Rising Star
swim has taken 480g bark
put it into 4 gallon jugs
and rolled each with 125 ml naptha
toook the resulting 2000ml of naptha, evaped it down to about half (maybe a bit more)
and put the remaining loaded solvent into jars in the freezer
after one night only small flecs and dots of dmt have appered.
should swim wait, see what develops
he was gonna let it go for 2 days
or should he put it back in a pan and evap more in hopes of getting a more concentrated solution
any help would be gratefuly accepted
swim has been out of the game for a bit and wants to be sure he has not fucked up his first round back in the ring
swim has taken 480g bark
put it into 4 gallon jugs
and rolled each with 125 ml naptha
toook the resulting 2000ml of naptha, evaped it down to about half (maybe a bit more)
and put the remaining loaded solvent into jars in the freezer
after one night only small flecs and dots of dmt have appered.
should swim wait, see what develops
he was gonna let it go for 2 days
or should he put it back in a pan and evap more in hopes of getting a more concentrated solution
any help would be gratefuly accepted
swim has been out of the game for a bit and wants to be sure he has not fucked up his first round back in the ring