DMT is a chemical. It is a chemical that can be used as a pharmacological tool to probe the regions of the CNS involved in the generation of subjective experience. It is not magical, it is a drug that alters regions of the CNS involved in constructing a conscious view of reality. Of course it is going to create meaningful complex illusions. The way consciousness is constructed we do not even know if anything but this complex illusions are even possible. Thus these types of experience seems somewhat inevitable with the way that the brains acts to create a unified view of reality. This is to say that intermediate experiences do not seem to exist, the minds view of reality is an all or nothing process.
Very diverse pharmacological agents create this type of complex experience. Kappa antagonists, NMDA antagonists, anti-muscarinic drugs and the classical hallucinogens (5-HT, TAAR drugs). Thus these experiences seem inevitable if the consciousness generating regions of the CNS are altered. This fascination with DMT is ridiculous and unfounded. Just because something would be cool does not mean it is real or even a possibility.