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Anybody notice an increase in Synchronicity?

Swims been noticing synchronicties increasing for the past few years now. Its pretty much a daily occurrence in swims life, and also in his friends and families lives also. At first only swim noticed, but then it became so blatantly apparent to others around swim. Swim became not so "weird" after all to his girlfriend when she started to experience what swim experienced years before. Swim also thinks 2012 has something to do with it. Swim would say its 50/50 between patterned synchronicties and telepathic ones. By patterned swim means a lot of number patterns and other forms of karmic dramas. Swim gets 11:11,1111 alot but also a lot of triple numbers for example 111,222,333. The nature of reality is so unreal!
slidewinder said:
All existence synchronized. Even when you don't notice.

Yes. You just need to be tuned in... and its everywhere.

I mostly get the calling girlfriend / close friend / family or getting a call just as I am about to call them. And how sometimes things in life just fall into place. But as all of time and space and existence is interconnected at many levels and ultimately of the same fabric and mass of universal energy, it is the natural way.

I once, at a festival, was lying with my friends on the grass eyes closed and heard a man walk by with his alsation dog. With my eyes closed. I only realised after that I had known this without actually using my eyes. It did not seem a strange thing at the time only upon reflection.
Probably the most evident increase in synchronicity is the exponentially growing favour of the DMT by the alternative youth, :lol:.
I've noticed a big increase in sychronicity and it is true that the more you acknowledge it, the more it occurs. I have a lot of like minded friends who are experiencing the same thing, yet a lot of people I know aren't. I guess they're just the ones who haven't woken up yet.

A couple of years ago I was talking to a friend about this stuff and she said to me why don't you ask for a sign to prove that it's real/working/whatever. So I did and the next day I was walking down the road to my house and I saw a small piece of paper lying on the ground, written on it was the word SIGN. I also get the phone call thing a lot, just as I am getting a friend's number out my phonebook to call them, the phone will ring and it's them, or I will send an email or text at the same time the recepient is sending me one. I find that at certains places like festivals and parties where a lot of people are connecting through music or good times or whatever, sychronicity is always a lot more apparent. I have loads of examples I could post here but I'll just go with the most recent one. Last week I was on holiday and eating out, my sister and I spent ten minutes talking about two very different and random subjects - sign language and how we'd both learned some at school and how my sister had forgotten all about learning it until now. We were also talking about a book called the dice man, a book about a man who lives his life based on decisions made by throwing a dice. Two minutes later a deaf boy came up to us and signed to us that he was selling something, a dice shaped lighter. I don't know hat the significance is but I bought the lighter from him anyway.
Yes brother, i can relate. I can thing of anything off the top of my head right now, but shit like that happensto me all the time. And like you say, i can never really find any significance in them. I always try to find some meaning in them, like the universe is tryna communicate somethin to me, but can never find it.
Now I dont want scientific backlash here, but to me, although i dont find significance, its confirmation that we do create our reality on some level. So then, like you say il try and put it to the test and it doesnt work. For me the synchronicities tend to be things that i have thought of at some point earlier in the day or week, that i havent really paid much attention to.
I can't remember off the top of my head any specific cases right now (sadly). If I remember, I'll post again, but I most definitely have been having this a LOT more. Everything has a plan, everything is connected, everything is moving towards a certain point and we're getting there fast it seems.

Love you guys! =)
Oh yeah, they happen alright i love them every time one happens it give you energy of sorts, and the more you go with it the more they happen xD
I can't even find a set definition for synchronicity, let alone discern whether there is more or less of it now. It seems to have something to do with coincidence detection. Is it a coincidence that I feel a cold sensation whenever I touch an ice cube, or does pressing my finger up against the ice have something to do with the electrical signal I'm sensing? Is it a coincidence that the lights in my house sometimes flicker after exhaling a spice hit?

It's tricky, but just because two events occur at similar points in time does not necessarily mean that one caused the other.
Wow the fact that this thread exists confirms my thoughts!

I was just about to post something about this after watching a recent movie. I feel like the same themes and the same stories are being retold through different mediums, urging everyone to catch the wave. I have even felt this in my friend circles that certain people are starting to catch on and tune into the cosmic "what's hip". Patterns are starting to form, people are starting to shift.

But yes I too have been feeling the signs of a much greater cosmic event. I sense rapid change in the upcoming future.

~peace and love
Newfound_wonder said:
I can't even find a set definition for synchronicity, let alone discern whether there is more or less of it now. It seems to have something to do with coincidence detection. Is it a coincidence that I feel a cold sensation whenever I touch an ice cube, or does pressing my finger up against the ice have something to do with the electrical signal I'm sensing? Is it a coincidence that the lights in my house sometimes flicker after exhaling a spice hit?

It's tricky, but just because two events occur at similar points in time does not necessarily mean that one caused the other.

One of the core aspects of a synchronicity is that it is acausal. Try reading Jung's essay introducing the concept, your local library probably has it. It's in both The Essential Jung and The Portable Jung.
Everything is syncronicity, the only thing is that we notice it more. Novelty is something that does seem to increase. Terrence was a nutter but his novelty theory makes sense.
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