If you're having withdrawals from Effexor (venlafaxine) or Pristiq (desvenlafaxine), you're best bet is to use over the counter magnesium supplements as directed. It acts as a calcium channel blocker and can ease the withdrawals and associated 'brain zaps'. A slow taper is the easiest way, but there is still discomfort well after you take your last tapered dose. Don't be discouraged if you're still experiencing brain zaps 3 months post. It does appear to get better after the 3 month period depending on the dose you were on.
Pristiq was tolerated considerably better than Effexor, as it is a secondary metabolite of the later. Effexor is not much fun to withdraw from - I personally found it very rough. I'd try and stay away from the illicits if you can and let your brain chemistry adjust accordingly. The more chemicals you send north, the more your body has to work to establish a natural equilibrium of neurotransmitters. I would suggest a tea with thing like skullcap, vervain, chamomile, passionflower etc. They are incredibly soothing and quite sedating - good to quell an over stimulated central nervous system.
PM me and I'll give you some places to buy good tea's of this sort - I think were both in the same country.