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Acacia in the Bible

Migrated topic.
Jees said:
Good find RB. Charcoal from acacia, I think the deems has become inactive due the temperatures used to make the charcoal.
Anyway red beard is clearly longing for a GVG rip, give they guy a pot of changa and let him and pops have a revelation šŸ˜

Red beard is even changing his brand of tooth paste lmao .. I was just surprised how open minded they were :lol: .... I think people are starting to wake up :thumb_up: ..
Oh my.

Terence McKenna... Stoned Ape Theory... Pineal Gland DMT... They only left out the ancient aliens.

Truly, this is the stuff destined for the "not even wrong" section. Running Bear, I would be more sympathetic to your desire for stoner musings if you planted them in the "Humor and Fun" section.

To be honest, I am of two minds with regard to this heaping of fairy tales. On the one hand, I resent seeing another "pineal dmt" analogue myth gain foothold. On the other hand, I would love to see the religious crazies deal with a tsunami of religiously themed dmt interest.
pitubo said:
Oh my.

Terence McKenna... Stoned Ape Theory... Pineal Gland DMT... They only left out the ancient aliens.

Truly, this is the stuff destined for the "not even wrong" section. Running Bear, I would be more sympathetic to your desire for stoner musings if you planted them in the "Humor and Fun" section.

To be honest, I am of two minds with regard to this heaping of fairy tales. On the one hand, I resent seeing another "pineal dmt" analogue myth gain foothold. On the other hand, I would love to see the religious crazies deal with a tsunami of religiously themed dmt interest.

Pitubo you only posted something because you know I don't like you. I imagine you have no friends in real life and that you got beat up in high school :lol: . You can't get away with this in real life so you do it on the nexus. Pathetic...
pitubo said:
I'm really sorry Running Bear, but it's not all about you...
You're not sorry and you're not trying to help anyone. You want this to go off topic because you know I'll get upset then this thing will get trashed. Like I said pathetic...
So... Acacia in the bible eh...?

pitubo said:
On the one hand, I resent seeing another "pineal dmt" analogue myth gain foothold. On the other hand, I would love to see the religious crazies deal with a tsunami of religiously themed dmt interest.
I stopped watching the video when Mr. Redbeard mentioned this, considering only the previous day laughingcat had most helpfully posted a copy of Nichols' paper that effectively demolishes the whole half-baked whimsy that DMT produced in the pineal gland is in any way responsible for anything that proponents of this 'theory' - a.k.a. wild speculation - claim that it is.

I second you on the tsunami of religiously-themed DMT interest, now - how to get this (re)introduced as the communion sacrament in the Evangelical Lutheran church? 500 years in, isn't it time they got up to date.

(And I'm not even stoned šŸ˜‰)
I don't think that the kind of guy who is prepared to carve his son up because he heard a voice telling him to should be taking DMT.
Running Bear said:
pitubo said:
I'm really sorry Running Bear, but it's not all about you...
You're not sorry and you're not trying to help anyone. You want this to go off topic because you know I'll get upset then this thing will get trashed. Like I said pathetic...

It's pretty unlikely that pitubo meant anything malicious by what he posted. I'm sure most of what he said was coming from a place of 'not that serious' even though it might've appeared that way to you. He made several valid points, and he's definitely didn't seem to be incredibly polar - one way or another.

He was just speaking his mind, which is allowed here, and of course there will be critique. It wasn't a personal attack on you brother.

You wrote:

Running Bear said:
Pitubo you only posted something because you know I don't like you. I imagine you have no friends in real life and that you got beat up in high school Laughing . You can't get away with this in real life so you do it on the nexus. Pathetic...

See, you had just told us all to chill, yet look at what you had just wrote? I'm confused, how does this help the direction of this thread or in any sense of the word make it better? You said he personally attacked you - which seemed to make you upset - yet look at what you had just wrote? You see what I'm saying man? You're the one personally attacking brother. Drop the highschool insults, you're better than this. I think you're assuming some things that aren't entirely clear.
Is there a thread of irony when somebody gets upset that somebody else was taking things too seriously? Or perhaps when a thread gets derailed by someone complaining that their thread is getting derailed?

I would imagine that pitubo doesn't personally hate Running Bear, but given the circumstances perhaps could be forgiven for increasing the degree to which s/he suspects said ursodromic character to be full of sh...shenanigans...

I think this boils down to cultural differences as well (as I believe I've said before) - there's plenty of places in Europe where people just speak their minds without sugar-coating anything; this can be quite taxing for certain subsets of the English-speaking world to deal with when first encountered. And indeed, subsequently. Possibly for decades.

Furthermore, attempting humour in a non-native language is full of pitfalls. I have enough trouble with that in my native English.

tl;dr A classic case of projection.

Indicunt said:
A lot of people have theorized that the "burning bush" spoken about in Exodus was a DMT containing plant.
A fair few more have speculated that it might have been Dictamnus albus, commonly known as the burning bush on account of it producing such an abundance of volatile oils that on a hot day the air around it is an explosion hazard. While this plant doesn't (as far as we know) contain DMT, it is a member of the Rutaceae, a plant family which is home to a fair few DMT producing plants, including oranges. So perhaps the burning bush did contain vanishingly small amounts of DMT after all!
I'd give Red Beard an A for efforts, forgive him for holding onto typical naive concepts around dmt and so? He's not teaching the world about dmt, he trying to dig a hole in his religion's concrete. If he continues he will learn, I hope he does.

Note his interest for the topic, the spark in his eyes. Yes he has it all wrong and upside down but he's trying his first steps to break out of something, and to me he illustrates something of the following: "We (hard core religions) are stalling ourselves outside the forgotten quintessential".

This leans to what downwardsfromzero mentioned:
...I second you on the tsunami of religiously-themed DMT interest, now - how to get this (re)introduced as the communion sacrament in the Evangelical Lutheran church? 500 years in, isn't it time they got up to date...
If there was one direction I considered open to back-to-plant-basics then it was the wika/witchcraft people. I approached them, did quite a few open rituals, learned to know some people all along, I really got a good idea on their focal plane, and guess what: they are far away from using entheo plants in their system. They claim to be the plant-cult under religions, but it's all theory when it comes to it. I never went for coven membership, it was too much romanticizing and I find it such a pity they lost their own deep roots. Could have been something beautiful. Admitted, the landscape of wika is heavily scattered and maybe some covens do work the plants, but the mainstream in my area is very far from it. They consider their selves rebels in life and cosmos, but it's all words and pose. My due respect if that makes someone happy to row like that.

The clear cut'n dry minded must be feeling quite uncomfortable by now :lol: . Why for heavens sake con-notate a religion to dmt to start with? I agree It's not necessary. For me the religion was of no gravity, the work with the plants is. I thought maybe those people have a few slick plant tricks in their practices, but I found mainly folk remedies and for spirit: alcohol, speaking of a bummer. It was a search for historic EU based entheogenic plant cult. Failed.

In the midst of a religious world I rather look for points of light, and I imagined given Red Beards enthusiasm that he was ready to learn about plant basics, wrong as he is as of now. People start somewhere?

* * *

It's true, pitubo comes from a region where people are known to speak their mind quite black on white, and visitors there have often been surprised about this. I live more to the south and pituboans call our language 'soft' because we cloak more prudent what's on the mind. As kids we were always amazed by the verbal power and directness of our northern neighbors, it's a simple truth. Let's do what we learn from the plants: no panic. :thumb_up:
Running Bear said:
Indicunt said:
A lot of people have theorized that the "burning bush" spoken about in Exodus was a DMT containing plant. It's an interesting theory, and one that I'm not sure has much evidence beyond the fact that the account kind of sounds like what happens during a DMT trip, but it's possible nonetheless.
As for the percentage of DMT in certain plants, that's something you can easily google. We usually expect people to do their own research before posting on the nexus - so in the future, make sure you do a google search or browse the nexus a little before asking a question.
But, to answer that question, about .5 to 1.5 percent :)

I've done many extracttons with plants including acacia confusa. There are many species of acacia and they all have different alkaloid profiles genius. No one knows what species of acacia it was in the bible so I wanted to hear other people's theories. You literally just became a full member and you're already playing babysitter, what's that say about you? I just love how you say we as if you've been a member for the past 10 years :lol: . I seriously wonder about people.

Calling someone 'genius' in snide remarks, and then personally attacking by referring to someone as 'babysitter', when indicunt offered his/her opinions/explanation, then further attacking his/her credibility because he/she's a new member?

Like I said brother, you're better than this. Stirring the pot like this in threads through blatant personal attack isn't what this website is about.

And I'm just coming at a place of concern for you, because these remarks are divisive and rude. These members are offering their opinions and thoughts, without the need to use direct personal attacks, yet it seems that you're unable to reply to their comments without getting hot-headed?

Be well <3
True, I don't like biting my tongue. Even some of the natives of the southern parts of pitubostan, where I live, can occasionally have great difficulties with that. But as I have stated here before, I firmly believe that offense is a matter of give and take. Anyway, I never got beaten up in high school and my friends generally appreciate my frankness.

It is my experience that by not going along with the drama as it is proposed, and instead staying with my own appreciation of affairs, many people are caught off-guard and sometimes even stumble over their own insincere drama, causing them to involuntarily reveal their true motives. These situations are an obvious cause of much offense taken. Despite my gentle pressing, a genuine review of the nature of the offense is rarely desired. šŸ˜

Running Bear and myself have some history already. It started off quite innocuously, when I wrote that advising new users to heat flammable solvents in a crock pot is bad practice. After reacting to that with ad hominems, it seems like Running Bear has been cherishing a grudge ever since.

Enough about all that. Having been personally put into focus, I felt that making a small statement was in order. It remains off topic, let us return back to topic!
tatt said:
Judging by the nature of the OP, what he wrote, and the jokingly-posted picture/meme of cannabis, it feels more humorous than anything to me [aside from the somewhat serious correlations of acacia-moses-bible].

Humor/Fun section :p

And who really knows what those allegorical phrases/terms truly meant. Could be anyones guess.. :d

And to add to what I'd said earlier - allegorical passages, phrases and words are such a hard thing to pin down, especially 'the burning bush' - that could've most likely meant any number of possible significances, which is unfortunate - because it'd be interesting to know what was meant by that passage/phrase.

What would be even more interesting [imo] is if that phrase meant a several number of things; something that could potentially reflect multiple meanings or a meaning outside of our typical scope. I'd imagine it's something deeply entrenched in symbology, something not as 'direct' as an acacia plant or what we'd take it to be.
What if this topic had been titled "acacia in snow white and the seven dwarfs" or "acacia in the sleeping beauty"? Would people have cared the equally much about "the implications"?
pitubo said:
What if this topic had been titled "acacia in snow white and the seven dwarfs" or "acacia in the sleeping beauty"? Would people have cared the equally much about "the implications"?

I would have jumped on it straight away, but that's just me :lol:
this thread makes me want to resign from nexus. Seriously allow people to believe what they believe without being so culturally ignorant/ insensitive.

To riduclue him for posting a cannabis meme is wrong because not in all cultures is cannabis so readily accepted and it means different things to diff cultures.

Furthermore the rate of materialistic rationistic denial of evertything except that we dont know anything has me at my patience end with every thread on here. Step back on the proving others wrong and step forward on making something new or progressing our actual understanding.
BecometheOther said:
...Furthermore the rate of materialistic rationistic denial of evertything except ...
A huge difference between:
'denail of everything'
'denial to accept everything flat out'.

I think Nexus revels in being critical and it keeps me here, I run from places where things are accepted only because someone might feel mumpish if not nodded. There's a sweet place for all of us, just find your pack?
If we can dislodge argument/critics from personal attacks, we're home.
Not easy!


Acacia and syrian rue in one region, a matter of time to find the marriage. I'm totally not surprised if they did. I'm ready to accept šŸ˜‰
BecometheOther said:
this thread makes me want to resign from nexus. Seriously allow people to believe what they believe without being so culturally ignorant/ insensitive.
Of course everyone is allowed to believe what they believe. But when claims of fact are made, or so much as implied, then these claims should be backed up by reasoning and references. You can read all about that in the Attitude page. For the purpose of discussing subjects where reason or fact are inherently absent or insufficient, there is a dedicated forum section. This thread is not in that section.

BecometheOther said:
To riduclue him for posting a cannabis meme is wrong because not in all cultures is cannabis so readily accepted and it means different things to diff cultures.
Pardon me?! Where did anyone riducule the cannabis meme at the top of this thread? I could not find that. You provide a nice example of the need to be able to back up statements of fact.

BecometheOther said:
Furthermore the rate of materialistic rationistic denial of evertything except that we dont know anything has me at my patience end with every thread on here. Step back on the proving others wrong and step forward on making something new or progressing our actual understanding.
The quality of information is important here. Nobody benefits from the perpetuation of false information and fake memes. IMHO, preventing regression is at least as important as achieving progress.

BecometheOther said:
If you go to the site search page and search for acacialand, you might be surprised who first dug up that information here.

PS BecometheOther, it would be really helpful if you could try to collate and structure your replies a bit, instead of writing multiple one sentence comments - thanks.
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