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HBWR/LSH snuff

Migrated topic.
SWim has to say that not only is the snuff the most economical route of ingestion ( because it only takes 1-2 seeds) but its also the only way swim has had them where there was absolutely no nausea... Im not sure if your just not getting enough of the chemicals that cause nausuea or if its just not going into your stomach at all... but there is none present... you will very likely NOT purge... it is also extremely intense snuffing the seeds. with closed eye and open eye visuals being present very strongly...
the only problem is the seeds hypnotic effects... SWIM will have to try to find swims seeds... they may be gone though...
If what rons saying is right though they are almost ten years old... so some fresh seeds would be a great idea any way.
Basement shaman seems to have the most consistent quality of seeds SWIM has found.
they sell 100 seeds for 25$ one seed snuffed does the trick so that is 100 doses of LSH internasaly if this method works... or 100 doses of LSA if it doesnt... thats .25$ a dose... i cant think of a day where LSD was that cheap...
Unfortunately all of SWIM's seeds were extracted. He has a glycerin/water tincture he made from purified HBWR alkaloids. It would be difficult to attempt snuffing it because it’s rather diluted.

SWIM usually gets sick from snuffing anything at all; even inactive stuff like sugar will make SWIM sick if he snuffs it. This is why he always tries the sublingual route instead of snuffing. It’s usually not quite as effective though and it’s harder to accomplish keeping stuff in your mouth without too much saliva accumulating. But SWIM has gotten pretty good at it over the years.

SWIM would like to snuff without it making him sick. Everything he ever tried to snuff always made his nose run, caused tension in his sinuses leading to a headach, and just plain made him feel sick, sometimes even causing nausea. It doesn’t matter what the material is, SWIM always gets that reaction.

I keep reading about how snuffing certain psychedelics is a great method that doesn’t cause much side effects, but for SWIM it’s always been the opposite because he gets a strong negative reaction to foreign material in his nose. As soon as he washes the stuff out of his nose the negative body reaction goes away in a few minutes.

Is there some sort of trick to make snuffing less likely to trigger a negative body reaction? Is there maybe an additive that one could add that would make the nose not reject the substance?

Also, have any of you ever tried snuffing Yopo with HBWR?
SWIMS never made the combo together... SWIM has only done the HBWR seed snuff four times... each time it was EXTREMLY STRONG... but the effects are just too dreamy so SWIM has not done it too much since, or tried combos or anything like that.
one thing ron that SWIM can recommend is http://www.vitacost.com/Xlear-Nasal-Wash-with-Xylitol?csrc=GPF-700596000001
this nasal wash... as soon as your high you dont need it in your sinuses at all... dont let it drip and if it drips into your mouth spit it out immediately like just hawkin a lugi... but after the effects have started use the xylitol nasal wash... and really just get it all out... or use the net pot like i posted above... god that still cracks me up with the whiskey and the coffee lol... but SWIM allways does it before and then after with the nasal wash... it helps...
just do it as soon as your high then expell.. like you said as soon as youve washed its gone...
the neti pot is great...love the thing..SWIM may have to try snuffing a slightly pepperminty seed mush and then after the come up..smoke a bit of bufotenine<-*heart*
Did swijorkest try snorting the pepperminty seed mush then? Swim would love to know the results? He just snorted two seeds by themselves and had to read this thread again! lol
no SWIM hasnt tried it yet...hes been pretty busy in 'real' life and hasnt had time to get too much experimenting done..but hes thinking about trying some lsH about 2 hours before a nice little theobromine + dmt/thh/harmaline experiment..but we will have to see if he adds the peppermint and seeds..he might want to work on the theo mix a bit more before he dives in like that
hey Infinite... DID SWIY have an interesting experience snuffing the seeds with out the peppermint?

Let us know jorkest when SWIY has had some sniffles...
Swim didnt get anythign from the seeds. When took in a cold water extraction 5 made for a long pretty decent experience, swim put two seeds in a blender and snorted, didnt get anything, initially he thought he felt something but then he waited and nothing happened.

Quite dissapointed at this, the seeds have been sitting for maybe 6 weeks so maybe that made them lose potency?? He hasnt tried them in 6 weeks.
how fine where they powdered? they have to be very finely powdered...
try a couple more seeds snuffed next time... every seed has different potency
Swim thought maybe thats why they didnt work after seeing swiy using a nail file. They were pretty finely grinded but could have done with more probably. He'll try a nail file the next time, but he was surprised he didnt get anything at all. How long does it last usually ?
a good 10-12 hours...
yeah i know it sucks but the nail file worked really well... you could try a dremel tool maybe as well... but it might get to hot from the friction...
worth a shot though... make five seeds in a fine powder with a nail file, and then snuff 3 see if that works then snuff a 4th and a fifth if your not seeing any results...
im telling your SWIMS done this quite a few times with others and each time it was sucsessful and a guy told SWIm at a entheogen con about it as well which is where swim got the idea...
Cool thanks for the info swim might give it anohter bash, the no naseau part sounds good, would be good to hear if anyone trys it with the peppermint, makes it much better, swim might even give try this!
pardon my ignorance. there more info on this site than I can take it so fast... What is LSH? Is this another term for HBWR?
No. HBWR contains LSA and LSH as the two primary active alkaloids. LSH is said to be a more LSD-like stimulating alkaloid while LSA is mostly just a sedative. LSH content degrades over time as it decomposes into LSA and acetaldehyde. It's beleived that this is why freshly picked seeds are more like LSD and older seeds are mostly just sedating.
interesting...thanks. SWIM recently ordered some HBWR and plans to try jorkest's FOAF method of letting them sit in the mouth for a while. How long should swim expect this experience to last, 6 hours or so? Is the trip similar to LSD in that you don't really know what to expect?
SWIM is going to try 1 seed this way soon w/o peppermint and then with if he likes. A foaf of swim ate 4 with somewhat mild happy effects with very mild visual change. Do you get rid of the outer shell,or finely powder that too SWIM will use a hammer he's done that to MG's before and turned to a nice powder. Would this method work with mg's too how much would swim need if too much might hurt swims nose.
SoCal said:
interesting...thanks. SWIM recently ordered some HBWR and plans to try jorkest's FOAF method of letting them sit in the mouth for a while. How long should swim expect this experience to last, 6 hours or so? Is the trip similar to LSD in that you don't really know what to expect?

The effects last about 6 hours usually. It’s similar to LSD, but without the mint oil treatment, it’s less like LSD and sometimes very sedating. SWIM likes it both ways though. Mint oil is supposed to form LSH from the LSA in the seeds, making it more LSD-like and less sedating. The change in effects is very noticeable when mint oil is added.
Yes. Peppermint tea, oil, extract, etc., they all work. Very old peppermint tea might not work because it has very little acetaldehyde in it.

Certain types of Rum or Sherry also work. Basically anything high in acetaldehyde that is also acidic will work. Peppermint oil satisfies that requirement, Sherry wine does, etc. I don't think spearmint works, so make sure it's peppermint.

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