Neō KyK ĖntheŌnaut
One of these leprechaun creatures whispered in my ear that "DMT is a Water Spirit plant" ~ D.M.Turner
When one accesses the edges of infinity, he or she should expect to find some similitude with elements presents in our world. The source is, and will be, expressed in all possible form throughout the Universe. Therefore it is not surprising that some aspect of reality find common threads with the psychedelic experience. Psychedelic experiences enables the access to the source, or reshape our perception for a closer experience of its full blown scale by moduling the sensory outputs of the body and the mind. And as there been more glaring symbols of eternity than that of the great Ocean, timeless and birther of all life, of all suns?
(one can see this process from a reversed angle, reality is the source that provides for the material of the psychedelic state, it is matter of interpretation and holds no great consequences for the rest of this thought)
:::Emergence of Lake and Flowers:::
Water's surface is but the closer one might get to naturally occuring hallucinations - beyond the fact that all of our fractalic world is but giant one, water has the right timing. While other fractal patterns are more bound by time and doing so exerce a different effect on the mind, one would have to gaze exenstively to achieve an effect that water's surface enable in a quasi immediate manner. That is of hypnosis.
It's bouncing geomtrical forms of all kind with rythms depending on a wide range of factors. This range also allows for water's surface to be looked upon different ways, which will gives differents result - in perception of depth and movements, the focus and sharpness of the look of the "user" is a decisive factor. Any sufficient gazing in water's mirrors will leave the viewer with distortion of the visual firlds, fractals and rosaces, light OEV. Gazing too much with an empty look can also provoke slight uncapacity to refocus normally for a while thereafter (the implications and after effect of such practice I am not aware of, but, as for sun gazing, and anything really, too much is always not too good).
The hypnagogic state that water gazzing produces can lead to interesting altering one's perception. It might be a lenghty process, there is a need to dive in ... The hazardous and mysterious nature of water is felt soon enough, there is a sense of relaxation when one is gazing not only at natural occuring hallucinations (that are mostly independent of him) enhanced by the presence of water, its spirit. We are here with a familiar being, it birthed us, we drink her blood each day, she rains on us, washes and heals us. All the implications of water and it's ancestry will be felt on a consciouss or subconsciouss level.
The major one is that of the ephemerous nature of this elemental ancestor. While clouds come close, in their own beautiful way, no one ever holded a cloud (well most people don't, if you are from moutain lands might be different). But people have holded water, and all have seen and felt it get out of their hand. Unlike gazing upon a tree where one can decide where to looks, water take that away from us, she slips away, slips away to unknown destination, she takes the mind and carries it to new shores. Water gazing can have very interesting effect on thoughts structure, and for me particulary into the philosophical territory, more wise and revealing in all ways that any assemblage of words printed on paper, however interesting them words, however well written. Gazing upon the strange reflection of water may offer endless insight, in an exercise very pleasing for the eye. Aren't those strange reflection the only mirror humanity knew for most of its days?
Nature variety of shapes is a great feat for the creative mind, and water is no exepection and with its fast pace, it seems like accelerated lesson. There is a real musicality to it. It can extremely active and filling the visual are but still remaining immensely relaxing. One can gaze for hours.
Deep meditation state can arise. One might enjoy regulating his eyelids closures, which will allow for new perceptions of movements, shapes and light reflection if the sun is set as such that it hits the surface. If you close your eyelids too much and gaze for a long time you will most likely have the focus lost/innhability to return to normal capacity to focus immediately. In some parts of the world, people wash their eyes from time to time. I like to think that water gazing washes the mind's eye.
The maleability of water is also unique, its texture, which creates a dimensionality of its own, unparalleled. Water is the world of the illusion. If one was to look at his hand it would be larger, closer to the surface it would seem flat and allonged. Water exerce a strange influence on the mind and naturally alter our perceptions. Her rythmes and her moves. You can almost hear her laugh, giggleling through waves at your astionsihed face. Or may she agitates her irrisations or light filaments to quiet your mind. Light filament are magnificient and a great exemple of a form of hypnosis that can confound depth perception. The musicality can be felt highly.
Though I have not discussed it much, the sonic aspect of the liquid worlds is also highly interesting. In most closed space, high rush of water will create subtle but highly powerful vibrations (the materials used in kitchen and baths enhance this greatly), similar to those one might get from Oms and them diaphonic chanting. And indeed water is singing to us. In it's river forms it articulates many tiny sounds, it is as if she was speaking to me ...
Through most of these features, not all of them, water seems to be the closest natural phenomene there is to a psychedelic hallucination. It is very much, as such, an endless enigma.
:::The Mythopoetic:::
As one of the core force of nature, water has held a special place in the symbolical landscape of the mind. It has been associated with dreams. Water is where all being are melted, part of this great dancing juice that wells around, a juice of beings yet to be formed and concretize.
Joseph Campbell, in his seminal Hero with a Thousand Faces, notes that the "underworld", the mythological or magical world that the Hero must enter to begin his quest, is often liquid and shapeshifting. The said step is named "The Belly of the Whale", the place where the meeting of the shadow, the deformed double, and resurrection will happen.
And so water is also often closely related to the art of magic. Magic is the art of transformation, so reliant on the shifting and movement of one's inner and outer cosmos. No one can grasp or hold magic. It is less concrete than rational knowledge and logic, it conveys the world of the abstract, the symbolical reality of consciousness, something closer to eternity, where time is dissolved.
Both those link -the belly (pregnancy) of the whale (ocean) and eternity (ocean, amniotic liquid) - are related to birth. The place of conception is emotionally understood as a place eternal. It holds great significance, if one were to understand the universe as precise and intentionally repeating patterns, that life is often said to have come from eternity. So, by getting into the waters of the mind, we bath closer to eternity and gaze upon the great abyss. Those "hallucinatory" states often involve time dissolution, sensing the infinite and feelings of eternity.
One would need to consider how our ancestors mind, and therefore our own, where shaped by their environment. Our ancestors were fully immersed in the world and their senses, it was an integral part of them - and it is of us but we have lost touch in many ways. We could even speculate that at the birthing of our consciousness, which is symbolical in nature, in what must have been great stages of instability - as is all transformative state, often proceeding from dissolution - the mind found a great anchor in the reality surrounding it, and the personality of all things around. It would then seem natural to perceive those forces that shaped us, not only physical but psychically, as guides, healing spirits and so on.
One can also consider that living in such a world, a world inhabited by spirits, implies a certain dissolution of self and time. It is an interlaced/interconnected process of anthropomorphization and cosmomorphisation. Turner's Cydelic space is attested from many. From Maria Sabina to the Amazons. This mythological realm where things are "out of time". While such a state possesses a variety of levels, and the higher one would not be suitable to live in, it seems our ancestors were living more closely (as: not entirely cut) to it. Such state that involves a dissolution of time happens in the psychedelic experience. We could note that the tendency to perceive time as circular (or simultaneous) allows such dissolving easily, after all, what is a moving circle but the best hypnotical trick of the Magician? Repetition.
The realized psychonaut is an amphibian being. A toad. From the dissolution of his self, the disintegration of his body, a loss of his members, from resembling a fish, he grows new branches, bares new fruits. He can gesticulate and create. Water is a fertile space, a place where creation is easy, it flows out of you, creativity just falls like tears in the billions of drops of rain that is the Great Imagination. The psychonaut, or proto-shaman, by entering this realm, the waters of creation, is in contact with the source, the great imagination and its crushing reality, its hyperreality. More real than real, and why wouldn't it be? It is where the mind was born. Warning, Awakening and a need to focus on your breath may arise from reliving the core and foundation event of consciousness. Yet you might need to go again. Well, nothing is eternal, is it? We learn to go in and go out of this cave, of this hole surrounded by twelve sycamore tree, of this place of swirling shapes that flow like a velvet curtain, a veil over reality ...
From her mysterious and illusory surface, through her texture and movement, Laguna gives a sense of virtuality, a strong impression of ... Irrealism. She awakens mystery. She is impenetrable. Yet, one can go through the membrane. From looking at the illusion, one can move on to merge with it. From there it only gets queerer ...
:::Forever Waterfall:::
So you might think that I did not speak of the Mester enough, and while I have read sufficient reports and gathered sufficient information to make all kinds of theory, I thought that the members of the Nexus, with more experiences than I have with said substance, should bring the bricks and enhance the talk. Why is DMT a water spirit? Well, I thought of all psychedelics as water spirits! Mostly Lysergic Acid because it comes in liquid form and has this "clean" and liquid gold feeling to it. Yet while gazing upon water not so long ago, in the autumn light of a setting sun through the mist, a reminiscence of my experience came to me. As if those were linked somehow ...
Endlessly drifting ...
We have to realize the magic potential of the world that surrounds us, the transformation power it holds. There is a great need to enter into the realm of the imaginary a new, to reunite it with the world and not see them as separated anymore. This is the most ancient legacy of the human race, the mythopoetic gift from the first men. Our minds! Away from matter, the spirit has become a dry land, we have to let flow the waters of life into the land of the mind. How then could one destroy a world that is his own soul? It is crystal clear to me that the spirit of water and her hypnosis have much to teach us.
(((As any work there is, this is in progress. From discussion I hope to expand my views and consider new angles. You can guess it is far from complete, I hope however to have litten some spark and opened some gates for discussion. I hope the read was not to harsh, I have tried my best to spatialize the whole thing. Thank you for reading!)))