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DMT for my first psychedelic

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
As recently as a few months ago, I never thought I would be here.

About me:

I probably don't fit the stereotype and that's probably a good thing for the coming psychedelic revolution. The less we're associated with "hippies" the better society can advance towards better understanding and truth.

I'm in my mid 30s. I work in a professional white collar job. Married, kids, house, all that good "American life" stuff. We've been through the good and the bad. Right now, this is one of the "good times" for my family and I.

I've never been into drugs and avoided them my entire life. They just never appealed to me and DARE was effective for me.
When I was in the 5th grade anyways. I was a kid in the 80s - remember "Just say no"? :)

A few years ago, recreational MJ was legalized in my state and I thought "Might as well see what all the fuss is about", ate two brownies and tripped balls. I was seriously worried I had "stoned myself stupid" and 10 hours into it I was worried about going to work on Monday.

I've smoked with a vape since, ha. The evening/weekend vape for me is the equivalent of grabbing a beer after a hard day at work. Alcohol has never appealed to me... but MJ does, go figure.

I have always had a "scientific mind" and aptitutde. For the past 6 years I've studied and learned all I can about psyhics. Astrophysics and quantum psychics in particular. This comes from an iniate (human?) desire to understand how things work.

Astrophysics and general relativity were easy concepts. Made sense. Gravity is just a function of mass and geometry.

Quantum psyhics on the other hand, with it's "quantum superposition" and quantum entanglement took a few years to really wrap my head around before I just knew it. A few years ago I concluded that we most likely do in fact, live in a multiverse. This is implied with inflation theory.

So what does this have to do with DMT?
The multiverse.

I can tell you how this all started. Over this past winter, I was watching "The Lazareth affect" on Netflix. Decent psychological thiller :)

In the film, these scientist are able to bring back dead animals by injecting DMT directly into teh brain. It works but the subjects are 'changed' somehow. Like, evil. The protaganist conviently dies by getting herself electricuted. In an act of desperation, her co-scientist husband performs 'the procedure' on his (deceased) wife. She comes back, develops evil psychic powers and hilarity ensues.

After the movie, I wondered if there was any truth to this "DMT" - Like, is it even a real chemical? For all I knew, it was this movie's "Unobtainium".

I googled something along the lines of "what happens when we die dmt" and came to this article:

This perked my interest and the referenced trip reports gave me the first epiphany on the subject. My first thought was "Sounds like they're discribing the multiverse and they don't even know it."

Wait... take it with a grain of salt. These are "drug users" after all. It's all in your head. Remember what Officer Friendly at DARE said???

But, what if it's not? The sheer number of reports where users report entering the same place (hyperspace) and similar "trips". Plus, what users describe, makes sense to me. Einstein knew reality was an illusion. Albeit, a persistent one.

So down the rabit hole I went. Looking for everything I could find on the subject. YouTube as well. I found this "Psychedsubstance" guy on YouTube very helpful and informative.

Reading these reports made me think back to childhood. When I was around 5, I remember asking my mom about souls and rebirth. I asked if we're born again after we die... you know, like recycling.

She told me "They have a name for that, its' called reincarnation".

So here I am, today. Ready as I'll ever be, for that first step into Hyperspace. Am I ready to meet the real me? Are we ever?
Go for it - nothing to lose really. I never met myself through DMT, but I did meet myself through other psychedelics.... DMT seemed harder to understand and not as practical, though it was interesting at the time. DMT is pretty easy to work with though - might as well try it at least once.

I had the opposite effect from DARE class - they told me about all these things, which made me wonder why adults do them, but tell kids not to.... I figured there was some secret I didnt know and that I would have to find out for myself. So from 5th grade I was really curious about these things because of that class....
CrackingTheCode said:
"Well, what if this isn't just all in their head? What if it's real?".

Everything is all in our heads :d

I could say that like you I spent many years of my life not having any interest in psychedelics and it wasn't until just recently that I had the chance to have some experiences with them. Needless to say, my attitude towards them is completely different.

Whether or not its your first one I don't think matters so much, as long as you have an open mind.
You have obviously put a lot of thought into it and done your due diligence. It will probably be easiest to make that jump the first time, before you know what you are jumping into haha.

Nothing can prepare you for it and no one can describe it to you so I don't think its such a big deal if its your first experience.

I would suggest working with psilocybin mushrooms as well. I just think they are great and from your OP I think you would really appreciate them. They are gentle yet strong, they last long enough to get some good work in, yet short enough to fit into a lot of peoples schedules. They are completely ready to go straight from the ground. They can give you glimpses from the depths of your soul, the darkness of your sub conscious and edges of the infinite universe. Mushrooms are a real all-round super star when it comes to psychedelics.
Too bad that there is a stereotype and stigma associated with psychedelics. You would never guess in a million years that I ingest psychedelics. I rarely bring it up with people. Bad thing is that I want to go around talking about it with everyone.

I am glad to see your interest in psychedelics! I hope you pursue this interest with continued enthusiastic research. Feed your head.

I have heard quite a few people say that it felt like DMT and Ayahuasca calls for them. As if we are tapped one at a time to have these experiences. A wake up call. I don't know if I had a calling like I have heard other people mention, but I related to your enthusiasm quite a bit. I remember researching and researching like I was finding the cure for cancer or something. It felt so important to me. It grabbed me and never let go. Changing my path quite a bit I think.

I wish you the best in your interest and I hope you follow through and try DMT. I don't think it makes much of difference which psychedelic you ingest first. Might as well jump into the deep end of the pool. Sounds like you already know how to swim.

Please keep us all informed if you do ever ingest any psychedelics. I cannot be the only one who enjoys hearing the first experiences of the uninitiated.

CrackingTheCode said:
Based on hundreds of hours of my own research over the past few months, I feel like I have a pretty good idea of what to expect with DMT. I might even venture to say that I "know" what to expect.

You don't. Trust me. Not even a little bit.
Uncle Knucles said:
CrackingTheCode said:
Based on hundreds of hours of my own research over the past few months, I feel like I have a pretty good idea of what to expect with DMT. I might even venture to say that I "know" what to expect.

You don't. Trust me. Not even a little bit.

This. SO much this.

I don't want to scare you but you must go in with no expectations. Expectations only get in the way of insight. There is no easy way to prepare for a DMT experience and it is even harder to describe once you've been there.

It will likely leave you with many more questions than answers but for me, that is the best part. I prefer to question the unknown rather than fear it.

All that being said, I wish you the best and hope you travel safely. Farewell and godspeed.

but lastly,

Welcome to the Nexus friend!

-The Grateful One-
Thank you! :)

By the way, what I meant was even though I "know", as in, I have a general idea of what to expect. Blast off, possible entities, one-ness, etc.

But, I very much realize there is a BIG difference between reading a book and experiencing for yourself. :)

That is why, I have to experience this for myself. :)
Having expectations is pretty pointless with DMT. It will transcend them in ways you couldn't dream of, even for someone who has done it before. It will be an adventure of incomprehensible power. All that being said, I think the best you can do is be ready to calmly accept what comes despite not knowing what it will be. Think of it as a stress test: The goal is to remain calm. Just sit back and observe until the effects start to wear off after 5-10 minutes. I know I'm not doing a great job of selling the positives of the experience, but if you go all in, I promise you won't regret it.
Namaste CrackingTheCode,

and welcome to the nexus.

One thing you can definitely expect, by all its possible and unimagineable unfolding "wiredness", is that you are safe all the way. I guess this often reported exorbitant pre-flight anxiety is more like a protracted and overdued social-cultural construct to generally "protect" us from tripping on entheos.

You can find every information, from different extraction teks to integrationapproaches of the experience, on the nexus.

Happy and safe travels, tseuq
It is great you are researching the topic before you start exploring. Nothing can really prepare you that much, but it is a good idea. I also read on the topic a few years before trying psychedelics. My first psychedelic experience was a low dose of psilocybe, and the second was DMT. So I might be in the same boat then as you are now, with DMT being my first "true" psychedelic experience.

Well, I must be honest, even though this site is called "dmt"-nexus. In my opinion DMT is vastly overrated. It didn't teach me much, only showed me pretty visuals and stuff. And I had same or stronger level experiences on Cubes and Psilohuasca. Over time came to realization that visuals and stuff are nothing. It's just smoke and mirrors, man.. Is it real? Multiverse experience? Who cares, man.. We will never know, and whoever says he knows, he is delusional, I guarantee.

The real value is in the lessons you learn through integrating the experiences during days after you dose. And due to short duration of smoked DMT experience, there is not much you can really learn. Also, psilocibyn and 4-ACO-DMT visuals would be indistinguishable if I took them blindfolded, if we exclude the duration factor.

So yeah, DMT is massively overrated.
echoes said:
Well, I must be honest, even though this site is called "dmt"-nexus. In my opinion DMT is vastly overrated. It didn't teach me much, only showed me pretty visuals and stuff. And I had same or stronger level experiences on Cubes and Psilohuasca.

If you truly believe that DMT is just visuals and stuff, you have NOT taken enough to reach the breakthrough dose.
BringsUsTogether said:
echoes said:
Well, I must be honest, even though this site is called "dmt"-nexus. In my opinion DMT is vastly overrated. It didn't teach me much, only showed me pretty visuals and stuff. And I had same or stronger level experiences on Cubes and Psilohuasca.

If you truly believe that DMT is just visuals and stuff, you have NOT taken enough to reach the breakthrough dose.

Yeah, I should have included physical sensations. Still just a sensory overload, not much depth to it when compared to oral tryptamines.
Uncle Knucles said:
CrackingTheCode said:
Based on hundreds of hours of my own research over the past few months, I feel like I have a pretty good idea of what to expect with DMT. I might even venture to say that I "know" what to expect.

You don't. Trust me. Not even a little bit.

I don't think there is any possible way to convey just how much this statement is true.
The spelling error in the title is driving me crazy...

If you think you "know" what to expect, your in for a surprise...

I was introduced to mckenna at 14 or 15, I knew Richard Evans schultes work, Gordon wasson, Jon ott, etc...I had also had experiance with nearly every psychedelic substance other than DMT, I thought there were no surprises left in psychedelia...

Obviously I was horribly wrong....

the first time I smoked DMT it was 200mgs yellow crystal on top of high-grade marijuana, I cleared it in a single hit. I remember feeling like I was at the bottom of a foggy mountain with dirt roads, I was overcome with an intense feeling of panic and deja-vu, I felt like a lost child, everything I knew about who I was or my life or earth seemed like a distant dream, like I dissolved out of existence, I interpreted this as dying, I knew that I was dead, and I was emotionally overwhelmed while confronting the event of my death....I could not tell if I was breathing or not, I would take air in, but couldn't feel it, then noticed a pain in my chest, a giant mantis like being had its claws in my chest, it proceeded to tear open my chest and stomach removing all my organs and insides, I was about to go into shock when I saw a bright green light flash over my shoulder, it nearly hit me, it then became a beautiful geometric object, morphing and color changing, like a jewel from hyperspace, the mantis then put this object in my torn up body, he began to make billions of these objects, each one unique and radiating beautiful colored light ans he filled my body with them, then I was sealed up and propelled into an orange light where I was resurrected...then I felt as if I was being pushed through a membrane, I was being born....then back to reality....those who were there said in reality I curled up into a ball and began to cry for 20 minutes, I was wondering why my face was wet, because it felt like I had actually just went through being born...any way the immense deep spiritual and psychological implications of this experience left me for ever transformed, reborn as a new person entirely, it was the single most meaningful thing that has ever happened to me


This was my first time...

with 100 mg, smoked) "As I exhaled I became terribly afraid, my heart very rapid and strong, palms sweating. A terrible sense of dread and doom filled me -- I knew what was happening, I knew I couldn't stop it, but it was so devastating; I was being destroyed -- all that was familiar, all reference points, all identity -- all viciously shattered in a few seconds. I couldn't even mourn the loss -- there was no one left to do the mourning. Up, up, out, out, eyes closed, I am at the speed of light, expanding, expanding, expanding, faster and faster until I have become so large that I no longer exist -- my speed is so great that everything has come to a stop -- here I gaze upon the entire universe." -Tihkal; shulgin

This TIHKAL entry best describes what happens to me...

But there's really no way to explain it, those with DMT stories must often settle for "close enough" in their descriptions to others...

Being monkeys, when we encounter a translinguistic object, a kind of cognitive dissonance is set up in our hindbrain. We try to pour language over it and it sheds it like water off a duck's back. We try again and fail again, and this cognitive dissonance, this "wow" or "flutter" that is building off this object causes wonder, astonishment, and awe at the brink of terror. One must control that. And the way to control it is to do what the entities are telling one to do, to do what they are doing.
-t. Mckenna

The above quote describes it well, most people turn into a stuttering, babbling, mess when trying to describe the event, specially after it first happens...

To me DMT is death, I feel a physical body is not a prerequisite for conscious-being, with DMT, just like at death, your conscious-being and physical body separate, only with DMT it's as if there's a cord connecting you to the physical incarnation from which you departed, and just before you cross the point of no return your pulled back, this place the DMT takes you seems to be after death, but before reincarnation (or whatever comes next), Buddhist call this space "the bardo", at death you venture beyond this place, with DMT you are pulled back into your incarnation which smoke the DMT before you can see what's beyond this...

This is just my take on it, my interpretation of the flash comes down to a single word "death"
(Its non-physical being, you have no body, there's no time, there's no physics, space is very different from 3-d Newtonian space, it's very disorienting, fast, flashing, buzzing, swarming intensity...and everything you knew as a human is like sand slipping through finger cracks, if you can fight the urge to cling to these things it lessens the trauma...)

Be very careful, and please don't underestimate the power of this compound, it's not to be taken lightly, and though you are pharmocologically safe, this compound still deserves the highest respect.

Some people like to put it on a pedestal for sure.

Out of all the psychedelics I ever worked with.... I was least impressed with DMT and felt it was the least similar to death (I have had a NDE drowning before). I found for me it seemed over-rated - I expected a lot more after reading about it, but after 100 or so doses I moved on to other things.....

Was kinda fun for a while though. Did get pretty predictable after a while though.....

It might be deeper for other people, but I think some people really play it up too much. I didnt find that it was super special compared to other psychedelics.... I actually think it was the least impressive or insightful for me, but hey - everyone is different and has to find their own way.

Instead of telling each other who is wrong, maybe we just gotta accept that people have different experiences.
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