Rising Star
I am grateful to be a part of this forum. It seems like a great place. I found this forum after doing some research online after a recent somewhat heavy DMT experience.
I had done DMT twice in the past, many years ago. My first experience was somewhat light, I closed my eyes and the first thing I saw was a really amazing looking Medusa female head with a bunch of snakes where the hair would be. It was really cool! I saw a witch, a hooded dark creature, elves, pixies, fairies, and some 'pleasant' creatures.
Second experience I think may have been DMT sandwiched with weed. I was camping at night at a festival, someone handed me a pipe in a large group and said it was 'DMT'. I took a hit, and saw a psychedelic looking Native American face, who waved a spear, and when he did, I shot through a gate and went on what seemed like a roller coaster throughout the Universe. I saw the cells inside of people, and as I saw the cells, there was a whole Universe in the cells, and everything was connected. It was really cool. This experience seemed to last for what I would say was about 3 hours. That's what makes me think there was weed in it.
Which brings me to my third recent experience with DMT. I wasn't even seeking it out, rather it came to me. I had a hard time measuring out an accurate dose. I have a scale that goes down to .00 g but can be inaccurate .01-.05. If I weigh the same penny 5 times it can vary from (example) 1.01-1.05 g. So I measured out the very best I could what occurred to be 45mg. I put it in an oil burner. And took the hit.
Within 5 seconds the walls started vibrating really fast and I felt like I was sucked out of my body and catapulted or rocketed into a much higher dimension. I immediately exhaled, as this was INTENSE. I thought "OMG I smoked too much and died!" It was as if I saw my life and death in the blink of an eye. I saw lights, shapes, geometric patterns. Everything happened VERY fast. Like watching a 1 hour 30 minute movie all in 5 minutes on FastForward. And trying to describe what the movie was like. I had some revelations about my life. I was SHOCKED to look up at the clock and see that only 4 minutes had gone by. It felt like lifetimes or an immeasurable amount of time. I layed on the ground (probably needing grounding), still thinking I had died. Got up, took a sip of water, thought "omg if I am drinking water I am still alive!". The experience was mainly over in 15 minutes. It was REALLY intense. Like the ride at the roller coaster park where you are just sitting and it rockets you straight up and then you come back down. Like that ride, but if you weren't expecting it + psychedelic.
Afterwards despite the experience being intense I felt a great peace come over me. Like I had been reborn, reset, was fresh. I felt really good and at peace. It felt like initially I had been sucked out of my body, but when I came back like I had been purified in a sense, like the negativity I had was sucked out and didn't come back. This was about a week ago and I still feel a peace post DMT experience.
It was definitely the strongest DMT experience I have had. Which makes me wonder if I smoked too much. It's as if it happened too fast to where I can barely recall key points. I am thinking that next time I will try half. Also I have come across a scale that measures down to .000 g, so this should give me a more accurate measurement in the future.
Thanks for reading!
I am grateful to be a part of this forum. It seems like a great place. I found this forum after doing some research online after a recent somewhat heavy DMT experience.
I had done DMT twice in the past, many years ago. My first experience was somewhat light, I closed my eyes and the first thing I saw was a really amazing looking Medusa female head with a bunch of snakes where the hair would be. It was really cool! I saw a witch, a hooded dark creature, elves, pixies, fairies, and some 'pleasant' creatures.
Second experience I think may have been DMT sandwiched with weed. I was camping at night at a festival, someone handed me a pipe in a large group and said it was 'DMT'. I took a hit, and saw a psychedelic looking Native American face, who waved a spear, and when he did, I shot through a gate and went on what seemed like a roller coaster throughout the Universe. I saw the cells inside of people, and as I saw the cells, there was a whole Universe in the cells, and everything was connected. It was really cool. This experience seemed to last for what I would say was about 3 hours. That's what makes me think there was weed in it.
Which brings me to my third recent experience with DMT. I wasn't even seeking it out, rather it came to me. I had a hard time measuring out an accurate dose. I have a scale that goes down to .00 g but can be inaccurate .01-.05. If I weigh the same penny 5 times it can vary from (example) 1.01-1.05 g. So I measured out the very best I could what occurred to be 45mg. I put it in an oil burner. And took the hit.
Within 5 seconds the walls started vibrating really fast and I felt like I was sucked out of my body and catapulted or rocketed into a much higher dimension. I immediately exhaled, as this was INTENSE. I thought "OMG I smoked too much and died!" It was as if I saw my life and death in the blink of an eye. I saw lights, shapes, geometric patterns. Everything happened VERY fast. Like watching a 1 hour 30 minute movie all in 5 minutes on FastForward. And trying to describe what the movie was like. I had some revelations about my life. I was SHOCKED to look up at the clock and see that only 4 minutes had gone by. It felt like lifetimes or an immeasurable amount of time. I layed on the ground (probably needing grounding), still thinking I had died. Got up, took a sip of water, thought "omg if I am drinking water I am still alive!". The experience was mainly over in 15 minutes. It was REALLY intense. Like the ride at the roller coaster park where you are just sitting and it rockets you straight up and then you come back down. Like that ride, but if you weren't expecting it + psychedelic.
Afterwards despite the experience being intense I felt a great peace come over me. Like I had been reborn, reset, was fresh. I felt really good and at peace. It felt like initially I had been sucked out of my body, but when I came back like I had been purified in a sense, like the negativity I had was sucked out and didn't come back. This was about a week ago and I still feel a peace post DMT experience.
It was definitely the strongest DMT experience I have had. Which makes me wonder if I smoked too much. It's as if it happened too fast to where I can barely recall key points. I am thinking that next time I will try half. Also I have come across a scale that measures down to .000 g, so this should give me a more accurate measurement in the future.
Thanks for reading!