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dmt allergy

Migrated topic.

Electro Monk

Rising Star
so for a short while i smolked a lot of dmt. it never worked on me as strong as i think it worked for others, so my doses where very high too.

after a relatively short while i noticed that dmt stopped working on my almost completely. even a large dose of pharmahuasca did not affect me.

i did suspect different reasons at first, like botched extractions and rotten bark and i kept experimenting until i noticed at one time my right leg and arm had swollen and looked really hideous. the water seemed to be mostly near or under the skin, giving my body parts a ghostly very pale but also almost translucent look. its a bit hard to tell really, after all i was on a micro high on dmt and my visuals where affected.
naturally i freaked out a little, i was a little high after all. i decided to go to a hospital, but that i should shower first.
however, as soon as i sat in my bathtub and started to do wash myself the symptoms went away.
at this point, i did not know what had happend, but i suspected dmt. so to verify it, i smolked some a few days later with the same effect.

now, this is where my sorry should end but i am a bit stupid. instead of accepting that i should not use dmt anymore, i decided to try what effect antiallergicas would have. so i took 20mg of loratadin and vaped a very small dose of dmt.
witch was, in hindsight, a really stupid idea. instead of water under my skin this time the water seemed to accumulate inside my muscles. my right my leg, foot, arm and hand lower abdomen looked as if they belonged to a much larger person. this time, the cool shower it also did not seem to help much (though i have no idea what would had happened without)
now, i also was a bit high but i managed not to freak out to much. after an hour my symptoms started to go away, though today one day after a few of my muscles still hurt a bit.

anyway, i mostly am sharing this because when i researched the web for dmt allergies, i did not find a single one affected. i found a few voices that claimed that the molecule was to small to cause an allergy. well this seems to be wrong. of course, it was possible that i am not allergic to the spice itself but to impurities in my product. however, the fact that dmt also almost entirely stopped working on me makes me quite sure that its not an allergy to an impurity. my body seems to fight the drug and even when im fully mao inhibited, prevent almost all of it from reaching my brain.
Go and see a doctor if you are having medical issues.

Another thought is that you could be a hypochondriac.

Any which way you slice it, it sounds like you need to talk to a doc about what is going on.
Maybe it was DMT doing it's thing? DMT can cause bizzare sensations in the body. Maybe it's a hypochondriac thing like dmnstr8 said. Seeing a doctor is a good idea.

I've experienced strange reactions to psychs too, and like you, I was not able to find any similar cases around the internet. No one here at the nexus had heard of such a thing either. If you are having a bad reaction to something, I would suggest you take a good, long break from it, possibly even stop permanently. Work on eating better food and exercising. Take care of yourself. Please be careful. Our health is more important than dosing psychedelics.

What follows is an account of what happened to me, in case you might be interested in reading about another sudden, unusual reaction to DMT.

For dozens and dozens of trips over a decade, I didn't have any abnormal physical problems from psychedelics. Then I began having unusual reactions to DMT, shrooms, and LSD.

It started one night on a moderate dose of mushrooms, about 3.5 grams, I spent the entire trip coughing up huge amounts of mucous every few minutes. It was so bad I thought I was going to drown and almost called for an ambulance. This bad reaction lasted exactly as long as the psychedelic effects, about 4 hours. When the trip was over I could hear crap rattling around in my lungs if I took a deep breath. I took another couple, ever smaller doses of shrooms and the same thing happened each time, to a lesser extent, consistent with the smaller doses.

For a few months afterwards, other tryptamines were fine. Then DMT started to do the same thing, for exactly the duration of the trip. Then LSD and 1P-LSD. After that I didn't take any tryptamines for about a year (other classes of drugs/psychedelics didn't cause this reaction.) Earlier this year I took a light dose of metocin and this over-production of mucous from my lungs did occur, but to a much smaller degree. A few weeks ago I took a small dose of psilacetin and the bad effect was there, but barely noticeable.

I don't know exactly what brought this on, but I suspect 8 years of smoking played a role. Also, the first time it happened, I had just recovered from a nasty bout of bronchitis. I quit smoking for 6 months before taking psilacetin this year and the mucous problem was greatly reduced. I don't think that's a coincidence.
thanks for replies and all your advise!

i see my doctor quite often as i do have some medicall issues at the moment.she already knew i extracted and consumed harmalas and dmt. she is quite cool with that and even said she thought it could be beneficial.

my reactions are definitively is not hypochondria. for one, the spice almost had no hallucinogenic effects on , and the symptoms lasted longer then the drug effects that i ddi get.
but also, i used a needle i had poked into my extract to sting my self a few times, witch resulted in red dots.
the thing is, in this matter my doctor is of little help to me. my medical insurance would never cover the costs for a treatment so i can continue to consume illegal drugs. so i told my doctor i had developed an allergy, but it did not result in anything.

in any case its obvious that dmt is very harmful to me and i should not consume it again or at least wait a looong time and repeat the allergy test first.

what i wonder is, if this allergy will also trigger on other tryptamines. to test this, i now started a buffo extraction form vilca seeds. i only had 20g of seeds so it wont result in much - but then, to get some on a needle and sting myself i do not need much.
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