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An informational, online drug site that's at my level.

Migrated topic.
I dont think you should be offended. In no place did tetra say he is better than you.. On the contrary, he said he himself is just a beginner in spite of his experience, and I agree with him, and I really do think if you think otherwise, it will just take a couple more trips for humbling to come.

Also tetra made no reference to saying quantity is better than quality, or that there is more benefit in using regularly and superficially. I think we all agree here that integration is essential just take a look at the whole subsection dedicated to it in the Health and Safety section here, as well as mentions in FAQ and constant mention in threads. This is what this community is about.

Regarding what you said earlier, Im not sure if its a good thing to consider oneself like a buddha or jesus. At least IMO I preffer to rather try to be more aware of my faults and make effort to improve them and reach higher potentials, while at the same time being content with who I am in any given moment. Any one of the two by themselves would be unbalanced, imo.
I know I have much to learn. I'm intelligent sure, but I will forever be gaining wisdom. In that sense, yes I am still a pup. From anecdotal experience though I'm more wise than the majority of the population I met. That's why my ego was offended by the post. I'm really not offended, just compared to all the other posts I just didn't like how this post was written. Like the way he asked a question then said "awesome" right after came off as condescending. I realize though that everyone here tries to not come off as insulting, and I know that tetra tried his best not to be insulting.

When I was a kid I considered myself better than everyone. Now I know differently and I treat everyone and everything as equally as humanly possible, regardless of their consciousness.

endlessness said:
Regarding what you said earlier, Im not sure if its a good thing to consider oneself like a buddha or jesus. At least IMO I preffer to rather try to be more aware of my faults and make effort to improve them and reach higher potentials, while at the same time being content with who I am in any given moment. Any one of the two by themselves would be unbalanced, imo.

Just after that jediflip and this acid trip I've come to a theory on life that I really want to talk about. I feel like religion and science are 2 parts to the same whole and I think I've combined them to where the best of both worlds answers all of life's questions.
No need for ego fights.
The science and religion isn't a new thing as you know. But culture lost its tracks during the inquisition, now it's just coming back to our reality.
I'm happy you have all the answers of the life's mistery though I doubt it.
Delusion is tricky sometimes.
endlessness said:
I dont think you should be offended. In no place did tetra say he is better than you.. On the contrary, he said he himself is just a beginner in spite of his experience, and I agree with him, and I really do think if you think otherwise, it will just take a couple more trips for humbling to come.

Also tetra made no reference to saying quantity is better than quality, or that there is more benefit in using regularly and superficially.

Thanks endless, you've got it.

And Alexicus: you should never be offended by anything I write. Lighten up, I tend to be blunt in my writing, but nuanced. A thorough and critical reading will reveal nothing "offensive". I'm personally baffled--and endlessly amused--that anyone would be offended by me, or anyone else for that matter. Life's too short to let your ego get bruised.

Alexicus says: "Like the way he asked a question then said "awesome" right after came off as condescending. I realize though that everyone here tries to not come off as insulting, and I know that tetra tried his best not to be insulting" I say: I'd say a man in control of his ego, as you so proudly claim, would not be insulted by ANYTHING, for he realizes the pointlessness of taking things personally and becoming "offended".
Alexicus said:
From anecdotal experience though I'm more wise than the majority of the population I met.


When I was a kid I considered myself better than everyone. Now I know differently and I treat everyone and everything as equally as humanly possible, regardless of their consciousness.
Hi Alexicus

welcome to the nexus.
I find your statements a bit contradictory and wanted to comment on the first. Things like intelligence and wisdom are hard to measure and hard to judge. A lot of times they are situation-dependant. Someone can behave intelligent in one instant and in the next completely stupid. Someone can make very wise statements but act completely reckless in the next moment, in a situation in which he/she has no experience for example. I wouldn't even consider myself wiser than an ant or a rock. My applied intelligence may be larger, but even that is dependant on the area of application. Solving differential equations or facing life's challanges with dignity and optimism... these are two different things that both require intelligence and experience, and one may be versed in one area but have no clue of the other.

While I guess it's natural for us to try to compare each other to see who's higher up the ladder, I find it also harmfull in many instances, such as here... Whom does it serve to know who is more developed, more wise or whatnot? This observation that you make, why is it important to you?

We each learn and develope at our own pace. No one can force us to take the next step, because no one knows where we need to go. We are complex beings and the lessons life presents us with aren't the same for everyone. In the sense of spiritual advancement I don't think we can easily determine who has accumulated more wisdom.

As for changing the world... I'm sure we'd all like to, but again this is a complex world we live in and if it were in my hands for example, I'm not sure I'd do a better job than what's going on now. Probably not. And so far I haven't met anyone who would either. On the other hand, I think if we all took a little more responsability, little by little the world would turn into something better. But of course this is never easy. It often seems like an ominous THEY is keeping us from actually doing anything worthwhile. Perhaps this is our great spiritual challenge as a race - to overcome this feeling of disempowerment.

anyway. wish you well.
Alexicus said:
Unless you take the lessons you learned from the trips and apply them to your life, the trips mean nothing but a high and a wasted potential for cognitive advancement.

Excellent and wise statement. Psychedelics open your mind up to the point where there are certain things trying to be shown to you for a reason. Most of the time they are abstract, or the imagery is hard to connect with thoughts or memories or a thing in your life. But I have looked back at some of the Trips I've encountered and thought to myself, there was a reason I saw this specific thing and it relates to my life in this manner - .
Enoon said:
We each learn and develope at our own pace. No one can force us to take the next step, because no one knows where we need to go. We are complex beings and the lessons life presents us with aren't the same for everyone. In the sense of spiritual advancement I don't think we can easily determine who has accumulated more wisdom.

I know where to go though, I have ascertained certain knowledge that has been kept secret from conscious beings for so long. Like I said, I think I solved all the problems of the world, life really is simple. At a fundamental level you just need to eat, drink, piss, poop, reproduce to live. You don't even need to think about what those white aura lights are in the sky in order to live. Consciousness just overcomplicates things.

Through ego death I've been able to take knowledge from the hyperspace and take it back to this reality.

I want to become a member so I can just write a huge post about this in a subsection related to other entheogens or theories on life. I think I've discovered the circle of life, and it involves stream of consciousness, consciousness as an energy, dark matter, and a singular consciousness that the universe itself wants to achieve. I feel like I've been given a message from the universe itself and I need to tell it to as many like minded people as possible.
Alexicus said:
I want to become a member so I can just write a huge post about this in a subsection related to other entheogens or theories on life. I think I've discovered the circle of life, and it involves stream of consciousness, consciousness as an energy, dark matter, and a singular consciousness that the universe itself wants to achieve. I feel like I've been given a message from the universe itself and I need to tell it to as many like minded people as possible.

To save yourself a lot of headaches, when you do become a full member and state your discoveries, make it clear that these are your opinions and not absolute truth. Few things get the Nexus riled up like someone expounding personal truths as absolute truths.

I say this to save you a lot of pointless bickering later on.
Alexicus said:
I think I've discovered the circle of life, and it involves stream of consciousness, consciousness as an energy, dark matter, and a singular consciousness that the universe itself wants to achieve. I feel like I've been given a message from the universe itself and I need to tell it to as many like minded people as possible.

I bet it's going to be interesting to read about your insights and theories, but keep in mind that you cannot translate those insights to other people. If the universe itself has intent at all, and he wants to share it with us, that communication would become a completely personal experience that cannot be replaced by someone's account. You won't "convert" anyone, at the most you can aspire to make people ask themselves slightly different questions.

And as others have said, just reading someone who claims to have "the truth" or know "the circle of life" makes me instantaneously question whatever they are going to say.

Knowledge is provisional, my friend. And if you think you've reached absolute knowledge, with all due respect, you might need a little dose of humility. We all do.
Alexicus said:
I want to become a member so I can just write a huge post about this in a subsection related to other entheogens or theories on life.
Feel free to make this post whenever you like, there's nothing preventing you from posting. Welcome to the Nexus.

Fine, I'll just post it here for the doubtful. I feel like I have reached true oneness with the universe, and I know how to live a life of pure goodness, not just for myself, but everyone around me. Yes, I realize this is an opinion, but the majority of this is backed up by science.

So here it goes, time to drop some wisdom bombs on ya... This is my general theory on life:

Science answers the majority of the questions, religion answers the why. When you suspend your disbelief for both systems and realize they are 2 parts to the same whole, you begin to come to the realization of the circle of life.

The circle of life is that of your consciousness. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. When you die, your body and ego is decomposed back into atoms and recycled into this world. However your consciousness does not die, it leaves your physical shell, and is converted into dark matter. Dark matter surrounds all solar systems and is pretty much undetectable by any scientific means.

Dark matter is the force that is responsible for our stream of consciousness. Dark matter makes up +80% of all matter in the universe, which makes sense because at this point the universe is pretty conscious of itself. The universe has gone from nothing, to energy, to matter, to living organisms, to consciousness. The highest of all known consciousness at the moment is humans. We have gone from cavemen bashing each other's skulls in over fights, to developing language to work out disputes, to developing a global connection of consciousness that is the Internet, which in return helps evolve our consciousness. Our modern day theory on evolution is not perfect because it does not account for the evolution of the consciousness.

We are in a sense not masters of our own free will, because although we can radically alter our state of consciousness, we can't stop thinking for any prolonged period of time. I can slow or speed up my stream of thought, but the only way to truly stop thinking is to become unconscious through sleep, blunt head trauma, death.

All religions have been sprouting the same message, in a different way. The God that religious people think exists is in fact your own stream of consciousness.

Jesus Christ realized that at his time, but I don't believe there was a word to adequately define consciousness, so he used words like heaven and hell, angels and demons, and the word God. What he meant was, heaven and hell do exist, and it's on this very planet, in your own mind (e.g. super ego, ego, id.)

Buddha took it a step further and realized we need to dissolve our egotistical desires of power, money, and fame and become just a conscious being. One that pursues true happiness, and is forever gaining wisdom and knowledge. Buddhist teachings talk about reincarnation, which is true. It's your consciousness that is reborn into a life. What that life is determined by your previous life, and how much good karma you spread out into the world.

You can make this life heaven or hell, because we have been granted the gift of reward system in our brain. If we abuse it though, we live in hell (e.g. hard drug users, like IV'ing heroin) because that high is so radically far from our normal stream of consciousness (sobriety) that when we do return to our normal state, things become boring. I've heard H users say they feel like they hacked their brain reward system and everything else becomes boring.

Equally you can make this life heaven. While some drugs are bad, other can be good. Entheogens that expand your consciousness is the Creator's gift to us. Why is it near impossible to OD on weed, an entheogen, but people have died off the synthetic variation of the molecule? It's because the Creator designed our bodies for conscious expansion, and not merely getting high, so we can go down the rabbit hole as far as possible to obtain the true truth in life.

The rabbit hole is the return to Dark Matter. If you achieve an ego death, you are just a pure conscious stream. All the filters your brain puts on you to stay an animal are gone, and you enter a realm of pure knowledge. When you transcend to such a place of pure knowledge, you discover everything. "We lose ourselves, but we find it all". However your ego death has to end and you must return to your normal stream of consciousness.

Depending on how conscious you are correlates to how much you gain from your ego deaths. You obtain knowledge from the Void, hyperspace, dark matter... whatever you want to call that place of one consciousness. I've known people with huge egos take 7 grams of shrooms and not experience an ego death. I took 3.5 grams my first time and I had a complete ego death.

The universe is in fact a conscious being. We are the universe experiencing itself. Ever have that feeling of oneness with the universe while tripping? We are but a tiny fraction of consciousness in the great pool of consciousness that is God. God is us, and we our God in a physical shell, restrained to physical laws of space and time. Furthermore, I am you, and you are me. You are the same consciousness as I am, because all conscious is fundamentally the same. The only difference between consciousness(people) is the rise of egos. Egos give rise from the physical shell, and external environment affecting your perception on the reality of this life.

I don't think God wants us to leave Earth. He set the universe up to make it so vast that travelling to another hospitable planet is nigh impossible. He wants us to take care of Mother Earth, to allow other consciousnesses to evolve, and stop the raping of the land, and to use our resources accordingly.

The Native Americans were conscious of this thought. They were grateful for everything they received.

I believe the Eagles were conscious of this thought as well when they wrote Hotel California. Read their lyrics and you'll see what I mean.

"Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
"Relax, " said the night man,
"We are programmed to receive.
You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave!"

That person experienced an ego death, and was in the place of one consciousness, aka God. Our bodies are programmed to receive internal and external information from the world around us, and although our bodies and ego may die, our consciousness will be reborn into another body to live another life.

Before the Big Bang there was nothing, it was a state of unconsciousness. Suddenly it became aware of itself, which caused the outward explosion of itself. Science will never be able to answer this question because the laws of the universe that we know of breaks down before that.

So there was a state of nothingness, then the Creator decided to start the universe. The Creator is most likely just some form of particle that somehow became conscious of itself in the singularity that was pre-big gang. Some scientists have referred to this as the God particle.

Then the universe was created. Initially it was pure energy, which at this point had no consciousness. Once the energy was converted into subatomic particles and eventually atoms, the universe gained consciousness and the opaque light that filled the universe was absorbed into these particles.

That opaque light was in my belief consciousness. Anything that has matter has consciousness at a fundamental level. Consciousness can be alive or dead, however if you are alive you are VERY conscious compared to that of a rock. A rock is affected by only physical and chemical external forces, but life has both to combat an internal and external changing environment.

We can explain how gravity works. We've developed a mathematical equation for figuring out the force of gravity too. But no one can scientifically explain why gravity works. It works because the Creator granted us the gift of knowledge. Most scientific theories hit a brick wall when they've peeled back every information layer by asking what, how, when, where and are left with the only remaining question of why.

This knowledge, or frame of logic, has been separated by humans into subcategories like mathematics, science, philosophy and from them we can ascertain the true knowledge of life.

"If I have seen farther than others, it's because I have stood on the shoulder's of Giants"

It's only until now, that a highly evolved conscious like me was able to come up with this conclusion to life. It's because I had the gift of knowledge and used that knowledge to obtain intelligence and wisdom. Intelligence through school, wisdom through social interactions and psychedelic introspection.

If you are at the highest level of the stream of consciousness you to can come to this conclusion on life. The way to do this is to alter your stream of consciousness radically. It doesn't have to be through drugs, but ego death through entheogens is one of the easiest ways to achieve this. I which I could Inception this thought into everyone, but I realize that the only true way to make someone believe me is if they go through the logical process steps that I went to before coming to a definite conclusion.


So what do you guys think?
Alexicus said:
If you are at the highest level of the stream of consciousness you to can come to this conclusion on life.

I've come to other meanings, but never "conclusions" about the nature of the universe. The wise one keeps everything in question for he knows his understanding will become more expansive and change. But my ideas are more multidimensional in origin, deeper layers stacked atop one another, plans within plans within plans.

But, of course, I certainly do not claim to be at the highest level of consciousness. So what's it like at the top? And where do you go from here, now that you've figured everything out?
And where do you go from here, now that you've figured everything out?

Now that one consciousness realizes the true meaning, the next step is to make all consciousnesses eventually understand the truth. It certainly won't happen right away, but people at a similar level to me will understand some, if not all the wisdom I'm sprouting.

So what's it like at the top?

I'm not at the top. God is at the top, since he's all of our collective consciousnesses.

I am merely at the top of the consciousness for humans. It's like being conscious of everything you do, both in thought and in action. If my consciousness refuses to do an action that I find morally bad, I try to avoid thinking about anything related to it. Because thoughts become ideas, and ideas turn into action. Action changes the world. I want to work towards having an unfiltered mind, where because my thoughts are so pure, I don't need an ego to think for me, and I just instinctively do good for everyone and everything.
Alexicus, i hope you don't take offence to this...what your saying really isn't anything new and many hear have had similar ideas..but i have to ask; what ever happened to humility?

"I am merely at the top of the consciousness for humans."

Many who have some revelatory experiences (especially with psychedelics) often make the mistake of thinking they've now got the whole picture nailed down (or a hefty chunk!). We see this constantly all over the web and its not a far offshoot from the 'jesus-syndrome'. I think most would agree here that one of the key things learned on psychedelics is to always question everything, especially ones own 'conclusions' regarding the nature of reality, and to remain open to the possibilities. It just sounds like your trying to educate us about some absolute truths you've discovered from the highest state a human can reach.
universecannon said:
what ever happened to humility?

"I am merely at the top of the consciousness for humans."

Many who have some revelatory experiences (especially with psychedelics) often make the mistake of thinking they've now got the whole picture nailed down (or a hefty chunk!). We see this constantly all over the web and its not a far offshoot from the 'jesus-syndrome'. I think most would agree here that one of the key things learned on psychedelics is to always question everything, especially ones own 'conclusions' regarding the nature of reality, and to remain open to the possibilities. It just sounds like your trying to educate us about some absolute truths you've discovered from the highest state a human can reach.

I'm sorry if my posts come off as egotistical or lacking humility. It's just that my frame of reference in my mind was that I'm sure others have come to the very conclusion as me, but perhaps just not with enough clarity to fully explain it. Because I had to come to this conclusion myself, no one showed me the way. I had an infinite amount of possibilities to be whatever and I chose a psyconaut lifestyle of pursuit of happiness and knowledge.

I'm not saying I'm the best human in the world at all. I'm no better than anyone else. There are many people out there who I know are more intelligent and more wise than me, but I feel the most conscious out of all the people I know. Meeting someone who is both intelligent and wise is rare. The people on this site are as conscious, if not more than me, but I only met one individual who was at the same level as me as far as both intelligence and wisdom.

So because of that, my anecdotal evidence suggests some sort of "superiority" like that of a human conscious to a primate conscious. But this "superiority" is useless unless used for good and only good.

All I'm saying is that I'm trying to make the world a better place for everyone, and not just myself. Because we are all one collective conscious and what's good for you is good for me.

You can take all my posts as some egotistical jerk off who's trying to enforce rules on people, or you can see it as a consciousness that is desperately trying to get everyone at the same level. Only follow wisdom that you yourself agree with. Question everything. I know I do.

I am in constant doubt if this theory is right or not. But I always inevitably come to the same conclusion that it doesn't matter if I'm wrong, because choosing to live a life without an ego and just pure consciousness is the way to go.

I'm trying to adhere to this lifestyle as much as possible. I'm a human, so obviously that is impossible to achieve total ego disillusionment. So far the changes in my life have been dramatic, and it's only been a couple of weeks since I've come to this conclusion.

All I know is that living this type of lifestyle will generate the most good karma possible for a human to project onto this world. You can choose to adhere to your lifestyle because we have the free will to do so, but please consider this theory seriously, and don't just dismiss it off right away. Think of logical arguments against this lifestyle and theory, and if you believe you've come to a conclusion after pondering on this theory, stick with that conclusion.

It doesn't matter if you agree or not, as long as you choose to live a life you want, that's all I want to see in this world. Too many people sell their hopes and dreams away to egotistical wants.

However, if you see something that logically makes more sense than the previous explanations you've been given, why not try to explain this to people?

Like discovering the world was round, or that we revolve around the sun.
universecannon said:
We see this constantly all over the web and its not a far offshoot from the 'jesus-syndrome'.

Why not strive to be Jesus like though? It's a lifestyle of pure good ego. What's funny/ironic is I tripped the day before Easter, and the day of Easter I came to this conclusion.
I wouldn't want to be a delusional drunkard who caters to cannibalistic rituals, followed by 12 dudes who, for all we know, may have engaged in homoeroticism with the guy.

then again, I only know about the guy from a storybook that's been revised several times. It's like a rumor that's been told by several different people, that by the time it's reached you, it's completely falsified from the actual event.
I don't know, man. I guess I'm nowhere near your level, because this all sounds like a lot of adolescent wankitude to me. It's awesome though that you've got Jesus, Buddha, the entire human race and the very nature of consciousness so completely figured out.

I don't know what it is about psychedelics that inspire people to bludgeon the world with their Unified Theories of Everything, but I'm guessing you've got a lonely road ahead of you.

Wishing you all the best.
benzyme said:
I wouldn't want to be a delusional drunkard who caters to cannibalistic rituals, followed by 12 dudes who, for all we know, may have engaged in homoeroticism with the guy.

then again, I only know about the guy from a storybook that's been revised several times. It's like a rumor that's been told by several different people, that by the time it's reached you, it's completely falsified from the actual event.

Haha that's the thing though. My belief system is that you have to stay alive as long as possible to achieve maximum consciousness. I'm only 20, but I feel like I have the wisdom of most +40 year olds.

If your consciousness truly doesn't die, but is merely recycled into another physical shell, then adhering to a suicide/cannibalistic cult is simultaneously funny and sad. Funny because they believe death will transcend them, sad because it won't. Only doing good karma on this world will, and that's by staying alive as long as possible, and gaining as much knowledge and happiness as possible.

Also I know this will not apply to anyone here since I'm sure they've came to this very same conclusion, but I just want to get it out there in the open.

Seems like there's still some people that have their priorities mixed up and/or are still confused on what should be a "want" and what should be a "need". Setting aside basic biological functions that keep us alive, a "need" is anything that benefits your consciousness, e.g. happiness and knowledge. A "want" is anything that benefits your ego, e.g. power, money, fame. Set your priorities straight and you'll live an awesome life.
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