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Grow Log 1.0

Migrated topic.
Ok, a little late on this update, but there was not much change until now, so I didn't want to just post an update for filler. So, where shall I start? I suppose I will start with the areas of least progress, and move on to the more fluidly-moving growth.

Loph Williamsii, as well as trichocerus' and other Lophopheras are going about as fast as you would expect a cactus to go. Along with Euphorbia resinefera; which the damned cat keeps digging up (not the only thing this godforsaken creature has destroyed!). Some are pictured, and I am now realizing that some were not uploaded, which is fine, they do not grow so fast that there is a noticable difference in them, anyway.



I recently got Khat seeds in the mail. I followed the instructions I found on https://dengarden.com/gardening/How-to-Grow-Catha-Edulis-Khat-Qat-Gat-or-Miraa . The site says to use sand, perlite, or vermiculite. I decided, since I had a bunch of vermiculite laying around, that I would give this a shot first. I planted 6 seeds in 3 pots, and have about 14 left in case I am unable to find success in this area. Anadenanthera; I decided to give a shot at a few different set ups. I put some in 100% perlite, some in 75% perlite, 25% organic matter, and a few levels in between. They have been in the pots for a week, and I have only had issues with mold overtaking 2 of them, which I immediately disposed of and soaked the pots in a bleach solution of 1:10 bleach/water to kill any remaining mold spores on the cups. Fresh Akuamma and Voacanga seeds also arrived withing 24 hours of Khat seeds. I soaked them in vinegar for 15 minutes, hydrogen peroxide for 30 minutes, and overnight in water, before planting them in a mixture of perlite, vermiculite, and organic matter for the bulk of them at a ratio of about 25/50/25, while experimenting with 2 pots each of 100% vermiculite and 100% perlite so as not to put all of my eggs into one substrate basket.




E. nongravatense and P. Somniferum (Both Chinese and Afghan varieties are continuing to grow with no issues. The up potted Non G seemed a little stressed for 24 or 48 hours after transplanting. I am not sure if this was because of the transplant, or because of the change in temp and humidity due to there not being room for the larger pots in the terrarium. It has since bounced back and seems to be trucking along just fine; although the whole of my Non G group is growing very slow, regardless of conditions, so I do not think that this is an issue. The P. Som are taking off, and will be getting trimmed back the Afghani tomorrow, when I have the time, as they are beginning to overtake one another with the current spacing; which is none lol.The chinese variety are a bit behind, because the devil cat knocked it off of the table it was set on 2 weeks after planting.





I decided to add in the photo of 1 of my 3 Cannabis plants. 2 of them have had issues from the beginning and I cannot figure out what is wrong with them. But one of them, now 5 ft tall, is happy as ever.I plant on taking clones from all 3 to fill my room. I will kill the 2 that have issues in this process and keep the healthy one as a permanent mother plant. Sour Diesel.


My Wild lettuce is taking off. I recently also got a 15x extract of this plant. And when smoking it, I definitely found there to be a very interesting high from it, while I wouldn't necessarily call that first experience pleasant. More tests are needed. Ashwaganda, Echinacea, and Nicotina rustica (Hopi) are all continuing to grow well, with not much more to say about them. As well as all Morning Glories, Burdock, Rivea corymbosa, and Hyssop.










The Star Jasmine cutting are beginning to show new growth, which means there are roots growing from the site of the cuts on this Ibogaine containing plant.

Calea Z., Syrian Rue, Mimosa Hostilis (Tenuaflora), and Illinois Bundleflower are all continue to grow vigorously, as you can all tell from the photos below. Last Rue photo is of second Rue plant that has been outdoors for 8 days and doing just fine.







Not pictured: My Lion's mane, Amazonian Cubensis, and Z-Strain cubensis all have viable inoculations and hopefully by Thursday I will have some substaintial photos that actually show some growth. I should be putting the mycelium into substrate by then. Which will likely be vermiculite and a manure-based substrate I got from Northspore.com , I would not recommend them, as I had to return 3 out of the 7 items I ordered due to contamination, and 2 of them, the replacements also showed up contaminated. Having a pressure cooker, I have opted to do my own sterilizing from here on out, which is the only grain spawn I inoculated that ended up producing a pure mycelium with no contaminates. Also, I cannot justify spending 25 dollars of a small 1lb bag of grain spawn, when I can spend 20 on 5 lbs of rye berries, or 11 on 50 lbs of whole oats from the local feed store. As far as the reed canary goes, upon further research, I have discovered that sowing Reed canary (phalaris grass) indoors is not recommended, which leads me to question if the sprouts in the first pot may have been seeds that had not yet sprouted in the recycled soil I was using.

Thanks again for your interest, folks. This journey is beginning to really take off, and the levels of excitement I am feeling seeing all of this come to successful fruition. It is almost as if the process of growing these plants is producing some of the effects that some claim to benefit from in the actual ritual use of these plants i.e. changes in daily habits, depression and anxiety suppression, etc. It is almost as if being in this close proximity with the plant allows the spirit to affect my life without actually being taken internally, which is interesting, but in the end just a theory, and could easily be explained away by placebo, or just a change in daily habits and a more stable routine. Have a good week, folks!
In my last post I missed one plant. The Sinicuichi doesn't seem to be growing too fast, but I just moved in to an actual light instead of a window sill to see if it will take off a bit
I am envious of your garden dude! hahaha. I just started 100+ seeds to grow some salsa this summer.

Your rivea corymbosa is looking better than my three. I still cannot get my Hawaiian baby woodrose to germinate. Did you ever get those colubrina seeds to germ? I may have to use my own advice and use that GA3.

I'm going to try and fill my yard with flying saucers and heavenly blues this year. Should be quite the sight if I pull it off.

ps That sour diesel looks absolutely perfect. If that is true sour diesel and she's looking like that I fo real bow before you. Great work man this is super inspiring. :thumb_up:
Seeingisbelieving said:
I am envious of your garden dude! hahaha. I just started 100+ seeds to grow some salsa this summer.

Your rivea corymbosa is looking better than my three. I still cannot get my Hawaiian baby woodrose to germinate. Did you ever get those colubrina seeds to germ? I may have to use my own advice and use that GA3.

I'm going to try and fill my yard with flying saucers and heavenly blues this year. Should be quite the sight if I pull it off.

ps That sour diesel looks absolutely perfect. If that is true sour diesel and she's looking like that I fo real bow before you. Great work man this is super inspiring. :thumb_up:

I do tomatoes, a large variety of peppers, onions, garlic that I call my "chili garden" lol. I love to make chili from scratch. My old lady gets pissed because I sneak in all my exotic hots after the first serving 😁 I like it hot! The morning glories are too beautiful not to try to make some sort of grandiose display with them :) They were not colubrina, they were peregrina, which from my reading has even less of a chance as far as successful germination. That is them in the mainly perlite marked "AP" in the photos above.

As far as the sour d goes, I am sure it is not the same phenotype found in most of the clubs, just due to the wideness of it's fan leaves, but a healthy plant is a healthy plant, and I am grateful. I actually let it get away from me being so focused on my other projects that I am about a month too late, but will be topping it tomorrow. With the Cannabis, I have had a love/hate relationship, as I seem to do well when working in a team; producing, in some instances, light deps that were sold as indoor by the clubs in Norcal. Back when I lived in that neck of the woods. But when I go out on my own.... I don't know if I overthink or overwork the situation, but I always seem to have a hiccup that is more like a dagger in my heart lol. The last time I did a full room, I accidentally planted 2 seeds in one pot and a month into flower, was pruning leaves, spun the bitch around and saw nothing but an excess of fully mature pollen sacs. I got more weight in seeds than flower and trimmings combined. So I took a step back from the Cannabis. My buddy though, he keeps cutting too many clones and not having room to keep them. And I have never been one to turn down a free plant. Especially a psychoactive one 😁 . But I think now that I have things rolling with my other projects, I may get back to building my ebb and flow system (I literally have all the parts except net pots for like a month and have not had the time to get into it, nor the spare cash in my budget to get the net pots). I have the next two days off work and not a whole lot of things to occupy my time. I hate feeling lazy and unproductive, so if I do not have anything to fill the time, I will find something to occupy it! I also have just gotten Amanita muscaria spore prints, as well as live cultures, and will be attempting to cultivate both Amanita mushrooms, and fleece-based ambrosia. I planted 5 great pine seeds last week, they are currently cold stratifying for 20 days before I pull them out of the fridge and blast em with some high heat/high humidity. Once they are ready to be up potted, I will soak the soil, and dip the root ball in a slurry of salt, spores, and molasses. That will be one attempt. I will take the remaining slurry and go for a hike nearby to distribute what is left on previously established pine trees, hoping there is not too much of an overabundance of mycelial networks below to constrict the growth of the A. muscaria mycelium. I am also reading a bit on some other forums about how it is not impossible to establish a network using grains, so I may use a small amount of both samples to experiment with inoculating grain as well. Y'know, just for funsies :)

Glad to hear from you buddy, you've been a ghost for the last few weeks 😁
It's all so beautiful. It's funny, I was really looking forward to this update; I guess vicariously, I'm sharing your excitement lol.

What seems to be the trouble with your Sour Ds?

I like your idea about the plants affecting you without ingestion. I wouldn't be surprised if they had such a beneficial effect in conjunction with the life changes they necessitate.

I'm currently dealing with a loss, so will keep this short. Please keep it up and keep sharing. It's a wonderful thread.

One love
Voidmatrix said:
It's all so beautiful. It's funny, I was really looking forward to this update; I guess vicariously, I'm sharing your excitement lol.

What seems to be the trouble with your Sour Ds?

I like your idea about the plants affecting you without ingestion. I wouldn't be surprised if they had such a beneficial effect in conjunction with the life changes they necessitate.

I'm currently dealing with a loss, so will keep this short. Please keep it up and keep sharing. It's a wonderful thread.

One love

I do not know, the 2 that I started with have been the bane of my existence. I have trouble-shot macro and micro nutes, cycled lights, temps, PH, pests, you name it..... They did have a pretty bad aphid infestation for a bit, but I nipped that in the proverbial bud. No matter what adjustments I make they just stay that yellow/light green color and are growing really lanky and gross. The healthy looking one is less than 2 feet
from them and it has no issues. I am just lost with them. Not sure what to do.... As far as the plants affecting without ingestion, I may start another thread on this very subject.

So sorry for your loss. I know how badly that hurts more than I care to admit... I hope for you to have a speedy mental recovery. I know how these things can linger. All the love in the world from me and mine to you and yours.

Edit: I did go and make a new thread about it, but it doesn't seem to be sparking any insights from anyone.. bummer, but it is only a day old lol, I need to practice my patience anyway.
Do you know what kind of aphids they were? I'm aware that root aphids tend to release enzymes that damage the roots they also eat. These enzymes prevent the roots from repairing themselves as well as contributing to preventing absorption of nutrients. Sooner or later the effects are seen in the plant above the soil. Did you try repotting them? Ganja can be finicky sometimes lol.

And thank you so much. That means a great deal to me. Have had a decent amount of heavy impacts in the past couple weeks I'm working through. I appreciate your support.

I apologize, I've been meaning to hop on that other post. But have been busy and a little scatterbrained. I intend to contribute though.

Looking forward to the next update. Hope you're having a good weekend.

One love
Voidmatrix said:
Do you know what kind of aphids they were? I'm aware that root aphids tend to release enzymes that damage the roots they also eat. These enzymes prevent the roots from repairing themselves as well as contributing to preventing absorption of nutrients. Sooner or later the effects are seen in the plant above the soil. Did you try repotting them? Ganja can be finicky sometimes lol.

And thank you so much. That means a great deal to me. Have had a decent amount of heavy impacts in the past couple weeks I'm working through. I appreciate your support.

I apologize, I've been meaning to hop on that other post. But have been busy and a little scatterbrained. I intend to contribute though.

Looking forward to the next update. Hope you're having a good weekend.

One love

I do not think they were root aphids.... they were infesting my potato plant pretty badly on the underside of the leaves, and managed to make their way to the herb. Although I cannot confirm for sure as I do not think I have ever encountered root aphids. Lol, they are in 7 gallon pots, not sure I can up pot any more than I already have without making mobility an issue. Updates here should be coming any day now, just need to get photos and work out my wording. And a good weekend to you, as well, bud!
Alright, I am going to do the ones I can now. I am not sure what is going on but I am having issues uploading my photos from my phone to my computer. Some went, and the others just keep failing.

So I planted Ancient Pines to colonize the root systems with an Amanita spore slurry in hopes to create the symbiosis needed to get mushrooms from the soil. I am just starting to see tails on these seeds.

Bundle Flower has continued to move pretty quickly in comparison to most everything else. I, after taking the photos, have now moves them outside to harden off.


Syrian Rue and Mimosa hostilis are continuing to move, at what I read, are normal paces for the respective plants.

Kanna is really taking off. I had over-watered it in the beginning stages, which caused it to rot on the tip of one of the leaves. That has since corrected itself. This is a succulent, so it needs to be treated more like a cacti than a plant.

Khat seeds are starting to sprout. I used 100% vermiculite, sprayed lightly once a day, to do this. I am excited that I got 100% success out of the 3 seeds I did plant, as I misplaced the bag with the remaining 7 seeds shortly after planting them. I fear they may have fallen victim to the washing machine and/or dryer.


Coca (E- NonG) are doing pretty well. They were beginning to stretch a bit, so they were up-potted. There was not a lot of roots with them, which was alarming, and I would have not gone any farther, but they had stretched so far that they were beginning to fall over. I have moved 2 outside, and 2 to stronger lights, while leaving 4 in the same area, in larger pots; closer to the light.

Wild lettuce is very happy, as is Ashwaganda and Burdock. They seem to be thriving under the lights, but in the next week I will be moving it outside. I would have already put it out there, but I only have a small amount of space available for hardening without creating a bunch of extra work that I simply do not have time to deal with.


2 of the 3 star jasmine cutting are showing new growth, which tells me that I have sufficient root growth, so more on them next week.

The Kratom cutting has also grown 2 new leaves. This was another one that I had overwatered at first, causing a stunt in root growth. But was able to adjust my watering practices and remedy the issue.

P. Somniferum are continuing to grow in 3 stages. The older pot I moved outside to harden with the middle patch , as well as the youngest is being kept in a shady spot on the front porch.


I will update more once my photo issue is dealt with. Have a blessed day, folks!
Alright, I was able to remedy the photo issue, so here is the remainder of the update posted yesterday.

Some of the more exciting stuff I waited until today. So I found Voacanga cuttings online and ordered one. Placed it in a fast-draining, perlite-heavy soil for starters to see how it fares.

Areca Palm (Betel nut), rooted cutting arrived the same day. It arrived in-pot, housed in a pretty coir-heavy soil. I left it this way, but if the drainage is an issue, I have the means to fix the issue.

The Calea Z were all moved outside, as they seemed to be the ones that were attractin the aphids the most, so I moved them outside to protect the younger plants from damage. After they hardened, I noticed they were leaning away from the sunlight towards the shadier area, so I moved them into full shade and they seem to be very happy.


Here are the remainder of the updated photos of the cacti, rue, and some of the other medicinal plants. There is not much to say about them, currently.





Last photo here is of my newly successful Nicotina rustica. I hope to make my own version of rape'. If anyone has a recipe for it that would be amazing! I live in North easter United States, so any ingredients would have to be available here. Thanks in advance!

That is pretty much the gist of it this week. I have been so overly busy that I have barely had any time to do the things I need to do. After all of this, there are a few things that I still cannot find success with. Nymphea Carulea (blue lotus), Picrima nitida (akuamma), Anadenathera peregrina (Yopo), and A. absinthinum. At this point I will be looking to add cuttings of all of these. If anyone knows where I could find cuttings, preferably rooted, of any of these, send me a private message, if it suits you. Have a wonderful week folks!
I had wanted to play with you and rag you about being late:)

Thank you so much for continuing to post this for all of us amidst the hustle and bustle of the calamity of life.

How are your mushrooms going for you?

Welcome to your new babies:).

Good catch on the Calea and the shade observation. It's all about the tiny details with plants.

And now for me to go and look up Voacanga:love:

One love
Voidmatrix said:
I had wanted to play with you and rag you about being late:)

Thank you so much for continuing to post this for all of us amidst the hustle and bustle of the calamity of life.

How are your mushrooms going for you?

Welcome to your new babies:).

Good catch on the Calea and the shade observation. It's all about the tiny details with plants.

And now for me to go and look up Voacanga:love:

One love

Trust me, I rag myself enough for being behind in.....well.... just about everything. The mushrooms are going. Whether they're going "well" or not is subjective lol. The Lion's Mane tub had some blue mold contaminates beginning, so I removed the mold and the area surrounding it, which seems to have slowed the process at least enough to get one fruiting done successfully. I hope. The Z-Strains are going really well and are almost fully colonized in the tub. The amazonians fell to contamination, unfortunately. I do not think my pressure cooker goes to a high enough PSI to be 100% effective, so a pressure canner is probably in my future. The Mckenniis are about 2.5 weeks into grain colonization with 66% success rate where we stand to date.

Yeah, noticing the small reactions can almost be a full time job when you have as many varieties as I do. I killed a bunch of the E-NonGs trying to harden them off to put some outside. I had quite a few, so this was not the dagger it could have been. I lost 4 plants out of the 18 I had left. Bringing me down to about 14 plants remaining. So no big deal.

Voacanga, to my understanding, is the number 2 preferred option as far as Ibogaine containing plants goes. Hamilton Morris mentioned it when mentioning ecological awareness in respect to Iboga; he stated that the number of Iboga trees has dropped significantly in recent years, and the Voacanga produces almost as much alkaloid, while being much more sustainable in regards to numbers.

Hopefully I will have the time over the next day or 2 to squeeze in another update. Let me know if there is anything that you are overly interested in and I will try to be extra thorough when going through the updates for that particular plant.
ShamanisticVibes said:
Voidmatrix said:
I had wanted to play with you and rag you about being late:)

Thank you so much for continuing to post this for all of us amidst the hustle and bustle of the calamity of life.

How are your mushrooms going for you?

Welcome to your new babies:).

Good catch on the Calea and the shade observation. It's all about the tiny details with plants.

And now for me to go and look up Voacanga:love:

One love

Trust me, I rag myself enough for being behind in.....well.... just about everything. The mushrooms are going. Whether they're going "well" or not is subjective lol. The Lion's Mane tub had some blue mold contaminates beginning, so I removed the mold and the area surrounding it, which seems to have slowed the process at least enough to get one fruiting done successfully. I hope. The Z-Strains are going really well and are almost fully colonized in the tub. The amazonians fell to contamination, unfortunately. I do not think my pressure cooker goes to a high enough PSI to be 100% effective, so a pressure canner is probably in my future. The Mckenniis are about 2.5 weeks into grain colonization with 66% success rate where we stand to date.

Yeah, noticing the small reactions can almost be a full time job when you have as many varieties as I do. I killed a bunch of the E-NonGs trying to harden them off to put some outside. I had quite a few, so this was not the dagger it could have been. I lost 4 plants out of the 18 I had left. Bringing me down to about 14 plants remaining. So no big deal.

Voacanga, to my understanding, is the number 2 preferred option as far as Ibogaine containing plants goes. Hamilton Morris mentioned it when mentioning ecological awareness in respect to Iboga; he stated that the number of Iboga trees has dropped significantly in recent years, and the Voacanga produces almost as much alkaloid, while being much more sustainable in regards to numbers.

Hopefully I will have the time over the next day or 2 to squeeze in another update. Let me know if there is anything that you are overly interested in and I will try to be extra thorough when going through the updates for that particular plant.

I hope the lion's mane comes out well. It's beautiful to look at and is really healthy. I'm finding my "success" with mushrooms to be unanswerable as well. Have I grown and harvested some? Yes. But what were the yields relative to the number of inoculations? Poopy. I just inoculated two bags last weekend (Colorados) and am hoping to have better luck with these bags. With the last bag I inoculated before these two, I'm pretty sure I waited too long after it was prepped because the mycelium has stopped propagating throughout the substrate. I'm pretty sure it got too dry. I'm inoculating in the bags to move them into a mini-monotub.

Kind of like kratom (also mentioned by Hamilton Morris in the regard to drastically damaging drop in overall trees). I don't recall him mentioning another plant source for that though.

Well, since you're taking requests lol: off the top of my head (because I can't remember all the different plants you have growing) akuamma, mimosa, all the cacti, caledula, and the morning glories :)

Take your time. It's all good if you miss some. We're all busy. We all get it.

One love
Well, it is funny that you mention it. Akaumma, while not containing Mitragynine or 7-hydroxymitragynine, contains akuammine, akuammidine, akuammicine, and pseudoakuammigine Opioid activity of alkaloids extracted from Picralima nitida (fam. Apocynaceae) - PubMed . And I can speak from experience when I say that they are almost indistinguishable from the Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine combinations found in (red veined, especially) Kratom. As far as finding an exact match for the alkaloids, themselves, I think we may be stumped as of this moment. Here is another site that compares the 2 https://austinvibes.com/blogs/kratom/akuamma It is the only one that I can find that doesn't try to sell you one of the 2 at some junction of the read. As far as anything else concerning Akuamma, I have still yet to produce a seedling, so I cannot really elaborate more on my setup than this. The newest round of Akuamma seeds have been in sand, perlite, and vermiculite, respectively. 2 of them are in a .33/.33/.33 mix of the three. They were fresh (still moist in peat moss upon arrival), and are all still healthy seeds (no mold). They have been in substrate for almost 5 weeks, with the average germination time being 8 weeks, so hopefully in the coming weeks we will be seeing some sprouts. Here are some vermiculite and as you can see that the seed is peaking through the threshold; this is so I can keep track of any contamination and nip it in the proverbial bud before it causes damage to the inner cells of the seed. I was told by the vendor that Akuamma and Voacanga are evolved to be able to withstand certain elements of mold on the exterior due the the seeds being found within a fruit.


The Morning Glories are currently proving to be pretty finicky. I double planted pots, and have them on my porch, but I think the competition between them combined with the half shade/half sun placement of their pots is proving to be quite the adversary. They are trying to choke each other out, and some seem to be dying off. That being said I do have a few still going well. The R. Corymbosa is doing really well in a full shade environment, and the MG that I left in my bathroom for a week and a half looks great so my dreams of pillars of MG growing up the front of my house may be coming to an end. Shown in the photo


As far as the cacti, what exactly would you like me to go into? The alkaloid contents as per variety? Or was there something more specific that you wanted to know? Here are the most progressed that I have going. They were labelled Trichocerus bridgesii, but can also be known as Echinopsis lageniformis. https://mycotopia.net/topic/31376-main-alkaliod-profiles-of-trichocereus-cacti/ is a good analysis of the alkaloids contained in most trichocerus'. I have bridgesii, macrogonus, and pachanoi. The rest of my cacti are Lophopheras; williamsii, diffusa, and decipiens. Of course, the Euphorbia resinifera is a succulent, and is not psychoactive, nor is it edible. There is more information on E. resinifera (as per my interest in it) here https://www.modernhealthcare.com/ar...s found in,pain-sensing molecule called TRPV1.


And Caledula? Were you referring to the Khat here? As far as I know, Calendula are Marigolds. But I will assume you mean the Khat (Catha Edulis?). I do not really have much to add on that. I am have very small seedlings right now and I followed this site's perameters. https://dengarden.com/gardening/How-to-Grow-Catha-Edulis-Khat-Qat-Gat-or-Miraa

I think that is all for the requests for this post! If you have anymore questions or would like me to go into more detail, just be more detailed in your questions. I will do my best to answer them properly.

Now. For some exciting stuff! My Z-strains have fully colonized and I have.....you guessed it.....baby MUSHIES! I have them in a substrate of 75/25% "manure based substrate" from a company I have found online to be so-so as far as reliability-of-sterilization. The name might rhyme with "Porch Score", but then again, maybe it doesn't.... (Thought I was clever with this, but if it violates anything, let me know and I will edit it out 😁 ) and vermiculite. Monotub tek, opening to mist only once a week has seemed to do me pretty well.


My Mckennaii mushrooms are also about 75-80% colonized in the grain jars, so far 2 of the 3 I inoculated are going strong. The grain I used, again, was whole oats from the local feed lot, and pressure cooked in a relatively cheap cooker.


More exciting stuff! Nelumbo nuciferas have come up at a current germ rate of 60%! I removed them from the loam soil about 2 weeks ago, gently twisting a pin into the tips and using a nail file to thin the outer layer of the seed a bit. That in concert with the water heater did the trick. Now perhaps if I replant the Nymphea Caruleas, I may have some success. Fingers crossed!

Last but not least for this week! After SEVERAL attempts, Artemisia absinthum has broken soil; albeit, not well. I planted this go round in plain old yellow sand, watering very sparingly, and this little guy came out upside down. i was not sure whether to chuckle or panic. This was my last go at the AA and I do not have anymore seeds. I plan on removing it from the sand and re-planting it tonight using some sterilized tweezers. The photo is not the best, as my camera was having a hard time focusing on something so small, but you can see it if you look hard enough it is bottom, right-from-center in the pot. Hope you can see it well enough!

That is going to be it for this update. There is not really much more to say about any of the other varieties I have going right now except that they are moving along nicely....and the darned Anadenanthera is still giving me heck, but that's the game I'm playing. I will get it eventually. A few last notes here that are a bit off topic. I just recieved my Sananga eyedrops, and my Kambo stick (equipped with dried Kambo), and it came with a HUGE bag of Mopacho. So there is some other exciting, action-based news going on at home. Thanks for reading!



Have a blessed week
Aww man I also forgot to add a photo. My ancient pines are coming up. It looks like 3 total, so I should have a nice chance of getting the symbiosis to take for my Amanitas. I will also be starting my first attempt at ambrosia as soon as I can find a glass carboy in my area.
Here is a photo of the pine seedlings
I felt all sorts of special reading that lol.

Baby Mushies!!! I always think they're pretty cute.

I may have conflated your thread with some other that I saw relative to calendula.

Thank you for all of the information. I love it. And I'll probably continue keeping questions relatively broad. I like to see what you decide you want to share.

I've been curious about those eye drops. How do you like them?

DO you plan on retrying some of those Morning Glories? Will you spread them out next so as to prevent as much competition? Even though you may not be able to have them at the front of your house, you could make your bathroom really pretty:grin:

Regarding the cacti, whatever you want to share. I am just being receptive and learning. And I plan to cultivate some more myself.

Since you were just talking about substrates, which aren't illegal, I think you're good lol.

I can ever so slight see the Artemesia!

I have a handful of stuff I have to go do, but thank you for sharing. I hope things continue going well and I look forward to the next update.

One love
The eyedrops burn like hellfire, but after writhing for about 20 minutes, I did notice a slight change in perception. I even went to the store for soil, and while out, I stopped at the store and bought a bunch of healthy food I don't EVER buy. It was almost reminiscent of a stronger microdose of psilicybes. Which I found to be quite interesting. I found that I noticed changes in perception much more easily. And shapes were very noticeable, but only more so when I really focused.

The morning glories I have begun thinning the ones that are still thriving, and will still have quite a few, so I do not think I will have to try again. It was only 3 of my 7 pots that I was having issues with. I should have clarified that originally.

More later....
ShamanisticVibes said:
I know! I have been working hard on cracking that case. It's nice to see the fruits of that particular labor
Interesting fact, N. nucifera seeds are the oldest seeds that have been scientifically shown to germinate - that is to say, seeds dated at 1600 years old from the bottom of a swamp have germinated successfully.

What were the growing conditions that worked for you?
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