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Another explorer, reporting in

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi everyone :)

Allow me to start off with a short introduction.
* What's a LostAtomsk?
I'm an almost-30-something male, living in the Western corner of Europe. My profession is of the boring kind. You know, that kind of job that people socially, casually ask me about, but lose interest after 0.02 seconds if I explain it.
On weekends, however, I'm a
superhero ninja rockstar
. I'm very, very, very new to the world of psychedelics. Or any kind of substance, for that matter. I finally accepted the introduction to LSD, only about half a year ago.
I also enjoy playing guitar and practice a Budo martial art. I spend a lot of time listening and discovering music, but have a very specific preference, which reflects a lot in my trips. In case you didn't notice, I also really love bullet points.

* My experience with DMT
Quite simply, I have no experience. Gasp, right!? To elaborate, I have recently tried DMT crystals that we cooked ourselves, but didn't get any effect. Nothing mild and especially no breakthrough. Simply nothing. Turns out we rushed into the experience and didn't research/study enough. At least, I want to speak for myself, because one friend prepared the crystals, another created a machine. I simply sat by.

* Why did I join the Nexus?
During our one and only attempt to vape DMT, the gates to the cosmos remained close and looking back on it, I can understand why. I was too curious and too excited and neglected looking into the spirit molecule. Maybe that's a good thing too, because reading up on the Nexus, reading your experiences has only gotten me more curious. In a mental kind of way, I feel a lot more prepared.
I joined because I don't want to cut corners. I want to be informed and no longer waste the effort my friends put into DMT. I no longer want to waste any more DMT.
It's in my nature to be helpful and I love discussing any spiritual/emotional aspect, so I was very happy to chance upon the Nexus during a pulse :)

* What have I experienced?
- 1P-LSD
- N20 (+ 1P-LSD)
- Weed and hash
- Salvia (mild)

I usually trip with a few friends, once every few weeks (whenever we can free up the time and feel ready for another trip, there's no set frequency). Set and setting are very important to us and during the past months, we've been improving set-and-setting more and more. Music is prepared in advance, by all of us, randomized. Food and drinks are prepared and ready in advance and we try to stick to fruit or other, wholesome foods.

* Why am I writing this?
First and foremost, out of respect to all the trip veterans on here and simply out of politeness to introduce myself.
I am not writing this to achieve member status. In the contrary, I hope my contributions will lead me down that path. I don't mind working for it, because honestly, that feels more like a worthwhile achievement than anything else. In light of DMT or any experience of this magnitude, it only seems fitting.

Thanks for hearing me out, I look forward to converse with you all :)
Welcome to the Nexus!

Thank you for taking the time to write a detailed and well thought out introduction. DMT is quite unlike anything else and perhaps the doors to the cosmos stayed closed for a reason. Don't be discouraged though as it is likely only temporary.

X amount of time ago when I first started working with the spirit molecule, it took many attempts to get all the factors correct: Extraction technique, finding quality bark, Set and Setting, Dosage, Patience, and a whole lot of misfires due to improper smoking technique...the list is longer but you get the picture! :d

When you do decide to jump (back) in I would highly recommend looking into making some Changa and smoke it out of a standard 10 or 12 inch water bong. This is, in my opinion, the easiest and most foolproof way to get to hyperspace. If you make your ratios right you can get there by smoking +/-100mg of DMT + harmala infused plant matter which is not a lot of physical matter to smoke. I prefer this method because it sheds a whole new light on the "one hit quit" technique usually used with high quality cannabis.

Research is definitely a must with this, as this site is all about harm reduction...not just with extractions, but with one's mental state before and afterwards too. I am glad you decided to take some time and not cut corners, as DMT is a unique beast. A breakthrough dose of DMT can leave you pretty shaken up as in my report: Absolution (First Entity Contact) or it can also lead to the most blissful state ever conceived by any human where you really learn something about yourself as I found out in my most recent report :
"Do What You Will, I'm Letting Go."
... ... ... and everything in between, and then some...

You are embarking upon an epic adventure, embrace it and you'll be just fine! I sincerely hope that you will find everything you are seeking here at the Nexus!

Have a good one!

-The Grateful One-
Hi LostAtomsk, I love your attitude.

Too bad your extraction didn't work out. Plenty of people here who can help you with that.

I wish I could describe to you what a DMT experience is like, but it is so varied, and only the most mundane side-effects can be wrapped into words. The far more interesting part is what goes unspoken.

I also wish I could tell you "there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of" ... but some people would take great exception to that statement, so I won't go there.

And then there are the ... entities. I've met loving ones, guiding and helpful ones, indifferent ones, and ones that seem to be quite upset with me. I used to think that these were just archetypes of our own subconscious that come bubbling up in a schizophrenic array of personalities. Now i'm not so sure.

Grateful One's suggestion to make changa is a good one, or simply enhanced leaf. There is a tiny chance (although I doubt it, based on your account) that your friend and you produced good DMT but ended up burning it or otherwise wasting it in the effort to consume it.

Anyhow, welcome to the Nexus, and best wishes here.

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