SWIM's bufotenine extraction failed
he used some old ready yopo snuff.. No idea how good the actives keep this way..
he started with 99g of two different kinds of yopo snuff
he then put a pot on top of a hotplate he just bought (which funnily enough smelled a lot like DMT when he took it out of the box)
Boiling xylene smells incredibly bad! Nobody should ever consider doing this in an apartment or anywhere where they have close neighbours. SWIM was in very open isolated and ventilated room, had a mask on, and it was still damn nasty
anyways, after boiling he tried passing through filter, as said, but it blocked immediately, so he had to use t-shirt kind of filter which let pass too much crap together. This is what he was left with:
after hours of waiting in a cold temperature, basically he saw no crystals. He poured the liquid off in hope of finding something on the bottom, but there was only some oily dark stuff. maybe there was some crystals in between but it looked very dirty. There is not much desire for SWIM to go on in this little experiment.
Maybe next time with fresh seeds and all he will do this again, specially if he finds a way that does not need this stinking xylene. For now he gives up.