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Crazy Bad Experience... I thought he was going to die

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi all,

The other night me and my partner had a couple of friends over. It was another couple, but this was the first time we had met the guy who came with our friend. We decided to smoke/snort some DMT and something happened that i have never read about or experienced myself.

I have had a number of DMT experiences. my first was the most intense experience I've ever had. Since then i have extracted my own DMT, but I have yet to experience anything close to my first 3-4 experiences using the stuff i acquired. Im into my 3rd or 4th extraction now using MHRB, so I'm pretty familiar with my product. I don't think its anywhere near as potent as the first stuff i acquired (which confuses me because my extractions are pretty damn white! whereas the other stuff was moist and orange/red/amberish which i thought was impurities), maybe someone can comment on this?

We decided to have some DMT. Our friend and her new fella had snorted DMT a couple of times previously and enjoyed the experience. They decided to snort some freebase DMT (freebase - yes,.. i know) and I decided to smoke a small bowel (i was being cautious taking into consideration the new guy in the room (set and setting)). They snorted their lines (around 60mg) and i smoked my bowel. I don't know if my technique is wrong, but i have very little visual hallucinations when smoking my own extract, although the body high/euphoria is very intense. Visually Its like my vision is in super 4k HD and i have complete clarity. Nice body high, warm, fuzzy. This lasted around 10 mins, 15-20 back to base. By the time i had finished my mild but pleasant experience, my friend and her partner started to feel some affects.

Now its my friends friend (i'll call him Guy) who i was worried about. After he snorted the freebase, it took around 10 mins to start to take affect, but this wasn't like usual. Guy looked uncomfortable (obviously,... have you ever tried snorting freebase?... never again, it hurts like hell). He started to fidget and told me that he was really hot. I told him that i often feel a deep warmth in my chest and head on occasion and not to worry about it.

A small amount of time went past and his irritability had increased, he was boiling up and sopping wet with sweat. He told me he wasn't feeling to good, so i suggests that we sat outside to cool off and ride it out (he later told me he had no visuals, enhanced colours, hightended level of consciousness, etc..). We sat in the door way and his condition got worse and he started to panic. at this point i was holding him up and he began shaking quite violently for a couple of seconds. He was worried,... I was very worried.

After the shaking, Guy was able to drink some water someone had brought out to us. At this point i was still shaken from the thought that this guy i have just met has just had a fit from snorting DMT. Then i think it started to happen to me. My blood started to boil and i was sweating profusely. My vision began to close and i lost 80% of my hearing (its like all mids and high frequencies were filtered) apart from bass and a loud ringing (not the typical wiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzz!!!! you get when blasting off). My head was pounding and i was so light headed and dizzy i had to sit down. This lasted about 10 mins and then i started to feel better, regaining my vision and hearing (but the headache remained). After about an hour or so we were both back to 'normal' (...to a degree. i.e. i didn't think we were going to die anymore).

I've never read anywhere of of anyone having an experience like this, it was total physical discomfort. I can better understand why it would happen to Guy but why me also? it was a good 30 mins since i'd smoked my small bowel, so i would have thought the DMT would be pretty much all gone.

I've never really worried about my extraction techniques and/or if my extract is contaminated, unsafe etc... because i have smoked quite a bit of it and never experienced anything like this. but this experience has worried me somewhat.

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this or heard of the sort? can anyone shed any light on this because i already found it difficult to bring myself to the experience due to pre flight anxiety. obviously now it is through the roof!

any comments, questions, theories or suggestion are welcome!

Thanks in advance.
Was it the first trial of a new batch or did you already tried to vaporize a sample of this extraction before?

I also noticed something similar, concerning crystal clear spice and yellow/orange moist spice. The latter one had definitely a different effect: a lot more visual and powerfull, speaking of his psychedelic properties. I kept a sample of both and was wondering if I would get an explanation if I try to perform a TLC test... Perhaps is it an occasion to buy one? (need advices)

Concerning what happened to your friend, never heard of such a reaction, assuming your extraction was clean. Was he really warm or was it only subjective?
Your symptoms could partially fit with high blood pressure. Did you also had abdominal aches, nausea or palpitations? Did headache persist?

Take care.

Sound like your friend's friend had some very deep issues come up and he was not prepared to deal with it at that moment and had a mini anxiety attack. His emotions ran up and caused a physical reaction. I think you were likely very sympathetic to how he was feeling and inferred your own emotions into it. You absorbed his odd uncomfortable energy and shared it for a short time.

I really do think we are connected in a much deeper sense than we all think. We can absorb the energies around us. They affect us if we do not see this absorption taking place. It can be hard to distinguish between your own feelings and energies and the energies and feelings of someone else. Especially when partaking in psychedelics.

When using psychedelics, each individual must find a way to ground themselves and remain cognizant of the fact that they can affect fellow trippers. It sounds like you did a great job helping him through his difficult experience. You grounded him but you allowed some absorption of his energy in the process. It is hard to step back when feeling empathetic or sympathetic to the plight of a person going through a difficult trip.

Perhaps a sober trip sitter would be in order next time this guy comes around?
What sticks out to me here is that your own extracts are less visual & seem to be somewhat different effect wise than other DMT you have had.
I know jungle can be different than pure white or glassy crystal but to be that much different seems odd.

Are you certain what you have is M. Hostilis & not the bark of some other closely related species? A TLC kit would work well to determine if you have DMT & whether it is contaminated with anything strange.

There is also the possibility that what happened was guy had an anxiety attack & him flipping out caused you to feel the same way.
Guys, thank you very much for your thoughts and comments. They make a lot of sense and have put me a ease a lot. I think it's safe to say that he won't be doing psychedelics again. He messaged me the morning after and thankd me for looking after him. I'm defiantly going to be a lot more reserved and calculated when sharing with others.

As for my DMT. I'm confident that what I have is MHRB. It looks very much like what I've seen in the extraction photos on here and I'm confident that my REMOVED. My final product looks, smells, tastes exactly how it is described. The effects are varied, I have had intense visuals on it but it is not garrenteed to happen the next time round. I'm beginning to think that it is set as setting which may be holding me/it back. My first experiences were quite special, somewhat of a ritualistic approach with my preparation (showered, bedroom, low light, calming music, contemplation, meditation, breathe, bast off). I have recently been taking a more 'bla say' approach and smoking it in a recreational environment (usually in low doses). I think this has to do with my pre-flight anxiety. I'm probably more inclined to smoke when I'm with others. Maybe I need to go in alone again with a high dose, or ask a friend to some and trip sit for me and go a little higher on the dose.

Thanks again
How was this batch extracted? Is it possible that there were contaminants or that the material you were putting up your nose contained less DMT and more something else?

It sounds very similar to the effects of tryptan medications, rather than a true psychedelic.

Alternately, maybe using such a painful ROA started the trip off on a bad note?

Have you tried vaping the same batch and seeing what happened?

I used Cyb's ATB salt Tek to extract. I've used this method 4-5 times before and have achieved the same quality of product every time. Maybe the pain was a crontributing factor but I didn't snort my dose, I vaped mine. I've only sorted it once or twice and learnt my lesson that it's not worth snorting freebase. The guy had snorted it once before so he was fully aware.

I'm not sure if it is because of my extract after reading the other comments. Bearing in mind I've vaped around 3-4g of my previous extractions using the same method and ingredients. I've never experienced anything like it before. It's never unusually harsh (my extract is quite smooth really), I've not noticed any unusual smells or taste. It looks exactly like the photos on the Tek.

Thanks :)
Hypernaut1111 said:
Hi all,
...i have very little visual hallucinations when smoking my own extract, although the body high/euphoria is very intense. Visually Its like my vision is in super 4k HD and i have complete clarity. Nice body high, warm, fuzzy. This lasted around 10 mins, 15-20 back to base. By the time i had finished my mild but pleasant experience, my friend and her partner started to feel some affects.

Sounds to me like you have a high tolerance. Try predosing with a MAOI and you'll be tripping balls and pink elephants and the whole nine yards. At least that's how it is for me ;)
PH0Man said:
Hypernaut1111 said:
Hi all,
...i have very little visual hallucinations when smoking my own extract, although the body high/euphoria is very intense. Visually Its like my vision is in super 4k HD and i have complete clarity. Nice body high, warm, fuzzy. This lasted around 10 mins, 15-20 back to base. By the time i had finished my mild but pleasant experience, my friend and her partner started to feel some affects.

Sounds to me like you have a high tolerance. Try predosing with a MAOI and you'll be tripping balls and pink elephants and the whole nine yards. At least that's how it is for me ;)

I have some freebase harmallas I extracted out of some Cappi vine. I was going to use it to make some changa but my first attempt went wrong. I used IPA as my solvent. The DMT dissolved no problem but the harmallas just wouldn't budge.

I don't know if it's my tolerance. maybe I just need to increase my dose and focus on my vape technique, I typically use a pipe but have started to use a small bong. I sandwich with a blend of Mullen and blue lotus.
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