Saidin said:
Thank you again very much for sharing!
I find this experience very interesting because it is almost exactly like the single most meaningful and relevatory dmt experiences I ever had. I found myself face to face with my higher self and was able to communicate with It. It took me a few months of research before I figured out what I had encountered, and the chance crossing of a piece of artwork by Luke Brown called Vajra Song, which was a depiction of the Vajrasattva, or Primordial Buddha/Higher Self. I was totally lucid, aware, and conscious of the experience, the first and only time that has ever happened to me on DMT. I had merged with everything, he chair, table, computer, bookshelf, books, trees outside, planes flying by. I felt such unconditional love that just thinking about it now, a year and a half later nearly brings me to tears. I too was in a state of bliss for a few weeks afterwards...I had created a connection, and though the intensity has faded it has never gone away.
Your reactions and interpretations are exactly what I experienced/experience as well. It does seem crazy, and I too felt at times as if I had gone insane. I have tried to explain it to other people but how can one explain something so utterly subjective? You have to experience it to understand it. I have found the worry and pain fades in time, searching for answers helped me understand much better, and with knowledge came peace, and the realization that no knowledge will ever be sufficient. The quest is never ending...
Your conclusions may be very different than mine, and that is just it should be. In the past year, the discussions on this board have helped me immensely to understand. I am so thankful and grateful for all the intelligent and open discussions that have taken place. They have helped me to understand what I am, and what I am not. Without this community, and the help of others, I may have still been lost.
I know I am an eternal being, and with that knowledge comes a burden. I too wouldn't change that for anything. I sympathize with and have compassion and understanding for those who interpret consciousness as solely an epiphenomenon of the brain, and sometime pine for a time when things were so simple. I don't care if they think I am deluded or insane or I have been saying lately, people do not know what they do not know.
A final word of warning to others...Be careful what you wish for, because you might actually get it!
Vajra Song
Dear Saidin,
I am sorry for the delayed reply.
Your reply resounds deeply with my own experience, as I am sure you have assumed prior. When I think upon my experience, I am nearly moved to tears as well. Obviously, it is something that is beyond the limits the language. An unfortunate realisation is seeing first-hand how language effects our perception of reality..
To see everything beyond one's own conception of "things" is something so beyond words. It is an amazing thing, to be so deeply in unconditional love with everything. A fellow on this forum wrote something very similar to my own experience. Becoming a "love bomb." I would go places and just project love onto everyone and everything, undiscriminately and for no reason. Arrrrg, to go back to that place.. I, and other folks I knew, were worried about the experience descending into mania (a very real risk in my opinion), but who really knows where letting go to such an extent leads? I thought I was experiencing psychosis, and perhaps I was.
I completely understand where you are coming from when it comes to explaining the insights with others. I was nearly reduced to tears trying to explain it to people, to share my TRUE heart/self with another person. To introduce them to this form of bliss. But, as you well know, how can one introduce someone to the absolute realisation of subjectivity? And to let go of subjective discrimination and just BE?
Indeed, be careful what you wish for! I studied spirituality and various spiritual practices (from Thelema to Aghora) since I was 15 (I am 23 now), and when you experience something you can reference to shit you have read.. Mind = blown.
I so wish that I knew when you were in Australia. It would have been delightful to go down to Sydney (I am in Newcastle, 90 mins drive from Sydney), and to share a couple of drinks and discuss these things in person. It is always so fulfilling and often times emotional. It is also unfortunately rare.
As I said before, whilst I think our experience is an emergent property of our brain.. I am not *entirely* convinced of this position, as when one thinks about suhc matters, it is obvious that things are very complex. I shall admit it is an assumption on my part, though I tend to believe it is correct. Again, as I said before, we all are experiencing reality subjectively, forming our own piece of the puzzle. No pieces should really be discounted.
I think there was a tale from Zen that I relate to in quite a strong way.
There was a master and a student. The master sent the student away for his hermitage and asked him to write about his progress as he progressed. After a number of months the pupil wrote back and said "We are all one! Everything is One! You, I, everything!" The master scrunched up this piece of paper and threw it in the trash. Some time later the master received another letter which read "We have no self. No-one is born, no-one dies." The master threw this one in the bin also. Many months past and the master began to worry. He became so worried he wrote to his student and asked if he was OK, and how he was progressing. The student sent him a letter saying "Who cares?" At this point, the master was very excited and went to visit his student.
I think that at the end of the day, we will realise that spiritual pursuits may end up being not as grandiose as we assumed. The freedom from looking for meaning is probably the most meaningful of all. When we have a family and friends that we can do nice things for, to help them and ourselves get through this life, do we really need anything else? Do we really need a greater insight?
The thing that troubles me, is I basically have to get drunk to have the courage to think and write about these matters. I am sorry if this post is all over the place.
All the best,