Greetings Nexians, after being a lurker for some time and accrediting my ventures in hyperspace nearly solely to this wonderful place I can gladly say I was able to get an account! I’d like to start off my introduction essay with what i consider my most ‘shattering’ experience yet… Enjoy!
The breakthrough realms of dmt are terrifyingly beautiful. I thought i ‘broke thru’ before, but other trips compared to this are like childs play.
Me and a buddy went on a little vacation, a camping trip up to a lake in the mountains...miles up. The kind of place where you can’t hear a motor and time moves at a different pace...the frequency is different than city life. Anyway, we get to the lakeside site and settle in for a day, took a tab of some clean L to mellow out and floated on the lake in a raft someone else was nice enough to lug up there. We get through the night with some good conversation and I was starting to feel the itch to venture into hyperspace.
Next morning… the lake is still as glass with a crystal clear reflection and i find myself in the lakeside hammock with my friend floating in the raft. We decide to break out the dmt pipe and had a few small doses with nice geometrics and visuals leaving a nice mellow feel to the morning. My friend floated off into the middle of the lake and I got in the mood to really KO myself. I loaded up the pipe with an eyeballed guess ~100mg+ and sprinked a little bud on top. I hit it 2-3 times and got an urge to load more… I grabbed the vial and dumped another idk maybe ~60mg on top of everything and sprinkled a little more bud on top. Hit this another couple times and it still wasn’t enough. I tapped another ~20mg on top without a bud sprinkle and started hitting it lightly then pretty hard. Got thru the bowl in a couple minutes and closed my eyes…
I forgot what I was laying in (the hammock).. It felt as if i was suspended in space and was floating away from earth. I forgot my friend was with me. I wondered how I could have broken through into space and still be in a physical body because the sensation was engulfing but i soon realized the hammock was acting as my little space capsule and I floated away. Everything got wispy and there was flashes of silhouettes of different beings and it felt as if a cool breeze was blowing. This reality turned into a curtain that was blowing in the breeze and eventually it lifted up like drapes revealing a whole new world. I soon entered the void and was overcome with the most beautiful, vibrant, colorful, geometric patterns even fathomed. It sort of flowed like lava, but lava flows on the ground, this flowed everywhere, from everything…it was everything. I said to myself “I’m home” and quickly startled myself as to what I just said, but then realized the truth in the statement. I ceased to be physical and was embraced by the love and now took on an observer view, I became one and died..but I was completely understanding of my death, and had a sense that with it life would continue. I was still somewhat “grounded” in an observer position with my eyes closed subconsciously talking myself through the death experience but it was like i was narrating my life, i believe i got to the level of the subconscious. It was beautiful, I went home… a place of eternal love and existence. There was no “me” so there was nothing there to record ‘time’, or really much of anything and memory starts to get a little fuzzy for the comedown. It was more of an understanding of how far I was out once I got back into my physical body and opened my eyes. I had dmt and weed on my shirt and was pretty damn confused, but the psilocybin like oev's helped ease me back like a feather floating down to the ground. I grabbed for something to write on and tried to assimilate some of what I just experienced.
Death is not an end, it is merely the opportunity for another beginning. A beginning to feel grateful for, a sense of self and individualness. I think thats what life is..feeling individual, being yourself..having an ego. Being able to be such a small piece of the pie but feel like you’re the whole pie. Life is beautiful, but one must understand death is also beautiful and when one sheds the ego, there is all.
One little disclaimer too …source and purity play a WAY bigger role in ones experience with dmt than is given credit (except here on the Nexus). Probably because you really have to accept the molecule itself can be an entity alongside yourself... and if someone admits that they gotta go to the loony bin right? Lol.
I used some high quality recrystallized product for this report and hit the pipe 10+ times over the course of a minute or two.. i think this lengthens it out and makes it feel less like you’re on a speeding bullet train and more like on a magic carpet.
The breakthrough realms of dmt are terrifyingly beautiful. I thought i ‘broke thru’ before, but other trips compared to this are like childs play.
Me and a buddy went on a little vacation, a camping trip up to a lake in the mountains...miles up. The kind of place where you can’t hear a motor and time moves at a different pace...the frequency is different than city life. Anyway, we get to the lakeside site and settle in for a day, took a tab of some clean L to mellow out and floated on the lake in a raft someone else was nice enough to lug up there. We get through the night with some good conversation and I was starting to feel the itch to venture into hyperspace.
Next morning… the lake is still as glass with a crystal clear reflection and i find myself in the lakeside hammock with my friend floating in the raft. We decide to break out the dmt pipe and had a few small doses with nice geometrics and visuals leaving a nice mellow feel to the morning. My friend floated off into the middle of the lake and I got in the mood to really KO myself. I loaded up the pipe with an eyeballed guess ~100mg+ and sprinked a little bud on top. I hit it 2-3 times and got an urge to load more… I grabbed the vial and dumped another idk maybe ~60mg on top of everything and sprinkled a little more bud on top. Hit this another couple times and it still wasn’t enough. I tapped another ~20mg on top without a bud sprinkle and started hitting it lightly then pretty hard. Got thru the bowl in a couple minutes and closed my eyes…
I forgot what I was laying in (the hammock).. It felt as if i was suspended in space and was floating away from earth. I forgot my friend was with me. I wondered how I could have broken through into space and still be in a physical body because the sensation was engulfing but i soon realized the hammock was acting as my little space capsule and I floated away. Everything got wispy and there was flashes of silhouettes of different beings and it felt as if a cool breeze was blowing. This reality turned into a curtain that was blowing in the breeze and eventually it lifted up like drapes revealing a whole new world. I soon entered the void and was overcome with the most beautiful, vibrant, colorful, geometric patterns even fathomed. It sort of flowed like lava, but lava flows on the ground, this flowed everywhere, from everything…it was everything. I said to myself “I’m home” and quickly startled myself as to what I just said, but then realized the truth in the statement. I ceased to be physical and was embraced by the love and now took on an observer view, I became one and died..but I was completely understanding of my death, and had a sense that with it life would continue. I was still somewhat “grounded” in an observer position with my eyes closed subconsciously talking myself through the death experience but it was like i was narrating my life, i believe i got to the level of the subconscious. It was beautiful, I went home… a place of eternal love and existence. There was no “me” so there was nothing there to record ‘time’, or really much of anything and memory starts to get a little fuzzy for the comedown. It was more of an understanding of how far I was out once I got back into my physical body and opened my eyes. I had dmt and weed on my shirt and was pretty damn confused, but the psilocybin like oev's helped ease me back like a feather floating down to the ground. I grabbed for something to write on and tried to assimilate some of what I just experienced.
Death is not an end, it is merely the opportunity for another beginning. A beginning to feel grateful for, a sense of self and individualness. I think thats what life is..feeling individual, being yourself..having an ego. Being able to be such a small piece of the pie but feel like you’re the whole pie. Life is beautiful, but one must understand death is also beautiful and when one sheds the ego, there is all.
One little disclaimer too …source and purity play a WAY bigger role in ones experience with dmt than is given credit (except here on the Nexus). Probably because you really have to accept the molecule itself can be an entity alongside yourself... and if someone admits that they gotta go to the loony bin right? Lol.
I used some high quality recrystallized product for this report and hit the pipe 10+ times over the course of a minute or two.. i think this lengthens it out and makes it feel less like you’re on a speeding bullet train and more like on a magic carpet.