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HBWR/LSH snuff

Migrated topic.
if you snuff it make sure its really really finely powdered... SWIM used a metal fingernail file to powder it...
eh... well thats alot of seeds to snort... lol...
yes you discard the shell...
it was a good 12-8 hours... holy god...
with the sedating side effects it was crazy...
that was 2 seeds,or 1 snorted that's long time is it more sedating than some really strong MJ?Anything to combat the sedation besides coffee? Swim doesn't enjoy coffee too much especially when smoking.
But how does the potency compare to oral use?

For SWIM 3 HBWR seeds are way too strong orally. 1 is enough for SWIM orally.

So if snorted, does 1 seed have the potency of 3 seeds? 10 seeds? That's my question.
SWIMs never taken them orally... never saw any need too...
the effects of snuffing 1-2 seeds was complete immersion in psychedelic space... it was over whelming...
on the shulgin scale it would have been say a +3 or 4
if one is enough for swiy orally then I would say snuff half that amount and see how that treats you then snuff the other half if its doing you well but not as far as you want to go.
LLB, when you say snuff you mean to snort it right and not to insert it in your cheek like some snuff chewing tobaccos?
yes... SWIM means literally to snuff it nasally... not chew it...
A pinch of food grade lime (calcium hydroxide) should theoretically increase the potency. I recommend calcium carbonate instead because it doesn't burn you. Lime burns quite a bit. Both will freebase the LSA making it absorb better, and it should theoretically make it have less side effects and be more psychedelic.

If you use calcium carbonate (sold as a calcium supplement in powder form at some vitamin shops) you can overdo it and there's no worry about your nose being burned.
69ron if your FOAF is able to get decent effects from snuffing something..SWIM may just have to give this a go....he is interested though in try a paste with a tiny bit of peppermint in it...
Didnt at all with me Socal, though it didnt work either. Im going to try the seeds in my mouth with peppermint tomorrow morning, couldnt find a nail file so havent tried the snuff again.
Jorkest said:
69ron if your FOAF is able to get decent effects from snuffing something..SWIM may just have to give this a go....he is interested though in try a paste with a tiny bit of peppermint in it...

SWIM is really sensitive to HBWR. 1 seed is enough orally for really good effects. Because not a single person has said how potent snorting it is compared to oral use, SWIM is not going to try it. The last thing he wants is to experience an LSA overdose. Some things are as much as 10 times stronger when sorted as apposed to oral use. If it’s 10 times stronger, SWIM would get a serious overdose from 1 seed. So forget it, SWIM is not trying it.
SWIM'll try it, he doesn't have kids.

He'll start off with 1/10 of a seed on day 1. 1/5 on day 2. 1/2 on day 3. 1 on day 4. That's how to do it safely. We already know that LLB is still alive so no need to start any lower!
i just thought it kinda strange/funny that SWIY would even consider snuffing something..seeing as how it makes SWIY ill..
ohayoco said:
SWIM'll try it, he doesn't have kids.

He'll start off with 1/10 of a seed on day 1. 1/5 on day 2. 1/2 on day 3. 1 on day 4. That's how to do it safely. We already know that LLB is still alive so no need to start any lower!

1/10 th of a seed? Are you sensitive to LSA or something like 69ron?

Are you talking about hbws seeds being 10x more potent when snorting 69ron?

Swim gets a pretty decent trip from 6 seeds cold water exctracted, quite mild though. Much better with the peppermint though. Thats why swim is going to try Jorkest idea of chewing in the mouth and adding some peppermint, the seeds have been sitting for a few months though, hes going for 8 seeds.

Swim tried 2 seeds ground in a blender and didnt get a thing from them, maybe its how ground up they were. Swim cant imagine how a tenth of a seed would do much, but suppose everyones different. 69ron is very lucky being that sensitive to things! Would save a fortune!
SWIM thinks ron is a bit sensative... which is a blessing for the pocket book...
But yeah it doesnt make one ill when one snuffs it... so thats the plus side... the sedating effects are still large and in charge though thus the possability of adding peppermint to it to transmute it into LSH... which swim has not done yet... himself...
ohayoco you have the idea...
SWiM think the dose range may vary for different folks like every thing....
SWIM has shared this with others and it worked for them... so SWIM is not alone on this...
SWIM know it works... check your dose range... increase as needed... and make sure that the seeds are FINELY powdered, use a nail file or somthign to make it super finely powdered...
not sure about adding any lime tone paste or any thing as a base... i mean shit try it...but i dont think it is necessary...

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