Rising Star
Ive been browsing these pages for a long time. I love DMT however i hate LSD i feel lsd plays with my head and made me do daft things i regret. I do feel the one I always usually connect to is what I call the DMT King, he taught me a leason last night and i only smoked say 10mg!. I was coming out of the trip then bam IM BACK! wtf...I had do promise him not to do drugs again as now and again a dabble, MDMA once every 2-3 months mephedrone, 1g every 2 months, 6APB I love and do very occasionally and weak opiates mainly codeine once every week or two, I have however acquired 10 mg Oxycodone as I am curious and I know this will be the one off.
Currently I have a benzodiazepine addiction however came down from 6-10mg Etizolam to a moderate dose of 20mg with the help of Pregablin. I have now acquired Diclazepam to finish my taper however I seem to need 3-4mg to keep me stable, I know I will get there..
Do you guys think this could just be my subconscious:lol: going into overdrive... He was really brutal and scary but I know that you have to be just like a father telling of a child. As we are all children of the source. the very begging of time,,,,
Ive had some varied experiences one being in Nirvana it was like my mind was cleared and was bliss, I understood everything and nothing the yin yang, pain cannot be without pleasure ety etc. I had some porn on one day and noticed there was like hearts and really bright flashes of lights around the genitalia area ,, weird and it did look alien, and I feel sexual surges going through my body which was nice ..
Ive learned so much put need to restrict it to say twice a week or less. I have a gram coming soon but being so expensive I need to learn how to make it.
I use an oil\glass bulb crack pipe and seems to be better than my vaporizer I bought
anyway love you all my DMT friends great to see a forum specifically for it.. Im ou of DMT for 2 weeks but ill report on all experiences on here
Bless The Source..
Currently I have a benzodiazepine addiction however came down from 6-10mg Etizolam to a moderate dose of 20mg with the help of Pregablin. I have now acquired Diclazepam to finish my taper however I seem to need 3-4mg to keep me stable, I know I will get there..
Do you guys think this could just be my subconscious:lol: going into overdrive... He was really brutal and scary but I know that you have to be just like a father telling of a child. As we are all children of the source. the very begging of time,,,,
Ive had some varied experiences one being in Nirvana it was like my mind was cleared and was bliss, I understood everything and nothing the yin yang, pain cannot be without pleasure ety etc. I had some porn on one day and noticed there was like hearts and really bright flashes of lights around the genitalia area ,, weird and it did look alien, and I feel sexual surges going through my body which was nice ..
Ive learned so much put need to restrict it to say twice a week or less. I have a gram coming soon but being so expensive I need to learn how to make it.
I use an oil\glass bulb crack pipe and seems to be better than my vaporizer I bought
anyway love you all my DMT friends great to see a forum specifically for it.. Im ou of DMT for 2 weeks but ill report on all experiences on here
Bless The Source..