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Anybody notice an increase in Synchronicity?

No. I thought in the other thread about anarchism you were being sarcastic when you made that comment implying I lacked understanding of a concept..mispercieved what you were trying to get accross by that.

But you should definitley pick up that book I think you would like it.
a syncronisity is a very intimate process, which is happening between you (your inner world) and that things, that happen in the world "outside". so you can give easily an example to explain the nature of the syncronicity in general , but most of the time you can't explain to other people your personal experience of syncronicitys because of the intimate nature of this process between "you" and "kosmos"...
so...: yes i noticed an increase...but sorry...i can't tell you exactly what happened and why i call it a syncronisity and if i would...you certainly couldn't understand...

by the way, i am very exited:d :
today will be the second SHE !!!
(and, to be honest, i am a little bit disappointed, that you don't join the event, coatl, why don't you?:( ....)
Having felt the Synchronicity, it feels like we are all slowly tuning our internal vibrations/thoughtforms/energy to resonate in a more universal way. Something is soon approaching, if we can feel it like this.
'Coatl we all seem to manifest our own reality and all that is happening is that you are concentrating on specific events so hard that they are just materializing. If you think strongly about a specific thought someone will receive it. Its our six sense and we all have the ability to send and receive mental thoughts and situations.

Much Peace
We notice an increase of synchronicity because we are becoming more and more aware of them. As a person "trains" themselves to look into things a bit deeper, or perhaps see things in a different light, they start to notice more details... details that, perhaps, they've missed before. Allow me to give you a... mundane example; A few years back, I bought a car. A '91 Infiniti G20. I had said to myself, "yay! A relatively unique car.. I haven't seen too many of these on the road!" Within the month, I had spotted around two dozen of them. Did all of a sudden, all of these people decide to go out and buy the same car I had? No, I simply had not noticed them, until I was driving one. Synchronicities are ever-present around us, it's just a matter of taking notice of them or not.
2 nights ago I drank a week cappi brew (11 grams yellow vine), before going to sleep. I felt like I was awake inmy dreams all night long, and had long strings of strange dreams, some of them relating to me and my friends that I graduated with 7 years ago..and I woke up in the moring thinking about so many of these people that I hadnt really given much thought in years. Well, what got me out of bed was the phone that moring..it was my old best friend from high school that I havent really spoken to in about 2 years...
Or maybe it was telepathy ;)

Synchronicity can be weird... I was playing Monopoly with my brother (happened in the seventies but he also remembers). The TV was on. He had to pay me 52 bucks, so I said 'that's fifty-two bucks' and a cartoon girl's voice on the TV promptly answered 'Fifty-two??'!
It just happens now and then, a life without a few of these crazy coincidences would be improbable.
This has been happening to me since I was a little child. I've tried to play it down to coincidence, synchronicity, telepathy, whatever I could to justify it happening all the time. It seemed like no one else around me was noticing these things. In my youth I started to use certain substances to attempt to ignore or completely obliterate these things from happening because at times it was somewhat frightening. Now that I've gotten older and stopped using such useless substances, it has come back with a vengeance. As if all those years of surpressing it has made it even stronger, and more frightening. I often think the exact words someone will say seconds later. I have detailed dreams that come true the very next day. There is something more than just simple 'coincidence' at work here, something I don't believe in at all anyhow. I believe everything has a purpose and things just don't randomly happen without something to be learned from it all.
Great thread, and forum. I can't believe I haven't found this forum until now. I feel like I've been missing out :)
I had a fookin mental one the other day.

OK, so during my period of daily meditation, I had a vision of an indigo coloured heart. It was quite a fuzzy image, but definitley indigo and definitely heart shaped.
Fast forward a few days, and Im walking back to work after goin home for lunch. The thought of the indigo heart popped into my head and I wondered if it held any meaning. At that very instatnt that the thought popped into my head, I saw an purple coloured plastic heart which was embedded into the road paint of some double yellow lines. I stopped dead in my tracks to take a closer look and make sure my eyes werent playin tricks on me. It was defo a little purple heart. I was like WTF!!! but theyre gettin so frequent now that i just smiled with joy.

The thing im tryna figure out is what they mean. People say that they are a sign you are in the right path. Path to what? I always try to back track and see if i can remember what i was thinking about prior to the synchronicity, but nothing of any great revelation seems to present itself, other than the fact that we create our reality with our thoughts, which I knew already!!!
I've had a couple weird ones over the last few months.

The first was when I recently moved into a new home. I have been interested with 2012 for at least 10 years, it was always a preoccupation in the back of my mind. I knew it had significance, but I was not at the right time in my path to awaken then. Once I moved into the new place, and got my first piece of mail, I noticed that the last four digits of my zipcode are -2012. I was totally unaware of this when I purchased the home.

The second one which happened a few months after that dealt with pharmahuasca. I had taken 300mg of THH and about 50mg of spice, which in my case did not activate, but I definately had a clear, focused mind from the THH. I thought of an old girlfriend, the one that got away. I had not spoken to her on the phone for at least 2 years, and had not gotten an email from her in 6 months. At the thought of her, my heart filled to the brim and then overflowed with love for her. Just pure love for who she is, no regrets, no sadness, only happiness and a smile that spread from ear to ear.

She called out of the blue the next morning. I was elated, and a little stunned.

They are increasing in frequency, something big this way comes!
when you arive at a belief, awareness and further thought ends because you "believe" your opinion. nobody is right, nobody is wrong. it may or may not be. actually everybody is right because everything IS your perception of it. you can never say anything is because you interpreted in in some way or another this means you manipulated it. you are your interpretations. religion is bull, agnosticism (not just about religion, but about everything) is a great and powerful thing. i cannot prove that you all exist even, because i am percieving this. evrything is filtered. you cannot prove that i or anybody else "exists" either. btw this is my opinion

Littlewood defines a miracle as an exceptional event of special significance occurring at a frequency of one in a million. He assumes that during the hours in which a human is awake and alert, a human will experience one event per second, which may either be exceptional or unexceptional (for instance, seeing the computer screen, the keyboard, the mouse, the article, etc.). Additionally, Littlewood supposes that a human is alert for about eight hours per day.

As a result, a human will, in 35 days, have experienced, under these suppositions, 1,008,000 events. Accepting this definition of a miracle, one can be expected to observe one miraculous occurrence within the passing of every 35 consecutive days – and therefore, according to this reasoning, seemingly miraculous events are actually commonplace.

If this helps....

also look up confirmation bias.

As I posted elsewhere. I have had many strange events occur. Even beyond the above description. Once,I worked as a waiter at a highway location(i.e.multi-state traffic). In less than a week I saw three people with abnormalities in their left eye. I always look at people in the eye, and am fairly quick to notice things like that. And in my life, I've never seen that many that quick. And afterwards, I was consciously looking. I wondered if there was a corrective contact lens convention down the road...:)roll: )

Its one of many, but of course, to me the above makes alot of sense.


jasons741 said:

Littlewood defines a miracle as an exceptional event of special significance occurring at a frequency of one in a million. He assumes that during the hours in which a human is awake and alert, a human will experience one event per second, which may either be exceptional or unexceptional (for instance, seeing the computer screen, the keyboard, the mouse, the article, etc.). Additionally, Littlewood supposes that a human is alert for about eight hours per day.

As a result, a human will, in 35 days, have experienced, under these suppositions, 1,008,000 events. Accepting this definition of a miracle, one can be expected to observe one miraculous occurrence within the passing of every 35 consecutive days – and therefore, according to this reasoning, seemingly miraculous events are actually commonplace.
This is very interesting. Do you have a link to an article?
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