discouraged a bit easily, so this has been a bit of a test. I look forward to some of the progression you guys speak of, thanks a bunch....Peace
On LSD I feel such clarity and sharpness and intimacy, as if it's a tonic to all the reflexes, emotions, habits, and thoughts my soul has absorbed. The idea of being deeply seamless, and clear, is so beautiful😍✨
Yea, I’ve only done llsd maybe 4 times. Last time was a few moths ago and it started off with giggling and being rather giddy, I’m sure you know, then it went into literally the most intense and amazing (tmi maybe) masturbation session.
It was like I the entire universe, was making love to myself.
Good god it was beautiful. I was indoctrinated Catholic so Catholic school and everything. That being said, I was force fed guilt, shame and fear everyday, ESPECIALLY around sex and masturbation.
After I climaxed, and boy was it a climax, there was no guilt, no shame, no “I’m going to hell now,” and no fear.
Just a room full of love. It was heavenly.
There’s always been a little discouragement in coming back for me too after a trip so yea, I get it.
I love having a candle flame by my side sometimes for 3 minutes of focus, or for those short 30-45 minute meditations. I feel like the candle flame is really an amazing sharpener and clarifier. When I'm outside I feel like nature naturally breaks ups and livens up the fixations of my mind.
Agreed. I like to have a candle, or a few of them. I always smudge the room and myself and burn palo santo too. I LOVE that smell.
I have 1 type of incense I like too in addition, however, if I don’t have those, I learned it doesn’t mean I can’t practice.
They’re certainly nice accessories tho ❤️‍🔥
Haha is that what you think? hahahaa
oh boy
Well, it’s not what I think, it is my experience tho. Currently anyway.
Adyashanti said to us in a 3 day retreat a few years ago.
“You might ine day see you are being meditated, Meditate on the meditator and see what happens.” 😂🤣
It’s a good practice too.
Why don't we just enjoy these things together and get excited about them? Why are we all 'healing'
Whos not enjoying them? Sounds like we both are.
Some of us have deep healing to do but it’s not always that.
I set an intention each time.
Sometimes it’s healing, simetimes travel, sometimes growth, sometimes sex,,fun or adventure, it all of the above 😋🙃
I humbly feel that certain traditional rituals and their tools & accoutraments, whose practices are very important to the neophyte, as well as the advanced sadhaka, should be seen as valuable. Necessary? Well kinda, insofar as training wheels are important to learning to ride a bicycle and stepping stools to reach higher spaces for children still growing. Sure, when the time arrives, in an eternally timeless way, all differentiation melts into seamless Oneness.

Surely on such a level, there's no need for mantra japa, yantra, pranayama, asana nor any nondual, conceptual affirmations. But honoring these methods feels somehow right to me. That said, meditation in my experience has expanded far, far beyond sitting cross-legged and holding single-pointed attention upon my breathing or dispassionately observing my thoughts, flowing randomly by... into the finality of the empty void from whence they arose. What has dawned as of late, is an interconnection with practically everything that this mortal paradigmn streams to towards my eager awareness.

I frequently sink into a nondual acceptance of the texture and appearance of the dreamscspe I seemingly inhabit. There is great peace and assurance in such an impartial, quiet center. Still, the sound of a brass bell, a singing bowl or a huge gong, can bring clear focus and great inspiration. Candle gazing still has purpose but is not required, as does the smell of champa intense or the exuberant sensation of bathing in the glorious sunshine, let alone the sweet caress of the breeze upon my eager 3-dimnensional skin. Namaste all. 🙏
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I heard Alan Watts tell a story that stuck with me and I thought I would share it here.

A preacher was about to give a sermon. Just before the preacher was about to begin, a bird landed in a tree just outside an open window and began to sing. The bird chirped and sung. Everyone stopped and listened to the bird's beautiful song. Some minutes of this and the bird flew away. The preacher said 'the sermon is concluded'.


P.S. After a little searching I found that story by Alan Watts. Check it out here --> The Discipline of Zen 14:54

You can find moments throughout your day for meditations. Sometimes all you need is a bird.
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Thank you so much. I humbly feel rgar meditation is the most valuable tool human beings have to acquaint themselves with consciousness without thought or rational associations. The 5 sacrament effectively strips the traveler of everything we've been conditioned to perceive as existential reality. This demands complete surrender and unequivocally neutralizes the self orientation we've become accustomed to. I've been training in meditation for 51 years now and it is my foundation stone. Awareness does flourish brilliantly without fixed conceptualization or mental stratification. It's been like an ever-opening vacuum in my life and honestly, I am just a beginner still. Aho & Namaste, my friend. 🙏✨✨✨✨✨
I always very much appreciate your posts. I find them enjoyable to read. Your writing has a flow and intelligence that I find most appealing. Thanks for being you!

I see you write that you have been training in meditation for 51 years and yet you humbly say you are a beginner still. Could you elaborate on what you mean by this?

I can't imagine being a novice at anything practiced for 51 years. What mastery is to be found, if it is not found by now? I also had the thought that there is nothing to reach for such as mastery or enlightenment. Sometimes feels like a carrot dangling to encourage the donkey to go. Reaching for this higher mind, enlightenment, peace, god or what have you all seem like trappings of the mind to me. Another game for the mind to play. I once heard it put that there is no such thing as enlightenment, only enlightened activity, which rings true for me.

Awareness is perfect. It does not need impurities beaten from it as there is no slag. No mastery to be had, no enlightenment cookie or carrot. It never changes and it does not move. If this awareness is found at one year of meditation or 60 years of meditation, they both found the same thing. What is there to reach for other than this? Being awareness. The observer and the observed merge into one thing. We have to give everything back, including any mastery we achieve in this life. But that awareness, I think that is something we keep, it is eternal and that is what the entirety of universe is made of. Everything connected by this awareness and the awareness creates dreams and it dreams us, now, and it's perfect. We are the universe in action.

Am I off someplace? I don't know what more I could possible uncover with meditation.

Thank you kindly!

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