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Could the DMT world be the real world?

Migrated topic.

Running Bear

Rising Star
What if we actually enter the real world when we fall asleep. maybe when We're awake we are actually asleep and the only reason we enter this place is to add more people to the dmt realm. Or maybe I'm just crazy and need to lay off the dmt lol.
I have entertained this line of thought myself.

As the song goes... Row row row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream.

I guess your not the only crazy one! :surprised
It's hard to say! Sometimes during the comedown I feel that the physical world I artificial compared to the indescribable beauty I had just witnessed, but these impressions are only fleeting.
Well okay. I'm sure we all have had the thought that maybe when we are "sober* our reality is dulled down and eating mushies or dosing clears that up to see the more "real" but for me it's a passing feeling. But with Dmt. For me. I can no longer determine what is real at all. I have no sense off what my world was like before administrating. It's a total reset of your senses, I think. Being in a place for the first time. And actual rebirth. And it's so confusingly beautiful it literally makes ne wheel. Embrace the weirdness :)
1.What if yesterday never happened? Would today very come? (Not sarcasm) more of a trigger question

2. What if we are all just one butterfly in a cocoon , and this is all a caterpillar dream.
What if.
1.What if yesterday never happened? Would today ever come?? (Not sarcasm) more of a trigger question

2. What if we are all just one butterfly in a cocoon , and this is all a caterpillar dream.
What if.

I know this would go under spiritual or metaphysics but I sadly don't have access to them yet and I went on a journey last night and my mind is over flowing , forgive me
A bit offtopic, but does anyone else get this nearly euphoric, overwhelming wave of warm feelings on low doses with slight OEVs, CEVs etc? I've always thought that ethylamines instead of tryptamines have this feature. I've recently tried DMT for the first time, and man, it's such magic. I feel like I'm finaly secure, home and full of energy to do good stuff for everyone around me.
Hinforta said:
A bit offtopic, but does anyone else get this nearly euphoric, overwhelmingly wave of warm feelings on low doses with slight OEVs, CEVs etc? I've always thought that ethylamines instead of tryptamines have this feature. I've recently tried DMT for the first time, and man, it's such magic. I feel like I'm finaly secure, home and full of energy to do good stuff for everyone around me.

I've used DMT over 50 times and let me tell you its not always euphoric and magical. Always make sure you have a good set and setting. If you're having a bad day I wouldn't touch it.
Or we can ask the question the other way - what is a real world? What makes things real? I'd like to think that if it's real to oneself then it's real. Your believing it's real makes it real.
Running Bear said:
What if we actually enter the real world when we fall asleep. maybe when We're awake we are actually asleep and the only reason we enter this place is to add more people to the dmt realm. Or maybe I'm just crazy and need to lay off the dmt lol.

What does 'real' mean to you? What makes one thing, world, or experience more real than another? Some would say the more persistent a thing is, the more 'real' it is. What is the logic behind this?

If you have had 50 experiences smoking DMT I am sure you have seen by now that even the previously most persistent beliefs/experiences you took for granted as 'real' have been at least temporarily completely ground to dust and replaced by something entirely different.

There is no one part of a dream that is more true than any other part. A dream is a dream is a dream.
I think it's a philosophical question - what exactly is real. Then ultimately, on our personal journeys the answer is found by belief. What you choose to determine is real. Based upon your values and convictions.

I believe it is all real. Certain experiences can be given recognition/explanation by different sense organs, fields of study and world views.
There are several theories on how to define 'real' and they all have their problems. Most people tend to define 'real' according to a correspondence theory of truth, meaning that there is say, a picture (maybe a picture in your head) and there is the external world, and when the elements of your picture correspond with elements of the situation depicted in the external world, then your picture is 'truly' depicting reality. This seems very plausible at first sight, but the problem is that you'l never find out whether the correspondance realy is accurate.

There is another aproach wich i believe is called pragmatism. According to this view, knowing something, is being able to deal with it. So according to this view you'l know the world, if you're capable of dealing with it.

This may look superficial, but i actually like this view a lot. The only thing we realy know, after all, are how we feel about the things we experience. All that we experience may be a dream or some elaborate demonic hoax, but as the philosopher Descartes put it: even if some demon is playing a game with me, at least i know then, that i exist. So the only thing you know is that you exist, AND... how you feel about this experience.

All our efforts are ultimately aiming at making the feelings paired with this experience of existing, as pleasant as possible. So we don't know if aspirin for instance, realy helps against headache. We don't even know if aspirin realy exists. But we do know if we experience a headache or not. When it comes to the truth about aspirin, that is the only thing we'll ever know, even.

So in that view, you'll know something about aspirin if you can properly manage to avoid headaches.
It's great to mess around with ideas like this but it sends you to a strange place.

Often during meditation I'll have the thought pop into my head or just at a random time throughout the day I find myself contemplating how 'real' this reality is, or maybe we're living some sort of matrix. There was research done a little while back by Dr. James Grates Jr who studies string theory and he had shown two pictures comparing the similarities between a specific computer code and the equations that we use to explain the universe (these equations were represented in binary) and the two were an exact match.

I'm sure the video of the conference is still on YouTube it shouldn't be too hard to find if anyone's interested.

I've often found myself contemplating this, now are these a match because we're living in some sort of matrix? Or maybe is it because like most things in the universe they're run by underlying rules or designs like the golden ratio. They could possibly match because of the underlying structure that creates them but I guess we'll never know

I got a little off topic lol

The thought that dmt world could be the real world doesn't seem to be implausible at all but I believe that dmt allows you to acces a higher dimension. I think that dimension can be considered just as real as the one we're living in now, but then we get into a philosophical issue as what defines what's real/reality.

I don't think we'll ever truly know the answer to these questions but it's great to send yourself insane thinking about it lol
When I contemplate the universe the thoughts are often accompanied with a feeling, and that feeling is that this physical reality is not real at all. I don't know why or how to explain it it's just a sense that this isn't real, anyone else get that or is it just me?
I've had DMT excursions that were remarkably dreamlike. Not in its imagery but in their feel.
As for whether or not the dream world is the real world, I have read countless near death experiences where it is said that the 'place' they visited while 'dead' was more real than reality.
I've often read that we do in fact leave our bodies and visit other realms while asleep.
I think there is some truth to this.
But there is no way to figure it all out while still in this plane unless we die... and the universe is so vast that I'd say it encompasses enough realities to accommodate each and every one of ours.
What I mean is that reality is highly subjective and individualized. Depending on our beliefs and more, our dreams reflect those.
I think dreams are the way our soul, Spirit or essence, expresses itself. I could be wrong. I've been trying to figure all of this out because I've had such a stressed out life and full of tragedy, pain and abuse... full of crap, basically
And so, I'd like to think it will stop when I die and I can catch a blissful break for at least a little while until I get sent back here to do it again....
I hope I don't have to come back and that I learned enough to stay on the other side...
I hope I graduate to wherever the next level is.....
But anyways, that's a very interesting topic you posted and one, I'm afraid, we will not be able to figure out collectively, for quite some time yet.
I've pondered such questions for a long time and all I've come up with....I mean, the end result of the equation, is: Unconditional love
You get what you give, you reap what you sow, do unto others as you'd have them do unto you, all that jazz....
And so, even though it still leaves many unanswered questions at the moment, for me at least, I've found that it does work , again, for me at least, to learn to give unconditional love and that my dream world or higher state of being, benefits from that even though it's a bumpy road
One last thing I'd like to mention is that many of those who have had near death experiences have said they came back with the knowledge that no one actually dies, we just move on and go where we fit...
In other words, the purpose of this life and this world is that we learn to grow in love and earth is one giant 'soul school'
Sounds good at least
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