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Funny chat quotes

Migrated topic.
04:42:34 ‹Old Soft Cat›Let's burn some books then some people what do you say?
04:42:36 ‹Snozz›lol
04:42:38 ‹Old Soft Cat›Sound fun!
04:42:45 ‹Old Soft Cat›It'll make me feel better about my misery!
04:42:47 ‹Snozz›books make good kindling for ppl
15:59:59 ‹Yumi›and all I can tell you is I am the devil and I love witchcraft
16:00:05 ‹Yumi›and that I love to eat burritos
16:00:07 ‹Yumi›thats it
16:00:12 ‹tatt›:D
16:00:21 ‹tatt›chat quotes thread material
06:22:42 ‹RhythmSpring›mork
06:22:50 ‹RhythmSpring›clarp
06:22:52 ‹RhythmSpring›tok
06:23:19 ‹RhythmSpring›swick
06:23:21 ‹RhythmSpring›paff
06:23:28 ‹Yumi›sanga ?
06:23:31 ‹Yumi›Kaga doogey
06:23:35 ‹RhythmSpring›sweeka sanga
06:23:39 ‹No Knowing›balungus
06:23:46 ‹Yumi›murf
06:23:49 ‹RhythmSpring›taiko taika blarangbob
06:23:59 ‹anima23›manula maka>
06:24:05 ‹RhythmSpring›sheedo gwantago, nowa?
06:24:13 ‹anima23›snarf
06:24:14marz left the room (Timeout)
06:24:15 ‹RhythmSpring›tehehega
06:24:27 ‹anima23›gejejelo!
06:24:34benzyme left the room (Timeout)
06:25:03 ‹RhythmSpring›swomper dugh
06:25:17 ‹anima23›bluk
06:25:36 ‹anima23›krika
06:25:50 ‹anima23›umlyt canantep
06:26:10 ‹anima23›slierp?
06:26:20 ‹anima23›SLIERP?!
06:26:21 ‹RhythmSpring›eyeu twank teesgo swaffaway, twinga labaysha ray
06:26:36 ‹anima23›TINGA, SLIERP.
06:26:49 ‹RhythmSpring›swenny slierp dun sweirp
06:27:00 ‹anima23›!
06:27:08 ‹RhythmSpring›iss kaggo dwaggo, yano?
06:27:18 ‹anima23›qua liret swaggo snak
06:27:31RhythmSpring smorfles snak
06:27:57anima23 flires pirotentiously
06:28:37 ‹anima23›gondek lo prenitocknia manaloptsingtren
06:29:21 ‹RhythmSpring›O.O
06:30:00 ‹anima23›nala trop militrentik nu lintinical polustrelti plo bunitrens?
06:30:17 ‹anima23›????/
06:30:27 ‹anima23›*.*
21:02:29 ‹The Traveler›Would love the see the end results of king midas meeting medusa.
21:02:37ouro kisses kikker to cure him
21:02:46 ‹ouro›ah a worthy match
21:02:55 ‹The Traveler›Well, def midas would turn to stone.
21:03:08 ‹The Traveler›But then medusa would come to claim him and then by accident touch him.
21:03:27 ‹The Traveler›Would be a nice stone statue next to a golden one.
21:03:27 ‹ouro›midas might make everything too shiney by turning it to gold tho
21:03:36 ‹ouro›so medusa could get the mirror treatment
21:03:54 ‹The Traveler›ah yes true, but would it work with only the yello teints?
21:04:03 ‹ouro›im not sure
21:04:11 ‹The Traveler›Hmmm, in what electromagnetic spectrum was medusas power?
21:04:15 ‹ouro›these are the important questions in life
21:04:28 ‹The Traveler›I was not aware of tis before but now it seems quite vital.
21:04:32 ‹ouro›maybe she would just turn to clay instead
21:04:47 ‹The Traveler›OR maybe she would just get a mild diareah?
21:05:04 ‹ouro›yea and poop some ricks
21:05:06 ‹ouro›rocks*
21:05:09 ‹The Traveler›Yup.
21:05:19 ‹The Traveler›Which might kill her while trying to poop them.
21:05:38 ‹ouro›seems plausible
21:05:51 ‹The Traveler›Very.
21:06:10 ‹The Traveler›Like midas is dead anyway.
21:06:15 ‹The Traveler›Since he cannot eat anymore.
21:06:20 ‹ouro›seriously
21:06:38 ‹ouro›maybe hes better off as a statue
21:06:50 ‹The Traveler›I think so with a golden statue of medusa on his side.
21:06:56 ‹The Traveler›IT looks romantic in a sad way.
21:07:09ouro writes the ballad of medusa and midas

Kind regards,

The Traveler
05:19:49 ‹Running Bear›ever let any of your friends try dmt?
05:21:37 ‹Running Bear›its kind of why i want 2 make some enhanced leaf. i feel that if they see white powder they with think crack
05:22:01 ‹Running Bear›will*
05:31:03 ‹Yumi›When my friends see white powder they are immediatly under my control


04:43:54 ‹werd›doesnt that stuff turn you into a cow, rs?
04:43:55 ‹RhythmSpring›haha
04:43:57 ‹Final Incarnate›site is amazing aye :D
04:44:01 ‹RhythmSpring›yes but a healthy cow
04:44:25 ‹dreamer042›you can eat a lot of phalaris with 7 stomachs
04:44:31 ‹RhythmSpring›exactly
04:44:39 ‹RhythmSpring›cows are constantly basically on ayahuasca
04:44:42 ‹universecannon›yea those cows are perma-tripping on phalaris
04:44:46 ‹werd›advanced vegetalistas
04:44:46 ‹dreamer042›^^^
04:44:47 ‹universecannon›"mooo" is their primary icaro
04:44:51 ‹RhythmSpring›all that tyramine just inhibits that mao
04:44:53 ‹RhythmSpring›moo mao
04:45:04 ‹universecannon›scholars differ
04:45:12 ‹RhythmSpring›they're tripping so hard, they poop mushrooms
‹_Arcane_›because I ended up in a weird outside of time dimension having to balance all the forces of the universe from a glass palace to prevent either myself or my girlfriend from dying


‹_Arcane_›for 6 hours
[_Arcan_ talking about his different changa blends]

12:54:53 ‹Ulim›Can i join? :-}
12:55:48 ‹_Arcane_›who knows, it could happen
12:59:02fouronkenstein passes out the changa
12:59:03 ‹_Arcane_›I also cure it over a couple of weeks before we smoke any to make sure everything gets evaporated properly and its all buttery smooth to smoke
12:59:12fouronkenstein passes the GVG to Ulim
12:59:23fouronkenstein passes the GVG to _Arcane_

12:59:36 ‹_Arcane_›lovely, thankyou
13:00:44 ‹_Arcane_›I would pass it on but dont know how to
13:02:49Ulim passes GVG to _Arcane_
13:03:11 ‹Ulim›_Arcane_ Stop hoarding the GVG man not nice :(
13:04:38 ‹_Arcane_›dude I am being forced to dual wield gvg's like some kind of entheogen/first person shooter legend!
13:05:42 ‹_Arcane_›I would love nothing more to share them both
13:15:18 ‹Ulim›_Arcane_
13:15:21 ‹Ulim›is this you?
13:15:31 ‹Kikker›Ulim uploaded a new image: Image below
13:16:42 ‹_Arcane_›hahahahahaha almost, thats fantastic


  • 1280px-Mongolian_Armed_Forces_100711-A-CE583-114.jpg
    258 KB · Views: 0

20:56:36 ‹Adept1›how many years until EVERYTHING is web based Macre?

20:57:18 ‹Macre›hmmm good question. the organisation i work for has such a large infrastructure, im inclined to say never hehe

20:57:46 ‹Adept1›I want to go be an organic farmer...

20:44:40Ulim changed nickname to The TraveIer
20:44:52The TraveIer changed nickname to Ulim
20:46:32Ulim changed nickname to Tha Traveller
20:46:44-_Creek_- changed nickname to Le Travaillier
20:46:57Tha Traveller changed nickname to Ulim
20:49:03Ulim changed nickname to Thе Traveler
20:49:21Le Travaillier changed nickname to El Trabajare
20:55:44Thе Traveler changed nickname to The Traveꟾ er
20:56:03The Traveꟾ er changed nickname to The Traveꟾer
20:56:13The Traveꟾer changed nickname to The Trave|er
20:56:26The Trave|er changed nickname to The Traveꞁer
20:56:51Fullspectrum joined the room
20:57:37The Traveꞁer changed nickname to The Traveꞁleer
20:58:07The Traveꞁleer changed nickname to The Traveιer
20:58:44The Traveιer changed nickname to The Trave┃er
20:58:50Herbalizer left the room (Timeout)
20:59:04The Trave┃er changed nickname to The Trave❘er
20:59:21The Trave❘er changed nickname to The Trave❙er
20:59:46The Trave❙er changed nickname to The TraveƖer
21:00:40The TraveƖer changed nickname to The Trave|er
21:01:58The Trave|er changed nickname to The Traveȋer
21:02:23The Traveȋer changed nickname to The Traveǀer
21:09:59The Traveǀer joined the room
21:09:59Yumi joined the room
21:10:07Kikker left the room (Timeout)
21:11:21The Traveǀer changed nickname to Thǝ Travǝlǝr
21:12:15Thǝ Travǝlǝr changed nickname to The Traveler™
21:13:45The Traveler™ changed nickname to The Traveler® © ™
21:14:26The Traveler® © ™ changed nickname to The Trave |er
21:14:52The Trave |er changed nickname to The Traveꟾer
21:15:52The Traveꟾer changed nickname to The Traveȴer
21:16:26The Traveȴer changed nickname to The Traveǀer
21:16:44The Traveǀer changed nickname to The TraveƖer
21:17:39The TraveƖer changed nickname to The Traveꟾer
21:17:56The Traveꟾer changed nickname to The TraveƖer
21:18:17The TraveƖer changed nickname to The Trave❘ ❙ ❚er
21:18:21The Trave❘ ❙ ❚er changed nickname to The Trave❘❙❚er
21:18:46The Trave❘❙❚er changed nickname to The Trave│er
21:19:04The Trave│er changed nickname to The Trave▕er
21:19:19The Trave▕er changed nickname to The Trave┃er
21:19:21savage joined the room
21:20:08Yumi left the room (Timeout)
21:21:33The Trave┃er changed nickname to The Traveıer
21:22:21Kikker joined the room
21:27:30We Waveler left the room (Timeout)
21:27:45savage left the room (Strike The Lightning!)
21:27:45OrionFyre changed nickname to T̶h̶e̶ ̶T̶r̶a̶v̶e̶
21:27:50tatt joined the room
21:27:56Kikker left the room (Timeout)
21:28:28The Traveıer changed nickname to ⟙he ⟙raveler
21:28:51S_T_E_P_H_A_N_I_E joined the room
21:29:49⟙he ⟙raveler changed nickname to The Traνeler
21:30:16Toadisattva left the room (Timeout)
21:30:28Yumi joined the room
21:38:23The Traveler joined the room
21:38:25tatt joined the room
21:38:31The Traνeler left the room (Timeout)
21:38:31Fullspectrum left the room (Timeout)
21:38:44Ulim joined the room
21:39:02Ulim changed nickname to The Tra∨eler
21:41:42S_T_E_P_H_A_N_I_E left the room (Timeout)
21:42:07The Tra∨eler changed nickname to Ulim
21:42:42T̶h̶e̶ ̶T̶r̶a̶v̶e̶l̶e̶r̶ changed nickname to OrionFyre
21:44:49Macre joined the room
21:51:03Ulim changed nickname to T⚣h⚣e T⚣r⚣a⚣v⚣e⚣l⚣
21:51:47T⚣h⚣e T⚣r⚣a⚣v⚣e⚣l⚣ changed nickname to The Trave⎢er
21:52:09Fullspectrum joined the room
21:52:17The Trave⎢er changed nickname to The Traveᴵer
21:53:47The Traveᴵer changed nickname to The Trave IJer
21:53:57Macre changed nickname to The Traveŀer
21:54:06Nereus joined the room
21:54:51The Trave IJer changed nickname to The Travⱸler
21:54:55The Traveŀer changed nickname to The TraveƖer
21:55:10The Travⱸler changed nickname to ThƏ TravƏlƏr
21:55:40ThƏ TravƏlƏr changed nickname to The Travæler
21:55:52The TraveƖer changed nickname to Macre
21:56:52ElusiveGlitch joined the room
21:56:53The Travæler changed nickname to The Travªler
21:57:00ElusiveGlitch changed nickname to EG
21:57:21The Travªler changed nickname to The Tr௹veler
21:57:50The Tr௹veler changed nickname to The Tr௹ve⎳er
21:57:51Macre changed nickname to The Traveƚer
21:58:28The Tr௹ve⎳er changed nickname to The Tr௹ve⎳ⅇr
21:58:39The Tr௹ve⎳ⅇr changed nickname to The Tr௹℧e⎳ⅇr
21:58:55The Tr௹℧e⎳ⅇr changed nickname to Thᶒ Tr௹℧e⎳ⅇr

Me and Traveler testing for counterfeit Traveler names in chat :p
Upon a humble twilight:

00:53:11 ‹Ulim›1g of dmt again
00:53:24 ‹AcaciaConfusedYah›yay!
00:53:34 ‹alkapone›enough dmt for 5 people!
00:53:36alkapone counts heads
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