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Cybs Hybrid ATB 'Salt' Tek...Designed for newbies.

Migrated topic.
^^ Yes just add more water to bring the solvent further up to the rim...it won't hurt.
The amount of acid and base shown in the tek is over exaggerated for those that don't have sophisticated pH equipment, so a little more water is fine.:thumb_up:

The water is just a medium for the molecules to float around in while the reaction takes place (using acid/base pH levels).

Obviously too little water and the solution is sludgy and separation is very hard...too much water and the solution is too dilute...but there is a fair margin to work with
slugware, i was following cyb's tek using 100 grams in a wine bottle. i had two wine bottles towards the end of their yielding anything. so i decided to add both bottles to a larger container and add more salt/water. the vessel was larger than i thought and i ended up adding more than double the water that was originally there. i still couldn't reach the fluted top of my gallon cider vessel so i had to pour it into 4 wine bottles to get the naphtha to reach the narrow tops. it totally worked. i got the remainder of spice out, about another 200 mg. i'm not saying to over dilute, but if you do go over it still can yield product. there seems to be quite a bit of wiggle room
mailorderdiety said:
slugware, i was following cyb's tek using 100 grams in a wine bottle. i had two wine bottles towards the end of their yielding anything. so i decided to add both bottles to a larger container and add more salt/water. the vessel was larger than i thought and i ended up adding more than double the water that was originally there. i still couldn't reach the fluted top of my gallon cider vessel so i had to pour it into 4 wine bottles to get the naphtha to reach the narrow tops. it totally worked. i got the remainder of spice out, about another 200 mg. i'm not saying to over dilute, but if you do go over it still can yield product. there seems to be quite a bit of wiggle room

hey, mailorderdiety , thanks for clarifying that! It's useful to know how such modifications of the tek result :)

Blessings All!
SWIM says thanks for this tek. Their results:

1st pull was pulled after 6 hours in freezer and naptha poured off to freeze again in case 6 hours wasn't enough. Result of single 1st pull: 0.675 I have a feeling this batch will break the 2% mark. Fluffy slightly yellow crystals. The rest of the pulls will freeze overnight.
Just wondering how long you guys generally leave you NPS in before.pulling. ?

Last extract I literally followed.the tek to a t. I added 50ml turned end over ten for 30 second or so,let separate and repeated 4 times. Probably 5 minutes.total before pulling. I noticed the tek states 45 minutes is how long it should take but my nps separated immeidtaely.

My total yield was about three quarters of a gram. I'm wondering if I should leave it in longer next time and how long that should be.

if I recall correctly the tek suggests ~ 1 hour for the NPS ( per pull ) to stay in the basified mix. And if you pull 4 times, do the numbers.
I personally add NPS, shake vigorously for about 30 secs, let it separate for 15 minutes, then shake again, so you have 4 separations per pull in intervals of 15 minutes.

5 minutes will be ok to separate, but the longer the better, for complete separation of the layers!

Good luck in your journeys! ;)
For all the newbies wanting to choose a first extraction TEK this is the future of ATB TEKs

I continually get nice white fluff from ACRB this batch on just five pulls yeilds 1.3% from 100g ACRB !!:thumb_up:

The only thing I add is I save all pulls in one bottle then do a mini A/B on the naphtha to remove all oils and fats !!

Hey all! I decided to try my first extract and this was the tek i chose, im using ACRB and being a total noob im unsure of the quality. So far everything has been going well and my basified black solution is in a bath right now, one thing i did notice is that when i was adding the vinegar i misread my graduated cylinder and added less than 25 ml instead of the 60. Good thing i only did a small test run of 50g acrb and i have plenty more to learn from, ill post to let everyone know how it went since this seems like it just became a straight to base due to my rookie mistake.

thanks for all the wisdom cyb!!
humuluslupuluslove said:
Hey all! I decided to try my first extract and this was the tek i chose, im using ACRB and being a total noob im unsure of the quality. So far everything has been going well and my basified black solution is in a bath right now, one thing i did notice is that when i was adding the vinegar i misread my graduated cylinder and added less than 25 ml instead of the 60. Good thing i only did a small test run of 50g acrb and i have plenty more to learn from, ill post to let everyone know how it went since this seems like it just became a straight to base due to my rookie mistake.

thanks for all the wisdom cyb!!

Post you're results here Sharing Various extraction results with CYB'S TEK(pics!) - STB - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus
Cybs and the salt tek have really improved my extractions results. I still make some mistakes, last one was my blade snapped and goo ended up on the floor full of cat hair. Uggh. I also had to extract from double the water when a jar I was warming got too hot and cracked into the pan of water as I was adding it from the kettle, still came out at 12 plus ph with using no more than the original 60g of sodium hydroxide (I saw a question about using less SH the other day). I must re read the teks again...
This tek & making the switch to mhrb has reignited my interest in dmt right as i was ready to give up 😁

First extraction on 50g yeilded 1.125g very light yellow spice.

2nd extraction on 50g reusing same solvent & with an added freeze precip, longer acid bath, & a bit more vinegar yeilded 1.56g neon yellow powder with more of a tendency to clump than the first batch.

Solvent is evaporating further for another freeze precip & total yeild from both batches will be recrystallized together for final yeild & hopefully some nice white crystals.
Aweems said:
Quick question..

Anyone had good results with this tek without the heat bath?
Or is it absolutely necessary?

Yeilds will be lower with no heat bath.
The first acid soak + heat bath helps break down plant matter so i'd do that one.
After that you should be able to do the rest cold, it will just require more pulls to get all the spice.
slugware said:
Cyb, I have a question for you

I've been applying this tek 6 times so far with a pretty descent results, having in mind these are my first attempts at extraction.

I have a all-glass reaction bottle that i want to use from now on, to avoid base+aluminium reaction on my most used reaction vessel so far. Anyway, the problem with my second vessel is that its form isn't pretty handy for collencting nps pulls - it is wider at up to 3/4 of it's height and gets thinner at the top. I did one extraction in it too, but pulling was quite hard. It seemed to me then, that if i had more of the mimosa basified soup, solvent layer would be higher in the vessel, thus forming thicker layer to work with.

So my question is :

In your tek, you advise ending up with ~ 700 ml of liquid.

Is it possible to add some more water - let's say 150-200 ml , ending up at about 900 of mimosa soup. Having in mind i haven't changed anything else. I always work with 50 g bark, 30 g salt , 35-40 NaOH, and i dilute ~3 ml of 95% acetic acid in 260 ml water at the acidifying stage.

Would adding that much water change the pH of the solution (or) and affect the outcome in some other way?

Thanks a bunch for the great tek! :)

I literally came to this thread to get this exact question answered. Thank you for saving me the trouble!

I'm going to guess and say you have the 1 liter pyrex with the GL45 screw cap? I have a couple, love em, work really really well.

As always, thank you Cyb for simplifying this for us and answering our questions! <3
With this tek I got 1.25g from guatamalan mhrb, 1g from mexican bark and .9 from acrb. The first was fluffy snowballs, the second was a flaky crystal mat on the tray. I combined the two for a re-x. Have not weighed the final but it looks good so far.

The ACRB I kept in the heat bath (crockpot) the entire day 14hrs or so, salted and let it cool before basing and let it sit overnight room temp. Combined all pulls and did a mini a/b to defat. Lotsa crud cleaned out in the naptha. Did a freeze precip from only two pulls on the basic soup (THX EW) but repeated mixing like 10 times each pull. After 24hrs i took out the batch and it was white crystal spires coating the tray which soon went clear and gooey :shock: but after scraping and smearing it on the glass twice a day for two days it crystalized and now is a fine eggshell colored powder.:thumb_up: Smells awesome. I pulling once more from the mini a/b soup to see what I missed so it may be closer to a gram.

MHRB is easier (and more expensive) to work with for sure but I am impressed with the ACRB yield compared to other teks I have tried. Not doing boil after boil (no freeze thaw either) is so awesome!

Kudos again Cyb! 8)
Hi Cyb,

Just wanted to pass on my thanks for producing this. This is what my friend managed to get from 50gs of MH root bark:


That was from the first and second pulls only! The third and fourth pulls produced about 100mgs of goo, so that's 1005mg in total - just over 2% yield.

Here is the TLC output. From left to right, reagents are Erlich, Marquis and Mecke:


Mostly DMT, with a little bit of NMT for good measure - perfect :)

Thanks mate,
Hey Eastlancsguy,

congrats on your extraction.
Did you recrystalize the final product?
I'm asking, because your product looks very orange on that picture, which, in my experience, can be a clue for lye contamination. If you didn't recrystalize already, i would recommend you to, just to be on the safe side.

Best wishes,
FromMeToYou said:
Hey Eastlancsguy,

congrats on your extraction.
Did you recrystalize the final product?
I'm asking, because your product looks very orange on that picture, which, in my experience, can be a clue for lye contamination. If you didn't recrystalize already, i would recommend you to, just to be on the safe side.

Best wishes,
Hi there,

No I haven't recrystallised it. It's more yellow than orange tbh, I think it's just the picture.

I will do one though, just to be on the safe side. Thanks for the advice.

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