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Auditory hallucinations

Migrated topic.

Hey all,

I've been blessed to have many experiences the past year with LSD and some of the novel lysergamides.

As fantastic as the whole experience is, mentally, visually, etc., I always found the auditory hallucinations I get on these substances very interesting.

It's a topic I don't see often discussed.
I start to get pronounced auditory effects on doses over 200-250ug.
Lots of echoing, flanging, phase modulation etc.
When it gets really intense I will start to hear all sorts of jumbled noises, random blips and bleeps, helicopter-type rotary effects.
When I get to this point the mishmash of sound seems to randomly shift, and it seems as if I have some slight control over it, almost as if I can steer them to a certain degree.

I love getting lost in them, and have found AL-LAD to be the most auditory of all psychedelics I've ever tried.
At 300ug music becomes so distorted it is barely recognizable, and there's an unstoppable barrage of the blips and bleeps I described earlier. It can get really crazy at times. Both of my 300ug experiences the auditory phenomena were the main focus of my trip, far more so than the visuals.

Anyone else really fond of auditory hallucinations, and have any interesting experiences or insights to share?
I get very intense audio hallucinations from DMT. Not only the wind up tone, but during the trip there is often a constant clanging of bells and a funny machine sound. It's one of the ways I can tell that the trip is easing, when these strange noises become quieter. I also get radio like entity contact when encountering extremely large entities, sometimes. Like there is a radio playing in the background, a talk show, but if I listen to what is playing on the radio it is actually a stream of highly individualized help and information directed at me.

Sadly no audio morphing on LSD though, of course music just sounds totally brilliant. :) On occasion I've experienced audio/visual synesthesia. Now that's a lot of fun.
I've experienced auditory hallucinations from different substances. I haven't utilized LSD yet but LSA hasn't ever induced this kind of effect, only enhanced sounds. Ime, auditory hallucinations aren't that pleasant to any degree but they can be intriguing.

One time when I took a dose of nutmeg this strange, auditory phenomenon occurred for a temporary period of time. Particularly at the peak of the experience. I didn't like it or dislike. It was just a very unusual back-round effect. Although a cannabis joint I had smoked that midnight enhanced it greatly. It was then on the cusp of utterly bizarre and uncomfortable feelings. Rarely, cannabis alone can have this effect on me(high doses of sativa strains) but it's always too weak and too variable to report anything conclusive.

Every other substance I've taken doesn't do this and only enhances my auditory function, and the ability to listen instead of being induced into this difficult state of differentiating sounds from one another.
I remember after a long day and night of god knows how many drops of LSD,
I had been playing harmonica for a while, then an hour or so later, early morning, I took a cab home.

The cab driver was trying to ask me where I was going, I assume, but his voice was unrecognizable.
It sounded like a harmonica wailing and bending notes, totally distorted.
I figured he was asking where to drop me, so I managed to communicate enough to get home.

When he told me how much to pay, I couldn't understand a word, or read the meter, so just threw a bunch of bills at him and left.
Couldn't tell what bills I had either, he never asked for more, so I probably gave him a nice tip!😁
On LSD i once had the audio hallucination that the washing machine was running and spinning at max rev.
It even got louder when I got near it even tho it wasnt even on.
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