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Anybody here have a successful evap?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I just got done doing 2 200g extractions using 5 hot naptha pulls which were combined and evaporated down to 1 pint. In the prosses of evaporating I put naptha on a pyrex plate and in a jar for more surface area. When it reached to about 1 pint the plate had dmt falling out already. It looks very very white but I am nervous about how it will dry if I evaporate it.

When evaporating does the dmt dry to a waxy chunky substance like the jungle spice does (which I do not like) or does it crystalize completely and dry as if I did a freeze precip?

Also is there anybody here who prefers an evap over a freeze precip?
swim dreamed of doing A/B extractions years ago. He had it down to a science with no problems whatsoever. He used to evaporate. No loose shards would be blown by a fan ever... the air only needs to circulate above the evaporating dish- it wont speed things up by going nuts with the fan so make sure it is on a low setting.

If it was a good, clean extraction, it wont crystalize/dry as a waxy chunky substance- it should look like christmastime with a bunch of pretty little circular snowflakes of nearly equal diameter
Noman said:
Hot naptha pulls will probably evap fairly oily.
One could try it and simply redissolve and freeze precip if that's the case.
Note that many say that the yellow oily stuff is the best though.

Agreed. I find the white crystals lack much of the 'plateau' stage.
SWIM got an idea from another place on the internet as far as evaporating. Stretch a cotton t-shirt over the top of the baking dish and put duct tape all around the edges so it will stay. This will keep dirt and bugs out of the dish. The shirt is fiberous enough that it will still circulate air. It probably works pretty good with a fan as well. You can also use a black t-shirt and place the dish on a black back round like a garbage bag in the sun to speed evaporation because of the subtle heat that this will generate. This trick should probably obviously be used in moderate heat or cold because you wouldn't want the heat to get too hot.
for evaporation i recommend a warmholding platter like it is used in chinese restaurants to keep food warm. they heat at about 50-70C which is perfect for evaping most stuff.
SWIM only evaps with acetone, but if he wants to evap naphtha before doing freeze precip (which SWIM doesn't need to do anymore, since he works with smaller amounts of naphtha), he just sets his dish (a pyrex lid with handles on either side) on top of a crockpot full of water so that the dish doesn't contact the water and so that steam can freely flow out around the dish. SWIM wouldn't evap naphtha completely for crystallization, but if he were to, he would use this method to reduce the volume first.

SWIM still uses this method for applying heat when using naphtha to pull pure-spice off of jungle-spice.
flyboy said:
Noman said:
Hot naptha pulls will probably evap fairly oily.
One could try it and simply redissolve and freeze precip if that's the case.
Note that many say that the yellow oily stuff is the best though.

Agreed. I find the white crystals lack much of the 'plateau' stage.

Really? I find that the yellow crystals are not quite as punchy as pure white/clear spice is. they are more mellow and do last a tad longer, is this what you meant by the plateau?
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