Rising Star
As recently as a few months ago, I never thought I would be here.
About me:
I probably don't fit the stereotype and that's probably a good thing for the coming psychedelic revolution. The less we're associated with "hippies" the better society can advance towards better understanding and truth.
I'm in my mid 30s. I work in a professional white collar job. Married, kids, house, all that good "American life" stuff. We've been through the good and the bad. Right now, this is one of the "good times" for my family and I.
I've never been into drugs and avoided them my entire life. They just never appealed to me and DARE was effective for me.
When I was in the 5th grade anyways. I was a kid in the 80s - remember "Just say no"?
A few years ago, recreational MJ was legalized in my state and I thought "Might as well see what all the fuss is about", ate two brownies and tripped balls. I was seriously worried I had "stoned myself stupid" and 10 hours into it I was worried about going to work on Monday.
I've smoked with a vape since, ha. The evening/weekend vape for me is the equivalent of grabbing a beer after a hard day at work. Alcohol has never appealed to me... but MJ does, go figure.
I have always had a "scientific mind" and aptitutde. For the past 6 years I've studied and learned all I can about psyhics. Astrophysics and quantum psychics in particular. This comes from an iniate (human?) desire to understand how things work.
Astrophysics and general relativity were easy concepts. Made sense. Gravity is just a function of mass and geometry.
Quantum psyhics on the other hand, with it's "quantum superposition" and quantum entanglement took a few years to really wrap my head around before I just knew it. A few years ago I concluded that we most likely do in fact, live in a multiverse. This is implied with inflation theory.
So what does this have to do with DMT?
The multiverse.
I can tell you how this all started. Over this past winter, I was watching "The Lazareth affect" on Netflix. Decent psychological thiller
In the film, these scientist are able to bring back dead animals by injecting DMT directly into teh brain. It works but the subjects are 'changed' somehow. Like, evil. The protaganist conviently dies by getting herself electricuted. In an act of desperation, her co-scientist husband performs 'the procedure' on his (deceased) wife. She comes back, develops evil psychic powers and hilarity ensues.
After the movie, I wondered if there was any truth to this "DMT" - Like, is it even a real chemical? For all I knew, it was this movie's "Unobtainium".
I googled something along the lines of "what happens when we die dmt" and came to this article:
This perked my interest and the referenced trip reports gave me the first epiphany on the subject. My first thought was "Sounds like they're discribing the multiverse and they don't even know it."
Wait... take it with a grain of salt. These are "drug users" after all. It's all in your head. Remember what Officer Friendly at DARE said???
But, what if it's not? The sheer number of reports where users report entering the same place (hyperspace) and similar "trips". Plus, what users describe, makes sense to me. Einstein knew reality was an illusion. Albeit, a persistent one.
So down the rabit hole I went. Looking for everything I could find on the subject. YouTube as well. I found this "Psychedsubstance" guy on YouTube very helpful and informative.
Reading these reports made me think back to childhood. When I was around 5, I remember asking my mom about souls and rebirth. I asked if we're born again after we die... you know, like recycling.
She told me "They have a name for that, its' called reincarnation".
So here I am, today. Ready as I'll ever be, for that first step into Hyperspace. Am I ready to meet the real me? Are we ever?
About me:
I probably don't fit the stereotype and that's probably a good thing for the coming psychedelic revolution. The less we're associated with "hippies" the better society can advance towards better understanding and truth.
I'm in my mid 30s. I work in a professional white collar job. Married, kids, house, all that good "American life" stuff. We've been through the good and the bad. Right now, this is one of the "good times" for my family and I.
I've never been into drugs and avoided them my entire life. They just never appealed to me and DARE was effective for me.
When I was in the 5th grade anyways. I was a kid in the 80s - remember "Just say no"?
A few years ago, recreational MJ was legalized in my state and I thought "Might as well see what all the fuss is about", ate two brownies and tripped balls. I was seriously worried I had "stoned myself stupid" and 10 hours into it I was worried about going to work on Monday.
I've smoked with a vape since, ha. The evening/weekend vape for me is the equivalent of grabbing a beer after a hard day at work. Alcohol has never appealed to me... but MJ does, go figure.
I have always had a "scientific mind" and aptitutde. For the past 6 years I've studied and learned all I can about psyhics. Astrophysics and quantum psychics in particular. This comes from an iniate (human?) desire to understand how things work.
Astrophysics and general relativity were easy concepts. Made sense. Gravity is just a function of mass and geometry.
Quantum psyhics on the other hand, with it's "quantum superposition" and quantum entanglement took a few years to really wrap my head around before I just knew it. A few years ago I concluded that we most likely do in fact, live in a multiverse. This is implied with inflation theory.
So what does this have to do with DMT?
The multiverse.
I can tell you how this all started. Over this past winter, I was watching "The Lazareth affect" on Netflix. Decent psychological thiller
In the film, these scientist are able to bring back dead animals by injecting DMT directly into teh brain. It works but the subjects are 'changed' somehow. Like, evil. The protaganist conviently dies by getting herself electricuted. In an act of desperation, her co-scientist husband performs 'the procedure' on his (deceased) wife. She comes back, develops evil psychic powers and hilarity ensues.
After the movie, I wondered if there was any truth to this "DMT" - Like, is it even a real chemical? For all I knew, it was this movie's "Unobtainium".
I googled something along the lines of "what happens when we die dmt" and came to this article:

Mystery of Death Solved: DMT is the Key
We now know what happens at death: Resting comfortably in the recessed center of your brain, encased snugly within the corpus colossum, wrapped tightly between the dual-hemispheres of spongy…

This perked my interest and the referenced trip reports gave me the first epiphany on the subject. My first thought was "Sounds like they're discribing the multiverse and they don't even know it."
Wait... take it with a grain of salt. These are "drug users" after all. It's all in your head. Remember what Officer Friendly at DARE said???
But, what if it's not? The sheer number of reports where users report entering the same place (hyperspace) and similar "trips". Plus, what users describe, makes sense to me. Einstein knew reality was an illusion. Albeit, a persistent one.
So down the rabit hole I went. Looking for everything I could find on the subject. YouTube as well. I found this "Psychedsubstance" guy on YouTube very helpful and informative.
Reading these reports made me think back to childhood. When I was around 5, I remember asking my mom about souls and rebirth. I asked if we're born again after we die... you know, like recycling.
She told me "They have a name for that, its' called reincarnation".
So here I am, today. Ready as I'll ever be, for that first step into Hyperspace. Am I ready to meet the real me? Are we ever?