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DMT and the Christ Figure

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I am relatively new to DMT experiences, I drink A. Confusa/Syrian rue tea and also smoke raw acacia bark mixed with cannabis on a more frequent basis...

Anyway... I was wondering if anyone else on here has had a similar experience to me in their early days of DMT experimentation... the Christ figure always somehow plays a significant role in my trips. At first it was the person who introduced me to it, and later became my bestfriend... I was very convinced at the time that I was Judas Iscariot re-incarnate and he was the re-incarnation of Jesus of Nazareth.

That episode has long since passed but I can't shake the feeling that he and I are inextricably linked through time... that he and I are actually sworn enemies because both of us are destined to be a "chosen one" of sorts, but only one can fully achieve "Christ Consciousness"

It is all very confusing. I would like if an experienced member/DMT user could shed some light on precisely what I've experienced? As I've said its very confusing and at times downright strange.
Could you please elaborate a bit on what you mean? No offense but your descriptions are a little vague to me. Also, did you mean to say Judas Iscariot?

On a second note, I have never heard of smoking raw acacia bark. I wouldn't think that this would provide any dmt and I imagine the bark has a nasty taste with smoked.

If you feel like you were Judas Iscariot re-incarnate and these other people were Jesus of Nazareth I have two lines of thought.

One, delusions of grandeur. Happens to the best of us when our minds are running wild.

Two, you are both the christ and the anti-christ. Imagine no such thing as time. Imagine you can choose to have any experience of life you want. You choose the experience of every single human on this planet including the christ and anti-christ. It is hard to explaining this kind of thinking for me because the more I attempt to explain it the less sense it seems to make to other people and the more sense it makes to me.

I remember an early DMT trip where I could swear I was Abraham Lincoln and Mozart. It felt like I was really them. I like to think that we choose experiences. That something is behind all of our experiences watching them all unfold. Observing. Are we all the observers? or are we all the observed?

Forgive my bumbling reply. lol Interesting experience you had with your buddies. Out of curiosity, How would you answer you own questions? What do you think is going on?
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