Dear family of friends, yesterday I experienced something really wonderful. I sat in a Utah County court room and watched the Great Spirit influence a young man, full of innocence, stand up for his religious rights to seek peace and tranquility through the prayerful use of an ancient indigenous sacrament.
To a limited sighted person this young man may have looked to have been trampled under the weight of a miss guided court Judge, who merely ignited the essence of goodness in most observers and participants of this court proceeding. Yes, this judge ruled that Karsten 'Brave Heart' Davis was guilty by standing up for his first amendment guaranteed rights to pray with marijuana.
As all observers with me witnessed this judge deny Karsten of any legal representation, yes Karsten was denied an attorney for this trial. Plus, the judge did his utmost to deny any efforts to have anyone but himself advise Karsten on how to represent himself in this judge's court. I could hardly believe my eyes.
The spirit of this young man was so strong he got the ticketing officers to admit on the stand that they knew nothing about the laws protecting the usage of Native American Church Sacraments (American Native indigenous spiritual practices) and that they did observe that there was a fire present as he was praying in the wilderness of American Fork canyon, prior to them violating his civil liberties to worship. And, that they had 'denied' him the ability to show them his Oklevueha Native American Church card.
After the prosecution rested their case, Karsten requested to take the stand in his defense, after the judge refused him to call any witnesses on his behalf, with this judge advising him that he did not need to, but Karsten insisted, where upon he testified that he had gone to the mountains to pray to the Great Spirit for assistance in helping him and his friend through some life difficulties that they both were experiencing. He also testified that the Sacrament was not his but that he was merely praying. And he also voiced his frustration that the officers would not allow him to show his Native American Church documentation. What was not shared in court, the reason Karsten's friend who was also ticketed was not in court and whom Karsten was attempting to help and who owned the Marijuana committed suicide shortly after this incident.
Because we live in America, Karsten was inspired and able to request sentencing upon being found guilty he then immediately appealed his conviction. His appeal will go to the Fourth District Court, and this time Karsten will be assured to have an attorney representing him and his constitutional right to pray in the manner the Great Spirit dictates to him by being a member of the Native American Church.
When the trial was concluded I observed the ticketing officers come up to Karsten, shake his hand and sincerely congratulate him on the way he conducted himself and then recounting the county attorney in the manner she conducted her duties my admiration for Karsten, Utah County law enforcement officers and Utah County Attorney office tripled.
Our system of government may have taken a couple of steps backward in the last 8 years but because of the innate goodness of our nation’s citizens, I still tear up with appreciation when reminded, that I am an American.
"Freedom Isn't Free - Someone has paid and continues to pay the Price"
"People like Karsten and American GI’s"
Seminole Medicine Man