I am posting this info both to help those doing tests for separating and identifying substances from plants, as well as for general harm reduction for those that use RCs and other substances. Please test any compound one hasnt extracted oneself and is sure of what it is. These tests are easy to buy and use for any common person, check links on the bottom!
(This thread is being currently updated to adjust the reference sources and to add plenty of more info, stay in tune!)
Suppliers of colorimetric reagents:
PRO Test (Europe but ships worldwide)
Shop | DanceSafe (USA)
Bunkpolice.org (USA but ships worldwide)
Smartific - The best online Smartshop, Headshop and more! (european shipping, much cheaper than EZ test)
http://eztest.com/ (europe with worldwide shipping)
StateofMind.nl (worldwide shipping, also much cheaper than EZ test)
http://www.chemicalgeneration.com.au/products.htm (australia - contact before, dont know if still exists)
http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Marquis-...h-I-D-cards-/221563959816?hash=item33963dba08 (australia)
Ez-Test Australia | Pill testing + presumptive drug testing kits (australia)
http://www.ecstasypilltest.com/ (australia apparently)
Reactivo de marquis (Argentina - Marquis only)
Detect Kit (Canada/Mexico/United States)
Possible walk-in stores to buy testing reagents in Australia and New Zealand (Link)
Flow charts which suggest multiple reagent order to test with each substance to reduce false positives
Marquis reaction results with picture of reactions
Mecke reaction results with picture of reactions
Hoffman / PDMAB-TS reaction results with picture of reactions
Ehrlich reaction results with picture of reactions
Simons reaction results with picture of reactions
Mandelin reaction results with picture of reactions
Mandelin reaction results with picture of reactions
Froehde reaction results with picture of reactions
Liebermann reaction results with picture of reactions
CLICK HERE for a verified High-Definition reagent video database (Currently being fixed)
The results written below are taken from different sources but primarily you should check out the videos database linked above instead of the table below.
Reagent - Color(->Changing color) - (Medium) - (Reference)
Classic psychedelics and naturally found entheogens:
α-Nitroso-β-naphthol-nitrous acid - Negative - (silica gel) - (23)
- Weak brown (on paper) - (18 )
Chloranil - No Reaction - (silica gel) - ( 8 )
CNTF - Gray (light) - (silica gel) - ( 8 )
Diazotized p-Nitroaniline - Very weak yellow - (on paper) - (18 )
Dragendorff's - positive with spray - (silical gel) - (5)
- Red-Brown - (paper) - (18 )
- Orange - (silica gel) - (23)
Ehrlich - Reddish purple - (as acetate on paper) - (26)
Fluoranil - Purple - (silica gel) - ( 8 )
Fluorescence with PENE - Violet under 254nm UV - (silica gel with PENE) - (24)
HNS - No reaction - (silica gel) - ( 8 )
HNO3 atmosphere - yellow - (silica gel) - (25)
Iodine vapor - Red-Brown - (paper) - (18 )
Iodoplatinate - Purple - (silica gel) - (25)
- Blue (silica gel) - (17)
Iodoplatinate, acidified - Positive - (silica gel) - (5)
Marquis - Yellow->Brown - (silica gel and on dry crystals) - (Nexus)
Mecke - Brown->red over time time. - (NA) - (13)
Mandellin - yellow - (NA) - (13)
Ninhydrin, acetic acid - No UV fluorescence - (acetate on paper) - (26)
- No visible color - (acetate on paper) - (26)
NNCD - Weak orange - (on paper) - (19)
p-DMAB, ethanol:sulphuric - Red solution, Violet when diluted with water - (5)
p-DMAB-TS - Yellow - (pure compound) - (3, 27)
p-DMAB, ethanolic - Purple - (pure compound) - (3)
TACOT - Purple (light) - (silica gel) - ( 8 )
TCBI - Brown-green - (silica gel) - ( 8 )
TCNE - Brown (light and fading) - (silica gel) - ( 8 )
TetNF - Brown (light) - (silica gel) - ( 8 )
TNB - Yellow->Brown - (silica gel) - ( 8 )
TNF - Brown (light) - (silica gel) - ( 8 )
Van Urk - Blue - (silica treated with 0.1M KOH) - (16)
Xanthydrol - Purple - (silica gel & celulose) - (15)
- Purple - (tlc & on paper) - (5, 20)
- Pink - (on paper) - (21)
- Lavender - (on paper) - (22)
Acid-Induced Fluorescence - Bright Yellow under 254nm UV - (Avicel) - (28 )
Chloranil - No reaction - (Silica gel) - ( 8 )
CNTNF - Gray - (Silica gel) - ( 8 )
Dragendorff - Red-brown - (Paper) - (18 )
- Orange precipitate - (ethanol solution) - (31)
Echtrotsalz B - Light brown-yellow - (Paper) - (30)
Ehrlich - Royal blue - (Silica gel and cellulose) - (15)
- Dark blue - (Paper) - (18 )
- Grayish green - (NA) - (32)
Fluoranil - Purple - (Silica gel) - ( 8 )
Fluorescence with PENE - Pale yellow under 254nm UV - (Silica gel) - (24)
Gibbs - No reaction - (Paper) - (30)
HNS - No reaction - (Silica gel) - ( 8 )
Iodine vapor - Red-brown - (Paper) - (18 )
Lieber* - Dark brown - (NA) - (32)
Marquis - Dark brown - (NA) - (32)
Marquis - Orange
Marquis - Orange
Mecke - Red/Brown
Mandellin - Yellow
Mandelin - Deep greenish brown - (NA) - (32)
NNCD - Orange brown - (Paper or TLC) - (30)
p-DMAB-TS - Yellow->Green - (NA) - (3)
p-DMAB - Blue - (Paper) - (29)
- Blue - (Paper or TLC) - (30)
Pauly - Light olive yelow - (Paper) - (30)
Simon's - No reaction - (NA) - (32)
TACOT - Purple (light) - (Silica gel) - ( 8 )
TCNE - Green (light and fading - (Silica gel) - ( 8 )
TetNF - Purple (light) - (Silica gel) - ( 8 )
TNB - Yellow -> Brown - (Silica gel) - ( 8 )
TNF - Brown (light) - (Silica gel) - ( 8 )
Van Urk-Salkowski - Blue (Cornflower blue) - (In ethanol solution) - (31)
Xanthydrol - Blue - (Silica gel & cellulose) - (15)
- Blue - (Paper) - (22)
Chloranil - light gray
TNB - light yellow
TACOT - pink
Sodium Nitroprusside - Purple - NA
Mescaline HCl:
Marquis - Strong orange - (chloroform solution) - (2)
Mandelin - Dark yellowish brown - (chloroform solution) - (2)
Nitric Acid - Dark red
Mecke - Moderate olive
Nitric Acid - Strong Brown - (chloroform solution) - (2)
Ethanolic P-DMAB - Deep Purple - (chloroform solution) - (2)
Methanol P-DMAB with Ortophosphoric acid - Blue to Purple - (methanol solution) - (10)
Froede Reagent - Moderate yellow green - (chloroform solution) - (2)
Mecke - Greenish black - (chloroform solution) - (2)
Marquis - Brown->violet - (NA) - (5)
Marquis - Black - (NA) - (6)
Marquis - Olive black - (chloroform solution) - (2)
Marquis - Grey - (silica gel) - (7)
Nitric acid - Strong Brown - (chloroform solution) - (2)
Keller test - red-violet
p-DMAB-TS - Yellow-green - (NA) - (3)
Ethanolic p-DMAB - Purple - (NA) - (3)
Mecke - Yellow-green->brown - (NA) -
Keller test - Olive green
p-DMAB-TS - Brown - (NA) - (3)
Ethanolic p-DMAB - Deep blue - (NA) - (3)
p-DMAB-TS - Green - (NA) - (3)
Ethanolic p-DMAB - Blue - (NA) - (3)
p-DMAB-TS - Yellow-green - (NA) - (3)
Ethanolic p-DMAB - Green-blue - (NA) - (3)
Mandelin - Grey->Violet - (NA) - (5)
Modified Duquenois-Levine Reagent - Purplish blue - (NA) - (3)
Mandelin - Green - (NA) - (5)
Marquis - Green - (NA) - (Clarck`s 4th edition)
Mandelin - Green->yellow - (NA) - (5)
Mandelin - Blue-green - (NA) - (5)
Marquis - Orange->Violet - (NA) - (5)
Marquis - Green (Trout's notes on ayahuasca)
α-Nitroso-β-naphtholnitrous acid - Dull violet (Trout's notes on ayahuasca)
Dragendorff's - Orange (Trout's notes on ayahuasca)
Fröhde - Navy blue (Trout's notes on ayahuasca)
Hopkin-Cole - Purple (Trout's notes on ayahuasca)
Ehrlich's - Very Slow; THH produces a characteristic robin's egg blue over a 24 hour period. (Trout's notes on ayahuasca)
UV fluorescence THH does not give strong florescence just a dark spot with a slight boarder of light purple (Bufoman's tests)
Synthetic tryptamines
Marquis - grey-green, white precipitate forming over time.
Mecke - Brown/black
Mandellin - yellow/orange
p-DMAB-TS - light brown - (NA) - (4)
Marquis - yellow
Mecke - Brown/Black.
Mandellin - orange
p-DMAB-TS - Brown - (NA) - (4)
Marquis - grey/green
Mecke - Brown
Mandellin - brown/orange
p-DMAB-TS - Brown - (NA) - (3)
Marquis - yellow to black
Mecke - Red/Brown
Mandellin - yellow
Ehrlich (ethanolic p-DMAB?)- Purple to light blue
Marquis - Yellow To black
p-DMAB-TS - yellow-green-blue - (NA) - (4)
Marquis - yellow, white precipitate over time
Mecke - Brown
Mandellin - orange
Marquis - slight yellow
Mecke - Red/Brown
Mandellin - yellow
Marquis - no change
Mecke - very slight brown
Mandellin - very slight yellow
Marquis - Yellow to Black
Ehrlichs (ethanolic p-DMAB?) - Purple to Blue
Sodium Nitroprusside - Cherry Red
Sodium Nitroprusside - Purple
p-DMAB-TS - Yellow - (NA) - (4)
Mandelin - Green->Orange - (NA) - (5)
p-DMAB-TS - Yellow - (NA) - (4)
Marquis - Yellow
Ehrlich (ethanolic p-DMAB ?) - Violet
p-DMAB-TS - Yellow - (NA) - (4)
p-DMAB-TS - Yellow - (NA) - (3)
ethanolic p-DMAB - Purple - (NA) - (3)
Marquis - Yellow->Brown - (NA) - (5)
Synthetic Phenethylamines
Marquis - Bright yellow/green
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction
Marquis - Dark green
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Marquis - Dark green
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
p-DMAB-TS - Dark green - (NA) - (4)
Marquis - Bright yellow/green
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
p-DMAB-TS - Light yellow - (NA) - (4)
Marquis - Dark purple->Black
Simons - Dark blue
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - Green - (NA) - (1)
Mandelin - Moderate bluish green
Marquis - Strong reddish orange
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Mandelin - Dark yellowish green
Marquis - Deep reddish orange
Simons - Dark blue
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Marquis - Dark Blue/Black
Nitric Acid - Light greenish yellow
Froede Reagent - greenish black
Mecke - Very dark bluish green
Gallic acid - green
Mandelin - green->blue - (NA) - (5)
Marquis - Orange/Brown
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Marquis - No reaction to green
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Marquis - Orange/red
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Marquis - no reaction
Mecke - no reaction
Mandellin - no reaction
Robadope - Positive
Simons - Negative
Marquis - yellow, changing to light green, and then fading over time
Mecke - yellow/brown/green, green fades over time
Mandellin - clear
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Marquis - yellow, changing to green, and then fading over time
Mecke - yellow/brown
Mandellin - yellow fading to clear
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Marquis - Dark green - (NA) - (1)
Marquis - Green-blue with yellow edges, fades to blue, fades over time
Mecke - dark brown, very fast
Mandellin - clear
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Marquis - Very faint brown/pink, fading to clear.
Mecke - Yellow-brown fading to reddish brown
Mandellin - Yellow w/tinge of green fades to clear over time
Marquis - Very faint brown, fading to clear.
Mecke - Dark brown
Mandellin - Yellow w/tinge of green fades to clear over time
p-DMAB-TS - Light green - (NA) - (4)
Marquis - Very faint brown, fading to clear.
Mecke - Yellow-brown fading to Rusty Brown
Mandellin - Yellow w/tinge of green fades to clear over time
Slow reactions.
Marquis - Slight brown/orange.
Mecke - Black/dark purple fading to orangy-red
Mandellin - Orange fading to clear over time
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
p-DMAB-TS - Light pink - (NA) - (4)
Marquis - Almost no reaction, slight brown.
Mecke - Black/dark purple fading to reddish-orange
Mandellin - Orange fading to clear over time
Marquis - Almost no reaction, slight brown.
Mecke - Black/dark purple, fading slowly if at all.
Mandellin - Orange fading to clear over time
Marquis - Pink
Mecke - Purple
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Synthetic Dissociatives:
Marquis - Grey to Black (releases smoke)
Mecke - Yellow
Mandelin - Orange
Synthetic Cannabinoids:
JWH-018, JWH-073, JWH-081
Marquis - Yellow quickly changing to brown
Mecke - Brown/Yellow
Mandellin - Dark brown
Marquis - Yellow/orange
Mecke - Yellow
Mandellin - Dark red-brown
Marquis - Red, fading to orange over time
Mecke - Orange
Mandellin - Dark grey-brown
Marquis - Brown/yellow, hints of green
Mecke - grey/brown
Mandellin - Dark red-brown
Marquis - Red/orange
Mecke - Blue, fading over time.
Mandellin - Brown
Marquis - red/orange
Mecke - Blue-green, fading over time
Mandellin - Brown
Other synthetic substances/RCs
Marquis - yellow
Mecke - no reaction (kept the brownish color it had out of bottle)
Mandellin - Clear
Robadope - Negative
Simons - Negative
Marquis - No reaction
Simons - No reaction
Chens - Yellow/orange - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Marquis - No reaction
Simons - Light blue
Chens - orange - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
p-DMAB-TS - Light yellow - (NA) - (4)
Mephedrone, Buphedrone, Ethcathinone, 3 and 4 Flouromethcathinone:
Marquis - no reaction
Mecke - slight brown, almost no change.
Mandellin - slight browning.
Robadope - Negative
Simons - Positive
MDPV, MDPPP, Methylone, Butylone:
Marquis - yellow
Mecke - red-brown
Mandellin - clear
Robadope - Negative
Simons - MDPPP/MDPV Negative, Methylone/Butylone Positive
Marquis - yellow-orange
Mecke - orange
Mandellin - orange
Robadope - Negative
Simons - Positive
Marquis - brown-grey
Mecke - yellow
Mandellin - no reaction
Robadope - Positive
Simons - Negative
All slow and weak color changes.
Marquis - brown
Mecke - brown
Mandellin - yellow/brown
Robadope - Negative
Simons - Negative
Marquis - Light brown to very dark brown depending on trace impurities.
Mecke - Dark Brown
Mandellin - Dark Brown
Robadope - Positive
Simons - Negative
Marquis - no reaction
Mecke - brown
Mandellin - light blue
Robadope - Positive
Simons - Negative
Marquis - No reaction
Chens - Purple
Gallic Acid - No reaction
Marquis - no reaction
Mecke - slight browning
Mandellin - no change
Robadope - Negative
Simons - Positive? It should be positive...
Not shown.
All reactions slow. Strange colors, changing over time, all colors weak.
Robadope - Positive
Simons - Negative
Methylphenidate (ritalin)
Cobalt Thiocyanate: brilliant greenish blue
Mandelin - Brilliant orange yellow
Marquis - Moderate orange yellow
Simons - Pale violet
Heroin HCl
Cobalt Thiocyanate - Strong greenish blue
Mandelin - Moderate reddish brown
Marquis - Deep purplish red
Nitric Acid - Pale yellow
Froede Reagent - Deep purplish red
Mecke - Deep bluish green
Mandelin - Dark brown
Marquis - Dark greyish reddish brown
Nitric Acid - Dark orange yellow
Froede Reagent - Brownish black
Mecke - Olive black
Morphine monohydrate
Mandelin - Dark greyish reddish brown
Marquis - purple / violet
Nitric Acid - Bright orange yellow
Ferric Chloride - dark green
Froede Reagent - Deep purplish red
Mecke - Very dark bluish green
Cobalt Thiocyanate - Brilliant greenish blue
Mandelin - Dark greyish blue
Mandelin - Green->Blue - (NA) - (5)
Marquis - light yellowish pink
Mandelin - Dark greenish yellow
Marquis - pale violet
Nitric Acid - Brilliant yellow
Froede Reagent - Strong yellow
Mecke - Moderate olive
Cobalt Thiocyanate - Strong greenish blue
Mandelin - Dark reddish brown
Marquis - Blackish purple
Froede Reagent - Dark greyish red
Mecke - Deep reddish brown
Hydrocodone tartrate:
Cobalt Thiocyanate - Brilliant greenish blue
Mecke - dark bluish green
Marquis - purple/violet
Nitric Acid - light greenish yellow
Mecke - Very dark bluish green
Mandelin - Olive green - (NA) - (6)
Other non-psychedelic natural compounds
Marquis - Black - (droping on crystals) - (nexus)
Mandelin - Black - (droping on crystals) - (nexus)
Mecke - Black - - (droping on crystals) - (nexus)
p-DMAB-TS - Red - (droping on crystals) - (nexus)
Mandelin - grey-green - (NA) - (5)
Marquis - Brown->green - (NA) - (5)
Liebermann - red-orange - (NA) - (5)
Liebermann - red-orange - (NA) - (5)
Mandelin - Violet - (NA) - (5)
Liebermann - Blue - (NA) - (5)
Cocaine HCl
Cobalt Thiocyanate - Strong greenish blue
Mandelin - Deep orange yellow
Caffeine (anhydrous, USP)
Marquis - no reaction
Mecke - slight browning
Mandelin - no change
Robadope - Positive
Simons - Negative
Amalic acid - Orange->violet
Sample from BOLT brand single constituant ephedrine pills.
Marquis - no reaction
Mecke - no reaction
Mandellin - yellow-orange
Robadope - Negative
Common adulterants
Cobalt Thiocyanate - Strong greenish blue
Ferric Chloride - Blue - (NA) - (5)
Note: These tests wont be accurate for mixtures of alkaloids. Darker color reactions will generally overpower the lighter colors.
More info on colorimetric tests, where to buy or how to make them (and other analytical methods such as TLC for separating mixtures):
Sources for information on this thread:
> (1) http://www.hipforums.com/newforums/showthread.php?t=342330
> (2) Fatah, A., (2000) Color Test Reagents/Kits for Preliminary Identification of Drugs of Abuse
> (3) https://mycotopia.net/forums/456210-post2.html
> (4) Energy Control (p-DMAB-TS preparation instructions in (3) )
> (5) Clarke's isolation and identification of drugs (1986) Pharmaceutical press
> (6) Newton, M., French,J. (2007) Encyclopedia of crime scene investigation
> (7) Van Welsum (1973) Journal of Chromatography 78:237-240
> ( 8 ) Heacock, R., Forrest, J. (1973) The use of electron-acceptor reagents for the detection of some hallucinogens
> (9) UN Recommended methods for testing cactus and mushrooms
> (10) UN recommended methods for testing LSD
> (11) http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/mdma/mdma_faq_testing_kits.shtml
> (12) http://www.eztest.com/dir2/ez-test-mandelin-for-ecstasy-speed-and-ketamine/
> (13) theazo2 @ euphoricknowledge
> (14)* Lou, V.; Koo, W. Y.; Ramstad, E. (1965) Isolation of N-methyltryptamine from Acacia confusa bark. Lloydia, 28(3), 207-208
> (15 )* Woods, D., Clark, K. (1970) Variation in the Content of Tryptamines in Clones of Phalaris Arundinacea L.1. Vol. 11 No. 1, p. 121-122.
> (16) Trout - Some simple tryptamines
> (17)* Brown et al (1972) A rapid screening procedure for some “street drugs” by thin-layer chromatography. Journal of Chromatography 64; 128-133
> (18 ) Culvenor, C.C.J. et al. (1964) “The occurrence of indolealkylamine alkaloids in Phalaris tuberosa L. and P. arundinacea L.” Australian Journal of Chemistry
> (19) Erspamer, Vittorio (1955) “Observations on the Fate of Indolealkylamines in the Organism.” Journal of Physiology 127: 118-133.
> (20)* Frahn, J.L. & R.J. Illman (1973) “Separation of Some Indolylalkylamines From Their Metho Cation Derivatives Using Neutral Polystyrene Resin. Application to the Alkaloids of Phalaris tuberosa (Gramineae).” Journal of Chromatography 87: 187-191.
> (21) Frahn, J.L. & D.F. O’Keefe (1971) “The Occurrence of Tetrahydro-β−carboline Alkaloids in Phalaris tuberosa (Graminae).” Australian Journal of Chemistry 24: 2189-2192.
> (22) Gander, J.E. et al. (1976) “The Occurrence of 2-Methyl-1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-b-carboline and Variation in Alkaloids in Phalaris arundinacea.” Phytochemistry 15: 737-738.
> (23)* Ghosal, S. et al. (1971) “Chemical and Pharmacological Evaluation of Banisteriopsis argentea Spring ex Juss.” Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 60( 8 ): 1209-1212.
> (24) Majak, W. et al. (1978 ) “TLC Luminescence of Gramine and Related indole Alkaloids in Phalaris arundinacea.” Phytochemistry 17: 301-303.
> (25)* Schnoll, S.H. et al. (1972) “A Rapid Thin Layer Chromatographic Screening Procedure for Various Abused Psychotropic Agents. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs 5 (1):75-78.
> (26)* Smith, Ivor (1969) Chromatographic and Electrophoretic Techniques. Volume I. Chromatography.” 3rd Edition. William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd., London/ Interscience Publishers: New York.
> (27) Smith, Michael Valentine (1981) Psychedelic Chemistry. Loompanics; Port Townsend. ISBN 0-915179-10-5 (page 173)
> (28 ) majak, W. & Bose, R. (1977) Further characterization and quantitative determination of 5-methoxy-N-methyltryptamine in Phalaris arundinacea
> (29) Ghosal, S & Mukherjee, B. (1966) Indole-3-alkylamine Bases of Desmodium pulchellum
> (30) Erspamer et al (1967) 5-Methoxy- and 5-Hydroxyindoles in the skin of Bufo alvarius
> (31) Miles, D. et al (1987) Alkaloidal insect antifeedants from Virola calophylla
* These references were found through the book from K. Trout's - Some Simple tryptamines, second edition. We did not get direct access to these publications
(This thread is being currently updated to adjust the reference sources and to add plenty of more info, stay in tune!)
Suppliers of colorimetric reagents:
PRO Test (Europe but ships worldwide)
Shop | DanceSafe (USA)
Bunkpolice.org (USA but ships worldwide)
Smartific - The best online Smartshop, Headshop and more! (european shipping, much cheaper than EZ test)
http://eztest.com/ (europe with worldwide shipping)
StateofMind.nl (worldwide shipping, also much cheaper than EZ test)
http://www.chemicalgeneration.com.au/products.htm (australia - contact before, dont know if still exists)
http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Marquis-...h-I-D-cards-/221563959816?hash=item33963dba08 (australia)
Ez-Test Australia | Pill testing + presumptive drug testing kits (australia)
http://www.ecstasypilltest.com/ (australia apparently)
Reactivo de marquis (Argentina - Marquis only)
Detect Kit (Canada/Mexico/United States)
Possible walk-in stores to buy testing reagents in Australia and New Zealand (Link)
Flow charts which suggest multiple reagent order to test with each substance to reduce false positives
Marquis reaction results with picture of reactions
Mecke reaction results with picture of reactions
Hoffman / PDMAB-TS reaction results with picture of reactions
Ehrlich reaction results with picture of reactions
Simons reaction results with picture of reactions
Mandelin reaction results with picture of reactions
Mandelin reaction results with picture of reactions
Froehde reaction results with picture of reactions
Liebermann reaction results with picture of reactions
CLICK HERE for a verified High-Definition reagent video database (Currently being fixed)
The results written below are taken from different sources but primarily you should check out the videos database linked above instead of the table below.
Reagent - Color(->Changing color) - (Medium) - (Reference)
Classic psychedelics and naturally found entheogens:
α-Nitroso-β-naphthol-nitrous acid - Negative - (silica gel) - (23)
- Weak brown (on paper) - (18 )
Chloranil - No Reaction - (silica gel) - ( 8 )
CNTF - Gray (light) - (silica gel) - ( 8 )
Diazotized p-Nitroaniline - Very weak yellow - (on paper) - (18 )
Dragendorff's - positive with spray - (silical gel) - (5)
- Red-Brown - (paper) - (18 )
- Orange - (silica gel) - (23)
Ehrlich - Reddish purple - (as acetate on paper) - (26)
Fluoranil - Purple - (silica gel) - ( 8 )
Fluorescence with PENE - Violet under 254nm UV - (silica gel with PENE) - (24)
HNS - No reaction - (silica gel) - ( 8 )
HNO3 atmosphere - yellow - (silica gel) - (25)
Iodine vapor - Red-Brown - (paper) - (18 )
Iodoplatinate - Purple - (silica gel) - (25)
- Blue (silica gel) - (17)
Iodoplatinate, acidified - Positive - (silica gel) - (5)
Marquis - Yellow->Brown - (silica gel and on dry crystals) - (Nexus)
Mecke - Brown->red over time time. - (NA) - (13)
Mandellin - yellow - (NA) - (13)
Ninhydrin, acetic acid - No UV fluorescence - (acetate on paper) - (26)
- No visible color - (acetate on paper) - (26)
NNCD - Weak orange - (on paper) - (19)
p-DMAB, ethanol:sulphuric - Red solution, Violet when diluted with water - (5)
p-DMAB-TS - Yellow - (pure compound) - (3, 27)
p-DMAB, ethanolic - Purple - (pure compound) - (3)
TACOT - Purple (light) - (silica gel) - ( 8 )
TCBI - Brown-green - (silica gel) - ( 8 )
TCNE - Brown (light and fading) - (silica gel) - ( 8 )
TetNF - Brown (light) - (silica gel) - ( 8 )
TNB - Yellow->Brown - (silica gel) - ( 8 )
TNF - Brown (light) - (silica gel) - ( 8 )
Van Urk - Blue - (silica treated with 0.1M KOH) - (16)
Xanthydrol - Purple - (silica gel & celulose) - (15)
- Purple - (tlc & on paper) - (5, 20)
- Pink - (on paper) - (21)
- Lavender - (on paper) - (22)
Acid-Induced Fluorescence - Bright Yellow under 254nm UV - (Avicel) - (28 )
Chloranil - No reaction - (Silica gel) - ( 8 )
CNTNF - Gray - (Silica gel) - ( 8 )
Dragendorff - Red-brown - (Paper) - (18 )
- Orange precipitate - (ethanol solution) - (31)
Echtrotsalz B - Light brown-yellow - (Paper) - (30)
Ehrlich - Royal blue - (Silica gel and cellulose) - (15)
- Dark blue - (Paper) - (18 )
- Grayish green - (NA) - (32)
Fluoranil - Purple - (Silica gel) - ( 8 )
Fluorescence with PENE - Pale yellow under 254nm UV - (Silica gel) - (24)
Gibbs - No reaction - (Paper) - (30)
HNS - No reaction - (Silica gel) - ( 8 )
Iodine vapor - Red-brown - (Paper) - (18 )
Lieber* - Dark brown - (NA) - (32)
Marquis - Dark brown - (NA) - (32)
Marquis - Orange
Marquis - Orange
Mecke - Red/Brown
Mandellin - Yellow
Mandelin - Deep greenish brown - (NA) - (32)
NNCD - Orange brown - (Paper or TLC) - (30)
p-DMAB-TS - Yellow->Green - (NA) - (3)
p-DMAB - Blue - (Paper) - (29)
- Blue - (Paper or TLC) - (30)
Pauly - Light olive yelow - (Paper) - (30)
Simon's - No reaction - (NA) - (32)
TACOT - Purple (light) - (Silica gel) - ( 8 )
TCNE - Green (light and fading - (Silica gel) - ( 8 )
TetNF - Purple (light) - (Silica gel) - ( 8 )
TNB - Yellow -> Brown - (Silica gel) - ( 8 )
TNF - Brown (light) - (Silica gel) - ( 8 )
Van Urk-Salkowski - Blue (Cornflower blue) - (In ethanol solution) - (31)
Xanthydrol - Blue - (Silica gel & cellulose) - (15)
- Blue - (Paper) - (22)
Chloranil - light gray
TNB - light yellow
TACOT - pink
Sodium Nitroprusside - Purple - NA
Mescaline HCl:
Marquis - Strong orange - (chloroform solution) - (2)
Mandelin - Dark yellowish brown - (chloroform solution) - (2)
Nitric Acid - Dark red
Mecke - Moderate olive
Nitric Acid - Strong Brown - (chloroform solution) - (2)
Ethanolic P-DMAB - Deep Purple - (chloroform solution) - (2)
Methanol P-DMAB with Ortophosphoric acid - Blue to Purple - (methanol solution) - (10)
Froede Reagent - Moderate yellow green - (chloroform solution) - (2)
Mecke - Greenish black - (chloroform solution) - (2)
Marquis - Brown->violet - (NA) - (5)
Marquis - Black - (NA) - (6)
Marquis - Olive black - (chloroform solution) - (2)
Marquis - Grey - (silica gel) - (7)
Nitric acid - Strong Brown - (chloroform solution) - (2)
Keller test - red-violet
p-DMAB-TS - Yellow-green - (NA) - (3)
Ethanolic p-DMAB - Purple - (NA) - (3)
Mecke - Yellow-green->brown - (NA) -
Keller test - Olive green
p-DMAB-TS - Brown - (NA) - (3)
Ethanolic p-DMAB - Deep blue - (NA) - (3)
p-DMAB-TS - Green - (NA) - (3)
Ethanolic p-DMAB - Blue - (NA) - (3)
p-DMAB-TS - Yellow-green - (NA) - (3)
Ethanolic p-DMAB - Green-blue - (NA) - (3)
Mandelin - Grey->Violet - (NA) - (5)
Modified Duquenois-Levine Reagent - Purplish blue - (NA) - (3)
Mandelin - Green - (NA) - (5)
Marquis - Green - (NA) - (Clarck`s 4th edition)
Mandelin - Green->yellow - (NA) - (5)
Mandelin - Blue-green - (NA) - (5)
Marquis - Orange->Violet - (NA) - (5)
Marquis - Green (Trout's notes on ayahuasca)
α-Nitroso-β-naphtholnitrous acid - Dull violet (Trout's notes on ayahuasca)
Dragendorff's - Orange (Trout's notes on ayahuasca)
Fröhde - Navy blue (Trout's notes on ayahuasca)
Hopkin-Cole - Purple (Trout's notes on ayahuasca)
Ehrlich's - Very Slow; THH produces a characteristic robin's egg blue over a 24 hour period. (Trout's notes on ayahuasca)
UV fluorescence THH does not give strong florescence just a dark spot with a slight boarder of light purple (Bufoman's tests)
Synthetic tryptamines
Marquis - grey-green, white precipitate forming over time.
Mecke - Brown/black
Mandellin - yellow/orange
p-DMAB-TS - light brown - (NA) - (4)
Marquis - yellow
Mecke - Brown/Black.
Mandellin - orange
p-DMAB-TS - Brown - (NA) - (4)
Marquis - grey/green
Mecke - Brown
Mandellin - brown/orange
p-DMAB-TS - Brown - (NA) - (3)
Marquis - yellow to black
Mecke - Red/Brown
Mandellin - yellow
Ehrlich (ethanolic p-DMAB?)- Purple to light blue
Marquis - Yellow To black
p-DMAB-TS - yellow-green-blue - (NA) - (4)
Marquis - yellow, white precipitate over time
Mecke - Brown
Mandellin - orange
Marquis - slight yellow
Mecke - Red/Brown
Mandellin - yellow
Marquis - no change
Mecke - very slight brown
Mandellin - very slight yellow
Marquis - Yellow to Black
Ehrlichs (ethanolic p-DMAB?) - Purple to Blue
Sodium Nitroprusside - Cherry Red
Sodium Nitroprusside - Purple
p-DMAB-TS - Yellow - (NA) - (4)
Mandelin - Green->Orange - (NA) - (5)
p-DMAB-TS - Yellow - (NA) - (4)
Marquis - Yellow
Ehrlich (ethanolic p-DMAB ?) - Violet
p-DMAB-TS - Yellow - (NA) - (4)
p-DMAB-TS - Yellow - (NA) - (3)
ethanolic p-DMAB - Purple - (NA) - (3)
Marquis - Yellow->Brown - (NA) - (5)
Synthetic Phenethylamines
Marquis - Bright yellow/green
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction
Marquis - Dark green
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Marquis - Dark green
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
p-DMAB-TS - Dark green - (NA) - (4)
Marquis - Bright yellow/green
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
p-DMAB-TS - Light yellow - (NA) - (4)
Marquis - Dark purple->Black
Simons - Dark blue
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - Green - (NA) - (1)
Mandelin - Moderate bluish green
Marquis - Strong reddish orange
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Mandelin - Dark yellowish green
Marquis - Deep reddish orange
Simons - Dark blue
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Marquis - Dark Blue/Black
Nitric Acid - Light greenish yellow
Froede Reagent - greenish black
Mecke - Very dark bluish green
Gallic acid - green
Mandelin - green->blue - (NA) - (5)
Marquis - Orange/Brown
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Marquis - No reaction to green
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Marquis - Orange/red
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Marquis - no reaction
Mecke - no reaction
Mandellin - no reaction
Robadope - Positive
Simons - Negative
Marquis - yellow, changing to light green, and then fading over time
Mecke - yellow/brown/green, green fades over time
Mandellin - clear
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Marquis - yellow, changing to green, and then fading over time
Mecke - yellow/brown
Mandellin - yellow fading to clear
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Marquis - Dark green - (NA) - (1)
Marquis - Green-blue with yellow edges, fades to blue, fades over time
Mecke - dark brown, very fast
Mandellin - clear
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Marquis - Very faint brown/pink, fading to clear.
Mecke - Yellow-brown fading to reddish brown
Mandellin - Yellow w/tinge of green fades to clear over time
Marquis - Very faint brown, fading to clear.
Mecke - Dark brown
Mandellin - Yellow w/tinge of green fades to clear over time
p-DMAB-TS - Light green - (NA) - (4)
Marquis - Very faint brown, fading to clear.
Mecke - Yellow-brown fading to Rusty Brown
Mandellin - Yellow w/tinge of green fades to clear over time
Slow reactions.
Marquis - Slight brown/orange.
Mecke - Black/dark purple fading to orangy-red
Mandellin - Orange fading to clear over time
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
p-DMAB-TS - Light pink - (NA) - (4)
Marquis - Almost no reaction, slight brown.
Mecke - Black/dark purple fading to reddish-orange
Mandellin - Orange fading to clear over time
Marquis - Almost no reaction, slight brown.
Mecke - Black/dark purple, fading slowly if at all.
Mandellin - Orange fading to clear over time
Marquis - Pink
Mecke - Purple
Simons - No reaction
Chens - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Synthetic Dissociatives:
Marquis - Grey to Black (releases smoke)
Mecke - Yellow
Mandelin - Orange
Synthetic Cannabinoids:
JWH-018, JWH-073, JWH-081
Marquis - Yellow quickly changing to brown
Mecke - Brown/Yellow
Mandellin - Dark brown
Marquis - Yellow/orange
Mecke - Yellow
Mandellin - Dark red-brown
Marquis - Red, fading to orange over time
Mecke - Orange
Mandellin - Dark grey-brown
Marquis - Brown/yellow, hints of green
Mecke - grey/brown
Mandellin - Dark red-brown
Marquis - Red/orange
Mecke - Blue, fading over time.
Mandellin - Brown
Marquis - red/orange
Mecke - Blue-green, fading over time
Mandellin - Brown
Other synthetic substances/RCs
Marquis - yellow
Mecke - no reaction (kept the brownish color it had out of bottle)
Mandellin - Clear
Robadope - Negative
Simons - Negative
Marquis - No reaction
Simons - No reaction
Chens - Yellow/orange - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
Marquis - No reaction
Simons - Light blue
Chens - orange - (NA) - (1)
Gallic Acid - No reaction - (NA) - (1)
p-DMAB-TS - Light yellow - (NA) - (4)
Mephedrone, Buphedrone, Ethcathinone, 3 and 4 Flouromethcathinone:
Marquis - no reaction
Mecke - slight brown, almost no change.
Mandellin - slight browning.
Robadope - Negative
Simons - Positive
MDPV, MDPPP, Methylone, Butylone:
Marquis - yellow
Mecke - red-brown
Mandellin - clear
Robadope - Negative
Simons - MDPPP/MDPV Negative, Methylone/Butylone Positive
Marquis - yellow-orange
Mecke - orange
Mandellin - orange
Robadope - Negative
Simons - Positive
Marquis - brown-grey
Mecke - yellow
Mandellin - no reaction
Robadope - Positive
Simons - Negative
All slow and weak color changes.
Marquis - brown
Mecke - brown
Mandellin - yellow/brown
Robadope - Negative
Simons - Negative
Marquis - Light brown to very dark brown depending on trace impurities.
Mecke - Dark Brown
Mandellin - Dark Brown
Robadope - Positive
Simons - Negative
Marquis - no reaction
Mecke - brown
Mandellin - light blue
Robadope - Positive
Simons - Negative
Marquis - No reaction
Chens - Purple
Gallic Acid - No reaction
Marquis - no reaction
Mecke - slight browning
Mandellin - no change
Robadope - Negative
Simons - Positive? It should be positive...
Not shown.
All reactions slow. Strange colors, changing over time, all colors weak.
Robadope - Positive
Simons - Negative
Methylphenidate (ritalin)
Cobalt Thiocyanate: brilliant greenish blue
Mandelin - Brilliant orange yellow
Marquis - Moderate orange yellow
Simons - Pale violet
Heroin HCl
Cobalt Thiocyanate - Strong greenish blue
Mandelin - Moderate reddish brown
Marquis - Deep purplish red
Nitric Acid - Pale yellow
Froede Reagent - Deep purplish red
Mecke - Deep bluish green
Mandelin - Dark brown
Marquis - Dark greyish reddish brown
Nitric Acid - Dark orange yellow
Froede Reagent - Brownish black
Mecke - Olive black
Morphine monohydrate
Mandelin - Dark greyish reddish brown
Marquis - purple / violet
Nitric Acid - Bright orange yellow
Ferric Chloride - dark green
Froede Reagent - Deep purplish red
Mecke - Very dark bluish green
Cobalt Thiocyanate - Brilliant greenish blue
Mandelin - Dark greyish blue
Mandelin - Green->Blue - (NA) - (5)
Marquis - light yellowish pink
Mandelin - Dark greenish yellow
Marquis - pale violet
Nitric Acid - Brilliant yellow
Froede Reagent - Strong yellow
Mecke - Moderate olive
Cobalt Thiocyanate - Strong greenish blue
Mandelin - Dark reddish brown
Marquis - Blackish purple
Froede Reagent - Dark greyish red
Mecke - Deep reddish brown
Hydrocodone tartrate:
Cobalt Thiocyanate - Brilliant greenish blue
Mecke - dark bluish green
Marquis - purple/violet
Nitric Acid - light greenish yellow
Mecke - Very dark bluish green
Mandelin - Olive green - (NA) - (6)
Other non-psychedelic natural compounds
Marquis - Black - (droping on crystals) - (nexus)
Mandelin - Black - (droping on crystals) - (nexus)
Mecke - Black - - (droping on crystals) - (nexus)
p-DMAB-TS - Red - (droping on crystals) - (nexus)
Mandelin - grey-green - (NA) - (5)
Marquis - Brown->green - (NA) - (5)
Liebermann - red-orange - (NA) - (5)
Liebermann - red-orange - (NA) - (5)
Mandelin - Violet - (NA) - (5)
Liebermann - Blue - (NA) - (5)
Cocaine HCl
Cobalt Thiocyanate - Strong greenish blue
Mandelin - Deep orange yellow
Caffeine (anhydrous, USP)
Marquis - no reaction
Mecke - slight browning
Mandelin - no change
Robadope - Positive
Simons - Negative
Amalic acid - Orange->violet
Sample from BOLT brand single constituant ephedrine pills.
Marquis - no reaction
Mecke - no reaction
Mandellin - yellow-orange
Robadope - Negative
Common adulterants
Cobalt Thiocyanate - Strong greenish blue
Ferric Chloride - Blue - (NA) - (5)
Note: These tests wont be accurate for mixtures of alkaloids. Darker color reactions will generally overpower the lighter colors.
More info on colorimetric tests, where to buy or how to make them (and other analytical methods such as TLC for separating mixtures):
Sources for information on this thread:
> (1) http://www.hipforums.com/newforums/showthread.php?t=342330
> (2) Fatah, A., (2000) Color Test Reagents/Kits for Preliminary Identification of Drugs of Abuse
> (3) https://mycotopia.net/forums/456210-post2.html
> (4) Energy Control (p-DMAB-TS preparation instructions in (3) )
> (5) Clarke's isolation and identification of drugs (1986) Pharmaceutical press
> (6) Newton, M., French,J. (2007) Encyclopedia of crime scene investigation
> (7) Van Welsum (1973) Journal of Chromatography 78:237-240
> ( 8 ) Heacock, R., Forrest, J. (1973) The use of electron-acceptor reagents for the detection of some hallucinogens
> (9) UN Recommended methods for testing cactus and mushrooms
> (10) UN recommended methods for testing LSD
> (11) http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/mdma/mdma_faq_testing_kits.shtml
> (12) http://www.eztest.com/dir2/ez-test-mandelin-for-ecstasy-speed-and-ketamine/
> (13) theazo2 @ euphoricknowledge
> (14)* Lou, V.; Koo, W. Y.; Ramstad, E. (1965) Isolation of N-methyltryptamine from Acacia confusa bark. Lloydia, 28(3), 207-208
> (15 )* Woods, D., Clark, K. (1970) Variation in the Content of Tryptamines in Clones of Phalaris Arundinacea L.1. Vol. 11 No. 1, p. 121-122.
> (16) Trout - Some simple tryptamines
> (17)* Brown et al (1972) A rapid screening procedure for some “street drugs” by thin-layer chromatography. Journal of Chromatography 64; 128-133
> (18 ) Culvenor, C.C.J. et al. (1964) “The occurrence of indolealkylamine alkaloids in Phalaris tuberosa L. and P. arundinacea L.” Australian Journal of Chemistry
> (19) Erspamer, Vittorio (1955) “Observations on the Fate of Indolealkylamines in the Organism.” Journal of Physiology 127: 118-133.
> (20)* Frahn, J.L. & R.J. Illman (1973) “Separation of Some Indolylalkylamines From Their Metho Cation Derivatives Using Neutral Polystyrene Resin. Application to the Alkaloids of Phalaris tuberosa (Gramineae).” Journal of Chromatography 87: 187-191.
> (21) Frahn, J.L. & D.F. O’Keefe (1971) “The Occurrence of Tetrahydro-β−carboline Alkaloids in Phalaris tuberosa (Graminae).” Australian Journal of Chemistry 24: 2189-2192.
> (22) Gander, J.E. et al. (1976) “The Occurrence of 2-Methyl-1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-b-carboline and Variation in Alkaloids in Phalaris arundinacea.” Phytochemistry 15: 737-738.
> (23)* Ghosal, S. et al. (1971) “Chemical and Pharmacological Evaluation of Banisteriopsis argentea Spring ex Juss.” Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 60( 8 ): 1209-1212.
> (24) Majak, W. et al. (1978 ) “TLC Luminescence of Gramine and Related indole Alkaloids in Phalaris arundinacea.” Phytochemistry 17: 301-303.
> (25)* Schnoll, S.H. et al. (1972) “A Rapid Thin Layer Chromatographic Screening Procedure for Various Abused Psychotropic Agents. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs 5 (1):75-78.
> (26)* Smith, Ivor (1969) Chromatographic and Electrophoretic Techniques. Volume I. Chromatography.” 3rd Edition. William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd., London/ Interscience Publishers: New York.
> (27) Smith, Michael Valentine (1981) Psychedelic Chemistry. Loompanics; Port Townsend. ISBN 0-915179-10-5 (page 173)
> (28 ) majak, W. & Bose, R. (1977) Further characterization and quantitative determination of 5-methoxy-N-methyltryptamine in Phalaris arundinacea
> (29) Ghosal, S & Mukherjee, B. (1966) Indole-3-alkylamine Bases of Desmodium pulchellum
> (30) Erspamer et al (1967) 5-Methoxy- and 5-Hydroxyindoles in the skin of Bufo alvarius
> (31) Miles, D. et al (1987) Alkaloidal insect antifeedants from Virola calophylla
* These references were found through the book from K. Trout's - Some Simple tryptamines, second edition. We did not get direct access to these publications
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