Art I think you misunderstood me, I dont think her understanding DMT should be a relationship breaker, I do however believe that if you can not be yourself, good bad or ugly, then you are in the wrong relationship. Just my experience.
To me, being a parent is passing on my knowledge and experience to my children. When they are old enough to understand, I hope you reconsider speaking with them. Better from you than someone else that doesnt know shit about drugs. In the words of Yoda, 'The force runs strong in your family, Pass on what you have learned..." Don't let them grow up not knowing the truth about life. Show them it is all just a ride.
Regarding what LLB says, who fucking cares? You wont get everyone's approval so I suggest you do yourself a favor and simply not respond to him. Thats how he is entertained. Beyond tek assistance, or sharing DMT trips/spiritual awakenings, why would you or anyone for that matter give a two squirts of shit what people think? Let alone idiots on the internet? I don't know LLB and I don't know you and honestly I don't care, just saying let it go and if he responds, ignore him. Clearly talking down to people is something you both enjoy. You could be friends outside of these forums and own people up together heh.
I do wish you luck sir.
To me, being a parent is passing on my knowledge and experience to my children. When they are old enough to understand, I hope you reconsider speaking with them. Better from you than someone else that doesnt know shit about drugs. In the words of Yoda, 'The force runs strong in your family, Pass on what you have learned..." Don't let them grow up not knowing the truth about life. Show them it is all just a ride.
Regarding what LLB says, who fucking cares? You wont get everyone's approval so I suggest you do yourself a favor and simply not respond to him. Thats how he is entertained. Beyond tek assistance, or sharing DMT trips/spiritual awakenings, why would you or anyone for that matter give a two squirts of shit what people think? Let alone idiots on the internet? I don't know LLB and I don't know you and honestly I don't care, just saying let it go and if he responds, ignore him. Clearly talking down to people is something you both enjoy. You could be friends outside of these forums and own people up together heh.
I do wish you luck sir.