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Grow Log 1.0

Migrated topic.
Hawaiian baby wood rose, Heavenly blues and Grandpa Ott's seeds are what I have coming in the mail. I'll be starting them on 4/20 and place them outside around the end of may hopefully. I couldn't find a seed source for the traditional Rivea corymbosa but I may not have looked hard enough.

I'm sorry about the passing of your friend. My best buddy died last year as well, he was only 26. I learned to tell my friends I love and appreciate them while I still can.
Voidmatrix said:
Sending my heartfelt condolences and my conduit it channeling love to Peach.

And I was being silly about licking your frog (as you noted)😁 I have always found it a funny idea; let's lick frogs lmao.

How much time during the week do you think you spend on your horticultural endeavors?

What kind of mushrooms are you growing?

Would sand from a playground help? Lol

One love

I spend about an hour to an hour and a half a day daily, and on my days off, I work for 4-6 hours daily between my animals and plants. I am growing Lion's mane, Amazonian cubensis, and Z-Strain cubensis. LMAO I didn't even think of playground sand :)
Seeingisbelieving said:
Hawaiian baby wood rose, Heavenly blues and Grandpa Ott's seeds are what I have coming in the mail. I'll be starting them on 4/20 and place them outside around the end of may hopefully. I couldn't find a seed source for the traditional Rivea corymbosa but I may not have looked hard enough.

I'm sorry about the passing of your friend. My best buddy died last year as well, he was only 26. I learned to tell my friends I love and appreciate them while I still can.

Life's a bitch and then you die
That's why we get high
Cause you never know when you're gonna go

for the rivea corymbosa, I went to naturalether.com. I also lost my best friend at 26, almost 5 years ago. This has really brought a lot of that back up. I appreciate both you and Voidmatrix for the love. And while I do not know either of you, I do feel a strong love for the both of you as well. I have spent the last few days just calling my friends and family to tell them I love them as well. It has helped to begin the healing process.
Alright, a new week with a lot of exciting developments. Up potted the morning glories I am planning on keeping, and saving the rest to give to friends or sell; as I had much success in sprouting them. They seem to be pretty indestructible so not much else to weigh in on with those. The Calea's are so happy, and were up potted as well.


The E. Nongravatense are starting to drop their seed pods and show green leaves, which was very exciting. I have been keeping them in a fish tank covered with plastic wrap, about 80 degrees F, 80% humidity for the past 4 weeks, as they drop their pods, I am moving them into tanks with about 70 degree F and 70% humidity, and so far they seem to be taking the transition well. I have a tall terrarium I just converted from a frog enclosure to a greenhouse. In which I have also put my Akuamma seeds, and Anadenanthera Peregrina seeds into in order to take a third run at these two stubborn seeds. I am also still struggling with the Voacanga africana seeds as well, but have begun a new process for each. The Anadenantheras are now surface sown; as per worldseedsupply.com. The akuamma, I am keeping in a paper towel in the greenhouse, misting lightly when needed, and the Voacanga I have in a container on some wet paper towel with a bowl over top; this is also a method found online. The main issue with all three of these is that they mold ever so easily, so keeping them from being covered in soil makes it easier to spot the molds, and to take action. i.e. spraying with peroxide, rinsing, and returning to their respective spots. The Voacanga seeds I have had in towels for a few weeks are cracked, but I cannot tell if they are growing on account that they are progressing very slowly. I will add some pics of my seeds and their environments on a following post.




Bundle Flower is still growing nicely, as well as Syrian rue. Hyssop is taking off



Lastly, The cacti world for me has been opening up in droves, Loph Decipiens has 7 or so going, as well as 1 or2 new Peruvian and Bolivian Torches. Loph Diffusa, I am seeing at least 4 but maybe 5. I ordered some Trichocerus macrogonus seeds from strictlymedicinalseeds.com and I have 10 growing out of 10 seeds. I just can't begin to describe; my cup RUNNETH over!





As I said a moment ago, my cup absolutey runneth over, and I cannot begin to describe how excited and happy I am. A few more notes. 1) I put the mimosa tenuflora into one of the greenhouses, and it was very clearly not happy. It wilted down, but not just in a wilty way, it actually looked as if it was in some sort of "defense" mode. If I had the forethought, I would have photographed it, but alas, hindsight and all. I just want to thank you guys again for the support. I never would have had some of the insights I had to get this going without this group, and I am severely indebted to the group for that. Anything I can ever help anyone with, please ask. I am forever grateful.

I also wanted to do a little bit here about my failures, as of late. I experimented with putting some of the cold hardy plants outside for a few nights, and while Sage and Bundle Flower are both stated to be able to survive a freeze, they do not at these ages. The sage does not look so bad, but the Bundle did not go so well. The Reed Canaries have not re-sprouted; I assume this is because of the lack of direct heat on this particular pot, so I will be adding heat and trying again. Blue lotus is still not growing, but it has only been 12 days since planted, so that is to be expected. The biggest issues I had were with mainly Cacti. It took a bit of time to figure out what the best mixture of sand/soil/perlite, which I realize that I was using too much soil and combined with overwatering/overspraying, I was drowning and/or rotting seeds out before they sprouted. Mimosa T. does NOT like high humidity, much to my chagrin, but I was lucky to catch it doing the "defensive" stance I spoke about in the previous post. That is about all I can think of at the moment, and I really should get back to work ;). Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate it, and have a great weekend!
I love seeing all the new sprouting babies!:love:

You alone are adding a lot of great reference material for everyone. Thank you.

It's unfortunate for the ones that aren't working out, but part of the learning curve and nature of the game. I accidentally killed a plant (Persian Shield) last week that I tried to bring back, but to no avail.

I'm a little bit of a sad panda lol.

Where are you going to place the mimosa now?

I add stupid amounts of perlite when I repot my cacti, I've literally blown my nose to see only red after doing so. And I was wearing a mask! (Definitely abundant considering the pandemic)

Are you going to try again with some of the failures?

Keep sharing and thank you :)

One love
Voidmatrix said:
I love seeing all the new sprouting babies!:love:

You alone are adding a lot of great reference material for everyone. Thank you.

It's unfortunate for the ones that aren't working out, but part of the learning curve and nature of the game. I accidentally killed a plant (Persian Shield) last week that I tried to bring back, but to no avail.

I'm a little bit of a sad panda lol.

Where are you going to place the mimosa now?

I add stupid amounts of perlite when I repot my cacti, I've literally blown my nose to see only red after doing so. And I was wearing a mask! (Definitely abundant considering the pandemic)

Are you going to try again with some of the failures?

Keep sharing and thank you :)

One love

I will probably order a rooted cutting of the Akuammas if this last batch of seeds doesn't work out, as they are rumored to sprout much easier fresh. This is the same for the Araca (Betel nut, as well. Which I have absolutely forgotten about in the mix of everything, as I only had 5 seeds. So if I got rooted cuttings and used the fresh seeds to attempt to sprout, I should have better luck there. I have 75 Anadenanthera seeds remaining, so I will keep at them until I have success or have to buy a new bag of seeds. Lol one will eventually sprout, and they are really one of the peaks of my interest in the subject, as bufotenine is somewhat of a mystery to me that I would like to crack the case of. That was one of the few episodes of Hamilton's Pharmacopoeia that I was a bit disappointed in. But it seemed like he only did it because he was being hounded to do so. If the Lotus does not work out, I may switch to the nelumbo nucifera, which has similar alkaloid content, but less lore around it. The seeds are much large and I would imagine may be easier to deal with. The mimosa is doing fine where it is in the open house air, so I think I may leave it until I see a need to do otherwise. Sorry about your plant, I never heard of Persian Shield before, had to look it up, but boy are they pretty. I would be a sad panda too lol. I also have some sacred Datura, Nicotina rustica, and Mimosa hostilis seeds that should be here any day now. I have also been looking for some Tabernaemontana undulata seeds for weeks, but everywhere seems to be out of stock. The perlite, I always try to fill a pressure sprayer with some RO water (the water I use for all my plants, my tap water comes out at 9.6 PH without it), and spray it down before I work with it, I went through 2.5 cubic ft. worth of it in the last 2 weeks and have had no troubles with it. Also, if it puffs up a dust cloud, I just leave the room for a few minutes. Hope I was able to answer all your questions to your satisfaction. I may start to do more updates than just one a week, because as I type this I am realizing that there are 8 pics I took this morning that just show so much more. It seems that every day there is something new and exciting happening! Some days have a gut punch, like today; I had new sprouts, and nongravatenses are all dropping their seed pods and showing leaves now, but I went to check on my mycelium and found contaminations, so that was a bummer, but I still have a few jars that are going much slower that are doing well. I think I didn't shake the syringe enough before I inoculated. Have a great day, hope you are able to spend it with family and loved ones! Much love!
I've fallen in love with akuamma and blue lotus as of late. The akuamma is helpful for managing mild pain and seems to improve my mood. There's a blue lotus concentrate pill I take before blasting off often times now because it appears to enrich the experience. It's also a relaxant, so allows me to kind of cheat when managing preflight jitters. It's awesome you're actually growing them.

I would definitely be on top of following if you post/share more often.

I'm sorry your mycelium got contaminated:/ . I recently got really lucky with an double inoculation of a grain bag and liquid culture. The bag had been prepped for over a month before inoculating. I also neglected to heat the tip of the syringe before putting the needle into the ports (though I sprayed and used a glove box).

That's a pretty high ph for tap water lol:surprised

I usually do rinse my perlite, but was too excited about the plants I was repotting and forgot lol.

Hope you have a beautiful day with those you cherish as well.

One love
Voidmatrix said:
I've fallen in love with akuamma and blue lotus as of late. The akuamma is helpful for managing mild pain and seems to improve my mood. There's a blue lotus concentrate pill I take before blasting off often times now because it appears to enrich the experience. It's also a relaxant, so allows me to kind of cheat when managing preflight jitters. It's awesome you're actually growing them.

I would definitely be on top of following if you post/share more often.

I'm sorry your mycelium got contaminated:/ . I recently got really lucky with an double inoculation of a grain bag and liquid culture. The bag had been prepped for over a month before inoculating. I also neglected to heat the tip of the syringe before putting the needle into the ports (though I sprayed and used a glove box).

That's a pretty high ph for tap water lol:surprised

I usually do rinse my perlite, but was too excited about the plants I was repotting and forgot lol.

Hope you have a beautiful day with those you cherish as well.

One love
I know I need to get more on top of sharing, it is just hard to find the time to post and I usually do it at work. It's just that between work and hobbies, I am already putting in about 70 hours a week in before I take pics, run them through imgur to make them compatable for the format of this forum, and then type everything out. So it is difficult to keep up some times. I am just learning about this glove box technique, and will be buying the materials for it on Friday.
Voidmatrix said:
I completely understand and I hope you feel no pressure from me, just excitement for your endeavors:).

I commend you, since I cheated and bought one instead of building one lmao.

One love

Lol I try to be thrifty, as I spend quite a bit of money on my hobbies; probably exponentially more than I should. So I tend to do my best to make an attempt at DIY before I go and buy something pre-made. Not that I wouldn't if I could afford to. I have effed up a many a vehicle getting in over my head trying to do the work myself. Vehicles aren't my thing, it's a necessity, but plants and animals are life for me, so I invest much more of my mind and soul into the projects than I do mechanic work. I am by no means a handy man, or even "Jack of all trades". More a "Jack of few trades, Master of none, Student of all". Aww, thanks man, you just helped me thing of my signature :) Also, I meant to comment earlier on the Akuamma and Lotus.. WOW! I do enjoy Kratom, but the stuff that gives me energy also gives me this weird vibrate-y feeling, which is somewhat enjoyable, but only if I am not trying to function efficiently. The Akuamma gives me all of the positive, such as pain relief, energy AND calmness at the same time, without the weird vibrating. It almost makes me feel more fluid in my movements and very much improves my mood. The lotus I love, because I can get home from work and take it as soon as I get in the door, and it reduces my wind down period by like 75% and helps me relax and get into bed quicker; I work 2-10 and wake up at 8 to open my chicken coop door and do my chores and errands, so I have about 2 hours to wind down at the end of the day. So anything really helps. I sometimes chuckle about growing all of these things with these properties, because I'm like, 'When am I gonna find 8 hours just to chill and have an experience :D. But of course I kid, because I would make arrangements and have a day. I also have kids, too, so I have a lot on my plate, but keeping this busy is part of what keeps me off of the hard shit, because I have purpose, responsibilities, and obligations that I just cannot shirk. I work with animals, though, and they are on a set schedule, and I work alone, so I have a couple hours downtime every day. I either clean, or one days I don't have a lot of cleaning to do I watch the hockey games or compose my posts here. I just have to remember to take the pics more regularly.

EDIT: LOL, it is amazing how many things can slip through the cracks when you have a busy mind. I just did some reading, and it turns out, M. Tenuiflora is just the old name for M. Hostilis. That was a bit of an embarrassing email :D But hey, you live you learn. Figured IO would post it here too before someone reminded me that I was a dummy ;). Carry on, folks!
:lol: you're not a dummy at all! The naming system for plants is notoriously confusing (I first picked up that from McKenna then Shulgin).

You are really busy. I admire that. I'm trying to be more so (not that I'm not already) but have my struggles. Always pushing forward :).

I have yet to try Kratom even though I am a little curious about it. Your description makes me wonder if it'll spike my anxiety. All the same, I won't know until I try.

Also, glad to help! Lol. I like that version. I don't know if I feel Mastery is a real thing. We can always get better at any endeavor, even if one is an authority on it.

Making time is one of the hardest parts for these types of explorations. Kind of why I haven't done Lucy in a few years (despite having plenty). One of the reasons of love the spice so much. I can do it, it's intense, exploratory and therapeutic and then I can go about the rest of my day.

And at least you try to be handy with cars. I'll work on almost anything else besides them due to a lack of experience and a paranoia of messing something up that will be really hard to afford to fix.

Sorry for the late reply. I somehow missed your response.

Hope you're having a great week bud.

One love.
Alright! A new week, a new updated post! First thing I want to address this week is the "defensive" stance I referenced last week. I was able to capture a photo after adding some mosquito bit tea to help with the fungus gnats, which was a bit too warm at application. So here are the photos of the Mimosa Tenuiflora (Hostilis) during and after the stance was displayed. It seems to do this when the temperature and/or humidity get higher than it's preferred levels.




Secondly, I got my Datura and Nicotina rustica seeds in. The datura will be strictly ornamental, but I felt that it deserved my time, nonetheless. Strictlymedicinalseeds has been great for me so far in my endeavors.


E. Nongravatense and Papaver Somniferum are continuing to grow very well with seemingly no issues or hiccups. For the Non-G, I am still keeping the humidity above 70% with the ambient temperature being roughly 72-77 degrees F.
The P. Som are just in open air in the house.


I have spent the last week and a half getting my different Cacti used to less humidity, as it was time to remove the domes before I experienced any issues with molds. Today I removed the film completely from each after punching holes in the film in 3 day increments. By the time I got to 5 holes, I waited 3 days and removed the film completely. So more on that next post.


Hyssop, Wild lettuce, and Ashwaganda are coming up, but doing so slowly. Slow and steady wins the race lol. My Chocolate and White Habaneros making a cameo!



Also, while they are not quite psychoactive, I planted a bunch of corn to distill at harvest. (My buddy just got a new still, so I couldn't help myself) :D

The rest of the photos are just updates on plants growing well with no real change in situation, such as bundle flower. Some of the Morning glories were moved outside, where they will be trained up the pillars so the front of the house flowers out up the pillars. I thought that would be a really cool side project, since I am already growing them anyway. Morning glory and Calea are growing by far the fastest out of everything. I suspected the MG would, but the Calea is a nice pleasant surprise.









That is pretty much the gist of it all this week. I am still struggling on some of the more difficult to sprout seeds, but have a fresher batch of each seed coming soon. I also ordered an Amanita Muscaria spore print and a Pine tree grow kit; hoping to inoculate a seed/seedling in hopes that in a few years I will get Amanitas. I will also be making a slurry to spread through the wooded areas near my home, so we shall see how that turns out. My indoor mushroom project is starting to take off. It should be about 5 or 6 more days before I am able to get the monotubs out, and when I get the tubs out, I will either add the grow here, or possibly do a mushroom log. Not sure what I am going to do there, yet. As always, much love, and have a great weekend!
Love this thread! I have quite a morning glory garden planned for this summer with heavenly blues and pearly gates along with a few hundred pachanoi and bridgesii seedlings. My overwintered mushroom beds all look great including my p. azurescens 😁
Looking forward to the developments on this thread over the summer! Happy growing
Tycelium said:
Love this thread! I have quite a morning glory garden planned for this summer with heavenly blues and pearly gates along with a few hundred pachanoi and bridgesii seedlings. My overwintered mushroom beds all look great including my p. azurescens 😁
Looking forward to the developments on this thread over the summer! Happy growing

I am glad you are enjoying the thread, my friend. I have never tried to grow azurescens, but I have a friend who has multiple guerrilla patches in our area. Of course, this is not something someone gives up in my town. So the thought has crossed my mind before about creating my own patch. I would assume that you would make a slurry to distribute the spores in your chosen area?
Voidmatrix said:
Things are building momentum and really taking off bud!

As of now, with so much sprouting towards verdancy [sic], what has you the most excited?

One love

The most exciting to me that I have actually had success with? Probably the Calea, and the Mimosa/Rue combo. I have never tried Aya, so I am really looking forward to cultivating the spirit that will take me on that journey from day 1. Something that you cannot get from a Shaman in Central and South America. And I am very interested in dreams and the underlying meanings of said dreams, so naturally, the Calea falls into the space of one of my most beloved plants. All in all, I am very excited about finding a way with Anadenanthera, Voacanga, and Akuamma. I do not think I will stop attempting to sprout these until I have some success. I am going to give the Betel one more go eventually, but I have to buy a kilo of seeds to get them fresh. The Voacanga and Akuamma I already have very fresh seeds in route, so hopefully this next go with the freshies will yield me some positive results! And the Anadenathera; I found a different guide on sprouting them with very different means of doing so that I am giving a shot now. Of course using the GA3 to speed up the process as well. 😁
I've looked up so much about different plants (first starting with ones you're growing that I'm unfamiliar with and falling down a rabbit hole including other plants). I'm very grateful.

And I'm sure it will be beautiful journeys for you, being a part of the process (with tender love and care) from seed to tea. I hope to be able to make that endeavor someday.

One love
Voidmatrix said:
I've looked up so much about different plants (first starting with ones you're growing that I'm unfamiliar with and falling down a rabbit hole including other plants). I'm very grateful.

And I'm sure it will be beautiful journeys for you, being a part of the process (with tender love and care) from seed to tea. I hope to be able to make that endeavor someday.

One love

I am glad I was able to stir up some interest for you. These are some incredible plants, and the more scientists and botanists learn about them, it seems the more questions arise as to the relevance of the states in which one is placed. I too hope to be able to go on these self cultivated endeavors, but am not in any hurry, as my newest outlook on life is that most, if not all, good things come to those who wait. Patience is truly a virtue (something I have not had in my early days, which led me into some dark headspaces as a result).
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