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Extraction of shrooms

Migrated topic.
well the naptha didnt yeild really much at all - perhaps 4mg of an oily like stuff - swim ate it - nothing happend.
swim hopefully will find citric acid today - will keep this thread updated.
Phlux- said:
well the naptha didnt yeild really much at all - perhaps 4mg of an oily like stuff - swim ate it - nothing happend.
swim hopefully will find citric acid today - will keep this thread updated.


best of luck to you friend i hope it works out
SWIM has decided to do a test run. He has put 2g of dry cubensis in a small jar and enough everclear to cover them. He will let the jar sit a week or more and then evaporate the liquid.
HappyCamper said:
SWIM has decided to do a test run. He has put 2g of dry cubensis in a small jar and enough everclear to cover them. He will let the jar sit a week or more and then evaporate the liquid.

i wouldnt evap completely maybe down to fifteen milliliters and dilute and drink it i bet that would work good...

i am wondering if steam treating the shrooms as mentioned first then drying again and doing the extract would make a difference..... hmmmmm
I don’t know if I mentioned this earlier or not but DO NOT USE HYDROXIDES when extracting psilocin. Use carbonates instead. Psilocin (4-HO-DMT) is a very similar molecule to bufotenine (5-OH-DMT). SWIM’s tests show that bufotenine is destroyed by hydroxides if the pH is 11 or higher. But sodium carbonate is not capable of destroying bufotenine even at pH 11.4.

A while back SWIM did some tests with bufotenine and put bufotenine in water at pH 11.0 (using an accurate freshly calibrated pH meter to check the pH) in 3 different solution: one of ammonium hydroxide, one of calcium hydroxide, and one of sodium carbonate. After 24 hours the calcium hydroxide and ammonium hydroxides destroyed all the bufotenine, while the sodium carbonate did NOT.

I’m absolutely sure the same will be true with psilocin. The only difference between bufotenine and psilocin is that psilocin has a hydroxyl group on the 4 position and bufotenine has the same hydroxyl group on the 5 position. That’s it. The rest of the two molecules are identical.

It’s believed that the decomposition product of bufotenine from exposure to alkaline hydroxides at pH 11 and up is dehydrobufotenine. It’s very likely that psilocin forms a similar decomposition product, but instead of leaving the hydroxyl group the tail forms a bond with it (after the hydrogen is removed). Anyone else know what this likely decomposition product might be called?
This would be great if a stable mushrooms extraction would work. I have tried the alcohol extraction and it works great, but I would rather eat the mushrooms than drink that nasty liquor. I am not a fan of hard liquors and one with a slight mushroom taste it even worse.

When I was looking into extracting the goods from mushrooms a few years ago all I ran into are dead ends. It seems that psilocin is very unstable. From the information I have gathered, if you were to extract straight psilocin or psilocybin into a powder form it would not remain active for long. The drugs last way longer in the mushrooms.

It would be great to see something like this work out as I dislike the taste of mushrooms and would like to avoid it. i have sort of gotten used to them after eating them for a few years, but it still isn't fun.
okay so the xylene pull was salted using citric acid - this was then separated then evaporated - there is a large pile of orangish kinda liquidy goo left on the plate after evaporating for a few days.
You steam cook the dried mushrooms until they lose all their blue color. The theory is that this destroys all the enzymes that turn psilocin blue, so it protects the psilocin content in the mushrooms, while at the same time hydrolyzing all the psilocybin into psilocin. Whatever it actually does, it definitely improves the potency quite a bit.

This is the most interesting piece of information SWIM read in a while. He tried to find more information in shroomery, but he did not find anything. Where SWIY found about this? Why SWIY recommends dried mushrooms if his theory is correct he could save all psilocin by steam cooking fresh shrooms.
69ron said:
I don’t know if I mentioned this earlier or not but DO NOT USE HYDROXIDES when extracting psilocin. Use carbonates instead. Psilocin (4-HO-DMT) is a very similar molecule to bufotenine (5-OH-DMT). SWIM’s tests show that bufotenine is destroyed by hydroxides if the pH is 11 or higher. But sodium carbonate is not capable of destroying bufotenine even at pH 11.4.

A while back SWIM did some tests with bufotenine and put bufotenine in water at pH 11.0 (using an accurate freshly calibrated pH meter to check the pH) in 3 different solution: one of ammonium hydroxide, one of calcium hydroxide, and one of sodium carbonate. After 24 hours the calcium hydroxide and ammonium hydroxides destroyed all the bufotenine, while the sodium carbonate did NOT.

I’m absolutely sure the same will be true with psilocin. The only difference between bufotenine and psilocin is that psilocin has a hydroxyl group on the 4 position and bufotenine has the same hydroxyl group on the 5 position. That’s it. The rest of the two molecules are identical.

It’s believed that the decomposition product of bufotenine from exposure to alkaline hydroxides at pH 11 and up is dehydrobufotenine. It’s very likely that psilocin forms a similar decomposition product, but instead of leaving the hydroxyl group the tail forms a bond with it (after the hydrogen is removed). Anyone else know what this likely decomposition product might be called?
The 4-OH in psilocin makes it somewhat different from bufotenine because of electronic effects within the benzene ring. Plus ring closure to the 4-position is no longer possible. Cyclisation onto the oxygen atom is also highly unlikely. If the side chain nitrogen cyclised in the other direction, onto the 2-position on the pyrrole portion of the molecule, a pyrrolo(2,3-b)indole with an overall resemblance to Physostigmine would be formed. And similarly, cyclisation via a methyl group to the 2-position would yield 5-hydroxy-2-methyl tetrahydrobetacarboline.

All this speculation I consider highly unlikely to actually happen in practice. We don't even know what the blue stuff is in damaged psilocybin mushrooms yet.
SWIM wonders if this steam treatment would make any difference in truffles that do not turn blue as the other shrooms. He is going to report back on this in a few days.
downwardsfromzero said:
69ron said:
I don’t know if I mentioned this earlier or not but DO NOT USE HYDROXIDES when extracting psilocin. Use carbonates instead. Psilocin (4-HO-DMT) is a very similar molecule to bufotenine (5-OH-DMT). SWIM’s tests show that bufotenine is destroyed by hydroxides if the pH is 11 or higher. But sodium carbonate is not capable of destroying bufotenine even at pH 11.4.

A while back SWIM did some tests with bufotenine and put bufotenine in water at pH 11.0 (using an accurate freshly calibrated pH meter to check the pH) in 3 different solution: one of ammonium hydroxide, one of calcium hydroxide, and one of sodium carbonate. After 24 hours the calcium hydroxide and ammonium hydroxides destroyed all the bufotenine, while the sodium carbonate did NOT.

I’m absolutely sure the same will be true with psilocin. The only difference between bufotenine and psilocin is that psilocin has a hydroxyl group on the 4 position and bufotenine has the same hydroxyl group on the 5 position. That’s it. The rest of the two molecules are identical.

It’s believed that the decomposition product of bufotenine from exposure to alkaline hydroxides at pH 11 and up is dehydrobufotenine. It’s very likely that psilocin forms a similar decomposition product, but instead of leaving the hydroxyl group the tail forms a bond with it (after the hydrogen is removed). Anyone else know what this likely decomposition product might be called?
The 4-OH in psilocin makes it somewhat different from bufotenine because of electronic effects within the benzene ring. Plus ring closure to the 4-position is no longer possible. Cyclisation onto the oxygen atom is also highly unlikely. If the side chain nitrogen cyclised in the other direction, onto the 2-position on the pyrrole portion of the molecule, a pyrrolo(2,3-b)indole with an overall resemblance to Physostigmine would be formed. And similarly, cyclisation via a methyl group to the 2-position would yield 5-hydroxy-2-methyl tetrahydrobetacarboline.

All this speculation I consider highly unlikely to actually happen in practice. We don't even know what the blue stuff is in damaged psilocybin mushrooms yet.

Why don’t you try it and see what actually happens. Theories are just theories until tested and found to be either correct or not. Compare it with a non hydroxide and see if there’s any difference. I bet there will be destruction with the hydroxide at pH 11, but not the carbonate. Let the reaction sit for 24 hours.

If there's not more destruction of the psilocin with a hydroxide, I'll be surprised.
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