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Bufotenine IPA Extraction & Bufojam Changa Tek

Migrated topic.
logos2012 said:
he baked in the oven starting at 300 degrees and slowly turning up the heat to about 400 at the end of about 50 min. He kept the oven barely open and kept a good eye out for vapor but not lots of smoke coming off. The seeds were all broken in half to prevent popping. After the seeds started smelling barely burned around 50 minutes and the yellow insides had turned to blackish/brown he took them out.
Keeping an eye on the toasting is definitely an important part just as the green entity says here ^^. The blue entity would suggest starting at a lower temp then slowly raising the temp till there is vapor but not lots of smoke coming off.

He also thinks that a good indicator of readiness is when the inner part of the seeds turn from yellow to black. Break all the seeds in half prior and SWIY will be able to see the inner part.

There was not much bad smell either. A bit but not like the first time when he cooked the shit out of them at 450F the whole time and smoked/stunk up the whole kitchen. Only one toasting was done and the temp was raised from 300F to 400F in about 10-15 degree increments every 10 minutes.

This was also not evaporated on a hot plate. ISO evaporates fairly quick in room temperature. SWIY would not want to cook it unnecessarily too hot on a hot plate if one does not have one with a temperature gauge.

This stuff has not caused much nausea at all except last time when the blue entity took like 7 big hits after smoking some harmaloids. Was weird too, was at the end of the trip instead of the beginning. He did not purge but definitely felt some nausea.
Is this the right place to post about bufotenine???? Anyway anybody tried evaporating the bufojamchanga on salvia?? The pink entity says FUCK YEAH!!! Post trip reports if you do =)
The blue entity will have to try later this week. So if you're not smoking them all together he believes the correct order would be, harmaloids first, then bufo, then salvia, then jimjam?? Correct him if he's wrong...
My friend tried it again. He toasted 40 seeds as suggested, freebased with some edible lime for an hour or so, dried it in the oven and pured IPA over it. This time 99.9% IPA.

He did 3 pulls, 12 hours each and filtzered them through a cotton filled syringe. The now brown Ipa was evaporated in the oven for some time and slightly toasted again...the end result was a black thick liquid which was again dissolved in some ipa and evaporated on 500mg Pau D'arco.

The IPA hasn'T fully evaporated yet, it's still a bit wet...but the scale is showing 750mg so it might have yielded something....
logos2012 said:
the correct order would be, harmaloids first, then bufo, then salvia, then jimjam?? Correct him if he's wrong...
Sounds fine. If the jimjam's in a changa, it could go before the sally. What about extract strength of the sally? I doubt it'd take much, regular leaf would probably be fine - as higher potencies get pretty disorienting.

For science, it would be better to familiarize with combinations of any/all sets of two before doing collections of three or four - to understand which form what synergy and then what synergies then form new layers... I would speculate that jumping in to all four in the same go would yield an :!:OMG:?:WTF:shock: SHIIIIIIT! experience, with little recollection. I like solid steps working up to understanding all the different intertwingling, and to avoid just getting real fucked up.

For example:
1. bufo/sally with sally at various phases of bufo (personally biased curiosity), or
2. specific harmala sources/isolates with any one of {bufo, sally, jimjam}, or
3. get comfortable with sally and jimjam, then

4. try a jimjam changa with one of {bufo, sally}, or
5. try a bufo changa with one of {sally, jimjam}, finally

6. render a strong batch of bufojam changa and chase it with some sally.

Besides caution and personal understanding of the experience, repeatability is a really good thing to have around when things go well.

This may be more detail than you're concerned with, really all just imo stuffs. Agree? Disagree? Already tried it?

obliguhl said:
My friend tried it again. He toasted 40 seeds as suggested, freebased with some edible lime for an hour or so, dried it in the oven and pured IPA over it. This time 99.9% IPA.

He did 3 pulls, 12 hours each and filtzered them through a cotton filled syringe. The now brown Ipa was evaporated in the oven for some time and slightly toasted again...the end result was a black thick liquid which was again dissolved in some ipa and evaporated on 500mg Pau D'arco.

The IPA hasn'T fully evaporated yet, it's still a bit wet...but the scale is showing 750mg so it might have yielded something....
My buddy's first batch was heavily toasted and the ipa pulls were yellow. This latest batch was done toasting more gently and the ipa pulls are brown. Seed matter was black and burnt on both attempts. Lemme know if your friend finds the brown stuff to be effective and if so, nauseating?
Well, now after it dried more, the weight shrunk down to almost nothing. He's smoked 250mg of his mix with no results. This is his second extraction. He's got enough seeds left for a thirs try...he'll use sodium carbonate this time as feels that the Calcium Hydroxide might be the reason for his failures.
So the blue entity has now let 2 other people try the bufo extract. Both saw the fast moving grids then entities. One reported audible sounds.

So he now thinks the correct order would be cappi, savlia, bufo, then jimjam. Perhaps make a cermony out of it :)
OK...so I've been trying to get this bufo thing going, having gotten some mild effects but not sure I'v hit the mark.

So... the hamster decided to go big. he toasted and ground about 100 grams of cebil mixed it dry with 20 grams of sodium carbonate. He then mixed in just enough water to make it wet and thoroughly blended it all up.

So next is drying this stuff.. looks like blackened finely ground coffee grounds. He will then toast it an additional 20 minutes at 400 degrees. After that he will pull 2-3 times with an excess of 99% IPA. He will evaporate that.

Does that sound like a good attempt?
Madcapv2 said:
OK...so I've been trying to get this bufo thing going, having gotten some mild effects but not sure I'v hit the mark.

So... the hamster decided to go big. he toasted and ground about 100 grams of cebil mixed it dry with 20 grams of sodium carbonate. He then mixed in just enough water to make it wet and thoroughly blended it all up.

So next is drying this stuff.. looks like blackened finely ground coffee grounds. He will then toast it an additional 20 minutes at 400 degrees. After that he will pull 2-3 times with an excess of 99% IPA. He will evaporate that.

Does that sound like a good attempt?
It does. If you really want it to open up visually to you, sprinkle a bit of dmt on top. The effects can be a bit elusive until you get more familiar with it.
absolutely azrael....if you are new to bufotenine its a good idea if you are only getting mild visuals to add a small amount of dmt to the mix..and some harmala alkies...they really synergize...and the dmt helps pull out the bufotenine effects and visuals....the dmt also seems to help reduce the negative side effects..and increase the euphoria...especially if you use jimjam
great tek jorkest! i finaly received 50g of cebil seeds and can't wait to extract:) since i only have 94% ethylalcohol i would like to know if it would be possible using this instead of IPA??
Madcapv2 said:
OK...so I've been trying to get this bufo thing going, having gotten some mild effects but not sure I'v hit the mark.

So... the hamster decided to go big. he toasted and ground about 100 grams of cebil mixed it dry with 20 grams of sodium carbonate. He then mixed in just enough water to make it wet and thoroughly blended it all up.

So next is drying this stuff.. looks like blackened finely ground coffee grounds. He will then toast it an additional 20 minutes at 400 degrees. After that he will pull 2-3 times with an excess of 99% IPA. He will evaporate that.

Does that sound like a good attempt?

The IPA was coffee filtered a couple times and is now evaporating. It is very dark amber but pretty clear, not cloudy. Do you think that the result of evap will be smokeable as is? The plan now is to try a bit and then re-toast if the nausea is too much.
its best if you evaporate it onto some herbs..because most likely it wont come out too solid...
absolutely...AND if anything is left behind even after much mixing..REPORT it back to us..because perhaps if it DOESNT pick something up..we can remove some excess shiiize
I will report back, the IPA evap is going to take a while... I used allot of IPA because I threw all 100g of my seeds at this attempt. (I really want to experience the bufo-ness as I think it would be great to use while doing creative work)
I evaped a portion of my IPA extract and put it through the MEK:Heptane procedure.... although it seems I may have screwed that up a bit. BUT....that is for another thread....

the other bit of my IPA extract was re-disoved in acetone and some blackness was left behind. But I am still looking at a very dark liquid. I am going to evap that onto some herbs and see what it does.

The thing is.... I am just not sure that I toasted enough temp to begin with... I held it at 400 degrees but I had quite a bit of seed/sodium carbonate in the pan. I may not have had it spread thin enough to allow the toxins to escape in the 20 plus minutes I had it in the heat.
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