I realize I was coming off as preachy as first, but can we please move on from that? In my mind this hypothesis solves almost all the major mysteries of life. However, you may or may not agree with it. I want your opinion on my hypothesis, and that's the real reason why I posted this in the first place.
I'm not trying to indoctrinate you into some sort of suicide cult. I'm not trying to convert you to my life style. I'm not trying to change you, or what makes you happy at all. What I am trying to do is show you my theory. And that's
ALL. I don't care if you accept it or dismiss it, I want your opinion.
That is the real truth behind why I'm posting. I'm merely one consciousness, by myself I cannot solve this entirely. With the help of the Internet and like minded individuals I can though. There clearly was a misinterpretation if I came off as elitist, I did not mean to.
You guys are on my level of consciousness is all I was trying to say. Skim/read this article
levels of consciousness. Keep in mind though that you can be at any level of consciousness, but you primarily live in one state of consciousness. I believe I have reached the state of peace 4 times. These 4 moments of peace were caused by 2 dmt trips, and 2 shroom trips. From these 4 moments of peace, I have been able to ascertain a hypothesis of the universe that may be able to show the path to enlightenment.
Currently my sober, normal consciousness resides in a state of love. Many people in the world are not on this level, but I believe many of the forum users on this board are on the state of love, if not even further. I see it in the way this community is set up, the guidelines, rules, and even the opinion’s of forum users on a variety of topics.
Before I did drugs, I was depressed, and on the verge of suicide. I was at the lowest state of consciousness. I was suicidal because I had a horrible childhood. I had 3 choices that I saw I could make when I was growing up.
1.)Suck it up, continue being sober, try to find happiness, and don't kill myself.
2.)Talk to therapists and get prescribed to SSRIs that may not even work.
3.)Check off my bucket list before committing suicide. Trying drugs and psychedelics was one of those.
Eventually the external forces in my life that caused my depression stacked upon each other so much so that I saw suicide as the only way out. In my suicidal state of mind, I sought to do illicit drugs instead of the conventional see a therapist/get prescribed way to depression, because I could clearly no longer handle sobriety.
I was 18 when I tried weed for the first time. I had a life changing experience from that first time that caused me to radically alter my views of life.
After that first time smoking weed, I was hooked to altering the state of my consciousness. I was fascinated by how radically you can alter your state of consciousness with drugs, primarily psychedelics. I then focused on introspection and bettering who I was as an individual.
I’ve done drugs for 2 years, and the accumulation of a lot of introspection with the aid of weed and various other drugs has transformed who I define myself to be. The 18 year old me hated himself, and the world. I was an apathetic, nihilistic, atheist waiting for death. I was a tormented, messed up soul that was the result of a bad hand of cards life gave me regarding my external environment as a child.
I am now 20, and for the first time in my life, I not only love myself, I love other people. And not just other people, but everyone.
Even those that have wronged me. There are no good or bad experiences, for experiences help serve as a stepping stone for self improvement. Experiences grant you knowledge, and from knowledge you can learn. A bad experience, or a moment of adversity, is merely an experience you have yet to internalize, accept, and learn from. I still have trouble loving, and even accepting people who have caused bad experiences upon me, though. All experiences that have caused grievances with my ego have been resolved save 2 major ones I don’t really wish to talk about now. However, I have been able to learn from those 2 major moments of adversity as well, so I no longer internalize them as bad experiences.