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Blue Tiger

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi, my name's Xuro. I enjoy cooking, long walks on the beach, and consuming psychedelic substances. I had my first trip about a year ago on LSD. I took a bit much for my first time (around 250ug IIRC) but it ended up being a wonderful experience that stuck with me and gradually changed my overall outlook on life. Since then I've tripped on acid a few more times, tried shrooms, and just recently started getting my feet wet with DMT.

I wasn't sure how to go about introducing myself but I had a wonderful time with the spice earlier today and feel like the report I wrote up would serve nicely. Segue.

Trip Report:

This is my second time with DMT. The first time I used the sandwich method with minor success. I got some nice OEVs, but the plastic taste and harsh smoke ruined the come-up and made for an unpleasant experience. I started thinking: why bother with the top layer of herb? Perhaps my technique is crap but it either blocks too much heat or heats up too much when lit. The GVG may be designed to facilitate vaping with a lighter, but the idea should work with a half-packed bubbler topped with spice.

I packed a bit of high-CBD kush into my piece and took a couple light hits to crisp it up. I flattened the burnt weed and topped it with 30mg of DMT. I made sure everything about the setting – from the temperature of the room to how it smelled – was geared towards a good trip. I played some mellow but upbeat music to help set the mood until I was ready.

I got snuggled up in a blanket on my couch and took a couple last sips of tea. When hitting the bubbler I moved the lighter very slowly towards the bowl until I saw the DMT start to melt. I moved it a bit too close and lit a small spot of weed. I immediately pulled the slide out, finished the hit, and covered the bowl. I held the hit in for about fifteen seconds before getting a mild head-rush similar to what I feel on very low doses of LSD and shrooms. I continued holding it in for another fifteen seconds. I was more careful on my second hit and there was minimal visible smoke/vapor produced in the bubble and next to no taste. I held this hit in for twenty seconds before the effects grew too strong.

As soon as I exhaled my body got extremely heavy as if I was being sucked into the couch. The head-space is hard to describe. Simultaneously it felt like I had been possessed by a euphoria angel and like my soul was trying to rip itself out of my body. Very overwhelming but in a pleasant way.

Once I got a hold of myself I looked at the floor and saw paisley-like patterns coming in waves in the carpet. In my peripheral vision I could see the wall and doors in front of me begin to move back and grow larger. When I looked up the wall also began stretching backwards from the top. I turned my focus towards my desk where various items were hovering maybe an inch above the surface. I didn't notice immediately but the wall of my room was slowly moving back to it's original spot/shape.

Suddenly, the entire room started moving but I couldn't tell exactly how. It felt almost like spinning at first, but eventually settled down into a long pendulum-like swinging. Not only could I feel the gravity change as the room swung, but everything in the room leaned back and forth in sync with the swinging.

I decided to close my eyes and rest my head on my hands, palms covering my eyes. The CEVs were, at first, nothing more than a bunch of colorful patterns swirling around. Then certain colors began to disappear and the patterns transformed into more simple swirling lines. As more colors disappeared the patterns moved more slowly and in unison They appeared to be forming a close-up look at some larger image that was itself moving.

When only the color blue remained the larger imagine began to take form and the swirls stopped moving on their own. All of a sudden the image zoomed out and I saw a tiger playfully running and jumping around a black abyss. The swirls ended up forming a blue water-color-like outline of the tiger's body, it's stripes, and basic facial features. That was all I could see on an endless, black backdrop and it's one of the most mesmerizing things I've ever seen.

I don't know how long I watched the tiger but when I opened my eyes everything was back to normal except for some very mild OEVs like brighter colors and brief after-images.

I'm not sure if this would be considered a breakthrough experience. It's definitely the strongest DMT trip I've had so far and it's intensity rivals the stronger LSD doses I've tried (around 350ug). The intensity was something that scared me the first couple of times, but now that I've found a good technique that removes the harshness and foul smell/taste I can wholly enjoy and embrace the spice.


As for why I'm here, well, you all just seem like a swell group of people. Psychedelics have had a wonderful impact on my life and it saddens me that I have to be secretive about using them. I've visited a few drug-related forums and the general atmosphere has been immature and/or hostile. From what I saw reading through the various sections, the Nexus is the exact opposite of that. It seems like a pretty cool place to learn and interact with like-minded individuals, and I like that.

It's gonna be a pleasure getting to know you all.

~ Xuro
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