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Acacia in the Bible

Migrated topic.

Running Bear

Rising Star
The acacia tree was used in the construction of the Ark of the Covenant. Its possibly the bush Moses was smoking when he spoke to God :lol: .. Im a agnostic but im sitting here wondering what species of acacia it could have been? What was the DMT% of this tree? Does anyone sell seeds šŸ˜‚?


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AFAIK, the Hebrew word for Acacia is SHITAH (שׁ֓טÖøה). Although I am Ashkenazim by ethnicity, been brised & bar-mitzvah'd, I have fallen out of practice over the last eight years (8 is a magical number in Judaism, though), and do not have the time to search for the talmudic & kabbalistic meditations/passages/interpretations surrounding the symbol of The Acacia. However, I would suggest you peruse through The Tenakh, Kabbalistic texts & The Talmud if and/or when you have the time and ability to do so.

There are a large variety of acacias throughout Israel, Sinai & The Levant, many of them containing psychoactive alkaloids. P. Harmala is also endemic to the middle east, and has been used as a medicine by cultures in the region for millennia. The Freemasons consider The Acacia to resemble the עׄ חיים, the tree of life, or really a symbol of nihilistic perseverance (this may be due to the fact that they can survive forest fires, tornados, floods, droughts and other such natural disasters, and still live-on, roots entrenched several meters into The Earth's Crust.)

Ultimately, I would think that The Acacia may be of religious significance in Judaism, but I cannot be sure, and if it is, I do not know in what way nor application.

Best of luck in your studies,
Ezekiel 1.

Definitely something going on there, but probably more psychotic episode than psychedelic journey.
Cf Book of Revelation, which has more of a distinctly psychotic tang to it.
Swayambhu said:
Ezekiel 1.

Definitely something going on there, but probably more psychotic episode than psychedelic journey.
Cf Book of Revelation, which has more of a distinctly psychotic tang to it.

Speaking of psychosis, I am brought back to the פÖøÖ¼×ØÖøשÖøׁהā€Ž which I read for my bar-mitzvah: : עֲקֵידַ×Ŗ י֓צְחַק , the more I begin to contemplate that the birth of Judeo-Christian philosophy was born via the Schizoaffective-esque teachings of Abraham and "The Prophets". I bring this up because, in the פÖøÖ¼×ØÖøשÖøׁה, Abraham, upon the instructions of the voice in his head which he believed to be that of God, nearly slaughtered his only newborn son. As Isaac lay bound like a BDSM-enthusiast upon The Sacrificial Alter, which many believe to be built upon Mount Moriah, Abraham drew the blade, ready to sacrifice his only child to God, The Voice of The Angel, Gabriel told him to stop, proclaiming now I know You Fear God. Although many religious scholars have differing views of this פÖøÖ¼×ØÖøשÖøׁהā€Ž , I consider the 'voices' of God and The Angels which spoke through Abraham, Moishe, The Prophets, among other characters in The Tenakh, to be nothing more than auditory hallucinations typically observed in multiple mental disorders. But Then again, isn't there an omniscient lunatic in all of our heads, too?

Consider These Two Cents of mine given,
Swayambhu said:
I thought it was Akhenaten's psychotic episodes which were the foundations of the Abrahamic religions?

One cannot spell Abrahamic Religions without Abraham (or Ivrahim, depending on your lingo). It should also be known that Abraham's contributions to Judaism (and all the faiths which arose as derivatives thereof), are listed in the book of genesis: the first book of The Tanakh, The Torah, and The Holy Bible
A lot of people have theorized that the "burning bush" spoken about in Exodus was a DMT containing plant. It's an interesting theory, and one that I'm not sure has much evidence beyond the fact that the account kind of sounds like what happens during a DMT trip, but it's possible nonetheless.
As for the percentage of DMT in certain plants, that's something you can easily google. We usually expect people to do their own research before posting on the nexus - so in the future, make sure you do a google search or browse the nexus a little before asking a question.
But, to answer that question, about .5 to 1.5 percent :)
Indicunt said:
A lot of people have theorized that the "burning bush" spoken about in Exodus was a DMT containing plant. It's an interesting theory, and one that I'm not sure has much evidence beyond the fact that the account kind of sounds like what happens during a DMT trip, but it's possible nonetheless.
As for the percentage of DMT in certain plants, that's something you can easily google. We usually expect people to do their own research before posting on the nexus - so in the future, make sure you do a google search or browse the nexus a little before asking a question.
But, to answer that question, about .5 to 1.5 percent :)

I've done many extracttons with plants including acacia confusa. There are many species of acacia and they all have different alkaloid profiles genius. No one knows what species of acacia it was in the bible so I wanted to hear other people's theories. You literally just became a full member and you're already playing babysitter, what's that say about you? I just love how you say we as if you've been a member for the past 10 years :lol: . I seriously wonder about people.
I find it hard to believe that anyone here would still consider the Bible a veritable historical account of fact.

Come on people, please re-read some parts of the Attitude page.
pitubo said:
I find it hard to believe that anyone here would still consider the Bible a veritable historical account of fact.

Come on people, please re-read some parts of the Attitude page.

Historical fact or not, that is irrelevant. This discussion is about symbolism and mythology... Veritable to me.
I have no opinion on the matter, I haven't put any thought into it.
Mindlusion said:
pitubo said:
I find it hard to believe that anyone here would still consider the Bible a veritable historical account of fact.

Come on people, please re-read some parts of the Attitude page.
Historical fact or not, that is irrelevant. This discussion is about symbolism and mythology... Veritable to me.
While I have no issue with your or anyone else's appreciation of any potential symbolic aspects of the acacias in literature, be it religious or secular, the spring and bedding of this thread is -- by my reading -- clearly centered around the notion of actual use of acacia species in biblical scenes, with occasional symbological observations merely serving as minor tributaries.

Anyway, I read your comment as saying that you think that this thread belongs in the Music/Art/Literature section.

Jees said:
Thread belongs in the 'spirituality' section imho.
I wouldn't want to suggest that the spirituality section is dedicated to balony (or at least I would not do it so openly šŸ˜ )

IMHO thread would belong in the "not even wrong" section, if we had one.
Judging by the nature of the OP, what he wrote, and the jokingly-posted picture/meme of cannabis, it feels more humorous than anything to me [aside from the somewhat serious correlations of acacia-moses-bible].

Humor/Fun section :p

And who really knows what those allegorical phrases/terms truly meant. Could be anyones guess.. :d
The Spirituality section has now
* spirituality & mysticism *
* trough the looking glass *

place enough for a third one: * not even wrong *
pitubo said:
I find it hard to believe that anyone here would still consider the Bible a veritable historical account of fact.

Come on people, please re-read some parts of the Attitude page.

I just wanted to have a fun stoner conversation.... Some of you take things so freaking seriously! I say we all smoke a joint, relax, and have a good conversation šŸ˜ .
Good find RB. Charcoal from acacia, I think the deems has become inactive due the temperatures used to make the charcoal.
Anyway red beard is clearly longing for a GVG rip, give they guy a pot of changa and let him and pops have a revelation šŸ˜
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