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Bufotenine IPA Extraction & Bufojam Changa Tek

Migrated topic.
yes what you described is preaty much how it goes for me..the visual nets..the dreamlike sequences that start to take place..

Even when it feel like it's toning down and you open your eyes and find energy patterns glowing around the room..

and the more you work with it the more you find that you can sort of go into the visuals and have real visions.

Last night I took some while laying in bed..and I was getting some real interesting audio hallucination..I was hearing real weerid hyperspace noises and it become voices speaking out to me from this place..while at the same time I sort of went into the place where the voices were comming from and they were singing to me..it was very strange..first time I ever had anything like that with bufotenine..
Fractal enchantment, SWIM found that a normal dose of Ginkgo biloba increases the auditory effects of bufotenine quite a bit. You might want to try giving that a test drive.
Ginkgo biloba also counteracts the vasoconstriction very well. But it seems to bring the visuals down a notch, almost making bufotenine like 5-MeO-DMT.
does it increase the mental psychedelic effects?
I like to take bufotenine with caapi extract and yerba mate or coffee becasue I find it becomes more mentally psychedelic that way..licorice also seems to potentiate it in some ways.
Any ideas on what the oils could be? Definitely not water. He says that it's been 3 days now and they still wont evap, although he just evaporated without heat and just pure, not on any herb.
fractal enchantment said:
does it increase the mental psychedelic effects?
I like to take bufotenine with caapi extract and yerba mate or coffee becasue I find it becomes more mentally psychedelic that way..licorice also seems to potentiate it in some ways.

Yes it does increase the mental effects. It alters the experience quite a bit.

I’ve heard of licorice potentiating the effects of mescaline. Can you go into a little more detail about the licorice and bufotenine comination? What exactly does it do to the experience?
It seems more mental after licorce tea, and more euphoria..I think that licorice works in some ways as a maoi..evenwith licorice tea alone I notice some nice warm and relaxing effects..I need to try the combo more though to really go into detail about it, I have only done this about 3 times..and only with bufotenine..

Though when I think about it now..I think there might be some anise in the licorice tea I have so I will have to check that..and I think licorice might have some similar alkaloids to anise and cinnamon etc..dont they contain precursers for MDMA like alkaloids?
Cinnamon does I think. I know nutmeg does for sure.

I’m curious why no one is trying nutmeg with other psychedelics. Nutmeg is sort of hallucinogenic on it’s own at high unpleasant doses, but small doses of nutmeg are not unpleasant. Maybe a small decent dose of nutmeg would enhance other psychedelics in a very positive way.

I’ve talked about nutmeg before on many forums and the threads always get attacked by people taking overdoses of it and saying how unpleasant it is, but small doses are not the same thing. Datura stramonium, in very small doses is pleasant and greatly potentiates the effects of many psychedelics. Maybe the same is true for something like nutmeg?

I bet small doses of nutmeg will potentiate the effects of mescaline. Unfortunately, there’s very little information on what doses of nutmeg are useful in combination with other herbs. I’m sure there’s a dose that is pleasant with other psychedelics. It’s just a matter of finding the sweet spot. Just as with Datura stramonium, there’s a dose that’s perfect (1-5 seeds or so), and if you go beyond that it will get unpleasant.
This tek rocks! I did my baking only for like 20 minutes on 250 degrees f and I love the product. I added it to some caapi leaf some freebase harmalas(just a pinch) and some cannabis trichomes. Bufo is verrry deep for CEVS!! Things I cannot even begin to explain. OEV's were okay awesome in the dark but only okay for the lights on.

Then the real magic happened when I smoked some freebase changa :). It made hyperspace MUCH more fluid, the experience was amazing because I came down with my eyes shut still seeing the unexplainable oceans of bufo space. and I just enjoyed that for maybe 20 minutes after my dmt trip. All in all bufotenine is a really good friend of mine!
For new years one of the aliens drank lots of beer, ate a bufo seed, ate bout 2 grams of mushrooms chocolates and smoked some weed at a big party. Was a happy rockin spiritual experience. He could definitely see how the bufo seed enhanced and changed the experience of the mushrooms into something amazing!
My friend go some questions:

He's used Calcium Hydroxide edible lime) instead of Sodium carbobate to freebase the seeds. Was this a mistake?

He also forgot to freebase for 5-10 minutes. He just mixed it with some water took a bit too much...and threw it in the oven to dry and bake for 50 minutes...

Should he pull or freebase again to make sure ?
The bean is then ground with a mortar and pestle into a powder and mixed with a natural form of calcium hydroxide (lime) or calcium oxide (from certain types of ashes, calcined shells, etc.). This mix is then moistened to a consistency similar to bread dough, using a small amount of water. If calcium oxide is used, the water will react with it to form calcium hydroxide. Once moistened, it is kneaded into a ball for several minutes. After kneading, it is then left to sit for several hours to several days, depending on the local customs. During this period most of the excess calcium hydroxide reacts with the carbon dioxide in the air to form less caustic calcium carbonate (carbonatation).

Also, i dont have a hot plate, or access to one. The only thing i have that is temp controlled is my oven.
Is this a good heat source for this tek?
obliguhl said:
Have you tried cleaning supplies?
you mean distilling?
i've got a distiller, but it's used only for ethanol distillation.
perhaps distilling ipa would be better than using acetone
I meant that IPA (isopropanole) is used to clean stuff. It's also used in nailcare as it seems. Also, check ebay.

Swim has now pulled 3 times using ipa of unknown Quality. Might be only 70% IPA. He'll report on the results.
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