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DMT for you and me

Migrated topic.


Rising Star

I am thinking of trying DMT again, but not orally consuming it with an MAOI.
Instead, I am thinking of smoking DMT-enhanced leaf again (NOT changa).
I made a DMT-enhanced leaf blend quite a while ago, and ended up giving most of it away to different people.
I haven't smoked this DMT blend since last March or April.
But this past summer I gave the remainder of what I had to someone, and in all these months he hasn't touched it.
So I think I am going to ask for it back from him; he already said he would probably end up giving it back to me before I even asked, which I haven't yet (asked).
It is mixed at a ratio of exactly 1:1 dried leaf to DMT.
Another friend of mine, quite foolishly if I may add, loaded up a bong with about 200 milligrams of the DMT-enhanced leaf which I gave him, saying that he will be fine, no need to worry, etc., and took it all in a few tokes.
Since it was a 1:1 ratio blend, he basically ingested 100 milligrams of DMT in a few large inhalations.
He explained to me what happened to him, I won't go into detail here, but he vowed to never do DMT ever again after that harrowing experience.
The entity attacks have stopped by the way, which I had for the longest time, however I still here the voices of entities and I am absolutely NOT psychotic in any way whatsoever.
I know that there is some dumb b*tch doing it to me, and she's using cheap voodoo on me and trying to manipulate me.
Oh well, it's her bad karma, not mine, so I don't have to worry about how evil she is, correct?
It really infuriates me, and makes me sad and disappointed in humanity when people act this way.
But back to the topic at hand, I really do want to smoke DMT-enhanced leaf again sometime soon.
The last time I did it I felt like I was on the verge of a complete breakthrough, but I stopped out of fear of dying, and only took two medium sized inhalations from a bong.
Anyway, thanks for reading this.

Have you read through the entirety of vovin's "Why you should NOT take DMT" thread yet?

If not, I would highly recommend doing that before commencing with what you have stated you are planning to do.
Dude, please trust the consensus of people on here. You have some stuff to work though. It would be best for you to work it out before entertaining thoughts of hyperspace. It really seems like you are asking for our blessing. You don't need our blessing to do DMT. But if you are asking for advice, then take it. Everyone who has read your threads thinks that you should shy away.
No, I haven't read Vovin's thread.

I guess I've come to the wrong place.
I thought a place called "The dmt nexus" would be the type of place where like-minded individuals would support and help each other in their personal quests with dmt.
I guess I was wrong.
People always gang up on me and tell me I'm not wanted in whichever form they choose to do so anyway, so I guess this is nothing new and I shouldn't be surprised.
I guess it's back to the shroomery or anyplace else that is not so elitist.
Have a nice day nexus community and thanks for absolutely nothing.
protostar said:
The entity attacks have stopped by the way, which I had for the longest time, however I still here the voices of entities and I am absolutely NOT psychotic in any way whatsoever.
Pair this with the fact that these symptoms have been ongoing long-term and you've admitted they are interfering with your daily functioning and this is literally the textbook definition of psychosis.

I know that there is some dumb b*tch doing it to me, and she's using cheap voodoo on me and trying to manipulate me.
Oh well, it's her bad karma, not mine, so I don't have to worry about how evil she is, correct?
It really infuriates me, and makes me sad and disappointed in humanity when people act this way.
Take a moment to consider how paranoid that sounds. Note the lack of ownership and desire to shift the blame, someone is casting voodoo on me, other people are at fault because they won't validate my foolhearty behavior.

Why would you come to a community that is focused specifically on harm reduction and responsible practice, both displaying and admitting mental instability, and expect our blessings to take psychoactives that are incredibly challenging even for those on stable psychological footing. If that's not an example of delusional thinking, I don't know what is.

Can't put it any more clearly, you are not in a good place to be using psychedelic drugs. What you need is not validation from a drug forum, but treatment from a professional practitioner.

Perhaps the folks at shroomery will tell you what you want to hear and you can endanger your well-being with a clear conscience, but you're not going to find what you are looking for here.

Best of luck
Thanks for your help dreamer.
And thank you other two also, doc and jupiter.
You may call me delusional, but I KNOW that there is a woman named XXXX that is doing this to me, when I look at digital clocks I always see "10:09" which just happens to be her birthday (October 9th) and someone on the shroomery already told me that a "cruel woman named XXXX" is doing this to me and the name he gave me is the same person born on this particular day (october 9th).
And I hear HER voice and receive her bad vibes daily.
I am NOT delusional, a mean stupid woman from my past who happens to be heavily into witchcraft (bitchcraft) is doing malevolent black magical attacks on me, and I am passed pissed off, I am infuriated and completely frustrated.
But like I said, it is her bad karma not mine, so she will have to pay for how she treats others, she is not exempt from spiritual law.
Do not call me delusional when you have no idea of my situation.
The shaman I went to go personally see in Peru last July, during the night of my first ayahuasca ceremony, asked me if I know such and such woman and described her perfectly.
I said "yeah, why?" ( I had not described this situation to him at all beforehand).
And he told me that this same woman is doing black magic on me and wants to make me so crazy that I walk through the streets naked and babbling to myself.
So, are you going to call this Maestro Palero, Tobaccero, Ayahuascero, and Sananguero delusional as well?
Believe me, protostar, I am only commenting on this because, for some reason unbeknownst to me, you have struck a chord of empathy somewhere inside me and therefore I am only trying to help you.

Many posts made by other noobs around here that contain a similar flavor of situation to what you have been stating in your posts get no response from me, because I usually think to myself something like, "this poor person is beyond help and I don't know what I could say to rectify the situation".

However, that being said, I am going to say a few more things regarding what you are expressing here and I hope that what I am stating will help you in some way.

protostar said:
...but I KNOW that there is a woman named XXXX that is doing this to me...

Firstly, this is not a statement that somebody who is taking full responsibility for themselves makes.

Secondly, NOBODY, not a human, nor a hyperspatial entity, nor any other being, can do anything to you without your conscious or unconscious consent, period.

Believing so is playing the victim role which does absolutely nothing to move one forward on an evolutionary path of self-realization. Becoming a better human being and constantly growing emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and otherwise takes radical self-responsibility and self-acceptance and I am not stating this lightly. This is not some New Age/woo-woo kind of stuff that I am talking about here, I am talking about straight-up taking responsibility for the totality of who you are, or as I am inclined to say, "owning your own shit".

Ok, now that I am done with my rant about the realities of self-responsibility, perhaps it would behoove you, protostar, to conjure up a powerful self-protection spell in order to be able to get yourself grounded and feel empowered. Just a thought.
What I'm wondering is, what have been your intentions when you've smoked dmt in the past, and what are your intentions for when you smoke dmt again as you've planned? Where and with who have you smoked dmt in the past? Was it a place where you felt safe? Do you feel safe when you inhale the vapour?

If you do not trust the substance, do not smoke it. Dmt and mushrooms are teachers, but only if you're willing to build a relationship with them. Think that they're love, and you're love, and that nothing can hurt you because you are a God. We are all Gods and part of the ineffable. Whatever entities you may face, however way they look, they are your friends, and they're attempting to teach you a lesson. There's no true evil in this universe, we are all love, we are all eternal. There is nothing to fear friend.

I do not wish to encourage or discourage you to do or not do dmt, but if you are planning on ingesting it, please make sure you're seeking guidance and /or help and very importantly believing that the dmt can help. The attitude you have towards a substance can affect how the substance treats you. You respect dmt, dmt respects you. You love dmt, dmt loves you. Think of dmt like a mirror. However you think about it is what it's going to be.

I would also ask that you look very closely at your habits and at the food that you're consuming, some of these habits and foods can damage your physical body, your mind and your soul. Sometimes, dmt tells us in funny ways that we need to stop habit and/or food related addictions that damage us, maybe you've already been told what you need to change, you didn't listen, and dmt retaliated to the fact that you haven't done anything to change your reality. I don't know you so I can't know if this is or isn't the case, but hopefully something of what I wrote can help you decide whether it is healthy to consume dmt right now or not.
Hi damnstr8,

sorry I wrote you a big long message in response to the pm's you have sent me, but it did not send it because I can only send messages to moderators apparently.
So I am replying here to tell you thank you for such great messages and being so open and honest and sharing so much about yourself.
I don't really want to say any more than this because it would get personal and this is a public thread and not a private message.
Thanks and have a great day!
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