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Best way to experience "visions" without going too far?

Migrated topic.
Hey Nexus,

In a lot of my past psychedelic experiences some of my most memorable and mind-blowing times were when I was experiencing beautiful visions while staying comfortable in my own mind and body..don't we all love that? Quite like watching the movie of your mind!

The visions I refer to are the ones where you're not losing your mind, you're actually calm and relaxed, but with eyes closed you are transported into your subconscious.

I've been able to have the best "visions" while staying completely comfortable with myself and not losing touch with reality with combinations of cannabis (+ dabbing cannabis oil) and acid-comedowns, also MDA + cannabis oil brought out some amazing intergalactic highways..

I've always felt DMT took it a bit too far for me and it was very serious, same with ayahuasca and mushrooms..of course incredibly visual but a whole other world as well..and an ordeal that cannot be repeated over and over in my life.

What is your go combo(s) to stay cozy and watch the beauty behind the eyes unfold?
I agree: DMT, Ayahuasca, and Mushrooms are generally more of a serious experience, and take me out of my comfort zone more than other hallucinogens. Ayahuasca and mushrooms are extraordinary plant medicines that tend to give me the experience I "need" rather than what I "want".

I find mescaline to be quite enjoyable and visual at normal doses. It's also relatively lucid and clear headed compared to trypamine psychedelics, and mescaline has an inherent euphoric aspect to it that the latter lacks.

I've found that smoking DMT during a mescaline trip has a less "scary" comeup, and the experience itself is extremely visual still but not as fully immersive as it would be without the mescaline.

Having said that, I still wouldn't take mescaline to relax or just to watch the visuals. It also lasts a very long time.

If I'm just looking for a strong visual experience, I find I go with higher doses of LSD. I find the peak is incredibly euphoric in the right set/setting (usually alone without distractions), and enjoy the changes in thought patterns it induces. Again though, it isn't something I would take to chill out, because it is quite intense and not always predictable.

Psychedelics are inherently ego-dissolving drugs, and I speculate it would be difficult to find one (or a combo) that would reliably induce a comfortable yet still very visual trip. IME the more visual things are, the stranger things become in other ways too.
LysergicBliss said:
IME the more visual things are, the stranger things become in other ways too.

Interesting note, this is usually the case with me as well, but sometimes I can hit this insane sweet spot where I'm in visual bliss even stronger than some crazy mushroom/LSD/DMT visuals but not freaky, worrysome, or anxiety ridden whatsoever.

Mescaline is something I need to dig into more, have only tried once with moderate success. :twisted:
As many have already articulated, I feel DMT, yagé, and high dose psilocybin are not things to be played with as they were toys, and "going too far" may be one of the compounds best way of teaching...

My testimony is that magic is alive in hyperspace. It is not necessary to believe me, only to form a relationship with these hallucinogenic plants.

I will add a cautionary note. I always feel odd telling people to verify my observations since the sine qua non is the hallucinogenic plant. Experimenters should be very careful. One must build up to the experience. These are bizarre dimensions of extraordinary power and beauty. There is no set rule to avoid being overwhelmed, but move carefully, reflect a great deal, and always try to map experiences back onto the history of the race and the philosophical and religious accomplishments of the species. All the compounds are potentially dangerous, and all compounds, at sufficient doses or repeated over time, involve risks. The library is the first place to go when looking into taking a new compound. -terence mckenna

However, I feel compounds such as 2C-B are absolutely amazing for visual experience, without becoming too mentally overwhelming or psychologically introspective, or spiritual... granted all these things can happen, though the generally light-hearted psychological space seems to be friendly for recreation, and the visuals are like high dose mescaline, even LSD-like, amazing...

I've had some pretty sweet relaxed CEVs on microdoses of mescaline accompanied by copious amounts of cannabis. It was actually an accident. I was getting a nice whif of some freshly extracted cactus. When I exhaled a bunch of it blew into my eyes and up my nose. To my surprise when I went to bed a few hours later I was blessed with Aztecian morphing god heads.
FLeP said:
I've had some pretty sweet relaxed CEVs on microdoses of mescaline accompanied by copious amounts of cannabis. It was actually an accident. I was getting a nice whif of some freshly extracted cactus. When I exhaled a bunch of it blew into my eyes and up my nose. To my surprise when I went to bed a few hours later I was blessed with Aztecian morphing god heads.

Beautiful thank you!
entheogenic-gnosis said:
As many have already articulated, I feel DMT, yagé, and high dose psilocybin are not things to be played with as they were toys, and "going too far" may be one of the compounds best way of teaching...

My testimony is that magic is alive in hyperspace. It is not necessary to believe me, only to form a relationship with these hallucinogenic plants.

I will add a cautionary note. I always feel odd telling people to verify my observations since the sine qua non is the hallucinogenic plant. Experimenters should be very careful. One must build up to the experience. These are bizarre dimensions of extraordinary power and beauty. There is no set rule to avoid being overwhelmed, but move carefully, reflect a great deal, and always try to map experiences back onto the history of the race and the philosophical and religious accomplishments of the species. All the compounds are potentially dangerous, and all compounds, at sufficient doses or repeated over time, involve risks. The library is the first place to go when looking into taking a new compound. -terence mckenna

However, I feel compounds such as 2C-B are absolutely amazing for visual experience, without becoming too mentally overwhelming or psychologically introspective, or spiritual... granted all these things can happen, though the generally light-hearted psychological space seems to be friendly for recreation, and the visuals are like high dose mescaline, even LSD-like, amazing...


I will look into this compound, have no experience with it. Thank you.
Don't worry too much about going too far. Easier said than done, i know. But if you hold on to everyday reality too much, you'll freak out more easily and you'll enjoy less of what the experience offers you.

I would try adding some bufotenin to the mix btw. It's mostly a visual compound with very little mental effects. To such an extent even, that bufotenin all by itself is pretty boring, as it's almost void of any kind of mental effect.
FLeP said:
I've had some pretty sweet relaxed CEVs on microdoses of mescaline accompanied by copious amounts of cannabis. It was actually an accident. I was getting a nice whif of some freshly extracted cactus. When I exhaled a bunch of it blew into my eyes and up my nose. To my surprise when I went to bed a few hours later I was blessed with Aztecian morphing god heads.

Wow, do you think you got at least 100mg in your system? I can't imagine under 100mgs doing much of anything at all...

What acid was used to form a salt from the free-base?

(Was it mescaline HCL? Mescaline citrate? Etc?)

Sky Motion said:
entheogenic-gnosis said:
As many have already articulated, I feel DMT, yagé, and high dose psilocybin are not things to be played with as they were toys, and "going too far" may be one of the compounds best way of teaching...

My testimony is that magic is alive in hyperspace. It is not necessary to believe me, only to form a relationship with these hallucinogenic plants.

I will add a cautionary note. I always feel odd telling people to verify my observations since the sine qua non is the hallucinogenic plant. Experimenters should be very careful. One must build up to the experience. These are bizarre dimensions of extraordinary power and beauty. There is no set rule to avoid being overwhelmed, but move carefully, reflect a great deal, and always try to map experiences back onto the history of the race and the philosophical and religious accomplishments of the species. All the compounds are potentially dangerous, and all compounds, at sufficient doses or repeated over time, involve risks. The library is the first place to go when looking into taking a new compound. -terence mckenna

However, I feel compounds such as 2C-B are absolutely amazing for visual experience, without becoming too mentally overwhelming or psychologically introspective, or spiritual... granted all these things can happen, though the generally light-hearted psychological space seems to be friendly for recreation, and the visuals are like high dose mescaline, even LSD-like, amazing...


I will look into this compound, have no experience with it. Thank you.

2,5-dimethoxy-4-bromo-phenethylamine (2C-B)

Though most of the 2C-x compounds are like this, well, 2C-E can get pretty heavy, but 2C-B and 2C-I sound pretty close to what you may be looking for...

Trust me, I was surprised as well. I doubt that I inhaled even 100 mg. It was fumarate. Not that I haven't had visions from cannabis once in a blue moon but not nearly as vivid as this. It doesn't make much sense from a scientific point of view, I don't think, but maybe because a good amount of it went into my eyes? I don't hear of people snorting mesc but it's something I'm going to be trying more of!
Plain old dreams are pretty cool too - just close our eyes and cross the threshold. Last night we had our first Jesuskalkimaytreyamahdi (SAW) dreams, it started with we cruising aimlessly in a rusty shark-fin oldtimer through one of these ruined worlds, then, next to a lantern pole, we saw a cut up human boday (that was still alive). It was the Khatushyam (RA) archer (...we think) then Jesuskalkimaytreyamahdi (SAW) came holding a hook of sorts and smacked this meat hook into the severed head of the Khatushyam (RA) (it made a dreadful sound) and dragged it into Jesuseskalkimaytreyamahdi's (SAW) ateliers where the Khatushyam boday was re-modeled and -reshaped from the head down only...(we think)

...we watched this (strange scenery) from a distance, from near the defunct lantern pole...
Anyway, we don't fully trust our/your/their dreams, we know (...we think) it was loikely caused by observing (this young adeel archery skills in) these video comments....and perhaps these sign up songs...

...and at any (given) moment we could wake up, and we did, and we will now protect them (not join!), anyboday wants to cause them harm or slander, they'll have to go through we first (.....our squadrons of open range inner doggg clowns and true terror-birds ....😉 )
FLeP said:
Trust me, I was surprised as well. I doubt that I inhaled even 100 mg. It was fumarate. Not that I haven't had visions from cannabis once in a blue moon but not nearly as vivid as this. It doesn't make much sense from a scientific point of view, I don't think, but maybe because a good amount of it went into my eyes? I don't hear of people snorting mesc but it's something I'm going to be trying more of!

I was mostly curious because I have a good deal of mescaline citrate...

I was curious regarding the type of salt simply because each salt has its own dose profile, I believe mescaline HCL is the most potent...

Mescaline is the least potent of the psychedelic compounds, which is sad, because it is amazing.

Intezam said:
Plain old dreams are pretty cool too - just close our eyes and cross the threshold. Last night we had our first Jesuskalkimaytreyamahdi (SAW) dreams, it started with we cruising aimlessly in a rusty shark-fin oldtimer through one of these ruined worlds, then, next to a lantern pole, we saw a cut up human boday (that was still alive). It was the Khatushyam (RA) archer (...we think) then Jesuskalkimaytreyamahdi (SAW) came holding a hook of sorts and smacked his meathook into the severed head of the Khatushyam (RA) (it made a dreadful sound) and dragging it into Jesuseskalkimaytreyamahdi's (SAW) ateliers where the Khatushyam boday was re-modeled and -reshaped from the head down only...(we think)

...we watched this (strange scenery) from a distance, from near the defunct lantern pole...
Anyway, we don't fully trust our/your/their dreams, we know (...we think) it was loikely caused by observing (this young adeel archery skills in) these video comments....and perhaps these sign up songs...

...and at any (given) moment we could wake up, and we did, and we will now protect them (not join!), anyboday wants to cause them harm or slander, they'll have to go through we first (..our army squadrons of open range sinner clowns and true terror-birds ....😉 )

By coincidence I was just reviewing a mckenna lecture which touched on the topic of dreams, and the psychedelic experience and the after death.

There...and, as I say, my thrust into this has always been the psychedelic experience, but I've been thinking recently more about dreams, because dreams are a much more generalized form of experience of the hyper-dimension, or the mode in which life and mind seem to be embedded. And looking at dreams and looking at what people with shamanic traditions say about dreams, you come to the realization that, experientially, for those people, it is a parallel continuum. The shaman accesses it with hallucinogens, or other things which I mentioned, but most efficaciously with hallucinogens, but everybody else accesses it through dreams.

Now, Freud's idea about dreams was, I forget the German term, but he called them 'day residues'. He always felt that you could trace the content of the dream down to a distortion of something that happened during the day, or, you know, during waking time. I think that it's much more useful to try and make actually a kind of geometric model of consciousness, and to take seriously the idea of a parallel continuum, and to say that the mind and the body are embedded in the dream, and the dream is a kind-- not a kind of, but a higher order spatial dimension, so that in sleep you are released into the real world of which the world of waking is only the surface. And, in a very, in a very literal sense it's the surface. It's the surface in a geometric sense, that there is a plenum -and, and recent experiments in quantum physics tend to back this up-- there is a holographic plenum of information, information--all information is everywhere. Information that is not here is nowhere, and that information stands outside of historical time. It's like Plato said: "time is the moving image of eternity." Eternity does not have a temporal existence, even the kind of temporal existence where you say it always existed. It does not have temporal duration of any sort. It is eternity.

we are not primarily biology with mind emerging as a kind of iridescence, a kind of epiphenomenon at the higher levels of organization of biology. We are, in fact, hyperdimensional objects of some sort which cast a shadow into matter, and the matter-- the shadow in matter is the body, and at death what happens basically is that the shadow withdraws, or the thing which casts the shadow withdraws, and metabolism ceases, and matter, which had been organized into a dissipative structure in a very localized area, sustaining itself against entropy by cycling material in and degrading it and expelling it, that whole phenomenon ceases. But the--the thing which ordered it is not affected by that; and when I make these declarative statements, I'm making them from the point of view of this shamanic tradition which touches all these higher religions. Everything basically except rationalism holds to some version of what I'm saying.

So, then the psychedelic, the dream state and the psychedelic state acquire great import because they-- there is then a task to life, and the task to life is to become familiar with this thing which is causing being, and to be familiar with it at the moment of passing. In other words, the metaphor that is used by several traditions of a vehicle, an after death vehicle, an astral body, something like that. And, shamanism and and certain yogas, Taoist yoga, claim very clearly that the purpose is to familiarize yourself with this after death body in life, and then the act of dying will not create confusion in the psyche. You will recognize what is happening, you will know what to do, and you will make the clean break. -terence mckenna

Dreams are actually a good way.
I havent had to much psychedelic experiences yet but LSD is probably not something anyone would take if you want only visuals.

Dreams are a good way.
Sadly I myself lucid dream not that often. (Few times a month) But when I dream its always very long and with complete control over everything.

Something to look into is microdose some psychedelic then hit yourself with a strong amount of CBD.
Just like FLeP did.

Also Nitrous. When I did 1-P LSD I always took nitrous with it. Even well after the peak in afterglow a crack on a can revived the visuals even stronger than they were at he peak.
I did it in nature 10 hours after ingestion. The trees and their branches all seemed to point upwards with high symmetry. Also on the peak Nitrous did something like my vision actually falling towards me like a painting that tips over and towards you.

Microdose LSD with CBD and Nitrous might make for quite some visuals. Especially because Nitrous gives you well feeling and removes any body ache the CBD and LSD gives you.
2c-b is generally reported to be a psychically easy drug, with good visuals and mood-lift, but lacking the confusion, anxiety, or existential "ooomph" of other drugs.

Come up is unpleasant though.

I recently got to try and moderate dose of mescaline, and found that it occupied a very nice sweet spot of healing and profundity, while still being enjoyable and euphoric, so maybe that's a good choice?

You could always mix-and-match with different drugs. An anxiolytic drug might take off some of the psychic edge and leave you more 'blissed out.' Most psychedelics aren't contraindicated with commonly prescribed anxiolytics.

Do your homework, of course, don't be reckless.

Nathanial.Dread said:
2c-b is generally reported to be a psychically easy drug, with good visuals and mood-lift, but lacking the confusion, anxiety, or existential "ooomph" of other drugs.

I dont know but a friend of mine told me that MDMA was very visual for him after the peak.
I dont know if he did good MDMA though.
Maybe something like a Mescaline/LSD MDMA concotion will yield a nice trip with low dosage you can eliminate the bodyload too.

I actually dont have that much problems with heavy bodyload. On my LSD trips I was left wanting to die at some points nut that always goes away.
I got a strong mind though so I dont know about other people. I had some chronic pain issues with my intestines that yielded a ton of sharp internal pain so LSD bodyload is a joke compared to that.
Ulim said:
Nathanial.Dread said:
2c-b is generally reported to be a psychically easy drug, with good visuals and mood-lift, but lacking the confusion, anxiety, or existential "ooomph" of other drugs.

I dont know but a friend of mine told me that MDMA was very visual for him after the peak.
I dont know if he did good MDMA though.
Maybe something like a Mescaline/LSD MDMA concotion will yield a nice trip with low dosage you can eliminate the bodyload too.

I actually dont have that much problems with heavy bodyload. On my LSD trips I was left wanting to die at some points nut that always goes away.
I got a strong mind though so I dont know about other people. I had some chronic pain issues with my intestines that yielded a ton of sharp internal pain so LSD bodyload is a joke compared to that.
I'd be surprised if your friend had real (or pure MDMA). MDMA (and even MDA) has pretty weak agonist activity at the 5-HT2Ar.

Nathanial.Dread said:
Ulim said:
Nathanial.Dread said:
2c-b is generally reported to be a psychically easy drug, with good visuals and mood-lift, but lacking the confusion, anxiety, or existential "ooomph" of other drugs.

I dont know but a friend of mine told me that MDMA was very visual for him after the peak.
I dont know if he did good MDMA though.
Maybe something like a Mescaline/LSD MDMA concotion will yield a nice trip with low dosage you can eliminate the bodyload too.

I actually dont have that much problems with heavy bodyload. On my LSD trips I was left wanting to die at some points nut that always goes away.
I got a strong mind though so I dont know about other people. I had some chronic pain issues with my intestines that yielded a ton of sharp internal pain so LSD bodyload is a joke compared to that.
I'd be surprised if your friend had real (or pure MDMA). MDMA (and even MDA) has pretty weak agonist activity at the 5-HT2Ar.


He might have had something else, but some people do actually have visuals from MDMA. I tripped quite hard on it myself recently, with no lack of visuals (not full blown other-world type visions). It was some very nice MDMA I verified with a test kit.

There is all sorts of techniques that can precipitate visuals or psychedelic type states. So focusing too much on receptor affinity has its limits.
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