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Chronicles of hysterix

Migrated topic.
warrensaged said:
I also sometimes wonder if having experienced DMT sooner, would have led me down the true consciousness-curious path faster.
But like you said Jason, my learning to extract DMT, it becoming a part of my life & effecting the way I think about things, came after I truly tuned into my own spirituality/consciousness, a bit later on in my life.

SWIM has wondered about this from time to time. At the age of 18, he not only realizes, but understands that there is so much to learn, so much GROWTH in his future. It's a path that he started at 15 (before any entheogen was taken - before he even knew what an 'entheogen' was) and knows won't ever end. The only tangible 'end' will be death, that is how it is for every single one of us, SWIM believes. But back to the topic at hand - like stated, SWIM is only 18, and if only 2 years ago you were to tell him anything about DMT, entheogens, or personal growth as a result of them - he'd say "no way".

But in this thinking, he now understands that he is supremely blessed and thankful to be able to use, integrate, and reflect on all DMT has (and continues to have) to offer to him at such a young age. To comprehend the proper usage of DMT (for me) without having to get bucked off the horse (getting his ass handed to him - for foolish reasons [i.e. "let's get fucked up" that is so prevalent in SWIM's generation]) is truly wonderful. DMT will always stay with SWIM, so long as it has something to offer to him. And it always will - as SWIM always has something to offer to himself. There is always knowledge to be uncovered. It never really 'ends'.

SWIM is very glad he found the spice when he did. Before DMT, he was a very positive soul with some coherent 'direction' with how he wants to live; after DMT, that souls' positivity has increased exponentially (is that possible? :p) and his pathway has become much more clear as it evolves.

Much love to you all.
you, my fine fellow, are one evolved 18 year old... :)

it is truly inspiring to read your post and feel that the beautiful lessons of the spice are so well received by one of your age. you certainly have the right attitude and that is EVERYTHING my little brother!!

keep on your path and you'll probably be levitating and astral projecting by the time you're my age!!! awesome! :D

not_hysterix said:
I don't think I needed to say it, but I guess I did:

1. I did not hand out spice to anyone without fully preparing them for what was coming
2. I sat down and I talked with each person, 1 on 1 for a period of over 10 minutes before I gave them the spice
3 Each person I dosed up knew fully what they were doing, what they were getting into and what the effects could possibly be
4. I am amused because the spice is hailed as being so safe in other threads, yet people come in this thread and say don't give it out? That is strange to me. Which is it nexus? Safe for all or not safe for all? Am I the only one that sees some hypocrisy in the attitude about spice?
5. I pulled the youtube video down so everyone can get their panties out of a bunch (roflcopter)
6. acolon_5: The fact that my name disturbs you means that I win at internets. Between you, I, and the rest of the nexus, I have NEVER liked your icon picture; plus I have found it disrespectful from day one your location is shiva's stomach. (I am a practising hindu) So if you really want to go down this road I will most certainly go down it with you. It is just a nickname, stop looking into it so much.
7. I will keep posting reports, I will keep pulling spice, and I will keep dosing up large numbers of people; nobody can stop this! (sorry)
8. The only people to blame are YOURSELVES! How is this you ask? Very simple! I wasn't nearly this intense before I smoked the spice! So literally the people on this site only have to blame themselves for me wanting to dose everyone else up, because it was this site that allowed me to smoke spice myself, and now want to dose everyone else up in the first place! Does this make sense????
9. The spice effects everyone differently; the way it affected me is put me in a freakin' mission. People probably can't understand that, but I know what I am supposed to do, and so I am doing it!
10. I don't mind the ban on my name; I will just keep registering new accounts, so you might as well unban hysterix as I ain't going anywhere
11. I was planning on putting out a php app I've made specifically for this site that scours the internet for proxies, tests them and gives them to you. I'm really not such a bad guy once you get to know me!

P.S. - acolon_5: threads like what? Don't be upset that someone came onto your nexus and doesn't act or behave like anyone wants him to! Don't be a hater!

Stay tuned :)

Wow, i just bumped into this thread, so this reply come's way too late, but i'd still feel like i need to comment on this, this is so badly after reading it through... :?

I can't believe he calls himself a practicing Hindu, i thought they had more humble ways of being, this is beyond teasing, he's a bit of a bully.
Why would he wanna come back after a ban, and bother people with his harresments, that's not a very Hindu thing to do i assume, it's very childish, and is prove of a way nasty attitude, i've seen this hostile, negative, and even evil attitude before in other people that are involved in taking many entheogens, who ought to be spiritual, but actually are very hostile and evil, those people shouldn't have touched psychedelics, for it takes the worst out of them.

I think this guy is potentially dangerous to others and to himself, and especially to the future legality of DMT.
Spiced said:
I think this guy is potentially dangerous to others and to himself, and especially to the future legality of DMT.

I can´t even imagine how the last part of the sentence can be done. It´s already illegal!
Yea, that dude caused quite a 'lil stir up for a month or so back then, but he is gone now!:d

i've seen this hostile, negative, and even evil attitude before in other people that are involved in taking many entheogens, who ought to be spiritual, but actually are very hostile and evil, those people shouldn't have touched psychedelics, for it takes the worst out of them.
A person is still the same person after they have taken psychedelics, it is only an experience (albeit a special one), what you do with that experience is what makes a person spiritual or not. Not the chemical itself...or even the experience itself.
(BTW, I doubt this fella has any actual experience)

Remember Luke...there is a Dark Side to the Force a well...😉

Not only that, but not everybody gets something positive from the experience either.
Especially if a person is a negative, angry, or vengeful in the first place!!

Most shitty people who act/think like that, are always looking over their shoulder in fear, expecting everyone else around them to be trying to do the same things to them.
So mix that with a heavy psychedelic change in thought processes & visual perception & you end up with an asshole freaking out on a bad, paranoid trip!!
Or the other side is the manipulative person who sees all the amplified senses of the psychedelic experience as a way to be even more in control of other people. Being able to see how people interact with each other on a whole new level.
Even to the point of becoming delusional & thinking he has mind powers over other people because of his psychedelic experiments.
(we've all had the LSD-Telepathy-thing...right?😉 )

So anyway, taking Entheogens doesn't necessarily equal a spiritual person in the end, just because they ingested a certain chemical.
* A whole lot of people are just doing it for a kick!!

* Some people only do it once & just talk about that one experience for years...eventually forgetting what truely touched them & instead remembering more of an exaggerated magical happening than a spiritual experience.

* Some people expect an instant change, like a button being pushed.
When they don't get that, instead of understanding that there is real work that needs to be done by the individual to attain true spiritual growth...they feel left out, like it didn't work for them & in anger, tell everyone that it's the devil or poisonous or something, to get back at it for not changing them. (seriously...I've met jerks like this!)
Or they take waaaaaay too much the next time & feel they are being punished or something when they get sick or completely freakout.:roll:

Assholes are assholes...no matter how much perfume you pour over them to try & cover the stink...they are still assholes!!😉

Assholes are probably still assholes indeed, even after taking powerfull psychedelics.

I must say that i have experienced instant changes, repeatedly though. And one of the best thing to heal from deep negative emotions is to take ayahuasca and confront yourself with them.

The first time in my life i took ayahuasca was after a girl had dumped me and i was pretty fucked up about it at that time.
That is still one of the most blissful (and i admit, intimidating) experiences of my life.

But first times are special for everyone at all times i gues.

You really said it. Ethnogens don't make a person spiritual. That takes work, lots of it. Lasting Enlightenment doesn't come (for anyone) with the use of a chemical one time. There is no magic button that can make a genuine asshole into a spiritual enlightened person. It just doesn't happen like that.

Ethnogens, DMT included, are TOOLS that can be used for gaining enlightenment, or for spiritual work, but the user is the one in charge of how much work is actually done. As WS said, many use the only for shits and giggles...these people, while may be having a good time, are not going to find the change that people who use ethnogens for spiritual or emotionall work do.
acolon_5 said:

You really said it. Ethnogens don't make a person spiritual. That takes work, lots of it. Lasting Enlightenment doesn't come (for anyone) with the use of a chemical one time. There is no magic button that can make a genuine asshole into a spiritual enlightened person. It just doesn't happen like that.

Ethnogens, DMT included, are TOOLS that can be used for gaining enlightenment, or for spiritual work, but the user is the one in charge of how much work is actually done. As WS said, many use the only for shits and giggles...these people, while may be having a good time, are not going to find the change that people who use ethnogens for spiritual or emotionall work do.
But taking ayahuasca can squeeze years of serious hard working into one single night.
The confrontation with your own weaknesses and fears can cause a very dramatic change in your life in maybe a few hours.
I have had these changes repeatedly.

When i look back at myself ten years ago, i was much more of an asshole than i am now. I wouldn't say that ayahuasca is responsible for the change, but it contributed to it significantly.

But i was taking ayahuasca because i was in search of something, because i wanted a change. That made the whole ayahuasca thing just a part of my journey. It was a journey that i choose to make, with or without psychedelic aid. I was seeking confrontation, determined not to run away from whatever i might find out.

I think that's an attitude that has nothing to do with psychedelics but just with how you look at life.
polytrip said:
Assholes are probably still assholes indeed, even after taking powerfull psychedelics.
I must say that i have experienced instant changes, repeatedly though. And one of the best thing to heal from deep negative emotions is to take ayahuasca and confront yourself with them.

polytrip said:
But taking ayahuasca can squeeze years of serious hard working into one single night.
The confrontation with your own weaknesses and fears can cause a very dramatic change in your life in maybe a few hours.
I have had these changes repeatedly.

But i was taking ayahuasca because i was in search of something, because i wanted a change. That made the whole ayahuasca thing just a part of my journey. It was a journey that i choose to make, with or without psychedelic aid. I was seeking confrontation, determined not to run away from whatever i might find out.

It sounds like you are NOT an asshole...& willing to look at yourself & see fault that can be corrected.
That makes things so much easier!

To do that learning/growing you have to be willing to realize you have an issue to be confronted in the first place...and then you must be willing to recognize that the negative feelings you are being flooded with during an Aya/DMT/LSD/Mescaline experience, are in fact your own! And that you now have a chance to deal with this aspect of yourself in an amplified state & grow little, but first you have to confront it & feel it, to deal with it.

Most assholes I know, don't have any idea that they are assholes, must less willing to do a little work to change themselves...that's why they are assholes!!...they think it's everyone else that is making their life hard & are unwilling to look back on themselves & admit there is something wrong with their own actions.
So they keep looping through the same pattern, digging a deeper & deeper groove into the art of antagonizing everyone around them to get even for making their life hard & having no idea that they are doing it....

Oof, someone call Webster, I think I've got a new definition entry for them.😉

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