Alcohol in an amazing thing. SWIM really loves alcohol and it is his preferred drug of use as well as insane abuse. For him, his best days have been a constant binge on alcohol followed up fighting, having a great laugh with friends, his gf carrying him back home and him waking up with hangover, having pissed his pants and counting his bruises. Or waking up stitched up in the hospital.
But that's a bit too extreme for happening too often SWIM says. He normally drinks no more than 2-3 litres a day after work which he enjoys for its relaxant and psychedelic properties. SWIM brews his own beer which he not only finds stronger, but also having different qualities than store-bought beers. At these amounts, he can close his eyes and drift away with different thought ranging from pleasant to introspective to constructive to creative.
Alcohol inebriation is a touchy thing; I have seen that many people in this forum are either indifferent or dislike alcohol. And he recognises that for for many people alcohol is a pretty dangerous if not one of the most dangerous drug around. He believes that as people want to get high on something for pleasure or socialising or both and as the current drug laws in many countries restrict the available legit drug options, people end up drinking way more alcohol with catastrophic sometimes consequences.
The state of alcohol inebriation is a pretty weird one. One that removes most if not all inhibitions. Sort of taking away the social make ups that help humans form a society. SWIM remembers reading somewhere that in some Eastern monasteries the students participate in an initiation ceremony where everybody gets pretty much drunk; the elders of the monastery then observe the uninhibited actions of the students and decide which ones will enter the greater mysteries and which ones will remain on the lower levels of monastic grades.
SWIM is curious to find out what other people in this forum think about alcohol. For him, it can be quite entheogenic. For him, it needs to be respected just like any other drug (even though abusing it once in a while is indeed good fun) in terms of dosage, use and user. And it is not evil or devilish - on the contrary, 1-2 pints of home brewed ale is the real shit. Plus, it's full of vitamins.
But that's a bit too extreme for happening too often SWIM says. He normally drinks no more than 2-3 litres a day after work which he enjoys for its relaxant and psychedelic properties. SWIM brews his own beer which he not only finds stronger, but also having different qualities than store-bought beers. At these amounts, he can close his eyes and drift away with different thought ranging from pleasant to introspective to constructive to creative.
Alcohol inebriation is a touchy thing; I have seen that many people in this forum are either indifferent or dislike alcohol. And he recognises that for for many people alcohol is a pretty dangerous if not one of the most dangerous drug around. He believes that as people want to get high on something for pleasure or socialising or both and as the current drug laws in many countries restrict the available legit drug options, people end up drinking way more alcohol with catastrophic sometimes consequences.
The state of alcohol inebriation is a pretty weird one. One that removes most if not all inhibitions. Sort of taking away the social make ups that help humans form a society. SWIM remembers reading somewhere that in some Eastern monasteries the students participate in an initiation ceremony where everybody gets pretty much drunk; the elders of the monastery then observe the uninhibited actions of the students and decide which ones will enter the greater mysteries and which ones will remain on the lower levels of monastic grades.
SWIM is curious to find out what other people in this forum think about alcohol. For him, it can be quite entheogenic. For him, it needs to be respected just like any other drug (even though abusing it once in a while is indeed good fun) in terms of dosage, use and user. And it is not evil or devilish - on the contrary, 1-2 pints of home brewed ale is the real shit. Plus, it's full of vitamins.