Saidin said:
fractal enchantment said:
whats this thing again were calling "spiritual enlightenment"?..cus id really love to know, if there even is such a thing.
There is. You have to experience it to know it. When you do, you understand.
Sorry, I wish I could explain it to you, but it is one of those things that cannot be caputred with language.
Yes yes, I was half being sarcasitic..I jus find the whole topic of enlightenment funny more often than not, becasue alot of people seem to be grasping at something that is a fantacy IMO. I believe I have reached what people call "enlightenment", in fact I am sur of it..but I came back every time..just a side effect of a cosmos in motion.
Alot of people tend to have some idea of enlightenment as some sort of permanent state of being..which makes no sense to me, unless you think that enlightenment is like a thread that runs through ALL states of being simultanousily at once..everything is in flux, nothing is static, so why would a state of "enlightenment" be any different?..
Enlightenment to me is temporal the way most people define it, then again I wouldnt define it the way I think most people choose can reach that state again and again, but you always come back to normal egoic consciousness as well..jsut becasue someone is "enlightened" one moment, doesnt mean they necessarily are the next..unless you want to say that "enlightenment" is just the conscious realization that all states of being are devine..but even so, the degree to which we realy hold that awareness in our minds is something that fluctuates itself, and I personally think that anyone who says that can live a life in western society and not loose some sight of that reality at times is full of it. Life doesnt seem to be about trancending ego all day long..ego is a tool, and a wonderful one at that..
That being said..alot of "enlightenment" talk that I hear and read makes it sound like enlightenment is some sort of end point, or spiritual ceiling one reaches where they are now residing in thehighest state of being..which I dont agree can we know that?..there ALWAYS seems to be anoter level above what we think is the highest level, then one abovethat and another above that, and so some being somewhere normal human egoic consciousness might be something they refer to as "enlightenment" respective to where they are currently at..
The term "spiritual" enlightenment sounds funny as there a type of enlightenment that is not "spiritual"..words are funny this way..
Once you have REALLY been there, you do know..but its half memory at times..other times you just see it everywhere..but terms like "spiritual enlightement" just start to sound silly..attemping to speak the unspeakable..words mean NOTHING. A silly definition that doesnt even hit close to the thing.
So this thing called "spiritual enlightenment" does exist you say..well ok..I say that it exists only in the mind of the person to whome it means something..becasue its just a phrase.