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DMT tastes very bad/chemical and numbs my lips


Rising Star

I have used DMT first time last Summer with a vape pen, ever since i got it from a certain early timeline and never had any problems. i have tried it at first with 510 vape pens, later with sub ohm coils with 18650 battery kits. i never had any problems. the DMT always tasted very earthy (kinda like smelling fresh mycelium) or like the smell of masks made of rubber/gum.

the DMT from then always looked slightly yellowish and very clear fine powder. i always mixed it in 50vg/pg juice 1gram per ML and put it in hot water bath. the juice was yellow and clear.

then (out of curiousity) i got some DMT from somewhere else, the DMT was also yellowish, but when i mixed it into ejuice, it had little white dots remaining in it that didnt dissolve (i didnt think anything of it), but when i tried it, the DMT taste was very chemical, as if i was vaping benzin/gas/parfume and it made my throat burn and my lips felt like becoming numb. i took a smell from my PG afterwards and it smelled a bit like parfume, so i assumed that it was because of the PG.

then finally, some mimosa bark and heptane fell from the sky and i wanted to try extracting it myself for the first time. i did everything exactly by the Gordotek method (but with heptane instead of naphta) and all bowls and instruments used for the extraction have been newly bought, wiped with 70% isopropyl and made out of stainless steel or glass. the environment was very clean and everything has been sterilized and cleaned properly.

so after the reduction, i put the solvent into a glass bowl and put it slightly tilted into the freezer and left it there over night. the crystals came out completely WHITE. (i didnt recrystallize) on the next day i rotated the plate and left it there for another night.
on the 3rd day, i discarded the solvent and left the crystals openly on a bowl with a weak fan blowing on it and let it dry for another entire day.
then as with all the other DMT, i put it in a hot water bath with ejuice and again i saw white little dots that didnt dissolve and the liquid looked only very slightly yellowish, less yellow than the other ejuice i got from before.

however the taste was exact the same as from the second DMT. it was extremely chemical and my lips tingled/got numb and i just couldnt smoke it.
that has made me figure that the second DMT was shit, just like the DMT i extracted myself. the liquid (PG) was never the problem.

i personally have no idea what this is and why this happens, but i think there is still solvent remaining with the DMT and i wanted to ask what i can do to improve the experience and extract and vape the DMT so its just as awesome as from the first DMT. can i maybe heat the crystals in a bowl without solvent so it melts and then freeze it again without adding any additional solvent into it?
should i let the crystals give more time to dry? should i let it dry in a vacuum? has anyone ever had a similar experience and can tell me what this is?
i have read in another thread here that this taste is normal and im supposed to get used to it, but after vaping the DMT from supplier1, there is no way for me to have any less of an experience than from the first DMT. pls help me
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Ofc 🤦‍♂️I somehow forgot to read in German 😆 You might want to save that heptane for recrystallizing your product, and use ordinary otc naphtha for the initial extractions if you're planning on doing any more.

The rationale and implementation DMT citrate in vape juice can be found here:
Oil burners mainly. I actually had a friend tell me that I should've been using a normal lighter rather than a torch. Was thinking about a VG but that's a bit of an investment, maybe worth it.
Panty hose, or washing machine bag that is meant for protecting delicate fabrics, or even the reusable supermarket fruit nets that they have in certain supermarkets.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
I have some of the supermarket nets, thanks. Also can you point me in the right direction for juice and mesh teks? Tried searching couldn't find anything. Seems like a project but potentially worth it. Easier to take it out in nature than an oil burner.
Also can you point me in the right direction for juice and mesh teks? Tried searching couldn't find anything. Seems like a project but potentially worth it. Easier to take it out in nature than an oil burner.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Here's a couple of the main direct e-mesh threads:
Several more discussions come up using the term "e-mesh" in the search function.
Here's a couple of the main direct e-mesh threads:
Several more discussions come up using the term "e-mesh" in the search function.
Thank you.
It would be more of a case of assessing progress through subjective metrics like odour and stickiness since temperature and air flow can vary. I'd 'wander off' for three hours and check in on it after that. Leaving it overnight and checking again in the morning can also be quite convenient if conditions permit.
i let it dry over 2 nights. the harshness didnt change after wash. the dmt doesnt smell like heptane, but it tends to stick to the plate. when the dmt is sticking to the plate, is that a sign that its not free from solvent yet?

also: is gordotek possible with petrol ether? (Wundbenzin)
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i let it dry over 2 nights. the harshness didnt change after wash. the dmt doesnt smell like heptane, but it tends to stick to the plate. when the dmt is sticking to the plate, is that a sign that its not free from solvent yet?
Like I've said before, I doubt that the harshness is due to solvent residue since freebase DMT is a caustic amine in and of itself. If you're still concerned about heptane residue - more so than the idea of having nice crystals - then dissolve your product in acetone and allow it to evaporate. The remaining goo will freed of virtually all heptane residue were there any to start with.

DMT by itself can of course be sticky on occasion, so that was perhaps a bit of a poor example for me to have selected.
Like I've said before, I doubt that the harshness is due to solvent residue since freebase DMT is a caustic amine in and of itself. If you're still concerned about heptane residue - more so than the idea of having nice crystals - then dissolve your product in acetone and allow it to evaporate. The remaining goo will freed of virtually all heptane residue were there any to start with.

DMT by itself can of course be sticky on occasion, so that was perhaps a bit of a poor example for me to have selected.
so why is the DMT of my friend, who extracts STB - so much better than mine, even though i read acid to base extractions come out cleaner than STB? i can dose 1 gram in 1 ML juice and it just isnt harsh, like at ALL. compared to mine, where i get numb lips already from like 600mg/1ML dose.
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Dry acetone works wonders in getting out trapped solvent in crystals.

I alwash redissolve my end result in acetone a few TIMES and swirl it around. The acetone evaps amazingly fast BTW. And in the end it just smells like fresh DMT. ☺️

Kind regards,

The Traveler
i guess i will have to try that, then.
so why is the DMT of my friend, who extracts STB - so much better than mine, even though i read acid to base extractions come out cleaner than STB? i can dose 1 gram in 1 ML juice and it just isnt harsh, like at ALL. compared to mine, where i get numb limbs already from like 600mg/1ML dose.
Numb limbs?! Or lips?

Maybe you should ask your friend what their secret is. Perhaps they're making citrate juice rather than freebase, for example.

My other explanations at this ungodly hour would be way too metaphysical.
Numb limbs?! Or lips?

Maybe you should ask your friend what their secret is. Perhaps they're making citrate juice rather than freebase, for example.

My other explanations at this ungodly hour would be way too metaphysical.
lips, sorry.

no its freebase, but it looks more yellow than mine.
the liquid (PG) was never the problem
This is one of the assumptions you might need to check.

Take a step back from it all and see if there are any other stages in the process where a hidden variable may be at play.

Have you ever attempted to assess what the insoluble white specks might have been, and why they would form in the juice?
This is one of the assumptions you might need to check.

Take a step back from it all and see if there are any other stages in the process where a hidden variable may be at play.

Have you ever attempted to assess what the insoluble white specks might have been, and why they would form in the juice?
for my first self extracted DMT i took fresh liquid. after tasting the harshness, i checked by vaping the base itself and it was fine.
also i actually also vaped the sole liquid that i thought that it was bad, because it smelled chemical. and even though it smelled bad, it still didnt bother me at all to vape it.

the insoluble specks came from the 2nd DMT and i dont know to this day what this could have been. i reported this to my friend but he couldnt tell me yet what that was.

now i know that DMT by general can irritate my lungs. where others who vaped the same (first) DMT as me said that it kinda hurts their lungs, it doesnt hurt me at all. i feel a slight pressure, but it doesnt bother me one bit. its not unpleasant to me. i am used to strong smoke from my past when i used to smoke weed through the bong.
i also vape nicotine on 34 watts where others start coughing immediately, i can take a full hit without being bothered by the pressure at all.

but with the 2nd and my own DMT its different. i mean the feeling of irritation is different, which also doesnt really bother me, but the chemical (NOT BURNT) taste does, the throat irritation and numb LIPS (was about to type limbs again :p)

Have you ever attempted to assess what the insoluble white specks might have been, and why they would form in the juice?
since like i said, i have got no feedback to my report yet, i can only assume its just bad work, dirty substance, but im no expert.
on my own DMT however there was nothing insoluble and yet it felt exactly the same as the 2nd DMT
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unfortunately i cant get my hands on dry acetone, so i have ordered IPA.
also i purchased petrol ether(Wundbenzin) for medical purposes since i also cant get my hands on VM&P Naphta.
lets see what happens.
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