SWim has to say that not only is the snuff the most economical route of ingestion ( because it only takes 1-2 seeds) but its also the only way swim has had them where there was absolutely no nausea... Im not sure if your just not getting enough of the chemicals that cause nausuea or if its just not going into your stomach at all... but there is none present... you will very likely NOT purge... it is also extremely intense snuffing the seeds. with closed eye and open eye visuals being present very strongly...
the only problem is the seeds hypnotic effects... SWIM will have to try to find swims seeds... they may be gone though...
If what rons saying is right though they are almost ten years old... so some fresh seeds would be a great idea any way.
Basement shaman seems to have the most consistent quality of seeds SWIM has found.
they sell 100 seeds for 25$ one seed snuffed does the trick so that is 100 doses of LSH internasaly if this method works... or 100 doses of LSA if it doesnt... thats .25$ a dose... i cant think of a day where LSD was that cheap...
the only problem is the seeds hypnotic effects... SWIM will have to try to find swims seeds... they may be gone though...
If what rons saying is right though they are almost ten years old... so some fresh seeds would be a great idea any way.
Basement shaman seems to have the most consistent quality of seeds SWIM has found.
they sell 100 seeds for 25$ one seed snuffed does the trick so that is 100 doses of LSH internasaly if this method works... or 100 doses of LSA if it doesnt... thats .25$ a dose... i cant think of a day where LSD was that cheap...