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Can't find lye

Migrated topic.
Well you could order like a pound of it at a online soap store, that wouldn't be so bad. But if your'e like me, your'e prob. too anxious to wait for shipping. If you've checked the usual Ace/Lowes/Menards then what choice do u have
Several states in the USA do not sell it anywhere because it’s used to make meth and buying it could lead to a knock on the door from the police.

I know two people who bought lye on-line and are now in jail because the purchase was considered suspicious by the retailer. The retailer informed the police, and that led to an investigation, etc., and they are now in jail for DMT possession, even though the police were looking for meth manufacturers.

Look at this site: Town of Osgood, Indiana Police Department Meth Watch.

I recommend switching to a tech that does not use sodium hydroxide (lye).
holyshit, well then i dont want to order it then. i dont want anyone to come knock on my door.

any replacements for lye, or teks with easy to get items that dont use lye.
Sodium carbonate and calcium hydroxide are not watched or used in the manufacture of meth. Both are plenty strong enough to freebase DMT. SWIM never uses lye because it's too dangerous to have in the house. If you’ve ever seen someone go blind or get a huge scar from using it, you’ll understand why it’s not a good chemical to have around the house.

Sodium carbonate can be made from baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) by heating it in an oven. I forget the exact temperature and time used. So you can just buy baking soda at the local grocery store and make sodium carbonate yourself. You can also buy it on-line. It’s not a suspicious purchase.

If you live in a state that doesn’t sell lye anywhere, it’s probably because they’ve added lye to the local list of chemicals watched by the state government. So be careful if you’re planning to use lye in one of those states.
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