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Grow Log 1.0

Migrated topic.
That is really interesting! I used aquatic plant soil, which is basically a clay-heavy loam in a 10 gallon aquarium. I try to keep the water level about 2cm above the soil level, although I admit I do not always do the best at keeping it at this level. I am using an aquarium heater that keeps the water between 80 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. I used a nail file to scarify them, and a thumb tack to twist a hole in the tip where the root would exit the shell (This method is something I took from my Entada rheedi seed sprouting instructions). I actually think this is why I only had 60 percent success, because I cracked the one seed when twisting, and the other may have penetrated too deeply.
They grow up so fast! :love:

Thanks, Brennendes Wasser! They honestly don't take up much space in the tub like this. I micro dose, so I plan on preserving them in honey and they will keep as long as need be. But as far as having the room, my whole setup for them takes up about a 2x2 space in a spare bedroom. 😁 It is a very gratifying experience. These are my first attempt and I am finding them to be much more rewarding than the plants I have, just due to the simple fact that every time I go to look at them they are larger! I can literally watch them grow, and that is just fun!
Look at all those lovely lil cuties!

Man, I hope mine come through this time around...

Keep it up, and let us know what your experience is like with them!

About those eye drops, my eyes are pretty sensitive to stuff. Certain eye drops will inflame my cornea and sclera. Same with some contact lens solutions...

Maybe I could dilute it... hmmm:?: I have some research to do

One love
Voidmatrix said:
Keep it up, and let us know what your experience is like with them!

About those eye drops, my eyes are pretty sensitive to stuff. Certain eye drops will inflame my cornea and sclera. Same with some contact lens solutions...

Maybe I could dilute it... hmmm:?: I have some research to do

One love

I absolutely, positively will. Oddly enough, I have never eaten them fresh before, I am excited to give that a shot hopefully sometime next week!

As far as the eye drops go, while they do burn like absolute hellfire, I do not experience any inflammation. You will surely have to remove your contact lenses, and replace with glasses. IU found that dropping them in the corners of a closed eye, and then opening and rolling my eyes around has less of a recovery time, and either the burning was less intense, or I just knew what was coming so I wasn't surprised by it.

I also did my first solo Kambo cleanse last night. 3 dots. I think I wussed out a bit, because as soon as I started heaving, I took the dots off, and the effects melted away pretty fast. Next time I will do 4 dots and fast for 12 hours, since I only wretched and did not get anything up. It did come out the "other end" though. I have hepatitis C, as well as an enlarged spleen and sludge in my gall bladder, probably a combination of the hep, my lifestyle choices in the past, and my over-consumption of NSAIDS over the last few years. I will overuse them in waves; whenever my teeth start hurting. It is not uncommon for me to eat 1000mg Ibuprofen, 500 mg, Acetaminophen, 500 mg Aspirin, even naproxen too if it is available. I also use Benzocaine as a topical. My teeth are basically gone, but I still have a few that line up to chew with, and at 36, I do not want to get dentures yet. Maybe when I am 40 I will reconsider.
Alright. Another late update. I had a really off week last week. Lack of energy/motivation. I read that the Kambo may give those effects for the first few times I use it. For that reason I decided to take a week of from the Kambo treatment. Maybe do it every other week for 2 months.

A few days ago a friend stopped by with some gifts! Super excited to say he brought me cuttings of a psycho o x TPQC, a juules' giant, a Loph Williamsii, and a small columnar named "Melvin". Apparently when melvin reaches 3 ft in height, he will crest out, so I am really excited about that. I grafted the Williamsii to the Juules' Giant. This is my first set of any mutations or special-bred cacti, so it is a wonderful addition to my garden. They were placed in 25/10/65 perlite, pro-mix myco, sand.




Star Jasmine is starting to grow a new set of leaves, so that is exciting, the new growth comes in goofy colors, I'm not sure if that is normal or not? lol

some of the poppies started blooming, the pods dont look ready but then they bloomed? Any insights here?


The mushrooms started showing what, after my research, showed to be lipstick mold. I was able to get about a half of a flush, but the mycelium was ruined. I had a new jar ready to go so I grabbed a new tub and set it up. This time I will not be spraying at all as to not open the lid. Hopefully this will keep the new round from contamination. I do not see this as a loss, though, as I did get a decent amount from it, and I learned a valuable lesson in over-handling, and also in contamination identification.

Datura Stramonium decided to show up after like a month an a half of sitting lol

Bundlegrass is growing well enough that I will be able to go out and plant some in the wild. I will get more into that in the coming weeks, as well as the Amanita spore slurry.

The Calea is absolutely huge, and it just continues to grow and grow. It is by far the largest plant I have, even bigger than plants I bought rooted at the same time as I planted it. 😁


Syrian rue seems to like to fall down and root before it shoots out new growth, which I find very interesting. You can see in the photo how it falls and spreads wide before heading upwards. Cool beans!

The hyssop also is growing very fast, it is about 9 inches tall, currently.

There is more, but I may have to get to it later in the day, my photos are being weird again. If you see anything that I could correct or have any insights on any of my issues or happenings, please let me know. I have had a really weird week and a lot of doubts creeping. Any help is appreciated!
Dude you're crushing it. Don't give in. If not for yourself, then at least for me jk lol.

When I plan to layer my tub, I have no intention of touching it until I think the mushrooms are ready (maybe even a little earlier). One of the books I'm using says to have a "vent" of tyvek on one portion of the tub, wrap the tub in a trash bag with only the vented side exposed, and leave it until it's ready. Don't know if that's helpful to you, but thought it worth sharing.

Your friend is pretty stupendous lol.

Let us know how your mushrooms are:twisted:

Thank you for sharing your situation about the kambo. While sorry it's had some negative effects for you, I hope that turns around with future use. I also no to probably avoid it seeing as I'm trying to discover what generally will motivate me haha.

Everything is awesome and your new special cactus is fabulous. What made you decide to do that? Though, I probably would've done the same and potentially for the same reason(s): cuz it would be so cool to do and potentially very interesting experience in the future.

Looking forward to the next one.

One love
Voidmatrix said:
Everything is awesome and your new special cactus is fabulous. What made you decide to do that? Though, I probably would've done the same and potentially for the same reason(s): cuz it would be so cool to do and potentially very interesting experience in the future.

One love
I am assuming here that you are referring to the graft? The Juules grow VERY fast, and the Loph do not, so one uses the others' vascular ring to transmit nutrients; making both grow very fast. I think that there may be an effect on alkaloid content, but my friend noted that he didn't notice any difference in effects from his grafted loph.

I made some poppy tea last night, and it was absolutely transcendent. I slept better than I have in months! I feel a bit better today than I have been, but this cloud still seems to be hanging over me, and I can't seem to find the joy I had over the previous months. I think I just need not only a journey mental and spiritually, but a journey physically too. I have been cooped up in the house for far too long. I think I may use my extra days off this week to go to a favorite camping spot for a night alone. My sister is flying in on Thursday too, so maybe a little R&R with a like-minded family member may pull me out of this funk I have been in. Send me some good vibes, I need them right now.

More soon.

Edit: I also won't be able to post the remainder of this week's update, so I guess I will just have to wait, as my phone is busted, so I have no camera to take new photos. Hopefully I will get a new one by Friday, it just depends on how things work out. Have a great week!
Positive (shamanistic)vibes cruising your way! I'll even make sure to have in my intentions when journeying, keeping you and your well-being in my heart:love: .

And yeah I was talking about the grafting lol. Good to know it'll speed up overall growth with that particular combination. If you're able to, see if there a difference of experience with that one, I'd be very interested to know.

Does your sister use psychedelics? Maybe a familial trip would be a nice reset for you.

Solitude in nature sounds amazing to me :) do it!

Have you smoalked any spice lately? If so, has it imparted you with any insights as to the nature of your present funk? Could also be a time to test the waters of your new mushies.

Feel free to reach out if you need to talk. I'll be here.

One love
Voidmatrix said:
Positive (shamanistic)vibes cruising your way! I'll even make sure to have in my intentions when journeying, keeping you and your well-being in my heart:love: .

And yeah I was talking about the grafting lol. Good to know it'll speed up overall growth with that particular combination. If you're able to, see if there a difference of experience with that one, I'd be very interested to know.

Does your sister use psychedelics? Maybe a familial trip would be a nice reset for you.

Solitude in nature sounds amazing to me :) do it!

Have you smoalked any spice lately? If so, has it imparted you with any insights as to the nature of your present funk? Could also be a time to test the waters of your new mushies.

Feel free to reach out if you need to talk. I'll be here.

One love

I have no spice :cry: Only some toad medicine, but I am unsure if it is enough to break through. There is not an abundance of available spice in my area, and most of my connections are only able to attain party-style stuff. That combined with my lack of chemistry knowledge/lack of precursor plant material have made it pretty dang impossible to gain any spice, which has been the basis for my attempts to grow plants containing it. My sister absolutely does. She tends to lean more towards L than I do, but she grows mushies too, so I am sure she would be down for a journey with me on that front. Thank you, I would hate to ask you to waste an intention on me, but I will take any support I can get, as I know how deep and dark this can get for me. I, luckily, am just experiencing light symptoms of the depression and angst that I know I am capable of experiencing. As always, I appreciate your involvement in.... well, whatever this is for me lol, sometimes I am not even sure, but I am trying to continue learning. Have a blessed week. Maybe I will have something interesting to post by the weekend regarding my journey. Blessings, again, my friend.
man, if you're able to grow the plants you could easily extract them using a STB. Growing plants is a pain in the neck sometimes. I know this site frowns upon sourcing plant materials but finding sustainably harvested bark is a ten minute google search away. I hear acacia in hawaii is considered invasive. :roll:

Your grow is seriously epic.!!!! I put my morning glories out in my front garden this week and planted my veggie patch this morning. Got 3 different psychoactive cacti varieties that are 3 months old as well and should be able to pot up my rivea corymbosa as a decorative houseplant pretty soon.

Wish you well on the mental health. I've been struggling lately as well. Doesn't help I cant smoke herb for an extended period because I may have to pass a drug test soon. I'm jealous about your poppies but I'm glad I didn't go that route. Take it easy friend.
Seeingisbelieving said:
man, if you're able to grow the plants you could easily extract them using a STB. Growing plants is a pain in the neck sometimes. I know this site frowns upon sourcing plant materials but finding sustainably harvested bark is a ten minute google search away. I hear acacia in hawaii is considered invasive. :roll:

Your grow is seriously epic.!!!! I put my morning glories out in my front garden this week and planted my veggie patch this morning. Got 3 different psychoactive cacti varieties that are 3 months old as well and should be able to pot up my rivea corymbosa as a decorative houseplant pretty soon.

Wish you well on the mental health. I've been struggling lately as well. Doesn't help I cant smoke herb for an extended period because I may have to pass a drug test soon. I'm jealous about your poppies but I'm glad I didn't go that route. Take it easy friend.

I know where to get the materials, trust me, I have window shopped quite a few times, but certain (some aforementioned) elements always turn me back. I'm stoked you got your corymbosa going! I feel like I was there with you for a piece of that one! The cacti are still very new with me, so I feel like a little kid sometimes, at every turn there is so much brand new knowledge. They have been a few bright moments. Thanks for the kind words of encouragement. They mean a lot. I know I will be ok, sometimes the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows and it is our duty and our prerogative to learn from them and grow. Blessings, brother, nice to see you pop up every now and again 😉
Hey folks! Time for another update here. I have just about finished up-potting everything. Some of it could have waited, but I had the money, time, and help to get a bunch of stuff done, so I just did it. My Cannabis mother plant is almost hitting the ceiling, I actually had to tilt the light and offset the plant. I will be taking some cuttings to top her so she will bush out a bit more later this week. The clones I cut a few weeks back are starting to grow nicely 😁 I have a bit of work to do to get the efficiency of light to optimal. I have just not really paid much attention to my Cannabis since I started this endeavor, but now that things are settling down onto a basic auto-pilot I have more time to fiddle with it.



The Sceletium tortuosm (Kanna) has continue to grow steadily. Not fast, but steady. It is growing some of the coolest patterns and spikes on it! This has been a really cool plant to grow. Really fun to watch!

The Anadenanthera peregrina were all a bust once more. I gave them 2.5 months before I checked them and all were rotted away. I began another round of 6 seeds. 15 minute white vinegar soak, 15 minute hydrogen peroxide soak, 18 hour GA3 soak at roughly 100-300 ppm. Will plant in a mixture of sand and perlite. Also, one of my Entada rheedi seeds also rotted pretty badly. I was speaking with a friend on these seeds in particular. He said he did not have great success with them either, and we thought perhaps leaving it soak in salt water for a week before planting, and for the first few days, up to maybe 2 weeks watering with salty ocean water. This would mimic it's natural environments a bit more. I may order a few more seeds to attempt this method.


The Nicotina rustica has taken off. I currently have one indoor and one outdoor. A little experiment I decided to do. The indoor is very short and stocky, while the outdoor seems to be stretching a bit. I may need to move it to more direct sunlight. The indoor one also seems to be flowering already. My light cycle is 16/8, but they get light through the windows in the early a.m. as well.


The Calea zacatechichi (Dream Herb) grow like a dang weed, as I have mentioned before. It was so tall I topped it and now it is bushing nicely. I dried the leaves and made a tea last night. I ended up in an argument with my partner and did not end up sleeping for almost 5 hours after I drank it, so, while I know I dreamed something, I was unable to remember it this morning, and besides a slight shift in perception while I was away, was pretty unremarkable. More tests are needed.




The Lactuca virosa (Wild Lettuce) have all slowed down a bit in their growth, but seem to be pretty healthy. I may try to up-pot one to see if it just needs more room for roots to grow larger. I think they grow pretty large in the wild, if I am not mistaken, so I will experiment with that a little bit and post it here when I come to any conclusions.



The Peganum harmala (Syrian Rue) still continues to grow outwards and toward the dead center of light distribution. The one that was outdoor was not very happy so I moved it in after a "decontamination" process to assure I wasn't bringing in any creepy crawlies. It was not growing at all and it was starting to brown on the bottom. I think I got it taken care of, though.


Desmanthus illinoiesis (Illinois Bundleflower) I ran into a bit of a snag with these guys. Apparently these little guys DO NOT like to be fed. They were given 1/4 strength Roots Organic Terp Tea. It is what I feed most of my plants, along with recharge, enzymes, cal/mag, and black strap molasses. This burned the bottom leaves off, but they are still alive. The one outside reacted much better to the one inside. I am not sure what variable made this occur.I also notice that the plant outside folds its leaves down much more often, which I thought was a direct result of light, but I have a theory that it may have to do with some combination of light, moisture, barometric pressures, and possible one or two other unknown stimuli.


The Voacanga africana cutting is really thriving after a good feeding. As you can see the leaves are really starting to take off. They have stayed at a pretty steady "praying" stance since they began to grow, which leads me to believe that it may be getting too much light. I think I may move it somewhere where it doesn't get so much.

Rivea corymbosa is chugging along, slow and steady wins the race with this little guy. Probably due to the lack of light it got where it was in the back window, so I decided to move it a bit under the light to give her a bit of encouragement 😁

Cathula edulis (Khat) has been quite the slow grower. Same as my Erythroxylum nongravatense (Javanese Coca), which are much older than the Khat. But I personally wonder if perhaps the stimulants may take longer to grow for this reason: Stimulants give you a lot of energy, well, in a world where energy is not created or destroyed, it would take a lot of plant energy to create the energy we experience when partaking in these sacred plants. Just an idea, but I like it 😁




Nelumbo Nucifera is doing great. 3/5 grew successfully and all now have healthy shoots! This was a fun endeavor, and I have learned very much. And another cool thing is that the N. nucifera helped me learn to the point to where I also not have a Nymphea carulea sprouting as well, which gave me the confidence to plant the remaining carulea seeds I have left in an entirely new aquarium.

Datura stramonium [And I just realized I have Datura wrightii seeds too lol.] had showed up as a surprise. Just interesting to watch this beautiful plant grow. It seems so harmless right now, but I know better!

Took about 1/2-3/4 of an oz of mushrooms and put them in some honey to micro-dose. Now up in the cabinet for 2 months they go.

Heimia salicifolia (Sinicuichi) seems to be doing alright. Looks healthy enough, but I am not noticing any new growth on it. It may need more light. Also, it is a shrub, so the growth is different, so I may just be missing it. Also, I was wondering if perhaps it would grow faster/larger with a good trimming from time to time. Any insights?

Withania somnifera (Ashwaganda) is another interesting plant to grow. The growth comes in on the tips in a very wispy way, before flattening out an becoming a more uniform bottom leaf, as new growth wisps in above it. 😁 I :love: my plants!

Papaver somniferum (Poppy) round 2 has come in so full that I am really confused at how to trim it back at this point. I may just let it go and see what happens. I am sure that a few will just take over and the others will just wilt away and become food. I will have to be more sparing when I plant these in the future. I planted 2 new pots of these yesterday. I will be keeping them in the same room as my Cannabis.

Trachelospermum jasminoides (Star Jasmine) continue to grow well. I also have one inside and one outside. The one outside is a bit fuller, despite being in almost complete shade. It gets about 4 hours of sun in the AM. The one under the lights has begun to come in better, though. There are no more goofy colors on the new growth 😁

Nothing new to really report on the Areca catechu (Betel), but here is a photo for funsies 😁

Couple cacti, I believe perivian torch, idk because I dropped it and the labels came out of the soil lol

The Echinacea purpurea, after a long period of stagnance, has taken right off. Not much else to report and I am running out of time. It's my step-daughter's birthday and they will be home in 10 minutes, so I am trying to wrap this up lol.


Mitragyna speciosa (Kratom) is growing, although very slowly. I think I over-watered it when I first got it, so the roots need some time to heal. It is growing though, ever so slowly 😉

The Hyssopus officinalis (Hyssop) is going along quite nicely, and seems to be much happier in direct sunlight. Ever since I moved it back inside under the lights, she seems to be very happy.

Last, but not least for the slide show. I think I made a mistake with the Lion's Mane mushrooms, but I may still be able to correct it. I overlooked the fact that LM are a wood loving mushroom, and probably aren't the best for a manure based substrate or vermiculite, so I boiled some pine chips in water for 2.5 hours, cooled them, and mixed them with the substrate. I am hoping this hits it out of the park lol. Also, this gave me an idea about the Amanita muscaria spores and culture I have. Not only will I attempt to form a symbiosis with the roots of the living tree, but I may try to cultivate some using the spare wood chips from my livestock. I am fully aware that this may not work, but hell, it's for science. Photos are of both the Ancient Pine and the substrate/pine chip mix.


That is gonna do it for me this week. As always, if anyone has any questions (not like I have millions of followers, lol, but I like to put it out there), please ask and I will do my best to answer. I did not take photos of any of the morning glories, this time (sorry, Void) They are all still alive and well, but they look like this tangle of a mess that just doesn't look very photogenic, currently. I may do some work with them this week and hopefully have some photos next week. I also have noticed that the ones in the window in back are flowering, as well at one of the ones on the front porch, but a few have not begun yet, so I will have to do some reading to answer the question of "why" on that subject this weekend as well. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed.

Have a blessed week.
Holy cow! How did I miss this glorious verdant expansion of your project. Everything looks great.

As the plants are beginning to mature more are you finding you have to spend less time with them? Just curious.

The moves you've made from indoor to outdoor and vice versa seems like a primo call.

You do have some mysteries there and I look forward to seeing what conclusions you'd draw. I'd chime in but don't have the expertise to do so :love:.

How are you doing personally?

And I forgive you (morning glories) :love: lmao

One love
Voidmatrix said:
Holy cow! How did I miss this glorious verdant expansion of your project. Everything looks great.

As the plants are beginning to mature more are you finding you have to spend less time with them? Just curious.

The moves you've made from indoor to outdoor and vice versa seems like a primo call.

You do have some mysteries there and I look forward to seeing what conclusions you'd draw. I'd chime in but don't have the expertise to do so :love:.

How are you doing personally?

And I forgive you (morning glories) :love: lmao

One love

I am spending less time with them as they mature, which idk if that is a good thing or a bad thing lol. Idle hands and whatnot. I made some more moves and am currently having a bit of what I am referring to as "planter's block" (lol). I need to find optimal placement for certain stuff, and I need to play a bit of musical plants. I keep getting started, and this block hits me, and I am unable to think clearly about the task at hand.

I have been doing a bit better. The depression and lethargy hit me hard there for about 2 or 3 weeks. I started taking the Sananga drops daily for the last 2 weeks, and it is like mushroom micro-dosing on steroids. The craziest thing; a change in perception without a change in perception. That is the only way I can describe it, but the more I use them, the more I notice the difference. I also began making my ambrosia this week. I have all of the photos uploaded for this most recent update, I just do not have the time to put it all together right this second, but I hope to get it finished by the end of the evening (If not by mid-day tomorrow).

I also will upload photos of the morning glories, which are producing some B-E-A-Utiful saucers. More soon 😁

Blessings, friend
As it goes with many plants, the older they get the less they need from besides your company:). I got a good chuckle from "musical plants" and "planters block." Both occur for me as well, but only at work. Have you tried stepping away from the task when the block impedes your progress? I try to, but find I often end up doing something else and neglect the original task:lol:.

Man do I feel you on the depression and fatigue front. I am glad you're doing a bit better. My seasonal symptoms decided to kick in at high gear at the end of last week so am mentally preparing to stand my ground. Going preweigh some Spice doses for therapeutic application. Granted, it's never just that, but that'll be the primary intent. May keep the changa bowl packed too. There have been a few weeks recently where I've journeyed 4 or 5 times in a week. Haven't noticed any negative effects and no drop in responsibility, so am trying to convince myself to stop worrying about taking the spice when I want. Counterintuitively, working out helps with my fatigue. Is it similar for you?

Sananga drops. Another something I've learned about from you. What kind of changes in perception are you noticing and do you feel such changes also influence a change in perspective?

I'm looking forward to those beauties! As always take your time my friend. I always enjoy our exchanges.

One love
Voidmatrix said:
Have you tried stepping away from the task when the block impedes your progress? I try to, but find I often end up doing something else and neglect the original task:lol:.

I have, and I seem to always get stuck doing something else; only remembering that I had neglected to do what I set out to as I lie in bed waiting to drift off. It is funny, it seems that the most responsible, well-gathered version of me is only active 30 minutes before I go to sleep.

SWIM may be ordering their extraction tools and materials this week, so I may have the spice available to me more readily. I have also fallen into a bit of a semi-alcoholic cycle. I am not drinking a lot, but I am drinking 4 or 5 nights out of the week. Just a tall can or two, but I know how slippery that slope can become, and it IS affecting my responsibility and productivity. I think a few well-timed spice journeys in concert with the Sananga may help me get over all that.

And yes! Working out does help with my fatigue, and I usually do a small workout when I wake up, but I fell out of that habit in December, and I think I need to get back to doing it. The drinking doesn't help though, because even though I am not drinking a lot, there is a noticeable fog that accompanies my mornings as a result.

As far as the changes in perception due the the drops..... I don't know how to describe it, but another member described it as making them seem "larger than life" to their colleagues and friends. I think that is a pretty accurate description of how it makes me seem to the outside world, but as far as my own change in perception, it is so subtle it is hard to pinpoint exactly what I am noticing. There is a change in the sharpness of patterns, I notice. Not psychedelic or hallucinatory in nature, but more a clarity. I also notice a feeling of what I can only describe as a fearlessness; my usually over-thinking that I trudge through ever day is absent. I am still self-aware, though. My mood is enhanced, but not like a "high", more like just an even keeled demeanor is present for the first few hours after administering. I do feel a change in perspective. I am less quick to anger, or despair, and much more likely to laugh off life's little hiccups.

On the weeks where you went on 4 or 5 journeys, do you notice that it has a better/stronger affect on how you live your life? I have only ever taken 1 or 2 journeys in a week's time. I always thought that less was more, but I was also not in the right head space to do so many trips; more interested in getting high than learning anything. I think I have a much different outlook on things these days, and may benefit from a week of ritual-like journeys. I have so many questions, both about myself, and the world around me. Sometimes I am not sure if I am the person that I am, or if I am the person I think the world wants me to be. I know that with certain things I am pure of heart; with my plants and animals. But the person I portray myself as in social circles sometimes leaves me wondering if I may just be playing a character. I would really like to ask the spice some questions of that nature.

Aaaaaaaand....another update!

The E. Nongravatense are beginning to pick up eeeeever so slightly in their growth. The pdf file I was sent from the seed supplier said that they would once they hit about 6 inches. I had a pretty nasty fungus gnat infestation in the terrarium, but have spent the last week or two spraying it out and I think I got it under wraps.


I think the Rue (Not pictured) is another one that doesn't dig on the nutes, so I may add that to my DNF (Do not feed) list alongside the Mimosa and Bundleflower.

I used some of my Amanita muscaria culture to begin my first attempt at growing the fleece associated with Ambrosia, as per ambrosiasociety.org as well as I should be ready to see some of my Mckennaii cubensis. I do not think I will get a full canopy. I am thinking I am using the wrong ratio of grain spawn to growing medium.


Both Grandpa Ott's and the Blue Morning Glories are flowering very nicely. I am excited to have some decent results with these guys because I was sure they were going to choke each other out (which, some did) but there were a few who figured it out 😁





The Bundleflower that I moved outside, I moved again, from partial shade to full sun, and boy has it been loving it. I have gotten more growth out of it this week than I had in the past month. Going to move the other out there too!

The Calea dream herb is so large and lush that I can't get a good photo of it anymore lol. This is also in part due the the fact that my new phone is a wal mart special and takes the shiiiiitiest pictures. I will honestly probably get a better one next week.


Ashwaganda is looking much nicer since I moved it outside, and while it isn't fully recovered, it is on it's way 😁

Kratom and Areca are just about the same as last update. Isn't Kratom supposed to grow like crazy fast? I keep reading that only one plant is necessary to keep one or two people going regularly indefinitely, but this little guy is going at a pretty slow pace.


Heimeia myrtifolia is starting to bloom beautiful little yellow flowers, I hope to get some good seeds from it. And also here soon possibly even have a go at some tea. Just have to find a day to set aside. That will be an interesting trip report, as I have not run across many.


Sceletium tortuosm keeps on growing those crazy spikes that I love to look at lol but nothing else to really report

The 2 Datura stramonium I planted are getting larger and larger by the day. Going to have to move them outside in the coming days 😁


And last but not least, the N nucifera are going pretty well. I am starting to get a lot of algal bloom in the aquarium, though, so I need to invest some time into figuring that whole thing out. I have not grown aquatic plants before, so some research will be required.

I also do have photos of the N. careulea, of which I have 2 sprouts, but I can't seem to find them in the computer right now. I will have to post that photo later.

Alright, that's gonna do it for this one. Kind of short and sweet, but with the extensive update last time, I do not really have too much to say, and a lot of my questions are still being answered with time. Thanks for reading. Blessings!
Wonderfully beautiful verdant progress my friend. How are you diesels doing (I think that was the cannabis strain you were growing)?

I apologize for missing out. I've been around, but dealing with some negative seasonal effects so have been keeping to myself as per my introverted nature lol.

But seeing this update, and all it's beauty, and reflecting on how you rewarded you feel considering all the of hard work you've put it, I'm inspired to start searching for seeds of plants I'd love to have myself. Some of this has been influenced by a sad incident with my San Pedro. Just want to get more in touch with plants.

Keep on keeping on.

Be well :love:

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